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sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014

Heaven Letters

Pardon Your Past

God said:
You must must must excuse yourself from wrong-doings of the past and from things you didn’t do then that now you wish you had. How you may wish you had. It’s too late now. You absolutely must let bygones be bygones. You must must must get yourself out from under.

There is no one on Earth who has done everything the way he wishes now that he would have. And, oh, yes, the pain of what you could have done and simply weren’t quick enough to do -- too inhibited, too unaware, too unable at the moment to put it together with flying colors.

All these matters that haunt you, you have to let them go. You have to let yourself off the hook. You weigh yourself down with these self-accusations, again and again. Say you’re sorry to the person if the person is alive. And if you regret so deeply something you didn’t do the way you wish you had concerning someone whose body has left, say you’re sorry now and stop making your heart ache over your unremitting guilt.

And if you don’t know where the person is now, or whether he or she is on Earth or in Heaven, say you’re sorry as well. Say how sorry you are you did or didn’t do whatever it was. You have to do this. You have to let yourself go from regrets and from egregious pain of guilt. Guilt is no more than lashing yourself. You have lashed yourself a hundred times harking back to the past. If you held onto to someone else in this fashion, it would be called resentment. No longer resent yourself for once being less aware than you are now.

Do you lash yourself again and again because you didn’t know how to spell a word? Maybe if you lost a spelling bee on account of that misspelling, you would. I entreat you to let go of anything that causes you a morsel of pain. Live today and pass by yesterday and all the days and years before.

For rue, regret, sorrow, anxiety, and guilt, substitute gratitude. Be grateful that you know better now. Be grateful that you once saw differently and now see better. Be grateful. Be grateful that you can toss these harbored feelings to the wind and move forward without a black mark on you.

Beloveds, there is no one who would not let you pass by all that has caused you this turmoil that grinds in you. No one whom you ever hurt or neglected would want you to be bound so to the past. So then you must free those whom you offended, whether by your thoughtlessness or deliberation. Let it go. Let your aching thoughts go.

All the things you have said or not said, let them go.

All the feelings you have had or not had, give them up.

The theme for today is letting go. Let go. Regret and guilt hold you back. And if today there is something new that you rue and regret, say you’re sorry now. To say you’re sorry when you are sorry is a great relief. In any case, now, today, you have to close the chapter.

There are too many opened books in your mind. It is like you have become an accountant of debits. Forget the debits and remember the assets. When you keep trespasses of your own or anyone’s to yourself, that is something to regret. Do it no more.

True, you cannot go back and remedy your part in whatever it was, yet today gives you an opportunity to go higher. Feel good about today. Today be more thoughtful to someone else. Pardon yourself from even the past of yesterday. Be not your own parole officer or executioner. Write yourself your own parole if that helps. Beloveds, set yourselves free from the past. Pardon your past. This is My Will.

viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014

Message from The Galactic Family – SaLuSa

SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey: May 30, 2014

salusaSaLuSa, as channeled by Mike Quinsey, May 30, 2014 – http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com
We observe what you call the “hotspots” of negative energy brought about by the confrontation of groups that have different aims in life. Some choose to impose them on others with the result that clashes take place that often lead to a serious outcome.
These are yet further lessons for all concerned, until they realise that differences must be settled through peaceful negotiations and are the only way forward. Man has almost always sought to settle differences through the use of threats or violence to gain his own way. The message that peaceful negotiations are the only way to achieve a peaceful settlement is just beginning to be accepted, and the people are leading the way.
Sooner rather than later your leaders will realise that there is only the one way forward to permanent peace. With it will come great changes that will move you out of the lower vibrations into a peaceful era.
Our presence helps to ensure that matters do not fall back into the old patterns of confrontation, as we are preventing the dark Ones from progressing from their present position. We have been given the authority to intervene where it is necessary to maintain the progress towards full peace, and a total end to warlike confrontations. So be assured that regardless of any outward appearance steady progress is being made towards the goals that have been set.
In the greater picture, we are constantly monitoring your weather and its effect upon you, but certain necessary changes must be allowed to go ahead as part of the moves that will take you into the New Age. The groundwork is going ahead in respect of a number of different projects, and at a desirable speed, and many new ideas are waiting to be revealed. Quite a number of them are already known to you and it is simply a matter of waiting until the right time to introduce them.
In one way or another you will eventually be able to change your way of living to eliminate many aspects that are costly and time consuming. Free energy would clearly represent a major change and one that would be very welcome. It is already known in a number of ways that can help every family, and it is eventually going to supply all of your needs regardless of the numbers involved.
There are also many changes to come where your medical profession is concerned, as by moving into the higher energies you will no longer be subject to the “cut and cure” approach. Indeed, it will become unnecessary as the body vibrations will eventually rise to a point when no disease will be able to assail your body. Meantime, you will gradually refine the ways treatment is given and reduce the need to use the knife. Diseases of many kinds are rampant upon Earth, but these also will gradually disappear due to the increase in vibrations. So you can see that your future is bright and that all undesirable aspects of life will disappear.
We know that some of you wonder why it has taken so long to reach this point in time, and it is down to each Age having passed without sufficient progress having been made. However, you have now succeeded in reaching a sufficiently high vibration to leave the old ones behind, and soon you will start to experience the benefits that come with it. There is so much changing even now that you are unaware of, although certain people follow the changes as part of their work. Your problem is that so much is still kept secret and, additionally, there are those who oppose progress and seek to “muddy the waters”.
As individuals, you can help others through what is for many a difficult period by assuring them that all will take a turn for the better very soon. That what they experience going on around them is only the outer activity of magnificent changes that will permanently change things for the better. The old ways are no longer suited to the time you are in and, as such, will simply fade away.
Some people will be frightened by what they see, but if you have the opportunity to speak with them, simply explain that it is a necessary cleansing so that the New Age can really get under way. Once the Cabal lose their power and influence to shape your future, the truth will come out and remarkable and welcome changes will go ahead. Be assured that we have all the means at our disposal to go speeding ahead once it is safe to do so.
Unfortunately, the mainstream Press is still under the influence of the Cabal. But it is an area that we are working on to remove those that “pull the strings”. The Press is not yet free to print what it chooses, but when those that presently control are out of the way, revelation after revelation will open your eyes to how you have been deliberately mislead and held back for millennia of years. Try to read between the lines when news stories break, as sometimes they are contrived or totally false. The real news is held back, but in time that will no longer be possible, as many sources will begin to open up to the truth.
You are coming out of an Age where the dark ones were allowed to have free rein, by which they presented the most difficult challenges to the Light. Although the outcome was not known because freewill was given, it was considered that the Light would end up victorious. That victory took place very recently and that is why we can confidently state that you are in an unassailable position. It is simple a matter of accepting the facts that the Light has emerged victorious and will carry you into the first major changes, and also onto the new levels of vibration which you know as the 4th Dimension.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can assure you that all proceeds well, and in the near future you will you will understand and see the path to the higher dimension opening up. Help your fellow travellers to see the Light in action and know that their future lies with it, and that the dark Ones are in decline and will not be allowed to interfere with progress. Their day has almost passed and soon there will be revelations that will confirm their demise.
It was always planned that the Light would be victorious at the end of the Age, and all Lightworkers along with souls of love and caring would lead the Human Race to the “promised land.” Let Love and Light be your guide and protection.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey

