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lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014


Linda Robinson – Archangel Zadkiel – “Let Your Light Shine” – 30 March 2014



LindaRobinsonGreetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Lady Amethyst, of the Seventh Ray of Transformation and Manifestation, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today we are joined by Lord Sananda, Master of Light and Christ Consciousness. We will discuss using the great influx of higher energy to refine and perfect personal qualities that you wish to radiate forth for your own advancement and for the benefit of all.
As we have previously discussed with you, large amounts of higher vibrational energy are inviting you to a higher level of consciousness. When you harness this energy, it lifts you to a higher vibrational level. It is like riding the crest of a wave, only this is a continuing rise to a higher level.
This is an opportunity to use the Light to refine your own energy field and to radiate out those personal qualities that accompany a higher consciousness.
These are qualities that all the great Beings of Light radiate, and they were perfected by Sananda in his earthly incarnation as Yeshua (Jesus).
One of the greatest qualities is Love. This extends to all other qualities, for when you live from a level of universal Love, it permeates all of your thoughts, intentions, and actions.
A universal Love is a vibrational level of the highest order. It is an understanding and feeling that everyone and everything originate from the same Source. It is the common thread that ties all of creation together.
This understanding of the link of origination transcends individual or group differences and allows the vibration of Love to permeate every part of your Being. When this occurs, thoughts and feelings of differences and discord are transformed by the Light. It is as if your focus has shifted. A gentle breeze has carried away any previous differences, and you are left with the peacefulness of Love for all.
When this occurs and you focus on your feelings of universal Love, your Light increases. It radiates out from you in a peaceful and calming manner wherever you go. Those around you receive the benefit of your loving vibration, and their own frequency can become entrained to your loving energy.
When this occurs, you are performing a great service to humanity without any expectation of what will occur. You are simply sharing your Love and Light for the greatest good of all.
This is the example that many great spiritual masters and leaders have set for humanity. They go about their work with a vibration of Love for all. Because they are operating from a very high level of Divine Love within, they are able to share this freely without any concern for their own self-worth. They have reached a self-actualized level of being.
A closely related quality of Love is compassion. With this quality, you feel great empathy for other individuals and for groups. You feel the struggles and tests that others are undergoing and wish for them great strength and perseverance in overcoming whatever challenges are occurring.
It is not a feeling of pity but rather a great understanding of what they are experiencing. It is understanding what they are feeling without allowing yourself to become enmeshed in their concerns. You can be aware of their feelings and experiences while holding a higher vision for them.
It is a feeling of holding them in the Light. It is holding the space for them when they are undergoing challenges. It is seeing their inner Light and focusing on that quality so that it can grow and flourish. It is seeing their inner potential and knowing the greatness that resides at the center of their Being.
Compassion leads to kindness. This is closely related to the Golden Rule, in that you put forth kindness to all with whom you come in contact. It may be a smile, a kind word, or a loving thought that you send to them.
Sometimes the smallest act of kindness can give someone hope and encouragement to move forward on the path. It is those acts and words that you would want someone to give to you if the situation were reversed. However, your inner motivation is that you want to share your feelings of Love for all.
The great masters of the past were able to exude these qualities because they had nurtured their own Divine Spark to a point where it was a constant source of nourishment and Love. They were so secure in their own Being that they were inner-directed. They remained centered regardless of external circumstances. They knew that they were connected to the Creator, and this allowed them to move freely among others and share the qualities of Love, compassion, and kindness.
Beloveds, you are the masters of today. We would encourage you to maintain a focus on your own Divine Spark. As you do this, you will live your life from a higher perspective and know that you are secure in your own connection to the Creator. Then you are able to let your Light shine and freely share the qualities of Love, compassion, and kindness with others.
Know that we are ever with you and that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Lady Amethystalong with Lord Sananda
…and We surround you with love
And so it is.

