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martes, 30 de septiembre de 2014

Heaven Letters

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Get Up and Move Your Heart

God said:
When it’s raining out five days in a row, what can you do but weather it? You go to work the same. You come home from work the same. You know that the rain will last as long as it lasts, and the sun will come out again.

Yet, when it comes to dealing with life, you are not always so sensible. When your heart is saddened, even when you don’t know why, with or without good reason, you groan at your sadness. You may analyze it. You storm down its battalions, sure that sadness will hang on forever, and you will never be happy again.

Will you not treat rainy days of your emotions as you do the weather? You know that weather changes. You don’t fault the weather’s temperature and say that the temperature will never go away. Yet, to all intents and purposes, you may feel that your life is over, and that happiness will never be yours again. This is how it feels to you.

It’s a wonder that you form such conclusions. It’s a wonder that you discourage yourself so relentlessly. You stoke the fires of depression and take depression as your lot for all time.
Change your orientation, beloveds. Start loving yourself again. Give yourself a pep talk. Start having fun again. Outstare gloom. Never were you meant to be a cheerleader of gloom. It is not for you to make a tragedian of yourself. Start to see yourself in more favored situations. See the comic aspects that surround you. I said comic, not cosmic.

If you were a comedian, certainly you would find occasions to laugh. You could make a whole series of comedy out of what’s going on in your life right now.

Anyway, the sun will break through a cloudy day, week, or month. The sun always has. Put away your umbrellas. Get up and move your heart. Take it to a sunny island.

Psychologists have told you that the word always is not helpful for you in relationships. It is not helpful for you in your relationship with yourself. You will not always be depressed. You do not have to continue being depressed. Lift your own spirits. Change your thoughts. Welcome life. Greet yourself with a smile. Pull out that gloom from your heart, wrap it up in an old newspaper, and drop it into a dumpster. Gloom doesn’t belong to you. You don’t own it. It never was yours. You drove through a rough patch. Now you drive out of it.

Gloom is a trespasser. You were a good host. Now it is time for you to send gloom on its way. It has no right to stay with you for long, certainly not forever. Gloom has outlived its welcome. Now it is time for gloom to leave. Gloom cannot  be your companion forever. Gloom needs a change of scenery too.

Gloom and you have been spending too much time together. You have been crying in service to gloom. You simply have to kick gloom out. Gloom has been thriving on you, and you have let gloom have free range. Gloom will not  be happy at this turn of events, yet gloom must leave. Make room for happiness. Put a sign out on your heart: Happiness, Welcome!

Make room for happiness now. Clearly, happiness and gloom cannot room together. They are like oil and water and do not mix. Gloom gets along best with himself and people who find themselves in an unhappy mood. Moods are only moods, and moods have to take a walk. Moods are not to worry about, yet you have say on your moods.

Message from Prime Creator

Prime Creator (Ohara) :  Learn Deep-Self Diving

It is my pleasure to be speaking with you through our beloved channel, Kathryn.  I have not claimed more than my fair share of airtime during these past months as she channeled a message every day, because it was important for all of us to come forward to let you see how much we love all of you, and how clearly aligned we are in our vision of what you need to accomplish before your Ascension.

We see your struggles and your pain, and we see how easy it is for you to barricade yourselves inside a shell of your own making when you have been hurt.  It is a familiar human strategy to become defensive, hyper-alert and wary of trusting others - it is a natural extension of having seen too much suffering, too much pain as a child.

The next phase in your program for "protecting yourself" is then to try to control and manage your environment, and especially the thoughts and feelings of those around you. It is only a small step from there to begin practicing and perfecting the skills of manipulation, deception and other passive-aggressive techniques, and when you see something that looks to your child-brain like a threat to your ego/pride, it is a single step further into aggression.

Why do I bring this to your attention now?  Most of you would flatly deny any involvement in anything of the kind, because you disapprove of such behavior and you have convinced yourselves you have moved far beyond it long ago.  Well, I assure you, my Beloved Children, that it is highly unlikely you have completed this process.