Heaven Letters

Where Are We?

God said:
Consider the world nothing but love stirring. I tell you that I love you with all My heart. You make Me happy. You make Me smile. You make Me laugh. I enjoy you, and never do I leave you.
I am with you before, after, and between time on Earth. You are the embrace in My heart that never ends. You are the embrace and the call of My heart. Our hearts resound. Our hearts sing and dance. I lift you up to the Highest Heavens, and you are light in My arms. I know no weight. I know only light and lightness. You are beyond the threshold of My heart. You are over the door-sill. You are My companion for all-time.
You are My delight. There is room always for My delight. You are One Child I carry as if cradled in My heart. I carry you everywhere, and I swing along with you. How We love. We know naught else. There is no effort to our love, no weight to it. We bounce along in love. We come across more love on the way, and We add more love as We strew more love along the way.
Our love is like seeds We strew, leaving nothing but love in the wake. There is nothing but love to leave and nothing but love to see ahead. There is nothing but love on the loose. Love looks for where love can be planted and grow, and this is all-around everywhere.
We draw a picture of love, as if starting with a dot and then swirling and swirling into an ever-widening circle. There is no end to it. Love reaches itself and is enchanted. Love leaves no place for anything else.
The whole world is rising in love. Soon there will nothing to see but love, evidence of love, and I am Love, and you are love, and all there is is love running around, bumping into love and more love, love bursting, spilling, eddying, sweeping everything within sight.
Hail to love, the whole content and purpose of the Universe, the holding and beholding of the Universe, love free for all.
Where does love come from? Everywhere. Where does love go? Everywhere. What is love? Everything. When did love begin? Love never was not. Where is my love, you may ask. You have never been without it. In the darkest moments, love was. You grabbed onto distractions along the way. Go further now. Go deeper now.
You have always been found. You were never alone. I AM with you, surrounding you, claiming you, and you are surrounded and claimed with love, crowned with love in every direction and directionless at the same time.
Love sits on the hearth and in every heart. Love knows no bounds. Love can be overlooked, yet never not unheralded. I bid you love. I bid you a good day. I bid you light. I give you a map that leads simply and clearly to the center of you who art My love. If I say you are My love, you can be sure of it.
My love is not a string I dangle. My love is forthright and strong, and you are My love wherever you may find yourself to be. There is only one place for you to be, and that is in My heart. You are My heart of hearts. We are One Heart together. We are all the love in the world wrapped up in One.
What did you get for Christmas? Why, you got Me. I am a long-lasting gift. I give you Myself, and We walk into Infinity where We belong and always have been. We hold hands. We hop and skip into Eternity holding hands. What else is there to do? Where else can We be but together in Eternity?

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

Message from The Galactic Family – Ashtar

Extraterrestrials Have Been Visiting Earth A Very Long Time a Message from Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 28, 2014

