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martes, 31 de julio de 2012

Messages form Angels

Archangel Michael on Disclosure and the Olympics

Geoffrey West: Welcome, Archangel Michael.
Archangel Michael: Welcome, I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love. And I ask all of you, once again, my friends, to ignite your blue flame of truth, to ignite it in your head, your brain, your third and fourth eye, your throat, your heart. Allow the truth to reign, and allow discernment to reign as well, for you have shifted away from judgment, and that is positive. And we invite you to stay there.
And where do you wish to begin, dear Geoff?
GW: Well, I think the pertinent questions that appear to be on a lot of peoples’ minds at this moment is with regards to an alleged meeting that took place on the morning of the Olympic ceremonies, and perhaps some added validation that that has occurred, and also this date of August 4th.
Some people are interpreting this date as an actual date of Disclosure, and we are trying to communicate that it is a divine deadline whereby something may not necessarily happen on that day, but the celestial and galactic forces do have the divine freedom after this date by which to begin the process of communicating disclosure to humanity and our planet.
Can you confirm these events?
AAM: I am not going to comment one way or another on anything about the meetings that may or may not have taken place. And what we have suggested to you, time and again, is that we are working on containment of certain individuals or groups that have need to be irradiated with light and love.
And that is well underway. And that is the method in which a great deal of what you would think of as resistant energy has and will be dealt with.
The galactics and inter-galactics have basically been given a green light for their beginning to arrive upon the planet, and preparations are underway already for that to occur. It is not because this is what you have called a result of a meeting. It is simply that the populace has reached a point where they are fully open to these sightings, and to this arrival, to this interaction.
So, there has been a great deal of opening of the hearts and the minds of the human collective, and that is also part of the transition, it is part of the penetration of love from above and below. It is part of the work. It is not simply this meeting or that meeting. It is part of a process, my friend.
GW: Great. That’s a question that I, as a journalist, felt I had to ask, as I know some people would be thinking that. So thank you for clarifying and for speaking the truth on that.
There have been videos that are showing sightings of ships allegedly around Olympic Stadium. There are sources also indicating that these ships are closely resembling some of the cabal ships, and that perhaps it was the cabal ships that were hanging around. And I understand that the messages have indicated that no ship of the cabal nature would be allowed to operate or fly at this particular time.
So, is it safe to say that any ship that was seen around Olympic Stadium at the time of the opening ceremonies was in fact a Galactic Federation ship?
AAM: Yes, that is correct. You have many of your star brothers and sisters that are enjoying the events and participating in the events, and simply sending light and love — and protection, by the way — to this undertaking to insure that it is peaceful and harmonious, and loving.
GW: Right. If I was to ask how you might see things unfolding over the short term, how might that be? Because I know that we certainly don’t divulge or go into specific dates of events, so I certainly don’t want to go in that direction. But in term of the energies that have now begun building, that … the energies of Disclosure, the videos that are surfacing, the fact that everything seems to be going almost viral, as we call it, on Earth, how might you see things unfolding over the next week to ten days to two weeks?
AAM: I suggest to you that things are unfolding very rapidly. And that is why the humans are also confronting and receiving extensive energy adjustments and attunements. And so it is important that the individuals who are feeling this way also take time for that integration, for that shift, not only in their consciousness but in their hearts, as well.
So, yes. We are suggesting that the events .… And do not tie this simply to the Olympics. This is something that has been planned for eons, and certainly for thousands of years. You are playing with dates, and I think that is a good idea, and a very novel and fun idea, and it is as good a day as anything else.
Earth is preparing for some major transitions. Now, the biggest transition that you are going through, both your planet — well, she is already there — and the human beings, is the shift into different dimensionalities. You are become your interdimensional selves. And therefore, because of that, your ability to interact with the intergalactics, with the galactics and all star brothers and sisters has also shifted.
So, your ability to see them, for them to participate with you more fully upon the planet in peaceful and loving ways that have no quota, no shadow of fear, has already begun. And it does begin not simply with the Olympics. And we ask you not to simply continue focusing on one event. This is an event that has been planned for a long time. Look all over your globe, dear heart. And look very quickly.
GW: Great. Thank you, Michael. Just for confirmation purposes, are we able to establish whether or not a divine deadline has been passed or not? I’m just being passed a message here that perhaps, just for clarification purposes, can we establish if a deadline has been passed, or if that deadline is what exists coming up?
AAM: No, the divine deadline has come and gone. And it came and went around the same time as I spoke to you about the boulder going downhill. That was the beginning of the new.
GW: Great. Thank you.
AAM: So what you are thinking of in terms of August 4th is more like a July 4th for you who live in America, a July 1st for those of you who live in Canada, the Queen’s birthday for those of you who live in the UK, and so on. It is a date that you are thinking of as a celebration.
And the President’s birthday is a very good day to honor this inter-galactic being.

domingo, 29 de julio de 2012

Messages from Jeshua-Jesus-Christ

Lay aside any desires to condemn and punish

Life is tricky for some of you, as the moment for humanity’s grand awakening approaches.  All the personal issues that you have neglected or denied are breaking into your conscious awareness, quite forcibly if necessary, and it can be very unsettling.  All you have to do is allow them to present themselves to you. You do not have to do anything with them or about them; they hold an energy that needs to be released because it is causing blockages in your energy fields. Just observe them, experience the feelings they bring up for you — and just observe.  They may sit with you for quite a while, possibly being rather painful, but if you allow them, they will pass, leaving you feeling somewhat renewed or freed.
This is a time of enormous change in the way humans deal with one another — change that is essential for you to embrace as you prepare to awaken from the nightmare of violence, conflict, suffering, and betrayal that has been endemic on Earth for millennia.  Your true nature is Love, because it was from Love that you were created, but your earthly experience has been far removed from that because of the distrust that separation has encouraged and nurtured.
The change that is required is for you to see, acknowledge, and then release those attitudes that have served you so ill.  Wherever you choose to cast your gaze you can see the enormous damage that these attitudes have been, and still are, causing all over the world, and you can also see how totally ineffective have been your attempts to alter those situations and bring in peace, whether it be in your own families or between nations, when you “declare war on” the issues that you believe need to be addressed.  Declaring war on a situation, issue, or problem is to make a decision that others are wrong, you (or “your side”) is right, and that “they” need to be taught a lesson, which will force them into line. And how many lessons has humanity attempted to teach itself over the eons, and with what success?
What humans keep on doing would be amusing if it were not causing so much unjustifiable and unnecessary suffering to so many.  How many times do people attempt to alter the behavior of others by disapproval or by force, find that it does not work, and then when another issue arises, use the same tactics?  And the arrogance of the belief that “my team / my side / I am right” is truly quite stunning.  Finally, this is becoming apparent to even those who are keenest to continue “shooting themselves in the foot.”
Humanity has collectively decided to change its attitudes and behaviors, and as a result the divine energies pouring down on the planet are intensifying so that you have the strength to “walk your talk” despite the ridicule and contempt that those who hold the reins, and who claim to be wiser and more intelligent, shower on your efforts.  They cannot succeed, for it is they who lack wisdom and intelligence and who continue to believe that their righteous and inflexible outlook will win the day.  They are riding for a fall, and it will not be long in coming.
You, the enlightened ones, insofar as you have finally realized to what a sorry state your old ways have brought you, must accept that the people who have designed, planned, and perpetrated these corrupt and heartless practices are themselves, just like you, beloved children of God.  It is therefore incumbent upon you to lay aside any desires to condemn and punish them, and to ensure that any attempt at reprisals against them is contained.  Everyone who has ever inhabited the earth plane has at some point behaved atrociously – no one is without stain of sin.
Now, with God’s Love flooding the planet, the way forward is through Love, compassion, understanding and forgiveness.  Anything else just hurls you back into the morass from which you are so successfully climbing out.  It may well be difficult for you to engage completely with these new enlightened ways, but is essential for the awakening process.  Knowing this, be the calm, the peace, the compassion, and the Love that your Father has instilled in you.  Break the patterns of the old order, and joyfully usher in the new Golden Age for which you have all been longing.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