The New Scriptures As Given by Jesus/Sananda Chapter 15

The New Scriptures
As Given by
Chapter 15
Transcribed by Kathryn E May, PsyD
September 12 2013
The best is yet to come, Dearest Ones.  Some of you have become jaded, unable to receive these messages of hope because you have seen so much destruction and pain in your lives.  You find it hard to believe that things can really change radically within the space of your lifetime, much less within this year.  It is understandable, because as human beings you have a way of looking to the past for images of your future.  When I give you information about the good times to come, you scoff and point to the news reports of conflict in the world.  But I assure you, those news reports are focusing on the dwindling number of conflicts while avoiding discussion of the massive changes that are taking place.
There are many now, in your United Nations and beyond who are working to create a global cease-fire in every area of the world where conflicts remain.  Relative to just ten years ago, there are actually very few.  It is difficult to maintain a war when people are sick of fighting, and when the leaders who started those wars have been removed.  It is not obvious to you yet because you are not the head of the newsrooms where assignments to the "hot spots" around the world are made. These newsrooms are quieter than ever, and more and more reporters are being sent to fewer places.  
There will have to be a major adjustment in the thinking of those who report the news of the world to allow greater emphasis on the positive developments.  It will take a little while for them to catch up, because the news was controlled by Reptilian forces, as we have mentioned before.  It requires a more subtle approach to reporting for journalists to understand the implications of the movement which is now taking place at every level of government in countries around the world.  Those who have seen the dark side of life for so long also tend to have the jaded attitude as well, waiting for the other shoe to drop, as you describe it.
Many have asked, or demanded, answers to the things they see in the world which anger them.  They rail against Obama, for instance, accusing him of being a puppet for the cabal.  They ask why Assad is allowed to remain in Syria, slaughtering his people, but at the same time vilify Obama for considering intervention.  It is a complex time, you see.  These events will be played out in such a way as to maximize the impact for the Greater Good.  There is much more going on in the diplomatic channels than you can even imagine.  These things always require a little push here, a big pronouncement there, then further rounds of back-channel negotiations before any settlement can be reached.  Not all threats of intervention are carried out, as you are well aware.  
It is a temptation for those who think of themselves as Lightworkers to take one of two opposite stands.  One is to become irate at the first suggestion of injustice or abuse.  The other is to insist on an extremely passive approach, refusing to enter the fray under any circumstances.  Neither approach is effective in a real-world environment such as we are facing in this transitional moment in history.  
Here is a basic truth which will help the first group:  What you oppose you strengthen.  Fighting fire with fire is not generally an effective way to put out a blaze. It is the old tried and true method which created hundreds of wars on this planet and which is most effective at continuing the fighting.  This of course was the purpose behind the chest-beating and saber-rattling of the Reptilian race, who benefitted greatly from the profits culled from the military-industrial money-machine.  This method has long been known to be contrary to peacemaking, but peacemaking was hardly considered a possibility in the past several thousand years.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, the stubborn refusal to defend yourself or your neighbors when you are dealing with people who are completely disconnected from their hearts is an invitation to slaughter.  This was the horrid dilemma you faced in the past which left so many who longed for peace frustrated and sometimes blaming those who insisted on defending others who were under attack.  It was the terrible moral conflict the world faced in World War II, when it became necessary to rescue the Jews from annihilation.  Unfortunately, the Dark Ones instigated the war and then used it as an excuse for arming everyone on the planet.
You see, there is no simplistic rule for resolving conflict when there are players on the stage who have no moral compass.  Fortunately, we are confident that those who are left on the world stage now do have a connection to their hearts, however slim that connection might be.  They will respond to the appeals for calm, for peaceful negotiations and for a worldwide armistice because they are feeling the pressure to do so.  
Now is the time for the intelligent application of a firm hand, still backed by the threat of dire consequences for anyone who refuses to turn toward policies which are in the interest of the people.  As the last few old-fashioned dictators are brought into line by the delicate application of this pressure, their example will mark the shift from a world in which brute force reigned supreme to a new era in which compassion, forgiveness, harmony and joy will rule the world. 
There are now extremely capable and talented people working for the Light, most of whom are not well-known, but have been laying the groundwork for the Shift which is now taking place.  I assure you, no area of life has been ignored in their quest for solutions to the interwoven nest of structures, philosophies, legal intricacies and conspiracies which have infested every area of your lives, and which created what Mother God referred to as the darkest era in all of Planet Earth's history.
Do not be impatient, Dear Ones; it is the mark of one who has not yet prepared for Ascension.  Look to your inner feelings, to make contact now with the knowledge you carry in your heart of why you are here now, and what your contribution will be to the uplifting of every soul.  Turn away from those whose manner of discourse includes accusations, slander, judgment and an attitude of negativity.  Kill-joys and nay-sayers do not build anything worthwhile; they only tear down what others build. This is the old, the Dark still echoing through the halls from earlier times (even if those earlier times were last week).  Say to yourselves with a chuckle whenever you hear those negative rants:  "Oh, that's so 2012!"
Yes, we are often tickled by your slang.  Ashtar is especially fond of such statements.  We do observe your forms of speech, your habits of dress and your shifting tastes with interest.  St. Germain is especially good at playful drama which includes period habits and speech, as you might expect from the one who wrote Shakespeare's plays.  We also are fond of using your music lyrics to get messages across to you.  If you suddenly hear a tune playing in your head - one you did not think of beforehand - it is always a message from someone in higher dimensions trying to reach you.  We study your forms of communication so that we can make it easier for you to hear us.
I tell you these things now because we want you to know that it is a joyful place we inhabit, a place which will be the model for your New Golden Era on Planet Earth.  It is difficult for you to imagine a world in which all beings are in love with each other, with life, and with their Creator, but that is the way life is in the 5th dimension.  As you each make your way through the portals to your rejuvenation, you will also be fully immersed in the Truths by which we live before you continue on your way, either back to help others on Earth, or to your home planets.  
Many of you have already indicated your strong desire to return to insure the success of the Ascension for all others before you move on.  We believe it will be an appealing prospect, now that you will be working with people in a new state of freedom and prosperity.  Those who work as nurses will recognize the analogy; it will be something like being transferred from the cancer ward to the maternity ward, because there is no more disease, but only the celebration of new life.
Can you adapt yourself to endless happiness and love, Dear Ones?  Can you lead the way to teach others how to create their own lives out of the fabric of feeling and thought which produces the product which is your current life experience?  Can you learn to be mindful of your every thought, feeling and action, and allow only those which bring you and others happiness?  Can you learn to expect the best from those around you, and thereby inspire them to reach higher?  Can you learn to forgive yourself for all the times you lost your temper, or disappointed a friend, or started an argument because you were feeling grumpy?  Can you ask others to forgive you as well?
Begin now to be the person you always wanted to be.  Cultivate kindness with as much earnest effort as you have applied to earning money.  Climb the Ascension ladder, now that you no longer need to scale the corporate ladder.  Find fulfillment in your relationships; find beauty in the children, and open your eyes wide to the wonders around you.  The skies are now bluer, the oceans are gradually being restored to their pristine state, and the radiation in your soil has been neutralized by the Galactic Brothers and Sisters who have brought their advanced technologies to help Mother Earth restore herself to the Eden she once was.
You no longer need to fear nuclear annihilation; those days have been brought to an end.  Your planet was rescued, although you are not yet aware of it, from the inevitable destruction which was in the works before the Intergalactic Federation of Light intervened.  It was decided that another planetary explosion like the one which ended the Atlantean civilization would not be permitted.  It is not simply a matter of rescuing humankind.  Nuclear holocaust is a cosmic event which was considered too disastrous to endure for the rest of the Universe, and so your Star Brothers and Sisters stepped in to prevent what was recognized as the inevitable endgame of the Reptilian occupation.
Mother Earth herself also made a heartfelt plea to allow the survival of her children, humankind, in spite of the destructiveness and pain they had brought her.  She knows each of you by the feel of your footfall, by the energy of your connection to her, and she loves you dearly.  She too had faith that you would rise to the level of the 5th dimension to keep pace with her, so that you could all ascend together.  She has a great heart, and the power of her love is a force that can be felt throughout the Universe.  She is a resource for you, and she will answer your call for sustenance, comfort and the peace which comes from being close with Nature.
Look to your hearts, Dear Ones, to unlock the Love you were born to live.  Breathe deeply, anchor in the center of your being, and allow the Pillar of Light which shines down through your crown chakra - there at the top of your head - to flow downward through every cell in your body, awakening your memory of Light and Love.  Reach upward to connect with your Higher Self, the one who knows me as a close and loving family friend or brother.  Your Higher Self knows the Truth of my words, lives in the atmosphere of joy and camaraderie, and knows the promise of happiness just ahead.
Your Higher Self will be your trusted guide through this coming Shift.  Call on this wise and experienced part of yourself, the one who knows everything about your history, your hidden talents and your extensive resources.  Your Higher Self is an expert at forgiveness, joy and unending love and is your link to All That Is.  Reach up, join hands with the soul you are, and you will find God there, for in your essence, you are God, as I AM. 
I am your brother, I am your friend, I am you and you are me.  We are One.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 10, 2013, 12 PM  EDT

Heaven Letters

A Voyager in a Land That Doesn’t Exist

God said:
You live life, and you don’t grasp that you imagine it, although, sometimes life does seem like a dream to you. You are in the maelstrom of life on Earth, and you spin, and you spin, and you spin a tale. How it will turn out, nobody knows. And yet, you do know. The inevitable result of life is that you are moored with Me, and, in your imagination, you return to Me Whom you never left! This is the surprise ending, yet it is not really a surprise. Whether you believe it or not, you have never been anywhere. Only in your fertile imagination have you. You started whole, and you wind up whole.

We can say that life on Earth is temporary. It is not really temporary in that it is beyond temporary because time does not exist for life to be temporary in. Infinity is, and you have never been elsewhere or otherwise. Yes, the world surrounds you, and, yet, you also surround the world. The world is encased within you. The world churns you, and you churn the world, this excellent world created for the enjoyment of all.

Enjoyment is real. Love is real. All the fear and travesty are not real, not real at all. You can pinch yourself, and still all the worry and stress are not real, not real at all. All those things parade before you as real, and, yet, it is just a parade of your thoughts walking in front of you. You have ventured from Heaven in your thoughts, yet you are nowhere else but in Heaven. Your life is a story you write. You collect it. You change it. You add and subtract. There is life as you see it, and that’s all it is – as you see it.