Captain Ashtar
Extraterrestrials Have Been Visiting Earth A Very Long Time
a Message from Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 28, 2014
Greetings! This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin. I would like to begin you off today with an Activation you can use which will help you with Activating Your Star DNA, Crystalline Instrument, Connecting Source Energy with Your Heart and increase your ability To Express Love through Your Instrument with the Instruction Packets downloading to Your Heart as the Next Steps to Take in your Individual and Planetary Mission.
Source Activation:
There is nothing that will unite you to Oneness, in an Attunement with Humanity, the creatures, with their struggles and problems then the heartfelt willingness to be of assistance where, when and as the need arises. This is accomplished through mindfulness. Read this Source Activation daily before your meditations and ask Your Guides to show you the way that day.
MindfulnessMindfulness is emotional controlMindfulness is coolness and clarity of thoughtMindfulness exists in overcoming emotional stormsBy defusing them, rather than indulging them….It is not being swept away By fantasy and emotional distortionsWhich are creations of faulty mental conditioning.Mindfulness is being aware and consciousMindfulness is concentration on the business of the moment.Mindfulness is the dedication of All one’s thoughts, speech and actionTo the Infinite.
Helios Solar System
Extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth a very long time. This is greatly misunderstood. The human condition lends itself to gradually waking up only to fall into residual programming as if being pulled by a tractor beam from above. This means integrating a tiny part of new truth into your hard drive while losing site of the much larger truth. Humans go through this process incessantly and the whole time they are closing themselves off from a full connection with Source. This arises from fear. It is the fear of knowing Source and being afraid that the knowing will leave and not come back.
The Truth Embargo bases everything in fear. Look at the word UFO. Unidentified Flying Object. Every time a person encounters any new information regarding Extraterrestrials they are reprogrammed again that we don’t know what these aerial vehicles are. We do know what they are and who is commanding them.
Earth is a hollow Planet existing within a Galactic Citizenship inside the Milky Way Galaxy. All Planets are hollow including the Sun, Sol. The Sun is a hollow Planet and Jupiter has become more like a Sun. Mars has an entire Civilization with skyscrapers and hanging gardens floating inside the interior of the Planet. There is a sun inside Earth which glows blue. The aurora borealis is a reflection of the inner sunlight. UFOs can be seen flying in and out of the Poles on the Sun to its Inner Civilization at the Corona. MotherShips larger than Earth travel in and out of the Sun this way. NASA has imaged the inner suns at Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune. Conditioning as a prerequisite of the Truth Embargo has held Humanity to infantile notions. The programming which says the Helios Solar System only has eight or nine Planets is unforgivable. That is like saying Earth is the only Planet with intelligent life. A Planet with mass starvation, worldwide war and nuclear energy as a weapon is the ONLY intelligent life? I certainly hope not. Yet very intelligent people will not look past the conspiracy portion of the UFO story to see what true reality exists.
Extraterrestrials travel by the speed of magnetic light within a Zero Point atmosphere. A portion or faction within Humanity has had that technology in their hands for decades. The United States government, the President, the U.S. Military, the U.S. Intelligence Agencies and Private Contractors as well as their counter parts in many Countries have this knowledge. They all are motivated by greed to never tell the public that they fully well know who Admiral Sananda, Captain Ashtar and the trillions of Ships in the Galactic Federation are. They program the everyday man with notions about discovering new Planets which may support life, delivering fresh fruit to the ISS so their Astronauts won’t get rickets and locating yet another puddle of water on the surface of Mars. Indeed this faction has a fleet of International Space Stations which also travel by the speed of magnetic light, go into deep space, land and explore Planets like Ceres and Vesta and bring back payloads to these few who wish to control the many.
The Earth has an electromagnetic crystalline energy grid which holds it to the new timeline and holds the orbit in relation to all the other Planets in the Helios Solar System. This Energy Grid is in process of connecting to Earth’s StarGates, Pyramids, Ziggurats, ZeroPoint Modules (ZPMs) Obelisks and Giant Crystals buried deep inside caves and under the Great Pyramid. There are a handful of High Beings who live on Earth in Human form and also work for the Galactic Federation traveling on and off Planet as needed. These Galactic Humans also travel to Inner Earth to visit the inhabitants there. These are the ancestors of Lemurians, Atlanteans and Hyperborians who long ago went to Inner Earth to take up residence. The Beings go to Inner Earth for festival days and to partake in sacred rituals designed to assist the health of Mother Earth. These Beings are very concerned about how a nuclear war would effect all the inhabitants of Earth. They join with the Galactic Humans of surface Earth to collaborate on keeping Earth safe. Galactic Federation Members live at Inner Earth and others visit Inner Earth often.
In Lhasa, Tibet there are entry points to Inner Earth. The Dalai Lama was removed from his Temple and Home there to try to prevent him from his Mission to guard the portal there. The Buddhists Lamas continue to travel to Inner Earth on a regular basis. They are commissioned with the role of sitting on Councils at Inner Earth to keep open the communication and information exchange between the Surface Dwellers and Inner Earth Inhabitants. Those at Inner Earth have kept a strict policy of restricting access to their Civilization. This has been to protect Earth from nuclear destruction. This is the reason for the genocide in Tibet. The Dalai Lama has always continued to travel by alternative means and they have not been successful in keeping him from traveling at will. He goes to Lhasa several times a year without being detected in cloaked craft commanded by the Galactic Federation. The Galactic Federation Ships help in many different ways without violating the Prime Directive. Mother Sekhmet has said no one will interfere with the Grand Experiment on Earth except in times of Nuclear War or Mass Psychological Attack. When Lhasa was stolen forcibly from the Buddhist Priests then that made it possible for them to receive all the supernatural help needed to continue their role at Inner Earth. Mother Earth requires these relationships continue. Many of the Buddhist Temples are built inside caves with large statues of Buddha inside the caves guarding entries into Inner Earth.
Zero Point
