
THE BIBLE IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST! - By Harland Hoy - Harland & Diana - Chapter 10
Chapter Ten - Intercourse
Intercourse: communication or dealings between or among people countries, etc.
Inter: with or on each other: interact.
Course: an onward movement- a way, path or channel- the directions taken.
1John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin: for his seed remains in him and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
SEED: The part of a person, plant or animal containing the embryo from which a new life can grow. The source of anything.
Before you can be born your father must plant a seed in your mother, then and only then can a new life be born.
Before you can be born again you must have spiritual intercourse (not sexual) with Jesus. You must be born again. He is the bridegroom and we are his bride.
You cannot have spiritual intercourse through the bible. The bible is the dead letter and the letter kills, but the spirit gives life.
Remember that the law was only given until the seed would come.
When Eve had intercourse with the serpent and gave to her husband, she and Adam became born of Satan. They had received the serpent’s seed in their souls. Then God said unto the serpent, “thou art cursed and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed: it shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel.”
So there was intercourse, an interaction between the woman and Satan.
To be born again, we must have spiritual intercourse (not sexual) with Jesus. We must have an interaction. You cannot read a bible and be regenerated. You must have a seed planted in your soul, seed’s only come from living things, and only the living can reproduce.
Regeneration is to be spiritually reborn, renewed or restored, to cause to be completely reformed, to bring into existence again, to form again or be made anew.
In Mathew Chapter nineteen verse twenty eight it reads, “And Jesus said unto them, verily I say unto you, that ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones Judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”
Again in Titus 3:5 it stated how important regeneration is. “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy. He saved us by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost.”
Jesus went forth to sow spiritual Holy Ghost seeds in the hearts of people. Many did not want his seed. Jesus has to plant a seed in you of the word of God, of the Holy Ghost. This is the everlasting seed that will save you, renew you, and regenerate you. Once you were born of Adam’s seed in pain and into death, but now by the word of God and the bridegroom, who is Jesus, you can be Jesus’ bride and he will plant his seed in you of the Holy Ghost. That is when you can pass on from Adams’ seed to the seed of Jesus. Jesus said you must be born again. Clearly this proves that we are first born as sinners and have need to be reborn of God.
Greek sperma (seed).
Jesus said, these words I speak are spirit and they are life. I am the way and the life. Life is in the seed. He is the second man Adam, a Holy seed sent from God to reconcile man back to the Father not a fleshly earthly seed, but a Holy Spirit Seed.
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosever will receive his Holy Spirit seed shall have eternal life.
You cannot have living interaction with a bible. The bible is not the living word of God; Jesus is the bridegroom that will give the bride the living word of God. The words recorded in the bible were alive once when they were spoken, but now they are just a recorded history of what was said and done. They are become a dead letter that say only what a person interprets them to say, at which time becomes the word of the person speaking them and not God’s living Word (Jesus).
Luke8:10 (a sower went forth to sow) “And he said unto them, unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables, that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.
Now the parable is this, The SEED IS THE WORD OF GOD. That is; they which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
Wherefore then serves the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the SEED should come, to whom the promise was made.
Being born again, not of corruptible seed but of incorruptible, by the word of God which liveth and abideth forever. Jesus was born of the Holy Ghost. Jesus brought the new seed. Jesus brings us the word of God.
“And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, read the tenth chapter of Revelation. John ate the little book, and in his mouth it was sweet as honey, but in his belly it was bitter. If you eat it as the word of God your belly will be bitter too. John was told to eat it so that he could prophesy about the danger in so doing. If you eat it, then according to the prophecy, you are in danger of eternal damnation. Don’t eat it! In other words DO NOT HAVE FAITH IN THE BIBLE.
Search the scriptures, in them you think you have eternal life, but you will not come to me that you may have life. You must KNOW Jesus in the Spirit and receive the seed (word) of the spirit.
On the day of Pentecost, about 120 people received the spiritual seed of Jesus. The Holy Spirit seed was poured out, and they were born again.
They were walking, talking temples of God, filled with the Holy Ghost.
You cannot get this seed from the bible, they had no book.