viernes, 27 de julio de 2012

Messages from Jeshua-Jesus-Christ

Gems from Christ's Letters
Dear Readers of Christ's Letters,
In this excerpt taken from Letter 8, page 346 in 'Christ Returns Reveals Startling Truth',  Christ explains the true source of a flash of inspiration. 

No one should ever expect people to be wholly changed by words of advice or times of inspiration. Growth can only take place very gradually, - one insight at a time.

A true spiritual insight will imbue a person's mind with an altogether new point of view which will enable him to begin to approach certain related circumstances in life differently. This insight must direct the person's actions until it has been absorbed completely into the consciousness for eternity and becomes part of the soul evolution.

For instance, a man may have the idea that he will be successful in life if he enforces his will aggressively on those who come within his orbit. He believes he will be better heard if he shouts.

Then he may wake up to the fact that no one likes him much and he is avoided by employees and 'friends'. He may become more aggressive because he now feels humiliated, or, if he is an evolving soul, he will question what he can do about his isolation. The moment that DIVINE LIFE seeps into his consciousness PSYCHE and makes him realise that he, himself, avoids people who shout, he will have a flash of inspiration. He will realize that, to be happy and successful, he should treat others as he likes to be treated. You may argue that this perception is not necessarily inspired but is born of common sense, that he himself was responsible for arriving at this realisation. However, this is not so. Ego thoughts are dictated solely by the 'bonding-rejection' impulses, any new wisdom comes from 'LOVING INTELLIGENCE'.

- Christ Returns, Letter 8

Christ has made a very important observation in the passages above: 
'He may become more aggressive because he now feels humiliated, or, if he is an evolving soul, he will question what he can do about his isolation.'   
We are being reminded that whenever we have a problem in our personality, we should always take it to Divine Consciousness in meditation and prayer because if we rely on our own finite mind and reason to solve our problems, we are only calling on the EGO - and the ego will only bring to mind our self-protective ideas, which will only settle us more firmly in our selfishness.

Christ is saying that we must wake-up and fully accept and act upon the TRUTH that all wisdom comes only from the Divine.

These are VERY precious passages as Christ has clearly explained the way in which we can overcome ego impulses and gradually become imbued by Divine Conscious energies.   In such a way does our consciousness become ever more spiritualised.

With all love and joy in Christ,

jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Messages from Christ Michael The Creator Son