There was a recent period on Earth when some negative Extraterrestrials gained access with the help of the Nazi, Russian and United States governments. These governments made treaties and agreements with a negative faction of Extraterrestrials called the Greys. They Greys abducted millions of Earth Citizens and took them to their Ships for biological experiments. They also mutilated live stock to remove DNA samples for their own use. The genetic experiments were only a part of the havoc they reeked. They also set up labs inside mountains and Inner Earth tunnels where they shared their scientific knowledge with dark Cabal scientists and had collaborative experiments on humans and animals. They science they seek were an abomination to nature and violated the Prime Directive. It goes against Universal Law to mix DNA between species. They will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. These practices were ended in 2010. Battles have been waging around Earth as these groups have continued to try to gain access to Earth’s StarGates again. This too is coming to completion. There are trillions of Ships traveling to and from Earth with the Galactic Federation every day. Mother Ships, Scout Craft and Shuttle Craft, Cloud Ships, Wing Maker Ships and many others all have specific roles and duties guarding Earth. They help with surveillance, ecological concerns, communication, healing technologies and many others.
There is much discussion about global warming and the melting of the ice caps at the Poles. Truth of the matter is that the polar ice caps are being slowly heated by 3000 mile wide WingMaker Craft. There are three WingMaker Craft over each Pole and three over the Equator and their specialty is working with ecological concerns. These Ships have the advanced technology in place to mitigate all of the negative effects of the gases released and ice melting into the water of the Seas. They are under my Command and ordered to use their technology to remove all the ice from both Poles. Originally the ice caps were put in place to make the ends of the Globe impassable. This is how we hide the comings and goings of Star Craft in and out of the Poles on a daily basis. No one is there to see it take place. Now that Earth is going back to Zero Point we will open the entry ways to Inner Earth for a free flow of air traffic for any who desire visiting. Eventually Earth will be a 100% temperate zone of around 70 degrees F. There is not one article in the media telling the truth about Global Warming. This is a huge part of the Truth Embargo.
No Dates. No Nukes. No Flukes. How many times have you heard me say that? This may be the biggest fear experienced by Inner Earth inhabitants. At the end of the Tetra Yuga 10,000 years ago, the Great Beings of Surface Earth left to go back to Inner Earth for a rest. The Buddhists have continued this knowledge and know that enlightened Beings are invited to Shambhalla at Inner Earth. Inner Earth is Nirvana. This is the privilege which is conveyed when one becomes an Ascended Master. The uninitiated are not invited. Rogue dark Cabal agents have told stories saying folks will go on Mother Ships to visit Inner Earth. Nothing is farther from the Truth. After Ascension the individual earns the right to visit this advanced Civilization and not before. In the Hindu Epic the Ramayana, Rama’s wife Sita is described as being “swallowed by the Earth.” Artwork depicts Sita going down into the soil and “returning to her Mother [Earth]“. This is describing how Sita returned to Inner Earth, Buddhists Nirvana. She went there to live at the end of that Era.
Galactic Federation Ships
Secret Society
During the Great War at Orion which is depicted in the Hindu Epic the Mahabharata, there was a nuclear explosion on Maldek and it turned the Planet which used to exist between Mars and Jupiter into little rocks. Some of the rocks are not so little. They formed small Planets like Ceres and Vesta. This nuclear explosion was so forceful it blew the surface off Mars. This is when Earth experienced the Flood. The Mars waters were pulled into Earth’s atmosphere and landed in our Seas. Before the Nuclear explosion in Maldek Earth’s surface was 66% water and after the Flood which lasted a year of Earth time it was 75% covered in water.
At the same time this happened a part of the dark Cabal on Earth also were warring. They sent a nuclear weapon into Inner Earth and aimed it at the Inner sun. Mother Earth reacted to this and sent that heavy energy into the Great Crystal located in the Atlantic Ocean between Bermuda and the Canary Islands. She did this to protect herself from complete destruction as She is a sentient Being. This resulted in the Great Crystal breaking into three pieces and they are still sitting on the Sea floor today. The Galactic Federation Ships cannot land on Earth to bring our technologies until Earth is a Planet of Peace. NESARA Law holds the provisions to do just this. Earth will return to Zero Point and no weapons can function within that vibration. Earth will instantly become a Planet of Peace as soon as the network of Zero Point technologies go to 100% function. Nuclear scientist MT Keshe has this role on Earth under my command.
Since Earth was created those from off Planet (Extra-Terrestrials) have visited Her. Currently there are fully functioning Galactic Federation Extraterrestrial Bases on Earth. ET lives under the Sea, inside Lakes, in Mountain portals and travel to Inner Earth through wormholes in the oceans and through the Poles. The programming of the dark Cabal of an ‘us vs. them’ mentality is the modis operandi of the Truth Embargo.
It is time now to join together as Galactic Citizens and do every thing within your power to bring these changes to Earth. The most important thing you can do is to pressure the Main Stream Media (MSM) to report on this issue. They are the greatest help to raising consciousness and spreading the Truth. Also the President, government and military witnesses need your support and forgiveness and compassion. Assist them in any way needed to bring the Truth through the channels of Congress. This will facilitate Full Galactic Disclosure. This is Key. MAKE IT YOUR MISSION! Salut. This is Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, May 28, 2014 © All Rights Reserved. http://CosmicAscensionGuide.orghttp://CosmicAscension.orghttp://ElizabethTrutwin.org,http://GalacticRoundTable.orghttp://AshtarandtheGalacticFederation.comhttp://Garuda.co,http://NESARA.co An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at eltrutwin@gmail.com It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit http://ElizabethTrutwin.org/SanandaKumara
Sananda and Ashtar have asked me to offer Readings for folks with half hour and fifteen minute bookings so we may facilitate as many Readings possible for those who want them before the end of the year. If you are interested I require a booking. The three possibilities for Sananda are an hour booking for $101, a half hour booking for $51 and 15 minutes for $33. And with Ashtar an hour booking for $101, a half hour booking for $51 and 15 minutes for $33. This is an amazing opportunity to have a personal reading and ask Sananda or Ashtar any question you like. Each person has different requirements and the shorter readings are for those looking for clarity on deep topics with only a very short list of questions. The longer readings give clarity in all areas of life and facilitate deep growth for those receiving these Blessings. Please email me if you need more information. eltrutwin@gmail.com All International readings are done on Skype.com Please let me know your day and time preference. My Skype ID is Organic.Cosmos and I am in the Chicago Time Zone. When you write please let me know the time difference which you may look up here with this World Clock.
For more information on the StarGates, Ashtar and the Galactic Federation, the Sacred Galactic Scriptures or my latest Book The Rainbow Bridge : Awaken the Guru Within please seeAmazon. Thank you for your ongoing support of my work. Donate. I hope it helps many. Please share widely. Thank you for all you do.