All the newspapers report nothing real. You want to know what is happening. Nothing is happening. Despite the headlines, nothing is happening. Your portrait is painted and your photograph taken. It is a self-portrait. You pose yourself.

How can you possibly be on a spinning Earth, you wonder, and keep your balance? Oh, yes, you are part of a balancing act, and so you perceive left and right and tripping and falling down and all the rest of it. You imagine beautiful colors and acts of bravado and all the senses. It is a common act, act in that that everyone agrees with the concept and dances to the tune they hear. You cover your body with clothes. You play dress-up. Yet neither the body nor the costumes you put on it are real, and yet industries are made around costumes and bodies and jewelry and health.

Everyone checks his watch and follows time like a faithful dog follows his master. Everyone runs through his days with a sun overhead and seeming Earth under his feet. He grows fruit and vegetables in the soil and eats. He doesn’t know what he is doing or what it is for.

Ah, it is for the moment, beloveds. On Earth, you have to do something, and, yet, it is pure Being that you really are. You ARE. Beingness is the Truth of you. Stillness is the Truth of you. The true you speaks in Silence, and Vastness, which is far more than an enlarging circle. Vastness is where you are and where you find yourself.

Life really has nothing to do with Earth, even as Earth is your backdrop. Life has to do with you, whatever you make of it or don’t make of it. You are a voyager in a land that doesn’t exist. What else can you find but yourself? Your Self

domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014

Message from The Galactic Family – The Arcturian Group

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MARCH 30, 2014
Greetings dear ones. We see many starting to accept and understand change in their lives...some even saying; "Why didn't we think of this before?" People are losing the fear of change which is a big part of evolution, that is how it works. Never be afraid to try something new and then if you find that it does not work, that is fine, the sky does not fall down. Learning to be open to new ideas and change on all levels allows an individual to likewise receive on all levels--the inner door opens.
Many of the so called "older generation " continue to hold themselves back through the belief that there are no better ways of doing things than their life experiences have taught them. They have become comfortable in routine, refusing to even contemplate other ways of seeing the world and are missing opportunities to spiritually grow. Allowing oneself to contemplate new ideas does not mean living lives without joy or fun in work and activity, nor does it mean that your current way of doing and seeing either globally or personally is wrong and has to change. Being open simply means a willingness to let go of resistance and not being so locked into what is known and familiar that any change is impossible.
Arcturian Group wishes to speak about energy. Energy is the essence of all things, for it is Divine Consciousness and the substance of all form . Energy in its purest, is white Light and is interpreted according to the consciousness of each individual. The halo of light seen around saints and masters is simply their energy field, so filled with pure light that many can see it.
Energy, being Omnipresent Consciousness can never be lost, and only changes form. You are aware of and experiencing energy at all times, but are not always aware of what you are feeling. You may sense a heaviness in places like old battlefields that still hold the vibration of fear and suffering. Bars often carry a very heavy third dimensional energy which can be felt immediately. Most have experienced the peace and lightness of a cathedral or simple country church where the prayers of many throughout time have created almost a "presence" of light energy. The healing energy of nature in an undeveloped forest or beside a flowing stream is felt by almost everyone and is the reason these powerful and sacred places need to be protected.
All humans experience energy but do not always understand what it is they are feeling. Channels often say; "The energy is not yet in place." for this or that to happen. This means that the level and alignment of energy needed to bring a particular event into manifestation has not yet been reached. All living things feel energy and interpret on the level of their state of consciousness. Scientists will most often interpret it as physical, psychiatrists as emotional, and intellectuals as ideas and brain power...these are interpretations based on their states of consciousness--their belief system. Animals are very receptive to energy and easily sense and respond to the fear, anger, love, or whatever that is being projected by others...human or animal.
Color and the sacred Rays, are facets of Source energy, pure Light each carrying unique vibrational qualities but still in and of Light. As evolution moves to ever deepening levels, new colors never before seen will manifest. Every aura has varying colors representing of the energy of the individual. This is why individuals are drawn to or look best in certain colors, and this is why purple is considered a royal color (the perfect blending of red-physical and blue-mental). Ancient healing temples (and some healers now) used color therapy to adjust vibrational frequencies.
Make use of the Violet flame (seventh ray) as taught by Adamus/St. Germain for it is the vibrational energy of transmutation. Flood yourselves with it and flow it to the world and others if guided (without attaching any purpose or goal). Use this tool often in your meditation and inner work as the violet flame transmutes denser energies into the lighter, dissolving all that has no law to support it. All energy is Light, but its frequencies are lowered through the thoughts and beliefs of the un-evolved third dimensional consciousness thus moving it into slower, denser vibration...Light vs dark--duality.
The human eye is as of yet unable to perceive the lighter faster frequencies and this is why most do not see their Guides or those in light bodies and believe that the material/physical is all there is. This will change.
Because of ONEness, each vibrational level draws to itself similar...ideas and people of like frequency. This is what makes relationships work... not looks, money, status, or anything else the world may believe. Relationships are built within a somewhat same level of resonance. This is why many are drawn to those of Light, they are seeking their own Light but don't know that it is within and so look outside to others.
At this powerful time of change the vibrational frequencies of your physical, emotional, and mental bodies are becoming lighter which is why many are having physical symptoms requiring the need to lay down and rest. The releasing of old dense energies stored through lifetimes in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies takes a lot of basic physical energy, leaving many exhausted for no apparent reason. Trust the process, rest when you need it, and drink lots of clean water. This process will complete at some point following the clearings, integration of lighter energies, and the DNA activations you are ready for.
Energy is all these things, and MORE, much MORE. Energy is the vibrational frequency expression of the Divine, and as you evolve ever more deeply into truth, your personal energy field will become lighter and brighter, more representative of the reality of your true essence.
We are the Arcturian Group 3/30/14