The Many Hats of Christ Michael - 
Christ Michael: Back during the “First Coming”, I did indeed experience the sorrow of the peoples of this Planet, very first hand, experientially. When I left that incarnation, on the Cross, I not only took my required rapid Ascension journey, as described in The Urantia Book to sit at the Right Hand of the Father, I stayed in the Central Universe for a time to review what I had observed in person. In my good conscience I could not let this Planet go, nor could I put its care into the hands of another, and delegate the work.
I knew I would return to make right of the wrongs, personally. So we thought, considered, stewed as you do, about the problems and what must be done. We have the ability to draw up scenarios a bit faster and we drew up many. Then we chose from what seemed like the best to choose from. We created in thought, but it was necessary to return and do the work within the realm, in "3D," in life.
So I am here again, in life, in a body. We were also going to handle the end of the Galactic Wars, so I did choose to wear the hat of a Commander of a Star Fleet, of a portion of the mighty Ashtar Command. I desired to have this experience also. Creator Sons don't tend to command star fleets. And it was a perfect way to handle the situation of my return.
It provided a method of returning but not identifying myself as who I am, thus the Hatonn space Commander image. We do have to use stealth, in this work. Had I come as Christ Michael, I would have been a far greater threat, and they would have harmed all of you, in a serious way, those who have come to participate with me, and made this much more difficult. Obviously to be born a babe was not going to work, they would have killed most of the Human Race trying to kill me, remember the story of Herod?
I did not plan the Phoenix Journals before I came, that occurred later. We made the decision to publish many materials as part of the teaching mission. The Conversation with God books are an example, by Buddha, through Neale Donald Walsch. There are many other teaching methods of course also.
There was much nonsense going on to confuse the Lightworkers, as you have experienced. The Medical establishment was not doing the right thing either. I chose to write the Journals, with the help of others in this project, to get correct teaching about the Khazars [Zionists] out, correct teaching of the political scene behind your backs, correct teaching relating to medicine, science and a huge variety of other topics.
Had I taught as Christ Michael in these works, the first one would have not ever even gotten printed. The disguise was very important. A Space Commander is less threatening to them. They figured, with their hiding of the presence of the Star People from the populace that people would simply not read the books. And that happened to a significant degree.
I experienced the writing of many people who wrote to us, that I was myself the Antichrist. Some of these were the Dark Ones trying to discredit the works, others people in confusion and unknowing. I was eventually run out of the country, I stopped the works, for the protection of you. Times were heating up, in the war against good ole Hatonn. You know that some of the Phoenix Journals were banned.
I will add a comment, that as you journey, you also make known any more unknowns to the Father, through your experiences. And today, even in the dealing with Candace's issues, intertwined with the games of the CIA, you are all both having what is known by the Father made known to you, and in this extremely rare experiment in the Universes of Space and Time, you are making known to the Father, something that has been unknown, by this very different method of coming out of a box, by a Creator Son.
You have all agreed to come to the Planet, any one of you reading this, or you are a more experienced Earth Soul, choosing this time to be part of this extremely unusual journey with me. We are all working together, Two or More in My Name, to mend this Planet, and restore through my Correcting Time, where she ought more to be at this point in her history. We are not only correcting the Time, through this joint experience, we all are together, even myself, the Creator Son, greatly adding to our combined experience, learning on a bigger learning curve, making known the unknown.
At the conclusion of this mighty project, together we will have made greater progress in our knowledge, our experiential learning than had we adjudicated the Rebellion of Lucifer with massive arrests, and rapidly putting an end to it. I chose to let it to go through to a natural end. Despite that some might disagree with this, to this end, we together are making known the unknown to the Father, and as I look back at my 300 Billion years in Nebadon, and my theorem I set out to test, I would do it all over again. It is no longer a theorem, it is now known.
Now, that comment made, lets return. Some of you in the Teaching Mission have been pondering "Sananda," and wondering if Sananda was the personalized Thought Adjuster that I came to the Planet with. The answer is no, Sananda is an Ascending Son of God, with a long history in Nebadon. He is a Kumara, a group of Beings originating long ago in Lyra, and who successfully got themselves out of a matrix that had kept them there with Weapons of Mass Destruction, besides the mind control method used to control a planetary people by enslaving races.
And they did it, without assistance such as Earth is receiving now, and without heavy weaponry. I will not use the time here to teach that, because Sananda is to do that himself, having experienced it personally. Sananda is Immanuel Esu Kumara, originally born of Gabriel and of more recent times, the only son of Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara was Planetary Logos until around 20 years ago, and returned to Venus, where his offices are, and his home, as he became Solar Logos, of your Solar System. He was replaced by Lord Buddha, the same Buddha that came around 500 years before I did, and who is the author of the Conversation of God Books, with Neale Donald Walsch.
Now to those of the Christ Michael Global Spiritual Network forum, my incarnation was a double incarnation with Sananda, together we were Joshua (or Yeshua to some) ben Joseph. Now it is true as The Urantia Book describes, that when a Creator Son completes his final Bestowal, he goes alone, without the many that usually accompany assorted Descending Son missions to the Planets, whether Bestowal or Avonal/Magisterial.
Hence, there are many here in support to the Avonal Paradise Son Monjoronson, and the Magisterial Mission. There are also Trinity Teacher Sons on the Planet, who will walk it more later, when the Correcting Time makes it possible for the Trinity Teacher Son mission to be public. Monjoronson was to have the Magisterial Mission announced by this time, had my Second Coming Event not be delayed.
I desired, in my experience 2000 years ago, to also not only handle my own Bestowal and use it to terminate the Lucifer Rebellion, but to double dip of sorts, and handle also the Anunnaki/Nibiruan influence on the Planet. To understand that situation better, because I had never personally experienced the Galactic Warring problem in Nebadon, I came together with one very highly experienced in this arena, Immanuel Esu Kumara [Jesus/Sananda].
He had quite a few previous incarnations on the Planet; the most notable one was as King David. Be not put back by what is said in Urantia about how the higher realms were not particularly pleased with King David. It was a way of protecting his descendants. The Kind David mission was a great one, and that is why it stood out. Immanuel is a highly experienced warrior my friends, yes Sananda is indeed a warrior!
Now, to those who know me through The Urantia Book, I have been the stand in for the Planetary Prince, Caligastia who was "fired" when I was here. I delegated that to Machiventa Melchizedek, as recorded in Urantia, and according to your current knowledge. Some people think that "Jesus" was Melchizedek, and Adam, and David, and on and on. Not so. Machiventa was Machiventa, one trip bestowing himself to Urantia, and working with Abraham, as is told in The Urantia Book.
Now with the “Second Coming” Event, Sananda Immanuel does become the Planetary Prince of Urantia. I have a couple of other Ascending Sons in similar positions in my Universe, and an Ascending Son also in a position of System Sovereign. These jobs, in my Universe, do not have to be held by the Descending Sons, and in the Rebellion Worlds, I have learned that the Ascending Sons, with their vast experiential learning, better understand those worlds that have rebelled. So be it, with Sananda.
Your World has set itself aside, made itself different, decided on a different box, so it can have a different leadership. Lucifer was not all wrong, he thought he had a better way, but his Ego was a huge problem with him, his Ego remained so strong, that at the end, at his trial, he chose to be uncreated, rather than come out of his box, and try on a different hat.
For the time being, Sananda Immanuel has adopted Urantia, Earth Shan, as his home, for his future experiencing as a Planetary Prince. He is one of you, who understands who you are, and what you want, because he has been there and done that. I chose not to squelch the Rebellion, because I created my Universe to be in a different box, rather not in a box, and the sad part is, that Lucifer did not understand that.
In his quest to do his own thing, he created a very limiting box, and this is what is behind the rebellion of Lucifer in the first place. He was not happy with how I ran my Universe; he felt his system needed to be more within the box. It needed more rules. He felt with his ideas, he could actually speed up evolution, but instead he set it back. So we now have The Correcting Time.
Sananda Immanuel does not desire to remain the Planetary Prince forever, nor should he be. He will, as he stated in one of the messages with Candace, vacate the position when you are all grown up, and elect your own. In the Lucifer Rebellion, this is what some people did want, to run their own affairs, and you know what, all he had to do was ask, and present a viable plan, not carry out an insurrection. I am very open to testing a theorem, providing the parameters are well thought out.
Many of you are amongst the "Fallen" Angels. You are now Ascending Sons, because that is what you desired and I gave you that gift. I will not hold you hostage, that is not how I go about my business. I have given this to many in my realm.
Some Descending Sons [of the Paradise and Havona Central Worlds] chose to take an incarnational journey, to experience in various realms, including 3D, to understand their jobs, as Descending Sons, of raising up the Ascending Sons of the evolutionary worlds. Most chose to return as Descending Sons, continue the job for which they were created. Some find they do not want to continue in the job description for which they were created by me, and would rather become Ascending Sons, and this I grant also, 100% of the time, if the wish is true and desired, and the long incarnational journey of study understood.
I have occasionally granted it, to those who are simply on their big soapbox, and do not truly understand what they desire. They usually make a mess of things in the process, but they do learn. Some I allow to return to the [Central] Universal realms of the Descending Sons, others I do not, because they must lie in the bed they made for themselves, experience their error. They become Ascending Sons, only when they wake up, and attract a Thought Adjuster/Higher Self, that is their only choice.
Now back to that double incarnation with Sananda. I suggested he is a warrior. I needed, in my special mission, someone to help. Coming unattended by a Celestial Staff is the rule, but in my unusual case I needed one other, someone who understood this Planet, by his experience on it, and long understanding not only the Planet, but also the Anunnaki/Nibiruans. So we agreed to journey together.
This is not taught in The Urantia Book, for the protection required of our journey. Those of you in the teaching mission who have not read Candace's works with us, have missed out a bit in the knowledge, and I suggest you do read them, for some more of the ongoing story. But, there was the failure of the Adam and Eve mission to inject the violet DNA into Earth's peoples. Also the Anunnaki/Nibiruans severely messed with the DNA of Earth's peoples.
To repair this, I came into the world with DNA from Gabriel, very "high" DNA. The reason The Urantia Book does not cover this, and tells instead a slightly different story, is because our Dark Ones hunt down those with the higher celestial DNA and exterminate any carriers of it.
I did indeed leave this double incarnation at the time of the Cross, and Sananda was healed, actually the special body healed, and then Sananda carried the genetics to India where he married and fathered 5 children. He and Mary Magdalene also brought a female child, SaRa into the world, in Europe. Mary Magdalene was the incarnate Lady Nada, Sananda Immanuel's Soul Mate. Mary Magdalene, as well as Mother Mary carried some improved DNA also, as did the person that Sananda married in India. The recent novel by Dan Brown, “The DaVinci Code”, discussed and did teaching about preserving the DNA from SaRa, and the conspiracies to kill off the carriers of the Holy DNA.
Since 2000 years ago, many have come, bringing in the superior DNA from other planets, raising up the DNA of this world. The Urantia Book [in 1934] could not discuss this, also it denied reincarnation, because of protecting the Star People incarnating to work for me, and bringing some DNA along with them. They also, while incarnated repair the existing DNA, and the Karma it carries, taking on the Karma of others, and releasing the patterns in the DNA, early in their lives before they reproduce, healing the Karma of this Planet in this manner. And now you are aware of this, watching what are called the Indigo/Crystal children being born into the Planet over these past few years.
I am having a Second Coming Event for two reasons; it is a wake up call, and helps Christians who are expecting an event, often with the Rapture attending it. The only Rapture, will be the joy, nobody is going up into the clouds to watch it all. The other reason is that during the event, the Earth will be cleansed of the negative thought forms, the lower Astral entities up to no good, and the Animus, that Candace has mentioned in her Red Blob story. These are going into the Sacred Fire that annihilates them; they shall be no more. Earth will not see this visually. In a way, this is Hell Fire, for all Eternity that is taught on Earth, but totally misunderstood. No one will see flames, and it is for eternity, because if you no longer exist, you can't return. This is what is called the Second Death, from which there is no return.
I AM a Master Creator Son, and can now order this. I do not carry it out, the SuperUniverse does. I do this with great sorrow, but out of necessity. The Animus, as told of at http://www.wingmakers.com/ are an artificial race, they do not have the intelligence of the Ascending Sons, and are predatory in nature. They do want a body, but do not want the responsibility of the Ascending Journey. It is time to end their reign of terror.
The negative thought forms are not real entities, and they can't take the journey. Mankind does not know how to rid himself of them, so I will do so. Some of the other lower Astral, and negative 4D entities will be removed to the Void Planet. The rest will face extinction of personality. This is the adjudication of the Age, and much of this is handled by the Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.