Intergalactic ConfederationProtective Forces

Message from Heaven – Saul

The all inclusive and integrated oneness of God and all that He creates is becoming impossible for humanity to remain unaware of. Modern physics has made it abundantly clear that everything is connected to everything else! There is no separation; separation is an illusion that you have believed in and which has brought you much pain, but it is unreal. Because you believed in it you were fearful and felt the need to protect yourselves against others by building defenses – sarcasm, wit, humor, dismissal, judgment, and attack. Protection, defense, and attack are all reactions to your fear, the state that your apparent separation encourages you to believe in, but to engage with them is to inflict pain on yourself!
Everything you think, say, or do affects the whole of creation even though this is not apparent to you while you remain in your state of very limited consciousness. However, Reality, Heaven, Oneness with your Source can never be damaged or even offended because It is the supreme sovereign state of infinite Love, complete in and of Itself, containing and embracing all, and in opposition to nothing because there is nothing apart from It.
Any unloving – i.e. insane – activities in which you engage with in the illusion have severe and painful effects that can be extensive, but they are illusory like the environment in which they take place. Therefore if you choose to defend yourself or attack another the effects of those thoughts, words, or actions reverberate widely and painfully throughout your environment, increasing the sense of fear and insecurity that drives you into action in the first place.
The way out of this exhausting and repetitious cycle is to let go of all your defenses, and engage in every situation with love, your true and eternal nature. Nothing else works, which is why world peace has still to be established. However, because more and more of you are opening to the Love that is safely, eternally, and ineradicably established within each of you, and because you are choosing to respond lovingly instead of defensively whatever the situation you may be facing, the world is moving inexorably towards lasting peace. Deep within yourselves you do know this, so rejoice that the divine plan is unfolding as promised.
Signs of its unfoldment are to be seen all over the world as people refuse to be cowed any longer by the illegal, illegitimate, and in fact criminal suppression of their human rights that your so-called elected representatives in positions of authority have been imposing on you through the illicit laws that they have put on the statute books. Equally criminal is the use of civil or military “security” forces to make sure that these laws are obeyed. The immoral foundation on which the self-serving and illegitimate authoritarian positions that your elected representatives continue to cling to as upholders of “just” laws is collapsing beneath them, as their deceit and corruption continues to be unveiled by courageous whistle-blowers everywhere.
Refreshing changes are occurring all across the world despite the efforts of those in power – who “claim” to be working for your good and the good of humanity – to prevent them. So, celebrate! The old crushing and authoritarian regimes are effectively on their knees, as the extent of their self-serving and corrupt agendas becomes common knowledge, and as those who used to support them in their criminal and deceitful endeavors withdraw that essential support. Without cooperation and support no human endeavors can succeed. While accepting their apologies for the “sins” that they have committed, and to which they have admitted – for God is infinitely loving and forgiving, and so must you be, being inseparable parts of Him – do not re-elect them!
Personal self-aggrandizement and self-protection are the egoic natures to which they are clinging in desperation, because to face the truth of their self-centered ego-driven agendas, as so clearly demonstrated by their actions and intentions, is far too painful for them to even think of just yet. Their nature is Love, because all of creation is created from Love, and to acknowledge their shameful errors would bring them painfully face to face with their unconscionable and utterly unacceptable behaviors.
As a direct result of the whistle-blowers revelations they claim that they have, as a consequence of these incredible insights, mended their ways, and can now therefore be trusted to use their skills and abilities to work for you and with you – which is why you elected them in the first place. However, do not be fooled by the clever and inspired rhetoric with which they attempt to convince you that they have now truly understood the errors they have made, and for which they beg your forgiveness as they claim to be moving forwards to correct them.
They will do everything in their power to maintain the influence and control that they have enjoyed as authority figures over the eons and through many earth lives, regardless of the consequences for humanity as a whole. They have an intense need to hide from and disown the now revealed unconscionable behaviors in which they have engaged in this and numerous previous lives, behaviors which have now been most clearly revealed as shameful and even unforgivable, as their karmic debts are called in for payment in full in this lifetime.
They are, of course, just like all you Light bearers and wayshowers, beloved children of God. What seems to have happened within the illusory environment that you built to experience separation from God, from your Source, has not occurred. Consequently there is no need for forgiveness, nothing untoward has ever happened, and never could happen in the divine Reality, Heaven, that God created for your and His eternal joy. To forgive something that has never occurred is not possible, even though as humans in an illusory world much that is unacceptable does seem to have happened.
However, as humans undergoing intensely real seeming and painful experiences of betrayal and torture – psychological, emotional, or physical – it is necessary for you to forgive those who have apparently harmed you. While remaining unforgiving of these assumed and apparent mistreatments you close yourselves off from the Love that your Father offers you in every moment of your existence, because judgment, and resentment or condemnation cannot associate with or be in communion with Love. Love insists on unconditional acceptance of every part of creation, and there is nothing outside creation because the field of creation has no boundaries, it is limitless. By forgiving you release all within yourselves that is unreal – anything that is not in perfect harmony and alignment with Love – and open yourselves to the infinite and divine field of Love by which you are eternally surrounded, leading you forwards to your inevitable awakening. Forgiveness is an absolutely essentialaspect of your awakening process.
To forgive is to admit to yourselves that nothing untoward, nothing unreal has occurred, and if that is the case – as it most certainly is – there is nothing to prevent you from awakening. At present your awakening is curtailed solely because, collectively, you are still holding on to resentment, to an intense desire for restitution. What you need to understand is that there is no need for restitution because nothing has happened, or could happen, that requires restitution.
You are all eternally One with God, the divine Source of all that exists, and God cannot be hurt, damaged, or offended, because there is nothing that is or ever could be in opposition to Him as He is all that exists. You are all, each and every one of you, essential and inseparable parts of that divine Source, so there is nothing that could attack or damage you. Accept this truth, open your hearts in Love, forgive all who appear to have hurt or offended you, and prepare to awaken. There truly is no other option, and why would you want one when this one promises you eternal joy?
With so very much love, Saul.

