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domingo, 19 de mayo de 2019

Sananda La profecía de Yeshua: la oscuridad física y espiritual que se avecina sobre tu tierra nunca antes se había experimentado antes 19 de mayo de 2019

La profecía de Yeshua: la oscuridad física y espiritual que se avecina sobre tu tierra nunca antes se había experimentado antes
19 de mayo de 2019

Yeshua Prophecy: Physical And Spiritual Darkness Coming Upon Your Earth Has Never Even Been Experienced Before
IMPORTANT!! Yeshua Prophecy On Coming Darkness!! From 278pikelk Many still concern themselves with their day-to-day lives and pay zero attention to their very Creator.TRANSCRIPT: You see clearly now the divide upon your earth: black vs white, good vs evil, Satan and his minions against My warriors. It may look bleak; if you are paying attention, very bleak. This is how it must be now, My Loves, for this darkness is a prerequisite to your future in My glory. This darkness is necessary, My Loves, to awaken My own that are still remaining asleep. Many still concern themselves with their day-to-day lives and pay zero attention to their very Creator. For some it will take until they are moments away from their death to seek Me. Many more will begin to seek Me in the coming times of darkness. The physical and spiritual darkness that will be coming upon your Earth have never even been experienced before. Never in the Earth’s history has there been this level of darkness. So many worship the evil one, and many without even knowing that they are doing so. My Creation will soon be forced to choose whom they will serve. Not one will remain untouched by the things that are coming. The earthly hopes and dreams of those that are yet to know Me will soon be dashed for the only thing consuming them will be simple survival. The lusts and luxuries of many that many have become accustomed and reliant on will be no longer. All that is relied upon for existence will become basically non-existent [food, water, transportation, medical care, civil protections…]. My Children, no human words are able to express the heartbreak of your Creator. My love for My Creation is beyond your comprehension. I have now allowed your allotted time to pass. Those who do not choose to receive Me into their hearts will serve their sentence, and in this I find no joy, and for these, there is no recompense. My sheep hear My voice, and I know My sheep. There will be many whom you would least expect sharing in My eternity, but there are others that have presented themselves as they were Mine on your earth, who are destined for darkness. Leave the sorting of My flock to Me, My Children. To come against My Anointed is intolerable. When you hear the words of this and other messengers, did they seem unbelievable to you? If the time that is coming is like nothing in the past, will these words not sound remarkable? Be patient, My Children, for I have many things planned that will take place on your Earth before I gather you unto Myself. These things must take place for My outcome to be achieved. No one person has complete understanding of what is coming. Many believe that they will be shortly raptured away, never looking back. If this were to occur, wouldn’t many be left defenseless and in total darkness? Would your Creator leave so many to believe in and become engulfed in the lies of the enemy? No, My Children. I will leave some of My own on the earth during this time. They will be sent forth, going forward in one voice, proclaiming the truth and vision of My Kingdom. They will enlighten the hearts and minds of many to My love for them and My plan of salvation, and the veil will be lifted from the eyes of many, for they will see that they have been believing the lie being placed before them in this physical realm. They will begin to experience My spiritual as My great power will begin to shine through these chosen warriors [first fruits]. 
Algunos miembros de Mi ejército de los últimos tiempos ya han sido informados de su llamamiento, mientras que otros aún permanecen en la oscuridad [¿Lo sabrán pronto? ¿Por qué, Señor, algunos no son conscientes?]. Muchos en las filas de Mi ejército de los últimos tiempos están experimentando un ataque implacable por parte del enemigo, y su deseo de reunirse con su Creador los consume. Estos se están preparando para lo que está por venir, están sufriendo preparativos, alistándolos para realizar los actos que voy a presentar ante ellos. Estos llevarán Mi espiritual a lo que actualmente es físico. Estos deberán ser plenamente conscientes de la mentalidad de aquellos que desean proteger, sanar y, en última instancia, llevar a Mi Reino. Mis guerreros albergarán cero juicio para sus semejantes dentro. Mirarán a los perdidos con 100% de misericordia, solo queriendo que estos reciban Mi misericordia y Mi salvación. Las mentes de Mis cosechadores serán borradas. Su razonamiento humano no los guiará más. Ningún juicio parcial quedará dentro de ellos. Mirarán a los perdidos a través de Mis ojos y los sentirán con Mi corazón. Serán conductos de Mi misericordia, completamente libres de condenación, completamente libres de juicio. Estos guerreros cosechadores Míos se desbordarán con Mi Amor. Harán milagro tras milagro, sanarán a muchos, echarán fuera demonios y abrirán muchos ojos y muchos corazones para Mí. Si es posible ablandar un corazón, lo será. Mantén tus ojos y oídos abiertos, Mis amores, no te alejes de Mi camino. Verás luz creciente en tu Tierra, pero la oscuridad creciente será palpable. Aferrate a mi ahora y no tengas miedo. Te amo mis hijos Yeshua Ha’mashiach

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