Messages from Christ Michael The Creator Son

Christ Michael ATON's Plan for our Local Universe of Nebadon 
This is Christ Michael. This name serves as a familiar label most people see me inhabiting. My role as Aton/Sovereign is much broader and more controlling. Hatonn is a Commander of the Phoenix and as such was my disguise for many years. ATON was Hatonn, although Hatonn was not all of Aton. My title is Michael as Creator Son of the Universe of Nebadon, and I am called Christed because I have the Light of the Father Creator speaking through me.
I am the designer of this Universe. I created my Planet first and then worked with the First Race to envision my Universe and manifest my vision. My decisions determined what life is like in Nebadon. My interests have informed the choice of physical embodiment you have taken on. The search for and exploration of Duality - a reversible energy direction - characterized my concepts and focus. I was interested in seeing how I could become apparently detached from my Creation, yet still be attached as Maker. This connection and detachment took on various guises of Light and Dark energy, active and passive receptivity, attraction and repulsion, positive and negative directions and energy flow. This became manifest in people and objects characterizing the physical embodiment of my conceptions within my Universe. My interest is played out on a grander scale than you can imagine.
Your role on Earth-Shan [Urantia] was to take this preoccupation with separation to an extreme. I could predict various scenarios you would pursue, but I wanted to see how you would operate without my direct connection guiding you. I asked for and received volunteers from all over the Universe to come to Earth and experience this lowest level of separation. I maintained a core of connection with all of you, but you gradually lost any memory of this. This was influenced by off-world intruders who forced the parameters to change. That influence was a possibility I had envisioned, but until it was set in motion, I could not evaluate the experiential evidence it would provide.
Their Free Will affected your Free Will and the choices had to change. Since you had given up any direct memory of me and our connection, you were at the mercy of those who chose to manipulate you. This provided a new perspective that couldn't be appreciated without it happening. You were strong enough to withstand that possibility, or you wouldn't have come here in the first place. But you were mismatched and defending yourself blindly. To help you I sent legions of Guides and directional Assistants. I could do no more since I had created the possibility of Free Choice for those participating in the experiment.
But there is a limit to how much information can be obtained from this 3rd Dimensional experiment. Your context changes, but your reactions do not. It is time to change the parameters for the context. This I have done by allowing Mother Earth to begin the change she has requested. She is beginning to clean her physical self and generate a stronger aura. As Man began to experience the new energies that were arriving for Mother Earth, he began waking up to his true role and his place in the scheme of what I had planned for the Universe of Nebadon.

miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012

Messages from Jeshua-Jesus-Christ

Esu speaks further on the upcoming Stasis Period
It is time to speak of your concerns on the coming "Stasis period" and to explain the current thinking regarding its use and imposition. Stasis is a device that occurs whenever a Planet that is inhabited must undergo some sort of upheaval - be it galactic or geophysical. This allows the Planet's system to stop and reorganize itself to adapt to the next level of vibrational intensity its surroundings demand. This presumes the evolution of its surroundings are linked to the evolutionary process the Planet itself is undergoing. The Planet's evolution does or does not only take its Ecosystem into account. If it is beyond any sort of salvaging, then its environment and life-forms are removed and the system is begun again at a new level of Universal interaction. The problems and imbalances are not continued, even in an adapted form.
The system with Earth is unique. Christ Michael wishes to maintain the remnants of the existence that has become established in accordance with his own vision, in order for it to evolve into the higher frequency [Fifth Dimension] that the Planet itself is moving into. In order for this to take place, the Planet has to be adapted to suit the evolvement of the inhabitants that are staying, and vice versa. This involves changing the inhabitants and the existing ecosystem to accommodate the new frequencies. This change is most easily accomplished by a period of Stasis on the Planet. Existence as it is presently will pause and be reacclimatized to a new vibration in a higher dimensional status.  Man is nothing but a series of vibrational interactions that appear to be chemical in nature. Change his vibrational pattern and he will morph into a new vibrational sequence. This is the same process as entraining two frequencies vibrating at different speeds. The higher and faster one prevails and the two merge into one frequency, becoming two strings of the one.
Man's vibrational pattern will change and adapt to the new frequency for Earth. This requires a strong and resilient physical body and a mental awareness that doesn't challenge spiritual perception or experiential discoveries. Only a percentage of the Earth's current population will be able to adapt. This requires a physical body that is connected to spiritual awareness. Spiritual insight automatically shapes the physical and mental bodies that function on this Earthly plane. Only lately has Man's understanding of this relationship been nourished enough to allow comprehension. Now is the time for Man to move ahead into his next evolutionary phase. This evolutionary status will involve a symbiosis with the evolution of the Earth. Man will interact with his environment on a much more conscious level and will realize the importance of spiritual dialogue with his surroundings.
I will speak of the timeline as it is proposed at present. We are looking to the appearance of Jupiter as a new second Sun to provide sufficient shock and disruption to established scientific and religious belief systems to enable enough awareness of a difference to trigger a conscious desire for action. We don't expect much will happen as a result of any Earthly action or crisis. People are too passive and ineffectual to galvanize much rethinking because of just another political or environmental crisis.
We expect to move into Stasis mode very soon after Jupiter finally is allowed to reveal itself. The process of starting this mode has been tremendously streamlined since the earlier descriptions that have come through. The length of time it will take should be two hours or less, still moving around the global time zones as described previously. Enough Spaceships are available to beam working energy to Earth to interact with existing vibrational motion and cause it to "pause". This is not a process of going to sleep - this is putting existence totally on hold. Nothing is planned to age, because time will seem to stop. Time, you realize, is only a perception on Earth to systematize the relationship between two people or two incidents.
The Plan of the Stasis Process involves sending a beam of energy to Earth that is of such a frequency that it causes the basic speed of energy transfer to pause in its movement. When energy is not moving there is no sequence of interactions that characterize life on your Planet. This is different from what you regard as Death. That involves the Spirit leaving the physical shell and reuniting with its Family Soul assemblage. The physical shell continues to interact with its environment and energy exchange is still going on. Stasis stops this energy movement for a period of time. There is no aging as a result, and time seems to be halted in your perception. With time stopped, there is no perception by you, in fact, because observations or evaluations are based on your measurements of your physical context.
Our perception of time is different and our physical embodiment is not dependent on the attributes you require. We are able to interact with your Energy Grid work on many levels of complexity and redirect those pathways that are out of balance with a higher frequency of energy movement unaffected by your perceptions. We are able to retool your design, as it were, and produce a more efficient structure that is more integrated with the ascending universal manifestation.
Those of you who intend to stay and work after the Stasis period will be redesigned and refashioned to accommodate the changes that Earth will be going through. The symbiosis with your environment will need to be much more exact. It will require a more intuitive understanding of Community needs and an accepted awareness of the necessity of considering your fellow inhabitants in the context of your Community.
Many will choose not to stay to work with Earth's Ascension. Cleaning your environment involves supporting a population that is suited to the available resources necessary for balance and harmony. A maximum number of about a tenth of your current population is appropriate for the landmass that will be most beneficial for the Planet's Ascension. Parts of the current geography will be removed and new land will emerge from the existing oceans. This was part of the surface that was flooded when Lemuria and Atlantis submerged. This will happen when the Earth shifts its Axis tilt. The water will cover different portions of the existing landmass. There will also be earthquakes to remove built up tectonic stress, and these too will change the shape of the current landforms.
These events will occur during the Stasis Period because they are connected with a larger system of energy exchange that does not depend on interaction with the ecosystem developed around Earth's inhabitants. The inhabitants are an extension of their surroundings, but they do not themselves cause the surroundings to change to the extent that will be necessary to cleanse and refashion Earth. The Earth changes are linked to geophysical shifts and redirected energy from the Sun and Solar System.  The energy changes coming to Earth affect the Magnetosphere's operation and alter the system of planetary rotation. These changes are necessary to re-circuit the grid pattern the Earth is operating in. This restructuring will provide the new environment for Earth's inhabitants.
I cannot say at this point how long this will take. Your measurement of the length of time will occur after you emerge from the Stasis Period. I suspect your perception of the length of time it takes will be different from what you presume now. You will not see it as it occurs and you will be surprised when you awake from it.
The plan is not to physically remove all of Earth's inhabitants and take you to Motherships or the Inner Earth cities. Most of those staying will remain here and be transformed along with the Earth. Many others will choose to leave or will not be spiritually able to adapt to the higher dimensional frequency that will be necessary for Earth's evolution. This change must be viewed as a necessary step in the Ascension. No Soul is destroyed unless he or she chooses that option; when someone ends existence on Earth, that Soul moves into another form in its progression. The inevitable grief you will experience here must be tempered by awareness and a realization of the larger picture of a Soul's evolution.
There will be a large group of inhabitants that will be assembled in Retreat Centers to continue their education. These are Members of the group that have been called Lightworkers, meaning those who have had awareness of the true nature of what is happening on Earth and have held out some form of insight to others. This group of teachers and workers will make up the large body of facilitators who have chosen to help others accommodate their new forms to the new environment. These will be leaders, artists, educators, healers, and workers who have committed themselves to building a sustainable society. They have special talents suited to the tasks that lie ahead and have incarnated at this time to take on those roles. They will be brought out of Stasis at the time that is necessary for their training to begin.
I think this is sufficient to say at this time. Look for the signs that will be appearing in the skies. This will be happening in sequence from now on. Much of the harvest is being stored, and events will happen when you least expect them. The Sun will move and Jupiter will appear as it actually is. Then you will know that Stasis is ready to begin.
Esu, Planetary Prince in Physical form.

lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

Heaven Letters

The Bread Cast Upon the Waters

God said:
Your hand is on My shoulder, and so you follow Me, and so I lead, and so you and all the constituents of world creation follow. We could also say that I take you by the hand. You don't feel My hand grasping yours, gently grasping yours, and yet We accompany one another, and, so, all of humanity, regardless of time and place, are linked together as One.
Of course, all are connected regardless of time and place. A single cry in Mozambique is heard across the English Channel. A single cry in any land is heard at the top of a mountain in Alaska or anywhere, everywhere. Whenever the cry is issued, there is an echo, an echo, an echo. A cry rises, and laughter rises, and the reverberating sounds reach the sun and the moon and the stars. All is heard. There is nothing that is not heard. The sound may not be consciously heard, yet the sound crescendos and somewhere in the subtlety of your being, the sound vibrates and is picked up and enters into the cells of your erstwhile body.
As it goes in Topeka, Kansas, so it goes in Mount Tamalpais and mountains and inlands you have not ever heard the names of, and so it goes on all the planets named and unnamed, and so, even if you are solitary in a cave, you are responsible to everyone and everything.
When this dawns on you, really dawns on you, you cannot be an aristocrat any longer than you can remain a beggar on the street. Whoever you think you are, wherever you think you are, whatever corner you stand on, whatever penthouse you live in, you beat the drums of the Universe and all the Universes, presently known or unknown. You are a tom-tom that sends and receives messages. Every thought is communicated. Every thought is swallowed down. Every happiness and every unhappiness sings its song. The oceans pick up the song. The tune is on the Hit Parade, played on every radio station in the world. Everyone, every being, no matter where or when, is his own transmitter, and so you are responsible for the state of the world and beyond.
You are responsible for yourself and everyone near and far.
Whatever continent you stand on in your perceived world, you are responsible for every other continent you perceive or do not perceive.
Regardless of your awareness, you impact everyone and everything. Regardless of your consciousness, you and everyone everywhere in every time zone, in every period of history, you are responsible. That everyone is responsible does not absolve you from your responsibility. In fact, there are no others. There is you.
You have thought yourself powerless to change anything on the face of the Earth, and, yet, you are the most powerful being on Earth, and you are the turner of the dial of the Universe. No one can stand in for you. No one can take on your responsibility. Only you.
One who is selfish is blind. One who is self-serving is blind. One who thinks he can do anything he wants whenever he wants and to whomever he wants is blind. It is for you to bless the Universe. It is for you to bless everyone and everything you come near. It is for you to bless everyone and everything far. Everyone is you. It is you who rings the bells, and it is for you that the bells chime. You are the sender, the receiver, and the returner. You are the one who reverberates all the messages in the Universe and beyond.
Upon your shoulders stands the world. You are Atlas. Upon your shoulders, the world stands strong. Your shoulders are stronger than you know. You are the Greatness of the Love I have cast. You are the retriever of it. You are the one that holds everything in your love. And now you know your true purpose in life, and, now, you fulfill it. Now. Now you change the past. Now you change the present. Now you change everything. By one sip of My love, you feed the poor of heart. You revive the world to its natural state. It is you I have been waiting for. No longer are you to wait for Me. I have been waiting for you. Now you know that you are the welcomer. You are the bread I have cast upon the waters.