Heaven Letters

All God’s Desires

God said:
Beloveds, you can rely on Me, and you can rely on yourself as well.

Now that you have been reading Heavenletters, you are closer to Me and closer to realizing how I might answer a question you ask. Or, when you have a question, you can look for some lines in any Heavenletter that could be a response to your question or a partial response to your question. You can find ten Heavenletters that speak to you. You can find a hundred, thousands.

Soon enough, you will be hearing the answers to your own questions. You know something now. You know more than you used to. You are wiser now. Not all-wise, yet wiser. Indeed, much wiser.

Come now to have more confidence in yourself. All you have to do is to let go of the past, past thoughts, past beliefs, past functioning. Cling not to the past, and cling not to answers that used to satisfy.

You are on the cusp of a new world, beloveds. You are not what you once thought you were. You are more adequate than you used to think. Or, on the contrary, you may see yourself as less adequate than you used to think you were.

In either case, this is good progress. You are a human being who is ever-learning. You are open to new learning. There is much you can learn for yourself and from yourself.

There is another aspect here as well. You don’t have to know everything. Everything does not have to be wrapped up, concluded with, sorted out. Unanswered questions are also good.

You can look at life as if you have arrived from another planet. You can see life on Earth from a new vantage. Why not? What do you have to lose but old ways of thinking? And if there is something in your old thinking that is worthy, you can keep it still.

Once upon a time, everything you thought, you thought was exemplary, yet old thinking can and does erode on its own.

There will come a time, and it is fast approaching, when you will not know ahead or plan ahead. You will not have to do. You will walk to where you are going quite naturally and spontaneously. You will simply know what to say and what to do without figuring it all out. All the answers to everything will come to you. You will knock on the right door. You will also open your door to the person meant to come to your door at that precise moment.

All the wheels of the Universe are working perfectly, and all the wheels of your life will run smoothly without your ordering them to. It will be like you have a standing order at a restaurant, and a wonderful meal is delivered to you each day, none quite like the day before, each one just right for the day, and each better than the one before.

A new day is a-coming in every sense of the word new. New world, new you, new pleasures of experience, new life for you and new life for everyone. Old ways cannot sustain themselves in a new world. All this, of course, will be without effort.

Chemicals will fall away. Natural will reign. Good earth will be sustained by the good sun and water and the loving hearts of all. Peace will reign. Negativity will not have its place any longer. No one will want it, and it will no longer serve anyone. You will see further and closer at the same time. You will serve further and closer at the same time. You, beloveds, will be the culmination of all your desires and Mine.

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Heaven Letters

The Far Great Ways

God said:
This is a good thing to know, that I AM yours, for this is the Truth of Us. Of course, it is equally true that you are Mine. Mine you are, and so shall you ever be. Oh, if you but knew the joy I have in you, you would sail to the stars. You would bounce from one star to another. You would read by the light of the stars. What would you read? You would read hearts, including your own seemingly trudging heart. You would warm yourself in the bright light of the sun. You would encircle the moon and back again. You would peek at the Earth, and you, along with Me, would say: “Ah, what God hath made is good.”

You are literally going to get out of bounds. You live in the Universe now, and you take some delight in the matters of the Universe, yet you will be unbounded. Your body sits in a little residence, and you enjoy, yet you know with all your heart that where your body sits is incidental. Where your heart resides, oh, yes, that is the story.

You came from the stars. For a little while, you zoomed to a planet named Earth. You are mainly Sun, Moon, and Stars, as it were. You have a touch of Earth.

In one way, no one belongs on Earth, not as you see it, and, yet, everyone on Earth resides and belongs on Earth for a while. Consider your time on Earth as an expedition. You don’t even know where your travels will take you. You may go in circles, yet you leave footprints, and yet you discover the North Pole and the South Pole, and you discover your wandering self. Your Self does not wander. Your Self – everyone has a Self – does not know predicament. It knows love. So, admiringly, Self knows Self, and the little aspect of self on Earth puts up with its own influence.

You are not ants, beloveds. I love ants with all My heart and do not put down ants. They are perfect as they are. They focus. They know their mission whether they have words for it or not. They have instinct, and they follow it faithfully. Each to his own, beloved. Each to his own.

In terms of awareness, you don’t claim the structure that the more strident aspects of life on Earth do. You are unstructured, and this is your blessing. You have to discover. It is your Self that is yours to discover.

You have a good start in your discovery of Me. And, as I say, you alight on stars and the illustrious Sun and Moon, always with a toehold in seeming farawayness until you discover that all the beauty and energy over the horizon is within yourself, your Self, and you discover truly and deeply that you are singularly God in attire, as it were, and there is nothing else that exists but God. You meld into God. You do not enter the Kingdom of God by the back door.

How far you travel in a lifetime. You do go somewhere. Even as illusion, Earth Life is for something. You may do endless somersaults and tote up numbers seemingly endlessly for no purpose, yet your purpose is to travel and enjoy the sights, and, yes, even the puzzles and predicaments. You are unwinding, Beloveds. On Earth, you are on a surreal journey. Earth life is surreal. Heaven Life is Reality. On Earth, you trudge. In Heaven, where you truly are, you do indeed fly directly towards the Heart of God which, in Reality, you never left.

