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sábado, 18 de mayo de 2019

THE BIBLE IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST! - By Harland Hoy - Harland & Diana

The man that honors God, God will also honor. HE is our Creator, GOD made the world and all things in it. HE is the reason we exist, HE loves us and so HE sent Jesus to rescue us from the devil. So honor and love the FATHER of spirits, HE is your life. WHEN A WELL-PACKAGED WEB OF LIES HAS BEEN SOLD GRADUALLY TO THE MASSES OVER GENERATIONS, THE TRUTH WILL SEEM UTTERLY PREPOSTEROUS AND IT’S SPEAKER A RAVING LUNATIC. This truth will free to seek for the Living God in the Spirit and truly KNOW GOD instead of just knowing ABOUT HIM. The GOSPEL is NOT written with ink, nor on tablets of stone, but on our hearts by the Spirit of the Living God. (2 Corinthians 3:3) The gentiles who have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, then they are a law unto themselves. Under the New Covenant we are to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the bible. I was searching for truth when Jesus told me, "The bible is an idol" which completely changed my direction. After that I only sought for Him in the Spirit and He has taught me many things on life's journey. The most important of which is that He died so we could be regenerated by the Holy Spirit into sons and daughters of God. The gospel is simple, repent from living after the flesh, ask Jesus to fill you with the Holy Spirit and then be led and controlled by Him through the Spirit. The bible is only history and has absolutely no authority from God to control us, the outward law was under the old covenant. Jesus died to redeem us from the curse of the written law because we were unable to keep it. Have a great journey through life with the Living Christ guiding you. When Jesus words are written down and Satan is using them, then the bible becomes the word of Satan. Constantine (1st) beast compiled 50 bibles, legalized Christianity and set up the false prophet (pope). King James (2nd) beast, born 6/1566, 6th of Scotland, authorized a bible in 1611 that now has 66 books to control people with, an image of God's word they make to speak (the bible says). By having faith in the bible which has been made into an idol, they break the new covenant of having faith in the Living Christ through the Holy Spirit, who is the true word of God. THE BIBLE IS THE MARK OF THE BEAST Ask Jesus -Yeshua for the Holy Spirit.

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