Message from Heaven – Saul

“When are we to awaken?” That is the question we are constantly being asked, and our answer to you is that awakening is imminent. And of course that is the answer that has been offered to you very frequently over the last few years, some of you might even say over the last few decades. For you it is frustrating, disappointing, and, at the very least, most confusing, because it seems to have been going on for so long. You believe that here in the spiritual realms we have foresight, insight, and information unavailable to you, and you expect us to be able to give you positive and meaningful answers to that persistent question “When?”
But it is you who are in the process of awakening, it is you who have taken the collective decision to do so, and, therefore, it is you who are setting the pace. We watch you and delight in the progress that you are making; it seems that the moment is about to arrive, and then something untoward and unanticipated distracts you from the task in hand, and momentarily you slip more deeply back into that state of sleep from which it is your resolute intention to awaken. However, make no mistake, you are waking up!
But it seems to many of you that you are not, or certainly not quickly enough, as you view the wars, the crimes, the intense poverty, and the suffering that plagues humanity. However, all that you see throughout the world that is not in alignment with Love is of the illusion, and has been present from its beginning. What you see is not new, not strange, not unusual, it is, as you might say, “business as usual,” for the illusion is a place of separation and justifiable distrust because people continue to betray one another with predictable consistency, as they have done for eons.
Nevertheless, if you will make a point of observing the enormous changes in attitudes that have occurred in human beliefs and philosophies over the last few decades you have to admit that “business as usual” is declining as more and more of you decide that what humanity is presently experiencing just is not good enough. Concern for others, apart from immediate family, and for other races and cultures, and for the planet herself has been growing exponentially of late, and as a result action is being taken to correct and repair the damage that has resulted over the eons, and particularly in the last two or three hundred years – intensifying in the just ended twentieth century. And those actions are beginning to bear fruit which is why, here in the spiritual realms, we are so sure that your awakening is imminent.
Because it is you who are, as it were, “running the show,” it is you who decides when awakening will occur. And it is apparent to us that your intent for it to happen is intensifying in every moment, so that it can be neither prevented nor delayed. And although you are running it, you are only a part of the divine plan for your awakening, set in motion at the moment of your apparent separation from your Source by God to ensure that you could not and would not be lost interminably in a horrific and imaginary nightmare that could only cause you intense and interminable pain and suffering.
And, I assure you, that to be aware of God and to be seemingly separated from Him would cause suffering beyond bearing. Consequently the apparent state of sleep presently enveloping you is also a protection against the inordinate suffering that full awareness of your divine nature would entail while believing yourselves to be separated from Him.
God loves you infinitely and eternally, and so He does all in His Power, apart from overriding your free will, to reduce and dissipate your pain, fear, and suffering. Turn to Him often during the day, when you go to your quiet inner space where His Love can embrace you, and reaffirm your intent for humanity to awaken and depart from the illusion. In so doing you once more align with His divine Will and accelerate your approach to awakening.
Remember that while you rest within the illusion you can and do keep changing your minds and your intentions, not the basic and irreversible collective decision to awaken, but your own individual decisions to do so, as mood swings and distractions weaken your focus on the essential task in hand. When that happens you effectively meander off the path, or slow down as you watch with shock and horror the hideous activities across the world, so well reported by the mainstream media, that are causing such havoc and suffering for so many unfortunates.
As we keep telling you “Focus on Love.” Love is the field in which all of creation has its eternal existence. Anything that is not in complete alignment with Love is unreal, although within the illusion it appears utterly and irrevocably real. The illusion, that you (the human collective) devised and constructed is alarmingly real to you because the power of the collective to mask and cloak Reality so that It is hidden from you is very strong. That, after all, was the intent when you decided to build and inhabit the illusion.
Over the eons many have seen through it but were unable to persuade the majority to look and see for themselves, because most felt themselves to be defined by it, and to see through it, they believed, would lead to their destruction. Once you have seen the Light and know that It is permanently available to you it makes no sense to live in the darkness which is the illusion, but within the illusion much courage is required for you to discard that to which you have become so accustomed and enter into the Light. It is too bright! That is the attitude that you have been changing so effectively and rapidly over the last few decades, and you are about to embrace that brightness and enter into it!
With so very much love, Saul.