Every word from Me is a Heavenletter to you, and you are Everyone. Everyone has been blessed in far greater ways than everyone absorbs. Eventually, the Far Great Ways absorb you, you, My beloved instruments of peace and love. And so have I said, and so is it true from My Being to your Being that, as it happens, We are One.

martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

Message from Sananda

Sananda: The Energy Grid That Supported Darkness is Gone, Today


Something fantastic is happening right now.

Everything you thought was real is shifting, evolving, changing.  We are protecting you in new ways.  The first step has been to send higher dimensional beings to Earth as walk-ins to lift the vibration of all Cabal members.  You are going to see the Dark Hats suddenly changing their tune, and they will be as surprised by it as you will be.

Think of it!  It is a wonderful plan, a reverse play on what the Reptilians did for generations on Earth, subduing and sickening the brightest Lightworkers by inhabiting their bodies.  We are doing the same, with the goal of en-lightening the darkest of those who were brainwashed and controlled by the dark thought-forms which linger from the thousands of years of mind control.  All this will be defeated by the presence of the Light beings who are joining us this very day.  The evidence will reveal itself as the days pass.

A new era of reconciliation and joyful cooperation has already begun.  You have seen the trading partnership which Russia and China have newly established.  This has been presented in the U.S (by the cabal media, of course) as a threat and a disaster.  It is not true.  Although the petrodollar will lose its grip on world trade, and the U.S. dollar will indeed drop in value, it will create a new freedom from the Cabal control of the financial markets and world trade.  This is a good thing, and will unfold to allow great freedom of movement and trade throughout the world.

It truly is a time of reconciliation and movement toward new systems, new methods, new ways.  Humankind is very flexible, capable of changing direction quickly.  You can look back at old movies and be amazed at the level of dichotomy you can feel, between men and women, black and white, socially powerful and powerless.  Look how quickly things have changed in the last 60 years.  It will change now at warp speed compared to what you have seen before.

You will notice how quickly the incidences of unrest and violence disappear, and how quickly everyone is able to shift their consciousness into higher level thinking, acclimating to the new atmosphere of harmony, trust and cooperation.

Yes, many of you have been compromised at times by interference from the Dark Ones.  They can be destructive, obstructionist, and sometimes dangerous.  It is their purpose to defeat you, our beloved Lightworkers, because their purpose is to defeat God.  As you know, that is not just an impossible pipedream.  It is just plain silly.  Nothing can win over the power of Light.  The entire Universe is designed, by architecture and intent, to preserve and increase Light.

It is as silly to always bet against "the House" in this card game as it would be in Reno.  The Dark Ones have tried over the ages to infiltrate, to co-opt our members through abduction, implantation or physical illness.  They have discovered over and over (but never believed the obvious) that you can torture, maim and kill, but you cannot do away with a soul - especially one that has lived many eons in service to God.  The soul may be seemingly subdued for a time as it works to heal and sustain the body, but the soul itself goes on.   So, you see, no matter how difficult the life, no matter how troublesome the conditions, the soul cannot be defeated.

You, Beloved Ones, are now on the forefront of creating the New Golden Age.  You are establishing the feeling tone, the social conditions, even the beginnings of the new governance.  As you go through your days, interacting with one another, you are laying the groundwork for what is to come for others.  You understand deeply how to preserve your own peace of mind and the peace of others.  You are working out ways to understand and express the meaning of freedom, justice, and equality.

We are constantly impressed and gratified to see the creativity with which you carve out new pathways.  You are original and unique, and you hew to the path of Oneness at the same time.  This is new ground for all of you - something you harbored in your heart, tried to shape into reality in your minds, but there was no template, no present day experience to rely upon, and yet you feel your way with confidence and joy.  It is wonderful to behold the way you nudge and comfort each other simultaneously.  You have become such Masters of communication, even with the limits of your language and your electronic aids.

Continue, dear brothers and sisters.  Keep going.  You are forging new pathways, as you celebrate your newfound closeness and Love.  You are not afraid to express that love, regardless of the circumstances.  Strangers, partners, new friends or old companions, you build the bridge of affection and understanding.  We admire your courage and your light-heartedness.  This combination of simply forging ahead regardless of the challenges, regardless of the requirements being new and unfamiliar, and your joy at the prospect of creating anew is a precious human quality.

This quality alone - the ability to be explorers, adventurers and leaders while maintaining your heart deep and abiding connections - is the essence of why humankind was created to be the leaders of the New Golden Age.

You have "cut your teeth" on millions of years of unending challenges, and here you are, seasoned warriors of the Light, bearers of the flag of God under which we all sail.  We celebrate now, throughout the Cosmos, for it is truly a new day.  All is evolving, changing daily on the surface of Mother Terra.  Soon the waves of change will be acknowledged across the land.  You can feel it creeping day by day toward real change, real recognition that things have indeed changed!

When the law enforcement people begin to realize that they have little to do but rescue kittens and lost children, record fender-benders, and help old people carry their parcels; when teachers begin to see their children for the angels they really are; when the soldiers all come home to the loving embrace of their families, it will then dawn on everyone that the world is no longer what they thought it was.  It is coming, Beloved Ones, it is here.

Your blessings will be bestowed upon you with great joy, and when you receive the economic blessings, it will be without worry for its being stolen or taxed or in any way interfered with.  You will find newfound freedom with these gifts, since many of the terrible traumas you have suffered will be easily resolved when you have the means to take the needed action.  Now, let me explain how we envision this transition.

You live still within the conditions which were created by the Cabal, where everything depends upon money, because money represented power.  You, my dear friends, are the new power because you are going to be wealthy.  You will have the means to pay for the help you need legally, for instance, to overturn the travesties of justice which have imprisoned political prisoners and innocent bystanders, because it has been obvious to all that money can buy you freedom.  So, buy your freedom, in any form you see fit, and do the same for your loved ones and fellow humans.

