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jueves, 16 de mayo de 2019

Message from Matthew -May 15, 2019

Message from Matthew


May 15,  2019

With loving greeting from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The heightening vibrations are stirring millions to think more deeply than usual, “outside the box” you could say, and this new experience is puzzling. They also are hearing about high Schumann Resonance Hz registration, light waves, solar flares, frequencies, melting icebergs, mini-ice age, polar shift—what do those portend for life on Earth?

You, dear lightworkers, volunteered to be where you are so you can tell new soul searchers what is happening and why. Perhaps begin by assuring them there will be no mini-ice age, the planet’s axis has been slowly righting itself for the past eight decades, and solar and other astral activity is part of creating a better world. A logical question could be: Where did you hear that?  

And you could reply: It will be easier to tell you if I start at the beginning. You aren’t a person who has a soul—you are a soul having a personal lifetime. Every soul is eternal and multidimensional and its Beginnings are the pure love-light energy of Creator, the most powerful force in the cosmos. Every soul in this universe comes from the love-light of our most powerful source, called God and other names, and all souls are inseparable from this source, from each other and everything else in all of Creation.

This lifetime is but one of multiple physical experiences, and between each is a lifetime in a spirit world, where another mortal life is planned, again with other souls, and the purpose is to attain balanced experiencing. What is known as karma is not reward or punishment—it is an opportunity for all who are sharing the lifetime to help each other advance in evolvement status.  

Of the innumerable other civilizations in this universal family, many are advanced consciously, spiritually and technologically far beyond Earth’s current population. Members of some of those civilizations are the ancestors of Earth’s peoples, and they are assisting the populace and the planet in myriad ways—some are in spacecraft surrounding Earth, others are living among you.    

Everything in existence is consciousness vibrating at countless different frequencies, and the vibratory rate is the measure of conscious awareness within an individual, and collectively within a civilization. The collective consciousness of all of Earth’s life forms is vibrating at successively higher frequencies because the light is intensifying. People who are treating each other and the animals with kindness and respect are radiating the light’s high vibrations that are transforming life on Earth and ending long ages of dark control.

That is a “bare-bones” summary of the information that newcomers to universal truths need to know. Their minds would be boggled if everything came forth in one fell swoop, and it won’t—please don’t think that you must become professors with prepared lectures! Soul searchers will ask questions to which you know the answers, and by all means, refer them to Web sites and books that will be helpful for their understanding. You may offer to meet with receptive individuals or perhaps suggest that if they form a discussion group, you will gladly participate.       

We recounted information that you know well to emphasize what the majority of Earth’s people do not know at all, and that is why darkness still is part of life there. When they learn that they have the power to make the better world they want, they will direct their energy into manifesting that world instead of concentrating on what they do NOT want, but are contributing to its continuance via the universal law of attraction.

Beloved brothers and sisters, we know that your knowledge gets put aside by sadness about the many millions who are homeless and impoverished; by distress about shooting massacres, concerns about the many countries in political and ideological upheaval, and impatience for all fighting, greed and corruption to end. However natural those feelings are, we urge you to please not dwell on the situations that evoke them. Staying steadfast in the light is of immeasurable value in helping to end those situations and bring to fruition a peaceful, prosperous, harmonious world for all.  

Now then, we are happy to speak about the topics that many of you requested.
There is evidence that the fire at Notre Dame in Paris was started by arsonists, but most likely the “official” cause will be faulty wiring or simply “unknown.” The cathedral was set ablaze by the Illuminati as unmistakable warnings to French President Macron and Pope Francis.
The message to Macron, one of the Illuminati’s primary puppets in governments, is to crack down on the Yellow Vest movement and not even think about letting France leave the EU, which was established and is controlled by the Illuminati.
The message to Pope Francis: Do not reveal anything about the Vatican’s financial dealings and massive monetary wealth—the Illuminati use some of that to further their aims—and cease efforts to end satanic rituals. As the international headquarters of Satanism, the Vatican is the choice location for human sacrifices, which produce the lowest of vibrations and enable the Illuminati’s very existence. To them, destruction to the cathedral is symbolic of Satan’s power to destroy God.   
The tumultuousness in the energy field of potential around Robert Mueller’s report and the most involved principals can be likened to the continual popping of fireworks that produce only noise and smoke. Because there is no clarity in this matter in the energy field, we don’t know if the report will lead to impeachment proceedings or if evidence referred to various legal systems will lead to prosecution of any individuals.   