The New Scriptures As Given by Jesus/Sananda Chapter 14

The New Scriptures
As Given by
Chapter 14
Transcribed by Kathryn E May, PsyD
September 8 2013
In the last chapter I encouraged you all to sign up to join the healing groups which will help you learn to restore your connections to your bodies.  Some people had thought that, since you will be leaving this plane, you will have no need to feel an attachment to your old bodies because you will be getting new ones.  This is not the case.  The bodies you are in now are the ones you will remain with for eternity.  
Now, do not be alarmed; I do not mean that you will remain 80 years old, or that you will continue to live with the twisted back or the overly large ears you were born with, unless you should choose to do so.  No, you will be taken to the light chambers, either on the Arcturian ships or within Hollow Earth, where you will be renewed, restored to perfect health, where missing limbs will be regrown, and where you will be able to experience life again as a young adult.  Most choose an age around 25 or 30 years in Earth time, but there are no hard and fast rules about those things.  You may choose your height, your shape, your coloring and your facial features.
Many will want to keep something of the way they look now in order to be familiar to those who may still remain in lower dimensions.  It will be helpful for them to relate to you if there are at least some similarities to the person you were, however this is a matter of personal preference.  Your soul energy will be recognizable to anyone who has known you in this life.  We each carry a particular signature energy - your essence - which is a combination of your thoughts, feelings and physical presence, and no two beings are alike.
So, you see, no one will be left behind, because you will be able to return to Earth if you wish to, to help those who have not yet absorbed the lesson at hand, which is that everyone must eventually make the transition to the 5th dimension, and the sooner they do so, the better.  Meanwhile, Mother Earth will hold herself, with the help of a powerful Galactic presence, in such a way as to allow those who are still in the 3rd dimension to continue in that way until all have ascended.
As many of you have understood, it is a matter of Cosmic Law that nothing remains static; all energy in the Universe is in motion.  Therefore, it will not be possible for Mother Earth to remain in this holding pattern indefinitely.  There will come a time when all must choose to ascend or be taken elsewhere to continue incarnating as they wish.  This is not punishment, nor is it a failure.  There may be some younger souls who choose to continue their lessons rather than ascend.  This is the individual choice, made between the Higher Self and God.  The decision will come not because they have failed but because Mother Earth must move on.
All who remain on the Earth at this time are capable of learning the lessons needed to ascend.  As we have told you earlier, all the Reptilians who were dedicated to evil have been removed.  There is no one left who cannot be restored to the Light through the force of their own free will.  There may be some remaining who have been so steeped in the Dark practices of the cabal that they are reluctant to give up on the promise of having power over others, but their wishes will not come true in the New Golden Age.
The balance has already tipped, Dear Ones.  The Light is increasing on the Planet by the minute, and you are responsible for its power.  You have created a network of beacons which shine out across the land, drawing others to your side, and with them come others.  The waves of individuals moving toward Ascension will become so visible and so compelling that there will be a tipping point.  As soon as everyone knows of several people who have left and come back healthy, happy and young, the their glowing presence among them is apparent to all, everyone will begin to work in earnest to raise their vibration.
There will be tutors, mentors, classrooms and gathering places for all to study Raising Your Vibration.  There will be our radio shows, Healing for Ascension, and others will be teaching special energy techniques.  Kathryn will be traveling across the land to teach Visual Centering to large groups, who will begin to balance and center themselves for the last push toward their graduation.  It will be a glorious time, and a very busy time for all.  Fortunately, by then there will be funds to support all who wish to study, and no one will be left out for lack of money to pay for the classes.
As more and more people read the messages from Mother/Father God, which she called "When God Pinched My Toe," and Kathryn's Ascension manual, "Who Needs Light?" it will become easier for people to identify and begin to dissolve the pain of the past, the major key to clearing your consciousness to make way for the light of your being to shine forth.  There will be tears of relief and tears of joy flooding the planet.  With the translations of all the messages, beginning with Kathryn's first story of how she was contacted by Mother/Father God, continuing through what will be a collection of 200 messages, people will be able to read the reassuring words of encouragement and wisdom which helped people to prepare for Ascension, before and through the Dec. 21, 2012 near-miss and beyond.
Yes, it was a near miss, because so many of you were ready to ascend, but so many still were not.  The tipping point was nearly reached then, but it is not such an unfortunate thing that it could not unfold fully at that time.  It became clear that the Ascension plans could not succeed as long as the Reptilians still had a hold on the high offices and the armies of the world.  
The Light which was generated during those days overwhelmed the fear-mongers who tried to promote ideas of global disaster; their efforts did not succeed.  You were not aware of it at the time, but your great efforts at raising your vibration completely neutralized the Dark energies, and profoundly effected those Reptilians who were inhabiting human bodies.  It was the beginning of the shift toward recovery, and the restoration of their DNA which had been suppressed so many thousands of years ago.  Because of your efforts during those months, nearly one million souls were saved.  
Mother/Father God are still in a state of wonder at your heroic gifts and your success in rescuing so many of their beloved children from being dissolved into the great ocean of All That Is.  They are experiencing a period of mourning, for they love all their children, and it was painful for them to lose even one of them to Darkness, but this was of course mitigated by the joy of welcoming back so many who now have the opportunity to begin anew.  These million souls are now being restored to the Light in ongoing study with the great teachers who will help them to understand how they were persuaded to give up their capacity to love, and how they were enthralled by the promise of power and great wealth.  It is a process similar to what you might call "rehab."  These same Masters who are helping them will be available to those among you who are having difficulty learning to relinquish all attraction to addiction, destructiveness and violence.
Now, let us discuss the world around you.  There are many elements which remain from the thousands of years of Reptilian influence, especially in your hierarchical organizations - corporations, political parties, educational institutions and so forth.  Think of the unpleasant encounters you have suffered in the last month.  Most of them probably occurred in the context where there was no real personal contact, or where the structure itself provides anonymity.  The man who responds with violence in an incident on the highway would be more likely to respond with nothing more than a grumpy, "Watch it!" if you bumped into him on a sidewalk.  A boss who is rude to his employees under the protection of a corporate structure is less likely to do so when his own evaluation is being overseen personally by his boss. 
The layers of hierarchical structure especially provide isolation and anonymity for those at the top.  The legal structure of a corporation is specifically designed to protect the officers who make the decisions from legal prosecution for the actions of the corporation.  This created a system in which irresponsible behavior was rewarded with greater profits, and the people who generated those profits could not be held responsible for abuses of any kind, such as massive pollution or labor abuses, or unfair trade practices.  The corporation itself could be fined, but this rarely created enough of a deterrent to stop the abuses.  It did encouraged greater secrecy, and so, clever and intricate accounting practices and shadow ownership arrangements became the favorite ploy for companies which wished to continue their unfair and immoral practices.
All this is coming to a grinding halt.  A sudden shift in the playing field has created a firestorm of panic in the ranks of the cabal, where the minions have also been provided at least the illusion of protection, as long as their bosses did not turn on them.  The Reptilian bosses are suddenly gone, but the structures remain, and there are still those human Wannabe trainees who would have been eager to take over were it not for the "out of left field" Papal decree.  The full impact of this remarkable act of courage on the part of Pope Francis ! has not yet begun to be felt, although the first sign that the rats are leaving the ship is the impressive number of resignations which have begun to be tendered by people in high office, effective September 1, 2013.  
This date, Sept. 1, 2013, is the deadline stated in the papal decree which declares that any individual who has worked in any capacity under the auspices of the Holy See will henceforth be deprived of immunity in any legal proceedings, and will be open to prosecution for crimes against humanity.  This is a simplified description of the import this decree carries.  I recommend that you read the decree in its entirety, along with the analysis which makes it clearer, on the website FreedomClubUSA.com. *
While it may seem at first glance that this is of no concern to anyone other than employees of the Vatican, it is not so.  By the same labyrinthine process which protected banks from prosecution in the economic meltdown of 2008-9, the corporations of the United States, Canada, the U.K. and many other countries are under legal jurisdiction, via Admiralty Law, of the United Kingdom, an arrangement which has remained in effect since England settled the thirteen colonies and the colonies themselves adopted Admiralty Law in its courts and legal systems.  These laws remain in effect to this day, including the decree which ceded ownership of all lands to be settled in the New World to the Virginia Company, a British company.
In turn, the U.K. is controlled by the Vatican, a matter of some secrecy and discomfort, but well known by those in power.  This situation remains in effect from the time of the Norman invasion in 1066 A.D. It has been allowed to continue by agreement of the Royal Family for purposes of controlling great sources of power and wealth through some very unholy alliances.
The implications are even more far-reaching.  Why would Ben Bernanke, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank and one of the most powerful men in the world suddenly resign?  Because corporations will no longer offer immunity to their executives.  And Janet Napolitano, head of Homeland Security for the U.S?  Because the United States is a Corporation under Admiralty Law, as are the towns, cities and states in most of the United States.  And so the plot begins to unravel. 
It is a delicious irony, is it not, that the towers of wealth and power will be toppled by the one who would have been most unlikely to have done so?  It never occurred to anyone in the past thousand years that the Pope himself would pull the string which would bring the house of cards to the ground.  He sounded the death knell on his first day in office when he said, "This shall be a poor church for poor people."  And so it shall be.
And so you see, Beloved Ones, the Light will enter at last into the halls of justice, and the people will be given back the power to govern themselves, as inspired lawyers, politicians who truly wish to serve the best interest of the people, and community leaders join forces to quickly bring down the Dark matrix which has controlled every aspect of life, even as people labored under the propaganda which convinced them they were free.  Sensitive and good people have always felt there was a Dark hand of control guiding the travesties they saw in their lives.  Now it is being revealed that the conspiracy they suspected was more far-reaching than anyone could have imagined.
It is truly a Machiavellian plot which will unravel before your eyes.  Leaders who were revered will be sent to jail, while some who were reviled will come forward to assist the New World in its birth.  It will be an exciting time, an exhilarating new beginning - one in which every individual will find his or her path and will bring their own brilliance and creativity to the table, as new structures and systems will be built which will truly allow each individual to bring out their truly wondrous nature, in the Light of Love, Justice, Harmony, Compassion and true Freedom.
I look forward to these joyful days with you,
Your brother in freedom, Sananda/Jesus.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 1, 2013, 10 PM EDT  www.whoneedslight.org
* Go to www.FreedomClubUSA.com to read the papal decree and the explanation of its far-reaching meaning. 

Heaven Letters

Until You Forgive

God said:
In the past I have told you that you are not wonderful to forgive, for you are not wonderful to take offense in the first place. Now I will add to this:

Once you have taken offense, who are you to be unforgiving? Who are you to hold on to perceived offense? Of course, there are many versions of this story.

One version is that the ones you are offended against may honestly not have a clue of what they possibly did that offended you.  And now it may be that you will no longer talk to them or acknowledge their existence. In this case, beloveds, who is the offender? What crime did they commit that scratched your ego?

Another scenario is that an outright crime was committed against you. Your child was injured. The offense is very clear. And who would not take umbrage? Whether the deed was done deliberately or by accident, the injury to your heart is great.

There can be other less major offenses that may have been deliberate or accidental. Someone snubbed you, so it seems. Maybe they meant to or maybe not. All this is not so clearly evident as a physical injury.