Someday, and this happens to all, your spirit will leave your body. You will feel better than ever before. You may reach for your car keys and your hand will pass through the table. Then when you look back to see your body still asleep in the bed, you will realize that you have left your body.
Many people go into the spirit world and don’t realize they are dead, some who are killed in car wrecks simply go back home. You would be surprised at how many haunted houses there are.
Many spirits that depart the body do not want to go to the light. Their treasures are on earth. Others know that their deeds were evil and therefore are afraid to go to the light.
Please do not leave this world without the seed of Christ in you. If you do, Satan is waiting for you forever. If you visit a graveyard at night you may see some of Satan’s spirits as they dart between tombstones, they are called shadow spirits and they control the serpent’s seed. Shadow spirits control the seed that was never born again.
Today you have the opportunity to repent, live after the spirit and not after the flesh. After you leave the flesh body, you cannot change, you are all spirit then. You will stand before the Father of Spirits as you are.
“And they stoned Stephen as he called upon God saying, “Lord Jesus Receive my spirit.”
“And Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said: Father, into thy hands, I commend my spirit, and having said this, he gave up the ghost.”
The bible will not make you a child of God, only the seed will do that.
Once while praying I was taken into the spirit and a door to heaven opened. I could see the stars even though it was midday. There were three levels. Jesus was in the third heaven (top level), and on the bottom (first level) were some preachers, A.A Allen, William Branham, Billy Sunday, Gypsy Smith, etc. about seven or eight preachers in total. These preachers were all looking up to heaven through the door that Jesus had opened. They wanted to hear what Jesus said. I had been preaching that the bible is an Idol and I asked them why they hadn’t taken a stand when they were on earth. They didn’t want to talk to me because they had caused many to take the mark of the beast and now they were in trouble.
They thought that when they left their bodies that they were going to walk on streets of gold, but now they were in prison. They had eaten the little book and now they were bitter. They were so bitter they wouldn’t talk to me.
When they were on earth, they were very popular and were millionaires, but on the other side they were bitter, and after what Jesus was about to tell me they were even bitterer.
Jesus then spoke, “The sons of God will be manifested.” And “My voice will be heard again in the land.”
These preachers had not spoken Jesus’ word, and they were not sons of God as they had believed. They had eaten the little book instead of the spirit of the living God, and it left them bitter.
Then in 1986 my wife had a night vision and in this vision there were many chambers. In these chambers were various little groups of preachers wearing dingy looking white tunics. The preachers were oblivious to what was going on in a nearby chamber. They appeared to be modern day evangelists. People like Jimmy Swaggart, Oral Roberts, Kenneth Copeland, David Terrel, Jim Bakker, Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn and the sort.
Meanwhile in a nearby chamber lying on a cot was the Lord Jesus feeling ill because these preachers were not interested in him or in hearing his voice, and not interested in what his will was. They were only interested in what they wanted. Money, power, fame, and the pleasures that their ministries brought them while using Jesus’ name from the bible.
Jesus had tried for many years to get them to come back to Him, but they were spiritually deaf and blinded by their greed and self-righteousness. When Jesus finally gave up on these preachers, He vomited them out of his mouth and turned them over to their own corrupt minds.
Now, as is well known they preach only a gospel of prosperity and earthly gain to line their own pockets to make themselves rich and popular. They preach tithes and offerings to consume it upon their lusts. They preach about an afterlife with mansions and streets of gold, using the scriptures they tell people that they must tithe and give offerings to them so that they can preach the gospel while they spread their false doctrines and live sumptuously. Tithing was under the old covenant. These men use the mark of the beast to get gain.
Oral Roberts searched the scriptures until he finally found the one he wanted. 3John 2 “I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” This one word “prosper” is the only word that stands out to these preachers and has spread like wildfire amongst them and their greedy followers. They left the seed of Christ for the serpent’s seed.
1Timothy 6:10 “for the love of money is the root of all evil: while some coveted after they have erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.”
The money system was created by Satan to control people in the flesh. It all started with some of Satan’s rulers like Caesar. Without money you cannot buy or sell to get the things you need. Satan won’t let you be wealthy if you don’t take the mark of the beast.