Julian Assange is one of the souls who volunteered to leave their homelands and experience whatever harshness would befall them for being truth-tellers, or “whistleblowers.” Once incarnated on Earth, all of that was lost to his conscious awareness, just as it is with all other souls in a third density world that is rife with human frailties. When the opportunity arose whereby Assange could make available to the public information that the US government did not want disclosed, he was fulfilling his soul-level commitment by following inner urgings to act upon the opportunity. We honor him and all other souls who fulfill their mission to make truths known to Earth’s peoples.  

And, the photograph of a “black hole,” the term your astrophysicists use to describe an energy field so dense that not even light can escape its gravitational grasp. What they call black holes is light—the love-light energy that IS this universe—and no telescope or network of telescopes can photograph this. Although “space” appears black to you, it is light fluctuating in countless different frequencies, or bandwidths or radio waves, and the images you see are a combination of how you perceive astral bodies or debris and what the telescopic lenses’ limited capability can register.

“Matthew said energy is neutral. How can neutral energy attract ‘attachments’?”  It is the other way around. This universe has vast pools of energy that can be thought of as clay awaiting potters to give some of it forms with intention. Your thoughts and feelings are forms with intention. They pull energy streamers out of the neutral pools, attach themselves to the streamers and give them direction—it is an integral part of the universal law of attraction. The universe’s constant expanding and contracting motion keeps neutral energy at the ready so that every new thought and feeling can engage in the attachment process.

“I was told that Christed energy comes from Jesus. According to Matthew, a lot of what the Bible says about Jesus was fabricated by early leaders of state and church. If he is right about that, what does Christed energy pertain to? Is it the same as Christ consciousness?” The soul you know as Jesus wants to speak about this.

JESUS: Thank you, Matthew, for giving me this forum. Christed energy is the name some have given the essence of the realm closest to Creator, where souls came into existence when Creator’s infinite, eternal unconditional love was expressed as light. This light’s vibrations, the ultimate power in all of Creation, is Creator/Creation itself, in which everything that exists throughout the cosmos has its beginning.

Creator’s first individual expressions are the souls you call archangels. They remain in fullness in that realm of I AM, Totality, Oneness of All, and have used its energy to create other souls. One is Sananda, and one of Sananda’s personages is the soul you know as Jesus or Yeshua or Jesus the Christ, from whence comes Christ consciousness. Christ is oneness with God. It matters not what you call the Supreme Being of this universe, there is no separation of souls from this Being or one from another. The powerful energy of Christ consciousness is throughout this universe.  

The foundation of Christianity is what is written about me in the Bible, my birth to a virgin, crucifixion and resurrection. None of that is true, it is a story made up by the few who wanted to control all others in those times. By distorting or omitting some of my messages and exalting me as the “only son of God,” they created a false separation between the people and God. They also wrote what they called “God’s laws” and told the people if they disobeyed them, they would incur the wrath of God and endure eternal damnation.  

Eventually the Bible’s great deception about God and me and the factual history of Christianity will be revealed. It will be the same with your other religions that originated in truths brought by messengers of the light and were distorted by persons who wanted to control the masses. When that becomes known, the people of Earth will be unified in spiritual truths. 

My unconditional love for all souls throughout this universe is everlasting.    

MATTHEW: Thank you, Jesus, whom I know as my dear friend Emmanuel. And now, beloved lightworkers, as we bid you farewell, keep foremost in your thoughts that all light beings in this universe are supporting you throughout your Earth journey.

Suzanne Ward

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