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sábado, 9 de mayo de 2015

Message from Ashtar

Ashtar: "Celebrate that the LoveLight Keeps Shining Brighter!"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - April 28, 2015

"Greetings, Beloved Family!  We are so Joy-full to be here!  There are Holy Days afoot, shall we say, to be in celebration of, and I am most particularly referring to the Festival of Lights, the Wesak.  We shall have with us my Beloved Brother, whom you know as The Buddha.  And, indeed, all are my brothers and all are beloved to me.  And all are my sisters and all are EQUALLY BELOVED TO ME!  And I make that point because there are undercurrents and outright demonstrations throughout the World where there are attitudes that are not in harmony with this.

"And I wish to assure you that there are many topics which have been politicized and used to polarize.  And these kinds of situations, events, attitudes, programs, etc., etc., are on their way out!  We have entered into an entirely new time.  And so it is that these Holy Days upcoming - and I say Holy Days simply to distinguish them from other days upon your calendar - but the reality of it is there is no time and every day is Holy.  Keep that one for sure in mind, because as we proceed together through that which you call 'the days to come,' I want to assure you that the Light is shining brighter and brighter and brighter as we proceed!!!

"Now this is for several reasons, not the least of which is that you are amplifying the Light more and more and more within your own beings as you come into a more peaceful mode within your beings, when you are feeling that High vibrational Love. And that is excluding the very low programs of fear!

"Fear, and all that comes from fear - anger, and so on and so on and ultimately war - are illusions.  They are dramas within the drama of the lower levels of the third dimension which have been very necessary only, I shall say, only necessary in the sense that they have provided experiences out of which Humankind has had the opportunity to derive the great Wisdoms of the Universe.That is the only reason for lowering the veil, lowering your own vibrations and living lifetime after lifetime in the 'grip' of the small number of controllers who have generated all of these fear programs.

"If you want to go one step further, you can say we are grateful for the opportunities that have been provided to learn from all of this.  And it is so Joy-full to feel the Higher Dimensional atmospheres that Humankind is rising into! It is so Joy-full to observe the commitment that so many have, because they’ve opened their Hearts, they’ve let the Light in and they know that that is The Way and The Truth!!!

"And what is this Light, anyway?  Yes, it is powerful!  Yes, it is coming to you through your sun called Sol.  It is coming to Sol from the Great Central Sun; it is coming through the Great Central Sun from Mother/Father God.  And what is this Light?It is LOVE!!  And it is the most powerful energy in the Universe and Love is prevailing!!!

"So celebrate the Holy Days and then go one step further and celebrate every day as Holy.  And then, go right up to the top where you belong and celebrate yourselves as Holy, because you are!  You are Sacred and Divine Beings coming into these bodies and I know - we know - that there has been suffering a-plenty during this particular lifetime of yours, and there has been a lot of pain and suffering in other lifetimes that you’ve lived as well.And all of this adds up to the fact that you are well experienced and you know what it is that is your Hearts' desire.  And that is, of course, LOVE!!!

"It is a four-letter word.  It is very simple to say and to comprehend on Earth-based levels, but when you look at what it really is, when you move up into the Higher Levels, it is almost beyond description!  It is comprehensive.  It is unifying - not polarizing.  It is all-embracing, Human and all Kingdoms. 

"I have in the Ashtar Command, many, many, many trillions of ships and representatives from all over the Galaxy and the Universe beyond.  I am perfectly capable of being recognized as having a Human form.This is the form that has been, shall we say, received by those who have drawn pictures of me.  The Truth of it is I am a Light body and I can take whatever shape or form I so choose!  And were I to emulate some of my most trusted commanders within this Ashtar Command - and when I say trusted, it has a different meaning - I trust everyone!  We have only Love for each other.  When I say 'trusted,' and I am talking about those who are most often with me on the bridge of my ship, The New Jerusalem- they are EN-trusted with keeping my ship running smoothly.

"At any rate, they are way different-looking than Humans, but I love them all and I feel their Love for me!  And it is so interesting that there is still, upon Planet Earth - there is still so much tension between Humans who look so much alike compared to, as I say, those on the bridge of my ship!!!  So, what difference does it make if there is some variations of skin colors?  I find this quite attractive - or hair color, or abundance of hair, or lack of it.  It’s the Heart that shines forth the Light of Love!  That is where the Beauty is!  That’s also where the Wisdom is.

"As I have mentioned a time or two, we are entering a whole new era, a new age, if you wish.  We call it 'The Golden Age.'  Does that not sound rather de-Light-full?!!!  And it is!  It is more and more and more of this Lighted Love coming andinfusingevery living being upon Planet Earth until there is absolutely no more polarity, no more fear - no more dramatic programs that express all different kinds of fear.  Instead, there is only fear’s opposite, because fear is gone!  It is no more!  What remains is Love, shining bright INeach and every living being andTOeach and every living being!!!