The reason the love of money is the root of all evil is because it buys what the flesh lusts after. Money gives you power to buy the things you lust after; fame, power and any other worldly sin your heart desires.
As stated in 2Timothy 4:3-4 for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
You cannot serve God and mammon. When they went after mammon (riches) they lost their place with Christ. They use the mark of the beast to rake in these riches and fulfill the lust of the flesh.
On the flip side of this coin, sometimes in the past preachers would teach poverty as if it were a sign of holiness. Preachers were trying to establish their own righteousness from the Bible.
Only the seed of Christ the Holy Spirit of God is righteous and only when Christ’s seed abides in you are you clean. You are not clean by what you believe or do not believe, but it is the seed that matters and the seed that makes you clean. It is the seed that is all important. Even if you know the truth and believe it, the truth will not benefit you if you don’t abide in the vine. You cannot be saved unless Jesus who is the seed of God abides in you by the Holy Ghost and makes you his child. You must be reborn by the seed of Jesus. He is the groom that will plant the seed of the Father in you. You cannot come another way.
Believing you have the spirit, claiming you have the spirit, or reading in the bible about the spirit, doesn’t mean that you have the spirit abiding in you. And just because you speak in tongues doesn’t mean you have the spirit. In most churches, all the tongues sound the same; they aren’t real tongues but are just learned gibberish. Satan deceives by emulation. If you can’t have a relationship with Jesus without the bible, then you don’t have a relationship with him, and you don’t know him. Under the new covenant the bible is nothing more than history about what God did in the past.
Jesus is alive today, He is resurrected and he has a voice. Jesus has a living voice and He is a living king of a living army. Jesus will lead us and guide us through the Holy Ghost. If you don’t hear his voice then you can’t have faith. If you have faith in the bible then you are stealing someone else’s faith from history and their faith will fail you because it isn’t your faith.
When it comes down to it, you will realize that you aren’t like the people you read about, you only imagine that you are like them. If you are looking for security in the flesh then you are not born of the spirit. You do not have the seed of Christ in you. You are still carnal, still fleshly, still born of the serpent’s seed and you have to take the mark of the beast to think you have a word from God. You can’t depend on the invisible spirit of God because He will only reveal himself to those that love him. Needing a bible to know about him proves that He has not revealed himself to you. God is a spirit and you can only love and know him in the spirit.
You have created an image of God in your mind from the bible and you love this image you have created of him. You have created him to be just the way you want him to be. He has to do what you tell him to do because the bible says so. How many times have you said “but Lord, you said in your word” Jesus hates that. You have to listen to him in the spirit. You can’t tell him what to do. You have created the mark of the beast. Now all you have to do is just buy a five dollar book about God and make it say whatever you want, you don’t love the real Jesus, you can’t hear him. You know if you did hear him you would have to give up your will in the flesh and that it would bring persecution to you. You don’t want to suffer like Jesus did, and like all those who follow him do.
Now about a very religious Pentecostal woman, the spirit of God said, “She doesn’t love me. She is just religious.” You can be sure that God knows, He sees the depths of all hearts and is not fooled by people with bibles and religious sounding words. God can see right through the mark of the beast.
The way to overcome the mark of the beast is to give up your life after the flesh. Repent and ask Jesus to fill you with his spirit and give you a life after the spirit.
(God will provide for the needs of your body like food, shelter, clothes and companionship (sex) according to His will, but He will not supply for the lust and you must be willing to obey Him even if it costs you everything in this life.)
“What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?” He must give up his life after the flesh in exchange for a life in the spirit. He must be led and controlled by the living and resurrected son of God, Jesus Christ who is the word of God. He is not in a book, he is a quickening spirit that has a voice and by his voice alone can someone have faith.
Without the voice of Jesus it is impossible to please God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Hear the voice of Jesus. Let Jesus lead you by the Holy Ghost in all things. Let Jesus be all you have faith in, it is the only way to please God and it is the only antidote to overcome the mark of the beast.
Remember that if it were possible even the elect would be deceived.
There is hope but only through the real and living Christ.
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