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domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

The Wisdom:

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The Wisdom:
Caution is advised
Do not show your strength
Keep your light hidden
Dark forces feed on light
Herein is a lesson to feed the soul: 
Know well that while developing your inner strength and working for your betterment and that of all sentient beings, you have become vulnerable in ways that are not familiar. Therefore you must be fully awake and brutally honest to defeat the negativity around you. There are subtle attacks rooted in jealousy or resentment trying to weave themselves into your life path. The benefit now is to fly low. Look to your shadow for protection. At times we must embrace our shadow self for it holds a reserve of energy not often used. Be judicious with this type of energy. Without correct governors, it could fly out of control and become an obstacle. From the shadow self, keenly observe the situation. 
These times clearly denote the obvious differentiation of light and dark. Know this and contain your light. Continue to develop but not in the open. These are times of difficulties when you are confronted with danger or obstacles on the path. It would be useless to confront these negative forces. Stay chill and let it seem that you don’t notice their divisiveness as they strike out or try to stop you. Just hold steady with the knowledge that this time of hardships will bring knowledge and creativity that will serve you well. You will know when it is the appropriate time to step out of the shadows again and back out into the light.    
Do not confront evil nor let it know that you recognize it for what it is. Branding darkness only gives it power, and that power would be taken from your reserves. Retreat is not what is called for either as retreat empowers the opposition. Stand steady and make it appear you are oblivious to what is obvious. A delicate balancing act for sure, but it is a tactic of survival,
Stand mightily on your path. If you were to give up your position, you would lose the advances you have made from your emotional and spiritual work. If you confront the negative force, be it a person, a nasty situation, or a major delay, you will show too much of yourself, your inner light, and the conflict will suck your energy leaving you vulnerable to real injury, physically or psychically. This is instead the time to be strong and powerful and not show your light. Your brilliance of intellect and spirit must remain hidden for now. In this way, you will maintain your inner strength, combined with a sense of confidence and humor. In many ways there is a comic veneer to this obvious play for power over you. Keep your irony inside and know that your stillness is of the greatest benefit of all.
The light of hope and faith
Has sunk into the earth
And cannot be seen;
The treasure is thus hidden
From thieves.
If there is danger on the path – be it in family,  tribe, an institution, finances, commerce, health, or in travel – now is not the time to try and fix it by showing  your light. Your light is the result of having done your work and having gathered information and strength through your diligent work for your own and the greater good. 
The beneficial and correct action to take during this delay is to stay out of the fray. There is a teaching in early Chinese writings that says a Calling Bird will call you forth at the correct time and will open a new and glorious cycle for you to gain the freedom, love and abundance that waits, but is masked by the chaotic swirling energy before you. Be still and listen for the sweet song of the Calling Bird. Never doubt that it will come.
When a dark force seems to be entering your business, finances, health or your relationship, the ego says to step up and try to beat it down. Ming I, this Kua, gives you the message that this is not the proper action. Don’t let your analytical mind take over and tempt you to figure a way to defeat the challenge. That would be an error of great magnitude. Be seen as gentle and compassionate, for if you were to go on the attack or go to war, you would only feed and empower the negativity. A confrontation would empower this dark force and it would gain more strength to obstruct your progress for a very long time.  Fear also need not be fed. Trust that you are being supported by gentle forces bigger than you and have your best interests in mind if you again trust the sweet Calling Bird will reveal herself. Wrap yourself in light, use your daily tools, and do not be afraid. You are merely being tested. Again.
If you find your progress is blocked now and you want to effect change, stay on your path and conceal your light for the time being until the challenge has become exhausted and has vanished. Then proceed when the road is clear. The obstacles, negative energy, or people in the way would only feast on your reason and light and remain in your path for a very long period of time – too long.

In confinement, whether self imposed or not is where creativity will flower. And King Wen, many thousands of years ago wrote the Yi Jing, the classic that the I Ch'ing is drawn from, while hiding from enemies and mourning for his father.
The time to shine like the sun at midday is coming, but for now draw strength from going inward to know and even love yourself better, learn to better trust your intuition, hone your creativity, and the darkness will pass. Very soon you will be safe to continue with beauty and light toward completion, tranquility, peace, love, and abundance.

This is one of the most powerful lessons within the I Ch'ing, a lesson once learned that will be your medicine in this world of yin and yang, darkness and light. Do not avoid the darkness, see it, know it and let it run its course. In stillness you are safe, in action of confrontation you are in danger. Let love lead the way inside and embrace the stillness as an elixir of your life force. From this point all will be clear.
Be the love you desire
Teach Peace with every step
Let compassion be your guiding light


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