At first, your pained heart wants the other to pay for his real or imagined offense to you. You want him to pay for having injured you to whatever degree he did. You may see the offense as unforgivable.

Anger is anger. Furious is furious. Rage is rage. Whatever the inciting incident, you likely feel: “He can’t do that. He has no right. He cannot treat me or mine this way. Who does he think he is?”

And your wounded heart hardens, and you want to punish him, and so you punish yourself by hanging on to your anger and making yourself unforgiving, as though you have to, as though it is only right for you to harden your heart for all times. And, so, the punisher punishes himself. Who are you not to forgive? Whose heart do you hurt now, beloved?

No matter how right you may feel you are, you cast yourself onto a lower level, and so you hurt yourself. You are looking for retribution. There is no retribution. What is gained by an eye for an eye? How does that help really? The blind lead the blind. You are emulating an offender who by intent or innocence offended you. You take off his cloak, and you put it on. Whether the other is a true villain or not, you copy villainy.

If the other’s offense was murder, you feel murderous. If the other snubbed you, you want to snub him and hurt him back. If another stole from you, you want back what he stole and to take something away from him as well. You would become a thief in your heart.

You know why you want to let go of offense, don’t you? Because you hurt yourself. You stick the knife of retribution into yourself. Somewhere within you, you must release yourself from the sense of offense that you carry. Have mercy upon yourself.

You may feel letting go is impossible for you to do. I ask you, if you must copy others, then copy those who have found it in their hearts to let go and, in some cases, befriend the ones who may have done what, to your mind, is irreparable damage. They came to see that they had to repair the damage. They had to repair it rather than compound it. I speak of cases where grievous harm was done. I speak of cases that are beyond offense to your ego. If others can rise to such great heights, so can you. And so you must.

You must take responsibility for yourself. You don’t have to be unforgiving. You don’t have to hold reprisal in your heart. You have to let go of whatever hurts your heart.  Somehow you have to let go of it. Clean slate, beloved. Clean slate. Don’t wring your heart any longer.

sábado, 29 de marzo de 2014

Las Nuevas Escrituras escritas por Jesús/Sananda Capítulo 24

Las Nuevas Escrituras
escritas por
Capítulo 24
Transcrito por Kathryn E May, PsyD
16 de noviembre de 2013
Amados, es un momento de cambio, desde la Oscuridad a la Luz, del sufrimiento a la alegría, de la angustia a la celebración. Este es un momento que será marcado en sus libros de historia como “El Principio”, ya que es el inicio de la Nueva Era Dorada.
Mi corazón se llena de alegría cuando observo el florecimiento de la humanidad, por tanto tiempo prisionera de la Oscuridad. Están despertando, estirando sus músculos mentales y espirituales, liberándose a sí mismos de todo dogma, trascendiendo las ideas y los viejos sentimientos, y están extendiendo sus alas para emprender el vuelo.
Ustedes, la humanidad, son conocidos en todo el cosmos como la Raza Creadora, la Raza Pionera, ambas descripciones son merecidas. Aquellos de ustedes que están ahora encarnados no tienen ni idea de la magnitud de la aventura que hemos emprendido juntos, y que ahora se encuentra en la última fase de su finalización. Su preparación para la Ascensión del Planeta Tierra y de todos sus habitantes es un acontecimiento histórico para los valores cósmicos y será, como les gusta decir: ”algo para los libros de historia“.
Todo el Universo está observando y a la espera de ver cómo se ejecuta el Gran Proyecto. Ha sido planeado con mucho cuidado, a través de miles de años, a través de innumerables revisiones, con el incansable liderazgo de los Maestros Ascendidos que desde los confines del Cosmos vinieron a ayudarnos.
Sus libros de historia y sus antiguas referencias no los nombran, ni siquiera a los Kumaras de Venus, que vinieron aquí juntos durante la civilización de Lemuria hace unos 100,000 años para ayudar en el desarrollo de la especie humana. Tampoco hablan de las muchas razas de la galaxia y más allá y que aportaron a su ADN para su presente de brillante combinación de creatividad, pasión, inteligencia y fuerza física, y tampoco hablan de los cientos o miles de encarnaciones que ustedes han experimentado aquí y en otros lugares en el largo desarrollo de sus almas. Los Oscuros que tomaron el control después de la caída de la Atlántida no querían que ustedes sepan de su estrecha relación con los demás. Prefirieron convencerles que estaban solos y en peligro. De esta manera podían controlarlos a través del miedo y la soledad.
Vinimos a ayudarlos durante el largo descenso hacia la 3ª Dimensión y de regreso a la 5ª Dimensión, la cuál fue y será de nuevo nuestro Jardín del Edén. Vimos hace mucho tiempo que la Oscuridad, la tentación y la atracción por el poder y la dominación sería un serio desafío para la humanidad en la condición del libre albedrío, detrás del Velo del Olvido. Por esta razón vinimos, bajo la luz guía de nuestro amado Sanat Kumara, para ofrecer nuestra ayuda, para traer el mensaje del Amor de Dios a la humanidad, mientras que ustedes, las valientes almas que encarnaron aquí, luchaban vida tras vida sin el reconfortante recuerdo de su vida entre vidas en el Hogar, en el abrazo amoroso de su familia Celestial.
Hemos sido conocidos como los Elohim o los Elegidos, (aunque fuimos todos ”elegidos” como voluntarios), las 144.000 almas que vinimos aquí para mantener ardiendo la antorcha del Amor y la Luz a través de los siglos, a medida que la Madre Tierra y sus habitantes evolucionaban hacia la Iluminación.
En efecto, hubo tiempos oscuros para todos nosotros, porque la Tierra ha sido uno de los entornos más difíciles y desafiantes donde un alma ambiciosa puede llegar para poner a prueba su temple y aprender por su experiencia a vivir con plena conciencia y completo dominio de los propios pensamientos, sentimientos y acciones.
Ustedes pueden estar diciendo: ”!Pero yo no puedo hacer eso todo el tiempo!”. Amados, les digo, si pueden hacerlo.
Ustedes lo tienen en su ADN original, que ahora ha sido activado, para practicar la conciencia completa. Es una cuestión de entrenamiento, están recibiendo mucha ayuda en este sentido, y más ayuda viene en camino, de la mano de sus amorosos Hermanos y Hermanas Estelares. Todo el mundo será ayudado, individualmente y en conjunto, como parte del plan para ascender juntos. Ningún alma será dejada atrás.
Como ven, una de las fortalezas de un Maestro Ascendido, y muchos de ustedes lo son, es el desarrollo de la Visión de nosotros mismos como Uno, inseparables. No importa las transgresiones que una persona puede haber incurrido en esta vida: la mayoría de ustedes ha llegado en un momento u otro a ser los catalizadores del cambio, empujando y espoleando a sus compañeros a tomar medidas contra la opresión, y afinar su gusto por la libertad y practicar la fuerza de carácter de manera de ser una fuerza para el Bien Común.
Les decimos ahora: Todo está perdonado. Vuelvan a la Luz.
Utilicen sus energías ahora para dar un giro, y únanse a nosotros para crear un mundo de prosperidad para todos, que va más allá de sus sueños más salvajes. Nadie va a experimentar necesidad, nadie conocerá la pobreza o la soledad. No habrá necesidad de estar en la cima, porque nadie va a estar en la parte inferior.
Aquellos de ustedes que han luchado en esta vida para cumplir sus sueños de éxito y riqueza o que han tratado de hacer del mundo un lugar mejor y han sentido que han fallado, no importa que no siempre tuvieran éxito. Sus contribuciones, especialmente aquellas que vinieron desde el corazón, ayudaron a llegar a este momento de éxito incomparable. La sorprendente verdad de su papel individual en este caso ha sido registrada para la prosperidad en la gran Biblioteca Holográfica del Cosmos.
Pronto todos sabrán la Verdad de esta magnífica iniciativa, en la que cada uno de ustedes ha jugado un papel importante. No hay excepciones, ni almas sin importancia.
!Despierten, Amados hermanos y hermanas! !Son Amados! !Los necesitamos! !Tú eres Dios !
Así es, en efecto, todos somos amadas Creaciones del Gran Uno.
¿Cómo no vamos a ser amados abundantemente? ¿Cómo podría alguién ser olvidado? Es imposible.
Los Fondos de Prosperidad están a punto de comenzar a verter su torrente para todos los pueblos de la Tierra. Ustedes, sus familias y amigos estarán libres al fin de disfrutar de nuestro Paraíso Terrenal. Van a reír, cantar y bailar, y pronto un día le dirán a los niños pequeños acerca del Día en que la Tierra Fue al Cielo, y nadie tuvo que morir para llegar allí.
¿Cómo puedo decirles con palabras, la manera como me toca el corazón ver a mi amada humanidad cosechar las recompensas que tanto se merecen? Humildemente les doy las gracias a Madre/Padre Dios, a mi querida familia Kumara, a mi amada Lady Nada, a St. Germain y Lady Portia, a Ashtar/Athena y nuestra Familia Galáctica (Federación) de la luz, a todo el incansable ”Equipo Terrestre” y a toda la Compañía del Cielo.
El Amor que juntos hemos creado arderá intensamente a través de los siglos como un faro para todos los seres de Dios. Me siento honrado de ser.
Su amoroso servidor, Sananda.
Transcrito por Kathryn E. May, 16 de noviembre de 2013, en Sedona , Arizona, EE.UU.
© Pueden compartir los mensajes siempre que no alteren o modifiquen el contenido de los mismos ni la forma o el orden en que están establecidos, respetando las fuentes y su traductor.
* El propio Sananda/Jesús ha pedido que sea respetado. Gracias.