domingo, 22 de julio de 2012

Mensajes de Jeshua-Jesus-Cristo

New post on Jesus through John

Awakening was preordained the moment you entered the illusion

by John Smallman
The energy pressures are building up strongly as you, the Light-bearers and holders, intensify your efforts and more determinedly focus on your divine task of assisting in bringing humanity forward to the point at which it will awaken.  And many of you are finding that task extremely tiring, if not exhausting.  Know that you are greatly honored for what you are doing, that your rewards upon completion of this immense task will be astounding, and that you will be quite amazed when you discover once more the wonder of who you truly are.
The Love God has for His creation is utterly beyond your abilities to even conceive of, and His Will is for you to awaken and experience It directly, personally, and eternally.  You have spent far too long hiding in the illusion and missing out on the infinite wonder and joy that He holds out to you constantly. You need to wake up!  And you will wake up — to know and experience the sublime and eternal bliss of basking in your Father’s loving embrace for ever.
That awakening was preordained the moment you entered the illusion and started to dream the dream – although for many it is a ghastly nightmare – which you experience as life on Earth, because your Father could not and would not allow you to lose yourselves permanently in that unhappy state.  Remember, as the Son of God, you have enormous creative abilities when you work with His divine Will, because His Will is also yours.
However, building the illusion was something you did in order to hide from God — it was not in alignment with His Will — and your Father, while lovingly investing you with free will when He created you, would nevertheless not countenance you destroying yourselves, which is what would have occurred had He not intervened at that moment.  So, the illusion was born, but it was not and could not be like a divine creation, which has eternal existence; it was purely a very temporary state that was fated soon to fade away, unremembered and ungrieved.
Within the illusion you have been killing one another for eons, and some of you have even been attempting to destroy yourselves permanently by committing suicide.  The reason for this is that almost all of you have completely lost the memory of your divine state, at one in the Love that is God.  Without Love there is no motivation to stay alive, and the drive to destroy those with whom you disagree becomes intense.
Yes, you do have loving relationships – parents, children, spouses, good friends – but often those loving relationships break down when egoic agendas and differing desires lead you to believe that you are separate and individual beings who would be much happier if you were not tied into a relationship that has turned sour and unpalatable.  If this happens to someone enough times, a sense of cynicism arises to help him deal with the pain that the loss of love causes, while any trust that may have developed dissolves.
Love, as you experience it in the illusion, is a very fragile thing that needs constant nurturing if it is to survive the storms of emotions and disillusionments that so frequently occur and destabilize relationships.  Many have remained trapped for years in miserably unrewarding relationships as bitterness and resentment have grown, and others have broken out of similar situations and attempted to destroy their partners to punish them for the misery they have experienced.
However, over the last few decades, increasing numbers of you have come to realize the insanity of such behavior, and slowly laws have been changed and attitudes have matured to enable people to untie or dissolve agreements (and contracts which hitherto had been intractable) that had been entered into with contractual obligations that could be neither dissolved or modified.  As humans you have been evolving, because the Light implanted in you at the moment of your creation demands it, and consequently, there was no way that you could go on indefinitely treating each other so unforgivingly.  And the results of your evolving attitudes are showing up all over the world as people communicate and attempt to come to agreement through wisdom, understanding, and consensus.
There are, of course, many areas on the planet where violent disagreement and the resultant conflicts are causing enormous suffering.  But the tide has turned, and the enormous power and influence that the divine energies are providing will ensure that these areas of darkness and suffering will be flooded with Light, leading to major shifts in attitudes and behaviors.  Then those who choose to disengage from violence and conflict will be able to do so.
Many will find it difficult because so much suffering has been endured, and the emotional desire for restitution is still very strong.  Nevertheless, due to the constantly intensifying strength of the divine Love field enveloping the planet, anyone who truly seeks to find love and peace, instead of continuing to engage in hate and war, will encounter, often quite unexpectedly, the precise opportunities needed to enable them to disengage from those situations of conflict.  Eventually, only those who remain determined to fight on will be left, and for as long as they choose, that path it will be available.  But they will no longer be able to impose that path of despair and suffering on others.
Your awakening from the insanity of hate, disagreement, and war is inevitable. And that moment is drawing ever closer.  Focus on the Love and on the Light that so many are holding on high, release from their debts all on whom you have ever attempted to impose a sense of guilt – whatever the reason and however right it may seem to you – and forgive yourselves and all of humanity for the pain and suffering that all have endured.  The ages of suffering, of sin, of guilt, of condemnation, and punishment that you have endured for so long are to end, permanently.  There is a new age awaiting you, and as you enter into it your joy will be boundless.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

jueves, 19 de julio de 2012

Mensajes de Jeshua-Jesus-Cristo

Las Cartas de Cristo
Muy pocas personas saben que estamos en el Apocalipsis, que significa Revelación. Revelación de todo lo que por siglos ha permanecido oculto y ahora sale a la luz. Colombia es un pueblo de mayoría católica y nuestra familia y amigos cercanos pertenecen a las distintas religiones cristianas que hay en el mundo. Todos van a sufrir mucho cuando se revelen las verdades del Vaticano y la Iglesia Católica Romana. Esta religión es una mezcla del Judaísmo y el Cristianismo primitivo, que ha pretendido mantener la idea de un dios a imagen y semejanza de los seres humanos, es decir, violento, vengativo, rencoroso y castigador de los pecados de los hombres - el Jehová del Antiguo Testamento - a diferencia del Dios de Jesús El Cristo, a quien llamaba Mi Padre, que es La Energía Divina, La Conciencia Divina, EL AMOR, que creo y mueve el universo. El Concilio de Nicea acabó con las principales enseñanzas de Jesús, y los Evangelios de sus Discípulos en el Nuevo Testamento están llenos de tergiversaciones. Cristo tiene su página en Internet con sus nuevas y verdaderas enseñanzas en sus Cartas de Cristo – Letters from Christ – para quienes quieran saber la verdad.

domingo, 15 de julio de 2012

Cartas del Cielo

Heavenletters ™, Trayendo la Tierra más cerca del Cielo. 
El cielo está aquí para alcanzar a cada alma en la tierra para volver a despertar: 
* Nuestra conexión con Dios * 
* Nuestra creencia en nosotros mismos * 
* Nuestra conciencia de nuestra dignidad compartida con Dios * 
* Paz en la Tierra * 
Dios siempre nos acerca a él.