How will it be possible for you to look deeply into yourselves to search out all such dark inclinations, when the very idea fills you with distaste and dread?  How will you be able to look at yourself and see old habits and behaviors that you are embarrassed about even considering?  Why would you want to search for darkness in the corners of your being when it makes you uncomfortable?  Wouldn't it just be better to meditate for a while till you feel happy?  Well, I must tell you:  No, it is better to do the digging now.  It will kick up your process of Ascension to warp speed.

Now, I will tell you about the "leading" statements in my message, above.  I suspect there were very few of you who said to yourselves:  "Why would I feel embarrassment, distaste or dread at the idea of seeing something dark in myself?"  You are far more likely to have just cringed and tried to not think about it.  Is shame really a "normal" response? Is it really inevitable that everyone feel that? You have probably just accepted that embarrassment or shame would be the only possible response. Did you catch the invitation to denial (burying your head) and avoidance? Were you tempted to take that road?

Now, let's take this whole issue apart and put it back together differently.

First, there is no reason for you to feel ashamed of having learned something "unattractive" or dark under duress as a child.  It makes as much sense as blaming a child for being hungry or tired.  All children develop schemes - masks, really - to hide behind.  It becomes a matter of pride to develop the most charming or the most frightening mask with which to face the world.  Your preferences depend entirely upon family and cultural style, although you probably think it was your own idea.

Second, any hint of embarrassment, dread or shame indicates that you, my Beloved One, are being judgmental toward yourself.  Otherwise, why would it matter to your pride if you found something in yourself that was dark or unsavory?  It is simply a matter of training, not your innate character. If you don't like it, you can change it. You, Dearest, are a bright star.  Your soul is a Divine diamond, a holy creation.  The kinds of behavior you learned - including being judgmental and disapproving of yourself and others - is nothing more than a bad education.  Re-educate yourself.

Third, before you attempt this challenge at home, you must be willing to turn away from all feelings of superiority, disdain, disapproval or reluctance to seeing even the most unattractive qualities - the biggest warts - in yourself.  Vow to search the farthest corners of yourself with the spirit of a private investigator - curious and determined.  Replace judgment with good humor, and be ready to cheer yourself up with a reassuring mantra, like, "Oops" or "Oh, well" or "Who knew?"

This sense of benevolent wonder originates in the center of your brain, in the place where all abilities and senses merge.  Watch the Visual Centering videos on YouTube to practice staying in that Light-channel where Love flows from Us to You.  If you are operating from an off-center place in your brain, you are depriving yourself of the delightful feelings of belonging, being in good company with yourself and us.

It is most important to conduct your search with the spirit of adventure.  Instead of dread, go deep-self diving with the goal of uncovering the worst of the worst - murderous feelings, attitudes of superiority or hatred, raging anger, or utter disdain for everyone in your path.  Pull it out of the treasure chest where you have buried all dreadful things and admire it honestly.  Say to yourself things like, "Hmm. Quite a powerful feeling for a child" and "Ah, of course he (the child you were) learned to think nasty thoughts.  It's what his father did all the time.  He was a good mimic," or perhaps "No wonder she was bitter and depressed (as I tend to be now). It was Mother's Philosophy of Life."

When you are successful in finding something truly dreadful about yourself, make a picture of the child you were, and talk with him/her about it.  No lectures!  Congratulate him/her for being resourceful and a good mimic.  Admire the intelligence and adaptability of the child, who really had no choice but to learn these particular skills.  But of course, you now have the option to unlearn them.  This is true freedom. So, forgive yourself for carrying it forward into adulthood.  Everyone does. Do not allow yourself to say anything intolerant or insulting to yourself, like "I should have known better."  If you had known better you would have been born a grownup.

You see?  In the spirit of compassion and genuine appreciation for your ability to survive, be a good actor, adapt to difficult times, and so forth, you can look at anything, change anything, and do it happily.  It is not a crime to have been a mean person.  It is just an unfortunate learned pattern.  If you don't like to think of yourself that way, change.  Take yourself in hand, with kindness, and offer to walk with the child you were, to provide comfort and support as you leave the dark secrets of childhood behind, not because they are shameful, but just because it pleases you to evolve and grow.