The New Scriptures As Given by Jesus/Sananda Chapter 13

The New Scriptures
As Given by
Chapter 13
Transcribed by Kathryn E May, PsyD
September 7 2013
When you find yourself in a moment in your life where everything seems to be piling up on you, your feelings begin to sag into frustration, anger or despair, look up, Beloved Ones. Call to me; ask for my help. I will gladly give it. There is no event, no drama, no illness or pain that cannot be soothed by the Love of one who adores you. Even if you are in great physical pain, or you have suffered a terrible loss, I can come to you and heal the ache in your soul. I know how do this because it was done for me. You know of the pain I suffered at the end of my life. It is time I spoke of it here.
I knew when I was taken away by the soldiers what would lie ahead for me. I had seen the vision of myself on the cross, and had made peace with myself and with my Heavenly Host - the team of loving angels and Masters who watched over me during my life here on Earth. I had talked with Prime Creator, whom I love as my Father/Mother (for they are both). I called on all of them, there in the Garden of Gesthemeni. I had learned to go into deep meditation, to leave my body, in preparation for the trial we knew I would have to undergo. I was prepared, as prepared as any soul in a human body could be - or at least I thought I was.
My beloved Judas, who is by my side now, as the Being you know as Lucifer, was sent to summon the soldiers, for he was the only one who would have the strength to carry out such an errand. You see, this was true because of his own mission on Earth. Only he had the complete memory of why he was here and where we had come from. It was also true for him that he did not have the direct connection to God because of his special agreement, which you can hear him tell in his own words on BlogTalkRadio.com/HollowEarthNetwork.* On July 27, 2013, he told of his return Home, and the world knew for the first time that his true identity was as the Bringer of Light, not Satan or the Devil. His inner strength and his memory of the love of his Creator had sustained him for thousands of years, as he carried out his mission to bring the love of Self to humanity.
I knew the condemnation of Pontius Pilot, who was acting in concert with all those who wished to see my demise, would be a devastating blow. Being in a human body makes it difficult to see the greater meaning when your own people - the community of my peers and my neighbors - condemn you to a hideous death. There were moments when the disappointment was almost too much to bear, because it meant that my words had not touched their hearts, and for some, my life and my teachings had no power to change their minds. The jeering crowds told me that humanity was still under the influence of Darkness, and this added to my pain.
My beloved family - wife, mother, father, my friends and disciples - knew how to send the loving energy which carried me, lifted me, sustained me as I carried the heavy cross which was to become the symbol of my life on Earth. Truly, I felt no effort, no pain as I made that last journey. I was able to relinquish my hold on the body as the executioners bound it to the cross and began their gruesome task of nailing my hands and feet to it. I rested in the powerful energy of Love which my beloveds channeled to me, lifting my spirit and sustaining me in the higher dimensions where physical pain does not exist. 
I saw the eyes of those whose job it was to execute me, and I forgave them. I cried out for their forgiveness, for I saw their terrible pain, and I knew they would suffer a thousand deaths before their actions would be cleansed from their souls. 
I felt the presence of God, smiling to me through the channel of Light which my dear ones created and sustained moment by moment. It was only when the cross was raised, and they saw my body there, taken from them so cruelly, that they faltered for a moment because of their own terrible pain. For a moment, they could not bear the sorrow they felt, and they forgot our plan to sustain the Light channel.
For a moment, my consciousness crashed back to Earth, back into the body in great pain. For that moment, I too lost my grip on the Light which sustained my soul. As pain seared through the body like a knife, I cried out, "Father! Why have you forsaken me!" My cry roused my beloveds, and they resumed their heroic efforts to sustain me. They carried me to the Light when I did not have the strength to do it by myself. In spite of their own pain, they were able to hold onto their great Faith, and to remember the promise we had made to God. Together, they were able to help me to make my ascension to higher planes.
We stood vigil as life began to pass from the body, but we were able to keep the thread of Light to the heart, which continued to beat in an imperceptible rhythm, attuned to the Christ Consciousness of the 7th dimension. It was our plan, the moment we had been trained for. When the body was wrapped in linen and carried away, it was accompanied by my dear Mother Mary, my wife, and the others who knew what was to occur. 
It was important that any observers be convinced of my death so that the final stage could be accomplished without interference. There in the cave, I returned to take possession of the body which would be my last full incarnation on Earth, and lifted it into the 5th dimension. Here it has remained in safekeeping, the body which will serve me again when I return to walk among you.
When I reappeared to talk with my disciples, it was with this body. I was then able to appear and disappear at will, by moving through the portal to higher dimensions. It was this process which I wanted to teach - this Ascension which is the model for all of you to follow when you to raise yourselves to the 5th dimension. Fortunately, you will not have to experience the pain of crucifixion. Although some of you may now be in pain because of illness or injury, you will be able to raise yourselves, as I did, to the place of peace, the 5th dimension where all suffering drops away. You must learn to do this in order to accomplish your own Ascension.
It would be a very difficult assignment to lift the body with you into higher dimensions, if you did not have the training and help to accomplish it. This is why we have stressed over and over in messages from all the Masters, from Mother/Father God and Prime Creator, that you must now, this day, begin to take possession of your body. Acknowledge your ownership and your responsibility for your own health, and learn to heal all illness, all pain. In doing so, you are restoring your deepest connections to the body which was your precious gift of Life, given to you by your Creator, to serve you as the vehicle which will allow you to ascend, in possession of the body, so that you will not need to ever again incarnate in lower dimensions. 
You will be free to move throughout the dimensions, in your Lightbodies for adventures in higher dimensions and in your physical body when you wish to return to revisit Earth, to assist those who come after you. You will be able, with training, to recalibrate your density to suit the needs of those who are in lower dimensional states and who require a visible presence in order to work with you. 
We have in place a plan to help you learn to take possession of your bodies as you heal the illnesses and disabilities which this life has left you with. We have asked Kathryn/Lady Portia to lead healing groups in which a large group of healers will assist, just as my beloved team did for me, so that each person may experience the energy of Light as they restore their own deepest connections to the body.