This will be the transition time, when all the rules which were established by the Cabal will be used to overturn the very rules which enslaved you.  You will be the ones who "beat them at their own game," so to speak.  Yes, it sounds a bit conniving, doesn't it?  You must learn to recalibrate your thinking.  The rules of the game which the Dark Ones established are not sacred, neither are you like them if you play within the framework of their established practices for the time being.  It is simply a necessary part of the shift, that those who see the corruption and greed should defeat it by coming out on top, thereby changing the game.

Many of you developed the mentality that you must remain outside the system, suffering terribly in the process, in order to remain "pure."  It served a purpose; you kept the fire alive by refusing to be co-opted by the system.  We admire those courageous ones who have offered themselves to be arrested, to even be imprisoned for a principle.  It was a necessary step in keeping the hope alive, but it will no longer be necessary to pay with your lives to preserve freedom.

We have given you the means to create a bridge to a new life.  Money in the hands of Lightworkers in great numbers is a completely new phenomenon.  Do not underestimate the power you will have when you organize now.  Your political system in the United States has been completely overtaken by the back-room money handlers who simply elect the people who are most willing to be bought and who will cooperate in their schemes to gain power on all fronts.  The protective screen of corporations and banks, and the power to write laws to protect themselves is the system they have used to rake in billions of dollars and use it to promote their own agenda.

It is not a complicated system, really.  They have designed complex systems of book-keeping and subterfuge to hide their actions, but the whole matrix was built on the simple idea that once money could be used to regulate every area of life - food, shelter, transportation, energy, medical care, education, entertainment, and everything else you can name in your "civilized world," the game was fixed.  Now it will be your work to unfix the game, dismantle their power, and gain freedom for all humankind.

Your first act of storming the Citadel will be to either buy out or turn your backs on every form of graft, inequality, extortion or blackmail-backed system in existence.  If you don't like the educational system in your town, create a new one. If the police force is brutal and arrogant, stop the flow of money to it and create your own neighborhood crew to help and assist rather than "police" your streets.  This will now be possible because of the dismantling of all weaponry.  The dangers you have faced in the past will no longer exist.

The possibilities are unlimited.  If you don't like the government, form a new one, along with the intelligent and dedicated souls who have already began to form your new Constitution-based governments.  When money is no object, and no one can buy out your dream from under your noses, the resistance will drop away.

There is yet more good news.  As this message is being written, a new world is beginning.  The energy grid around the planet that supported and protected the Forces of Darkness has been dissolved.  No soulless or heartless being will be allowed to continue in their devious work.  All will now be given "walk-in" souls to lift and humanize them.  No more will assassins and ruthless abusers be allowed to exist, walking freely among you.  All will be reconfigured, because humankind has now reconfigured the rules by which life on Earth will be governed.

I send you my blessings and my endless Love, Dear Ones.  You are heroes, all, and now you will be free to act on your Love, your inspiration, and your feelings of Oneness.  It is truly a new day, and we are here weeping tears of joy for your triumphs.

I am your Sananda, your brother, in Love and Light.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, May 26, 2014, 10 PM, New York

Permission is given to copy and share this message, providing it is given in its entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.

Heaven Letters

Discovering That Which Wants to Be Found

God said:
Ease off correctness in the world. You do not have to look to the world for your Being in the world. You do not need to hold on tightly to what the world portrays as correct or incorrect.  You know that styles change. Of course, stop at stop lights. Correctly drive on the right side of the road or the left according to where you live. Left or right is arbitrary, like so much in the world. The relative world is an arbitrary world.

The geniuses of the world sought new ways. They saw on their own without the world’s holding them down or back. They broke boundaries, beloveds, that were implanted into them. They thought for themselves. They were not on a short leash in terms of the world nor were they disrespectful. They simply went beyond the restraints of the world.

The world said it was impossible to create a flying machine. The world said that the world was flat. The world too often says no. Do not say no to yourself so much.

Once upon a time, there were rules to poetry that had to be followed. Poets followed the rules and yet surpassed them. Free verse was born. Shaped poems were born. What will be born next?

Consider that rules and such, spoken or unspoken, were originally intended to be a guide and not a corral.

The world is not to tie you up. You can be a good citizen and walk backwards if you want. Do you understand Me? What new discovery adheres to the old rules, whether written or not? Do not let the world hold you back from that which is yours to discover. If you are going to brainstorm, break free so you can brainstorm. Be a little irrational once in a while. Do something you never did before. Think in a way you never did before.

Discoveries are made. You find them. Discover that which wants to be found. Somewhere deep within, you already know what you can discover, would discover. You already know it. It was on the tip of your tongue. It was on the tip of creation. And then the discovery popped in. That’s when you say Eureka! You are really saying, “I knew it, I knew it.”  Somewhere somehow deep down, you knew what was waiting to be discovered that you were meant to discover.

What great artist painted the way everyone else did?

I am telling you that you can be original. It’s okay to be different. You can write words upside down if you want. You can walk on your hands. You can make nouns verbs and verbs nouns. I am saying to free yourself from restrictions you have bowed down to. I am saying it is all right for you to be yourself and not somebody else.

I do not tell you to be lawless. Oh, no, never. I am telling you to be free. The world does not have to lead you by the nose. There are restrictions in the air, as it were. You do not have to kneel to them. Be kind, considerate always. You do not set out to show your independence from the mores of the world. You don’t set out for dreams of grandeur. You simply do not restrict your heart according to the world’s view and your perception of it.

Columbus needed funding for his journey to discovery. He persisted in asking. He had a big knowing inside him. He did not put his knowing aside. Truth was calling him. Finally the Queen granted Columbus his opportunity. She bowed down to his dream. Herein was the glory. Right there is the story.