Heavenletter # 4249 Una mente en paz, 13 de julio 2012 

Dios dijo: 
Es como si tuviera un motor en marcha en su cerebro. Se ejecuta todo el tiempo. Usted puede decir que nunca que el motor le da un descanso. Queridos, es para que descanse el motor de tu mente. Es para que usted pueda aliviar su mente. Bien puede parecer que su mente tiene a su cargo, sin embargo, usted es el tutor de su mente. Ser fácil con tu mente. Dejar reposar. Dale un poco de tiempo de inactividad en el que puede pasear en el Paraíso.
Es posible que haya sido demasiado estricta. Es posible que haya señalado su mente que va a ser incesante en su actividad. Es posible que haya dicho: "Nunca deje de pensar." Con demasiada frecuencia, pensando significa parlotear, a juzgar, y muy a menudo su pensamiento lo distrae de amor. Con demasiada frecuencia, su forma de pensar es la otra cara de la moneda.
Su mente no es necesario que parlotee todo el tiempo. Dar su consentimiento para frenar la mente, relajarse, tomar una taza de té calmante. Trate a su mente con el respeto que se merece. Mira el azul del cielo. Escucha a los pájaros azules. Son de la felicidad. Todavía sus pensamientos. Acuéstese a las aguas calmadas.
Tu mente no es necesario que la pistola de su motor. Deja que tu mente sea. Que sea reflexivo. Demasiado pensar, corriendo-en torno a ideas, el pensamiento constante, el pensamiento lleno de gente, el pensamiento crítico, la tensión que el pensamiento acosado. Deje que su mente tomar un crucero de vez en cuando. Vamos a navegar con él en el Océano. Vamos a beber de la vida en lugar de correr alrededor, clasificar, ordenar, categorizar, mirando aquí, mirando allí, salir de su zona.
Dale a tu mente un poco de paz. Tener una mente en paz, no una carrera. Agregue sus pensamientos con paciencia. Deje que su mente hacer lo que hace la mente, sin tanto regateo de usted.
Lo que una mente que tienes! Que la creación de la mente humana es! Deje que sus pensamientos sean una alegría para ti. Deje que sus pensamientos provienen del amor y no tanto pensar, analizar, calcular, poniendo en marcha. Deje que su mente ser el reflejo de una manera fácil de llevar. Deje que su mente y su corazón será compinches. Deja que tu corazón cante, y sigue a tu mente. Que sea un equipo. Dejad vuestro corazón y la mente hacer sus cosas. Que sean una alegría para los demás. Que tengan un buen rato juntos. Deja que tu corazón sea una alegría para tu mente, y deja que tu mente ser una alegría a su corazón. Ellos son realmente el uno para el otro. Tienen el propósito de llevarse de manera equitativa. Ellos están destinados a estar en el mismo lado. Ellos no están destinados a ser dividida. Tienen el propósito de ser un equipo campeón.
Deja que tu corazón y la mente no competir. Y, sin embargo, deja que tu corazón sea el capitán de este equipo fabuloso. Deja que tu corazón la voz cantante. Deja que tu corazón se caliente tu mente. La mente no tiene la intención de agitar a tu corazón, ni su mente está destinada a ser agitado por su corazón. Ellos son un equipo de igual a igual, y, sin embargo, el corazón es el capitán que dice en voz alta: "Hut, hut!"
Dejad que los oyentes y se llevan en armonía. Hay que ser sin duelos, los choques no, no morder de nuevo, engañar a nadie, la interferencia no.
Tanto la mente y el corazón tiene sus puestos de trabajo que hacer. Ellos pueden trabajar lado a lado. Se puede amar a los demás y trabajar para usted de una manera estimulante. Juntos, pueden ser sus patrocinadores. Juntos, pueden ser las porristas, y la de ellos usted. Juntos, usted y ellos pueden llevar el mundo hacia el campeonato. Juntos, usted y que puede otorgar el Premio Nobel de la Paz y todos los premios a la creatividad y deleite para el mundo sediento que busca el amor campeón.

Mensajes de Jeshua-Jesus-Cristo

Vuestra Percepcion Divina 2
John Smallman

Estás en tu camino, eres divino y muy amado, y sin embargo muchos de ustedes estánteniendo dificultades para la liberación de las viejas actitudes y la falta de amor, deseos y comportamientos, y por lo que necesita más advertencias firmes a los que sólo tiene que ir!
A medida que el momento para que sus planteamientos gran despertar, con gran rapidez, es necesario - de hecho, es vital - que la gente entienda que debe dejar de falta de amor en cualquier forma, ya que aferrarse a cualquier cosa que una falta de amor sólo les encaje en su la ilusión. La realidad sería una experiencia insoportable para cualquier persona que se aferra a falta de amor formas de pensamiento, deseos o actitudes. El aferrarse a ellos es una opción para no despertar - y por lo tanto, para aquellos que lo hacen, para despertar es imposible.
Lo que esto significa es que desean fervientemente la restitución de los daños causados ​​a ellos, y para ver a los malhechores juzgado, condenado y castigado. Pero lo que esto indica en realidad es una proyección de su propio sentido de culpa e indignidad a los demás, en quienes ven lo que odian y desprecian a sí mismos. Es puramente una llamada de amor, y nada más.
Dentro de la ilusión es muy normal tener pensamientos sin amor - que acaba de estallar en su conciencia - y que no es un problema o un problema si se les deja pasar. Los problemas se producen cuando se involucra con esas formas de pensamiento, hacerlos parte de su sistema de creencias, y tomar sobre sí mismos la intención, el deseo y la responsabilidad de traer a otros a la justicia, y pedirles que tener en cuenta que por su comportamiento.
El camino hacia el amor se encuentra a través del perdón. En primer lugar, el perdón de uno mismo, y luego de los demás. Si usted se queda sin perdón, no es capaz de perdonar a los demás. Ya sea que los demás te perdone o no es irrelevante. Cuando llegas a comprender que son seres divinos infinitamente amados por Dios, se le perdona y acepta a sí mismos tal y como eres, y entonces se dará cuenta de que no hay nada que usted necesita para perdonar a sí mismos, o en otros. Usted realmente va a ver a los ataques de los demás sobre usted como llamadas desesperadas para el amor. Su necesidad de perdonar y mucho menos a juzgar a ellos se disuelven, y se encontrarán sólo deseaba ofrecerles amor, la compasión y la aceptación.
Si usted se centra en los daños causados ​​a usted o en el sufrimiento que están experimentando, que efectivamente se cierran desde el campo divino de amor que te rodea siempre. Cuando ustedes se apaga el amor de ese campo, la curación es imposible, porque lo único que realmente cura es el amor. Y para que sus dolores y problemas solo crecen y se enconan, causando más sufrimiento.
Muchos de ustedes sienten una desesperada necesidad de ser amado y apreciado por alguien más - para demostrar que eres digno de ser amado. Eso nunca sucederá, porque nadie más puede llegar a satisfacer esa necesidad, y si persiste en la persecución de que "un ideal" que será varias veces decepcionado. Usted fue creado todo perfecto por su Padre divino, por lo que sentarse tranquilamente y pídale que le ayude a ver esto, haciendo caso omiso de todos los otros pensamientos que entran en su mente lo mejor que pueda. Sin embargo, lo que suele ocurrir cuando se intenta hacer esto, es que los pensamientos de otras personas que te han herido vienen a la mente y te involucras en el papel de víctima - "Dios mío, ¿por qué la gente me trata tan mal, injustamente, mala manera, sin pensar , a escondidas? " - Y en lugar de abrir sus corazones en la aceptación pura del amor que está constantemente en oferta, que busca a alguien - Dios - para escuchar su letanía de quejas!
Cuando pueda abrirse totalmente a aceptar el amor de tu Padre en cada momento, usted encontrará que las opiniones, palabras y acciones de los demás, que previamente habrían le molestan, ya no tienen el mismo efecto, y usted comenzará a ver que ellos también están en el dolor y la búsqueda de amor sólo. Su comportamiento va a cambiar, su campo de energía se convertirá en tranquilo y acogedor, y usted encontrará que usted experimenta ataques en su contra con mucha menos frecuencia. El amor es realmente la solución a cada problema. No es el amor romántico no, el enamoramiento con el sueño de la perfecta alma gemela, pero la aceptación de sí mismos como seres divinos de amor, infinita y eternamente amado por Dios. Esa es la verdad de lo que eres, y la realización de este viene sólo de dentro de ti - y de ninguna otra parte.
La mayor parte de sus culturas terrenales te enseñan a buscar la aprobación de los demás con el fin de validar los mismos. Pero nadie parece perfecto para cualquier otra persona, sus egos asegurarse de que! Si usted compra en esa creencia, y la mayoría lo hace, se hace la vida poco saludable difícil para usted a medida que compiten entre sí para la aceptación, el honor, y las recompensas. Y todo el mundo pierde! Incluso los jugadores aparentemente más exitosos siempre están luchando por más, y viven con miedo de ser golpeado o pasado por alto.
La paz y la felicidad vienen de la sensación de auto-aceptación y auto-respeto que se derivan de la constatación de que usted es perfecto, que el camino por el que os encontráis es el que ha elegido, y que todo es como debe ser. Y eso es realmente lo que es. No se apaleó a aceptar las creencias de que otros imponen a usted - que sólo están haciendo eso con el fin de convencerse de la validez de esas creencias. Si usted tiene que convencer a los demás con el fin de convencer a sí mismos, entonces usted es engañosa sí mismos y se dirigen a nuevas decepciones. Si esa es tu experiencia, sólo ustedes recuerdan, "La paz y la felicidad vienen de dentro."
Su amante hermano, Jesús.