By accomplishing this healing, you will each prepare yourselves for the day of your own Ascension. You see, it is not simply a matter of learning to leave the body, as many of you do in meditation and in sleep. You must learn to take full possession, in awareness of every cell, every organ, bone and muscle, so that you can transport your body, and you with it, through the portal to the 5th dimension.
This sounds like a difficult challenge, doesn't it? It is indeed, but you will receive training, as I did, and you will learn to master the feeling of being in complete alignment, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You may begin by listening to the healing sessions which have already been recorded on BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel. You will also be able to officially sign up to be a healer, even if you have no experience or knowledge of healing techniques. You will learn as you listen, and you will find yourself growing in awareness and in good health.
The Sign Up process, which can be accessed by going to Kathryn's website, www.whoneedslight.org, is not a necessary step, but it will give you the pleasure of knowing you have declared yourself a member of the team, and you will be on the list to receive email notices of coming healing sessions, or any change in schedule. It will also give us the official numbers so that we can announce this to the group. It is a great morale booster to the team and to those who are being healed to know how many souls are on their side. We can then begin to proclaim to the world the massive numbers we have attracted. You do love numbers, don't you?
You will also be able to sign up to put yourself on the list of those who wish to have their name called in a special session to be healed, but it is not really necessary to fill out the form in order to be included in the healing sessions. You see, these sessions are being conducted in the 5th dimension, where all beings communicate telepathically, and where you are well known to the healers who have volunteered to be of service to help you on your path to Ascension. 
Here is the way it works: Kathryn will read off some names of people who are being organized and grouped generally according to the worst of the symptoms they wish to have healed. You may simply mentally proclaim your wish to be included, and the Arcturians who are in charge of the healing technologies will place you in their circle of healing couches, where you will be assigned a team to attend to your needs. 
While the healing team in the 5th dimension works with you to begin the healing process, you must also open your heart and your mind to receive the Light which comes directly from God. By doing this, you create the atmosphere of perfect health within your body, and your body will respond accordingly.
You may listen to any number of these radio shows, and you may include yourself in as many sessions as you require - there is no limit to the kindness and generosity of the Arcturian healers, who are members of a highly evolved culture. They see themselves as a group consciousness, prepared and willing to do whatever is necessary to help you Ascend with your dear Mother Earth. They have already accomplished this, and so are experts in knowing what is needed.
In addition to the Arcturians who are in charge of conducting this massive project on the Motherships which they have brought for this purpose, you will also be helped by a great team of Ascended Masters, Archangels and Guides. With your explicit approval, your Higher Self, who knows every detail of what you require to heal completely - including the psychological shift which is so crucial to your healing - will take charge of working with them directly. The center of the healing arena will be occupied by Mother and Father God, St. Germain, myself, Archangels Michael, Raphael, Gabriella, Ariel, Celeste, Uriel, and many, many others who will bring the force of their Beings to channel the Light from the Central Sun, the presence of Prime Creator, just as my family did for me.
Now, the best part. On each call, you will experience the presence of hundreds, and eventually thousands of healers on the ground, as we call it, who will send their own human energy to assist you. These generous souls, Lightworkers all, have agreed to give of their time and their energy to help you. They are aware of the magnitude of this project, and of the goal in mind: not only that your bodies be healed, but that you learn in the process to resume command of your own Selves, and especially that you heal your relationship to your bodies.
As you all work together, you will all be lifted. You will feel the tremendous energy which can only be generated by the presence of thousands of hearts focused on the same goal: the healing of the entire human race, one individual at a time. You will begin to experience the Truth of Oneness, as you experience your deep connection to your Creator and equally to your fellow humans, who are also there to be healed and to assist you with your healing. Each one will be inspired to strengthen themselves in order to then turn to help others, and so the chain reaction which will ignite great beacons of Light across the planet has begun.
We have also asked that you Sign Up on the website so that you can be officially counted in the healings which can be documented. If we have your ailment before, and your testimony (and preferably your Doctor's) which attests to your wellness after the sessions, we will be able to show the world the Truth of what we are doing. Your medical establishment will be at first skeptical, but as the numbers mount, it will be impossible for the world to ignore the fact that true healing is a spiritual event, not a medical one.
Of course, many cultures throughout the ages, and the current medical practices in Asian cultures rely on the techniques we are using. This has been largely ignored, or superficially understood by Western medicine. Our work will unify and bring understanding to the entire planet. The methods I used when I was here on Earth were not magic, nor were they a talent unique to me. The same energies I called upon to lift people up, to help those who were lame to walk again, and those who were ill to be well, are the energies we call upon in the healing groups.
I will gladly give my name and my support to this wonderful project. Together we will create a modern-day "miracle." Join us, Beloved Ones, and we will bring peace, harmony and perfect health to all who desire it. You only need to ask and to receive. For some of you, the receiving part will be a great challenge. You are used to being asked to give, but you have not learned to receive, to absorb the great Love of your Creator and of your fellow humans. 
Your hearts have been closed, and yet you cry out that you are lonely and in pain. Your Vision has been dimmed, and you continue to complain that you cannot see. You do not feel the effect of our presence, not because we are not there, but because your channels have been closed down. Only you can restore your Vision, reclaim the telepathic abilities you were born with, and join us on a higher plane. 
Only you can heal the effects of life in the dense and unyielding 3rd dimension. The Veil has been lifted. New awareness is now available to you. Turn toward the LIght, Dear Ones, and you will see with new eyes. 
Open your hearts and allow the Love to flow into you, and you will know the great blessings which are awaiting you.
I am Sananda, the servant of God. I bring you Love and Light to show the way.
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 1, 2013, 2 PM EDT.
* http://my.blogtalkradio.com/hollowearthnetwork/2013/07/27/hollow-earth-network
Go to www.BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel to find archives and live sessions of the healing programs.