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sábado, 18 de mayo de 2019

THE BIBLE IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST! -Chapter One - To Originate

THE BIBLE IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST! - By Harland Hoy Harland & Diana

Chapter One - To Originate

Can you imagine a donkey talking to a man?  Strange, but if you read the Bible in the book of numbers, chapter twenty two, that’s what it says happened.
With this thought in mind, imagine a serpent talking to Eve in the Garden of Eden.  After God had created everything, including Adam and Eve who were like angels (spirits) in flesh bodies, God commanded them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  They were spiritual minded, knowing only what God had told them.   They had no evil in their hearts or minds.  They were innocent, like little children.  They walked around naked, unashamed.
“And God would walk and talk with Adam in the cool of the day.”
Then Satan entered into the body of a serpent to tempt Eve.  The body of the serpent was different than we know him to be today.  He became like he is today after God cursed him.  He must have been somewhat attractive because Satan convinced Eve to commit adultery with him (the forbidden fruit), and she then gave to her husband.  When they partook of carnal sin their eyes were opened and they became sensual gods that could recreate life, but now they had hearts and minds that lived after the flesh instead of the spirit.  They had obeyed Satan instead of waiting until God told them, and so entered the mind (will) of Satan to control man (be men’s god) and with it all manner of evil came such as lust greed, hatred, murder, envy, idolatry, and every evil work.
One very telling sign to sex being the sin in the garden is how they sewed fig leaves together to cover their nakedness to cover their sin.  Eating an apple does not cause you to be ashamed of your naked body. Also keep in mind that Jesus was born from a virgin to reconcile us back to God.  Lust   caused men to fall and a man born of a virgin caused men to be saved, but we’ll get to all that a little later in the story.
This angered God and he cursed the serpent above all animals and to go upon his belly and to eat dust. From this time God put enmity between Satan and the woman and between the woman’s seed and Satan’s seed, the woman’s seed being Jesus who was to come.
God cursed the man, the woman, the serpent, and Satan, the ground, and everything in the earth that day.  He then made coats of animal skins to clothe Adam and Eve and sent them out of the garden. They had fallen from their spiritual state of mind into an animal like state of mind.
This started the great battle for control over the planet earth.  God had given the earth to the son he created “Adam”, but Satan wanted it and God wouldn’t give it to him, so he took it from Adam.
Satan (Lucifer) was a great angel.
Isaiah chapter fourteen: “How art thou fallen from heaven O Lucifer, son of the morning; how art thou cut down to the ground which did weaken the nations, for thou has said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation in the sides of the north.  I will ascend above the heights of clouds; I will be like the most high.  Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”
After the fall of man, Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel.  Abel loved God and obeyed him, but Cain was of the wicked one and he killed his brother Abel. Therefore blood began to run on planet earth, as God and Satan fought for control through mankind.  As time went by God called Abraham, the father of faith. Faith is quite simple, God speaks to you and you obey him.  Faith comes by hearing (hearing God that is) and if you are faithful to God you will keep his words, whatever he tells you.
He made a covenant of circumcision (which is the removal of the flesh or foreskin) with Abraham and that through his son Isaac he would bring forth the seed that God spoke of in the garden.  “I will put enmity between your seed and the woman’s seed.”  The seed of Abraham was in God’s plan to bring us back to him.
God loved faith and grace.  It was never in God’s heart to give a law to man.  Abraham was called in faith.  You see at this time there was still no law given. From Adam and Eve through Noah’s time there was still no law given.  Abraham’s seed would suffer more than any other on earth.  Satan hated Abraham’s seed.  His seed was in prison for more than four hundred and thirty years in Egypt.  God then called Moses to set his people free from Egypt.
The law came by Moses.  Rules to control the flesh until the seed of God would come and reconcile us back to Him.  The Ten Commandments, thou shalt not steal, lie, murder, covet, commit adultery, have no other God’s, and the rest of the law including animal sacrifices,  washing’s, rituals, and so forth all came from the Law that God gave to Moses to control the children of Israel.  All of these things were to them in the Old covenant. The Old Covenant was full of fleshly types and shadows of what spiritual things were to come from God, types and shadows such as the tabernacle where the Ark of the Covenant was placed in the Holy place behind the veil where God would come down once a year and talk to the high priest.  After Israel came into the Promised Land King David wanted to build a temple which was later built by his son King Solomon.  The Ark was then placed in the temple. The Ark of the Covenant held the Ten Commandments and had much power. It was the glue of the old covenant. It was their foundation. If any man were to touch the ark unworthily they would be killed.  God would strike them down.  Every man was wicked but the law of God was Holy.  Anytime the Law would kill a man the law was in the right. The law did the right thing. The law was justified because all men were sinners.
The Law didn’t work because it was weak through the flesh.  It was given as a schoolmaster or guide until the seed which is Jesus would come.  We learned through the law that no man could keep it and that every man had sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Abraham’s seed was said of God to be as the stars of heaven, but they weren’t shining so brightly until God spoke to a young girl named Mary of the tribe of Judah.  He spoke by his angel Gabriel, “you will bring forth a son and you will call him Jesus.” 
God now had a son restored unto him.  To replace the one he had lost in the garden.  The first man Adam was a living soul.  The second man Adam (Jesus) was a quickening spirit.
The law was given until the seed would come.  This was the man that would be the Rock of Ages.  He was and is the Chief corner stone.  He was and is the living word of God. The resurrection, the life, the truth and the way back home for all who would come and take up the cross.

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