"And I tell you then, from where I sit on the bridge of my ship, your Planet will have a glow that is golden white.  The Light is so bright when this occurs anywhere in the Universe - it is simply the transformation; it is the firing up of the grid which empowers all that is taking place!

"And so it is that I am telling you that you have plenty of company along the journey, and plenty of energetic support.  And it is time for you to cast out whatever there is that remains of these 3D dramas, and focus upon Who You Really Are!  You are Sacred, Divine Beings - no less so, no more so, than I, Ashtar, or Sananda, or The Buddha.  We are ALL made from the same Light of Love.And we all shine!!!And when we join together to shine it forth, we can accomplish whatever there is that is seen to be required, in order to light up the entirety of Planet Earth, below, on and above – everywhere, every location, most particularly every location within every living being.It is to amplify the Light that is already there!!!

"And so we look at Wesak as an opportunity to do this.  It is the Festival of Light, after all.  The Lights really get turned on in the Wesak Valley!  There are many, many who are journeying there even now, in order to be there for the Grand Celebration.*  And there is an air of expectancy because it is known; it is seen, it is perceived that the same great Light of Love, which is already shining bright in the Wesak Valley, is going to shine over all of Planet Earth even more, even more!!!
"And so join us in celebration, Beloved Ones.  Let us together bring even more of this LoveLight shining forth unto the World!Let us lift up those who seem to be deep into the lower levels of despair and depression and discouragement.  I call it being 'down in the dumpies.'  And indeed those who are experiencing those kinds of programs do feel as though everything has been dumped right upon their heads. And it is difficult for them to rejoice and to celebrate, even to see or feel the Light when this is the case.

"And we are mindful that there are those who are genuinely in pain, hurt, injured, grieving, in mourning, all over the World.  Not the least of those is the thousands of ones in Nepal and its neighboring countries.  But we want you to know that those who are not still in their bodies have made a transition to the Light where they are, even now, being welcomed and celebrated for their seeming sacrifices.  And I say 'seeming' because they are looking upon it now as a transition.  They simply left ahead of the Ascension.And there were those among them who actually lifted up and ascended!  They did not leave their bodies.  Now this may be a bit difficult to understand, but it is possible for individuals or even small groups to do so when the circumstances such as a major earthquake or a volcanic eruption occur.  Why? Because they were ready to ascend, so in every day terms they simply moved up their timelines a wee bit!

"The majority of those who left their bodies did so as a result of their bodies being so grievously injured that they were unable to sustain life on that level in 3D density.  BUT THEY DID NOT 'DIE!' These Beloved Ones are, as I have told you, even now in the Light, even now being welcomed Home to the Love, to the Light and they know that they are Eternal, Divine and Sacred Beings!!!

"Oh, some of them will take a while because they were traumatized, and I’m not going to tell you that it is all happy.  A sudden, violent death is always traumatic, but I will assure you that they do know that they are loved and that there is so much Love for them that Love will heal whatever traumas they may have experienced.  And meanwhile, they will be having an opportunity to observe and assimilate the Wisdom that they have experienced during this lifetime and others.

"And what of the World?  Well, the world is focusing on many aspects of this, and other kinds of events, of an extremely cataclysmic and disruptive nature.  And I will say 'Nature,' and it is that sometimes these things just need to take place.  No one said it was going to be easy to walk the Path of Ascension, to become the Light of Love realized in your own bodies - fully aglow, fully activated - but it is for you to rejoice and celebrate to have come this far.  And it is for you to celebrate and be assured that you are on the Path of Ascension and that you have only more and more Light ahead of you on your Path.And this is cause for celebration, is it not?!!!

"Now there will be dark events and dark hat beings paraded through your news media.  Well, you are already aware of the goings-on.  And so it is that we simply suggest that we join together and send them the Light of Love.  And thank them for their demonstrations, which have provided so much Wisdom about where to go and what to do and how to resolve and heal all of the damages which have resulted from their programs - without any malice, without any thoughts about getting even or getting revenge!

"I realize this is not always easy.  But it is to forgive.  When you forgive, you bring that Light - that Golden White Light of the Office of the Christ, the Light of Love, the Light of Mother/Father God, the Light from which you are made -bring that Light not only to everyone involved, but you bring that Light to yourselves, the observers, even more!  And it is from that Light that you generate Peace!!!  It is that we call it, the Peace that Passeth All Understanding.  It is that Peace which can only be borne of Love -not fear, not war, not getting the better of anyone.  It is true and genuine Peace that comes from Love!!!

"And that, Beloved Ones, is a promise that you made to yourselves long ago and far away, that you would enter into this Golden Age and that you would en-Joy the Peace that it brings. So to further that Peace, it is simply to shine the Light.  Shine your Lights out from wherever you are!Join together and KNOW that the Golden Age is right in front of you!!!  Let’s celebrate!And so it is!  Salut!"
*  See Tara and Rama's Report:
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, April 28, 2015. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2015. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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