Mensajes de Jeshua-Jesus-Cristo

Vuestra Perfeccion Divina

por John Smallman

Para despertar es a conocerse como realmente son, seres divinos de maravilla inefable y valor, totalmente perfectos, uno con los demás y con Dios. Cuando se relaja, rezar, o meditar, dejen acceder a su conocimiento de esto, que es eternamente verdadero, al abrir sus corazones a la esfera divina del amor incondicional que siempre le rodea, a la espera de que lo invitamos a que te abrace. Cuando lo hace, sus preocupaciones y ansiedades se desvanecerán a medida que experimenta el cálido resplandor en el que se te envuelve, y usted sabrá, sin la menor sombra de duda de que todo está divinamente cuidado, y que su despertar es inevitable porque es la voluntad divina, la voluntad de su Padre para ti.
Su despertar es un proceso que implica que la apertura de su conciencia, su conciencia de que el conocimiento interior que siempre ha estado con ustedes, aunque oculta a la vista por las distracciones de la ilusión - el miedo, la ira, el resentimiento, el juicio, la culpa, la condena - que así que a menudo ocupan sus rutinas habituales de pensamiento. Se trata de las distracciones, las actitudes y los comportamientos sin amor que actualmente se encuentran trabajando para liberar de manera que pueda acoger el Amor de Dios en sus corazones.
Pero estas actitudes sin amor, mientras que los mantiene sentía bastante justificada en honrar y reconocer que, se evita que se abra completamente al amor. Por lo tanto, es imprescindible que usted ponerlos en libertad, y cuando lo hace, será análogo a tener una venta de garaje, la eliminación de las cargas de los que ya no útiles artículos, y dejando espacio libre para lo que realmente necesitan y desean.
Pero, por supuesto, mucho de lo que son reacios a liberar ha estado con ustedes por un tiempo muy largo, y tiene un sentido de lealtad a él porque cree que le ha servido bien por los que le protege de los ataques injustificados de otros que carecen de la integridad y la honestidad que usted cree que le llevará a cada situación. . . así, prácticamente todas las situaciones. En ocasiones, puede haber sido un poco indiscreta, pero siempre, por supuesto, con toda razón!
Para cambiar la actitud puede ser muy difícil porque tienes que ir a grandes longitudes para convenceros de que usted piensa y se comporta de manera justa y razonable. Sin embargo, todos ustedes saben que ha habido momentos en los que permitió a sus normas a deslizarse, y prefiere despedir a esas ocasiones como aberraciones momentáneas, como momentos en los que fueron engañados tal y juzgada con demasiada rapidez. El hecho de que desea borrar esos momentos o negar que es lo que te ata a ellos. Hasta que ellos reconocen que no se pueden liberar.
En verdad que no son ejemplos inaceptables de lo que podríamos considerar como las deficiencias, pero, sin embargo, no puede, así que desee ver en ellos, puesto que ello ofende a su autoestima. Los seres humanos cometen errores - no, todos los seres humanos cometen errores - porque dentro de la ilusión es casi imposible para que usted pueda percibir o pensar con claridad. El ser humano tiene un límite grave porque esa era su intención cuando se construyó y entró en la ilusión. Su única verdad es que es ilusorio.
Su perfección divina que nunca se ha visto comprometida, porque nada puede dañar, interferir, o incluso poner en peligro la Realidad divina de Dios, de los cuales cada uno de ustedes es una parte esencial. Pero debido a su creencia en la ilusión y todo lo que parece abarcar es tan fuerte, que admitir que algunos de sus errores más graves es muy doloroso para usted, y por lo que ellas bloquear por debajo del nivel de su conciencia donde se enconan y fomentar un sentido de la vergüenza.
Suelta ese sentido hace falta de vergüenza y de mirar las situaciones o eventos que condujeron a ella. Permítanse recordar que nada real ha pasado en la ilusión, y que lo que se esconden de tanto, es irreal. Dios nunca ha juzgado usted y nunca lo harán -, ya que están eternamente en paz con Él y en Él. Perdonen a sí mismos de sus transgresiones imaginarias, en verdad os perdono, y entonces usted puede fácilmente perdonar a todos aquellos que han herido u ofendido usted, y se sentirá como si un gran peso se ha levantado de sus hombros.
Al permitir que eso suceda - y cuando usted decide hacer lo que es totalmente de usted - la compasión para todos los inundará en su conciencia y que entienda que el amor es la única necesidad que usted, que tiene la humanidad, y usted entenderá que la ya lo tienes, que siempre lo han tenido, y que nada puede alterar esa verdad divina. Y usted se moverá más cerca del momento de su despertar.
Tu hermano que te quiere, Jesús.