Understand, Dear Ones, you shape yourself just as you shape your life.  You are the putty in your own hands.  You were born to be resourceful, flexible and open.  Only training into the dark ideas of the cabal has taught you to think it is shameful to be wrong about something (and therefore you must always think you're right).  The old saw about learning from your mistakes is true.  It is the best way to learn.  So, congratulate yourself on having the courage to look directly at yourself objectively.  Objectivity is really a kind of special love.  It is like saying to yourself: "I don"t care what you might have done wrong in the past, or what mistakes you have made.  I love your spunk (stubbornness, sneaky ways).  It shows you have imagination.

Then design a program for yourself to break the pattern completely. No tolerance for the old ways, but enforced with joy and kindness, and a gentle guiding hand.  Ask your Higher Self to help you discover all the roots of the old behavior and to keep you alert to any sign of falling back.  Work on your present behavior and attitudes the way you would take on any really important project, with diligence and resolve.

It is a truly worthy endeavor, this work of reshaping your thoughts, feelings and actions.  No other self-improvement project can have the long-term payoff that results in such peace of mind, comfort and self-respect.  It is a Masterful approach to living, and it will make every moment of your days meaningful. This is what we mean by walking the walk.  With every realization you will raise your vibration, and the more you uncover and clear away, the higher you will go.

Be daring, Beloved Ones.  Take it as far as you can go, and then keep going.  We will be cheering you on and applauding every light bulb inspiration, every secret unveiled. Now, amass your weapons:  a journal and a nice pen, a mirror, and most of all, a song of hope in your heart and a chuckle ready in the back of your mind.  Go ahead, create a miracle in yourself.  Your poor, long-suffering Self will breathe a great sigh of relief and learn to laugh at anything, just for the fun of it.

This is my gift to you, Dear Children. I wish you inner peace and happiness every day of your lives.  I hope you can feel the deep respect and pleasure I feel when I offer you these simple (but not so easy) exercises to do.  I admire your intelligence and willingness.  I know how hard it is - I have been there too.  Yes, I too have incarnated on Planet Earth.  My twin flame is there with you now, as are so many of your Masters, Archangels, Mentors and Guides.

You are so lovable in your true nature, I embrace you, Lightbearers.  You are in my heart always.  I am your Creator.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 29, 2014, 11pm, New York

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lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

Message from Heaven – Saul

You are the ones waking up humanity.

Progress towards awakening continues, but lately there have been a few rough patches which are now being smoothed out.  The numbers of those who have started taking part in world peace meditations has increased enormously over the last few months, and the effect of that is powerful and exhilarating.  As you keep being told: “Do not allow the gloom and doom, the conflicts and the suffering that the mainstream media focuses on depress you, because that draws you down into the cycle of negativity and helplessness, into which you bring your own dismal energy field on which the dark ones feed.  Hold your Light on high, even when you don’t feel up to it, because it truly does counteract that negativity.”
You are all extremely powerful beings who are, if you choose to avail of this service, divinely guided in every moment.  There is never a moment when guidance is unavailable, but the fact that you choose to listen for it and accept it, or to resolutely ignore it is a free will choice that you make in every moment.  Yes, you are constantly making choices because life is about making choices.  They can be creative, inspired, and uplifting or you may be practically unaware that you are making any at all.  As humans that may not be what you are experiencing, and that is because you have chosen to bury yourselves in the distractions and limitations of your illusory world while remaining unaware of your eternal spiritual nature.
You have great power, bestowed on you by your Father when He created you, and you used it to build a very convincing illusion, a dream, and then you got lost within it.  But dreams do not last, they are momentary, and you will awaken from it.
Life is all about choices, and yet many of you refuse to recognize this, believing that you are helpless insignificant beings adrift in a universe that is too vast and impersonal to be in the slightest way conscious of your existence.  And of courseit is unaware of you, because it is unreal, a dream that you are collectively dreaming, that has absolutely no substance.  And that is very difficult for you to conceive of because, to you, it seems extremely real, naturally, because that was your intent when you constructed it.
Only God, Love, the supreme Source is Real.  And every one of you is an essential and inseparable eternal aspect of the One.  You are all Real, the illusion is not, so make the choice and the decision to let it go, let it dissolve, let it drift away and evaporate like morning mist as the sun rises and warms up all in its Light.
To awaken is your destiny, and to achieve your destiny you must choose to awaken.  You cannot escape from choice!  Don’t forget that not making a choice is also a choice, and that kind of choice can be very painful because it can lead you to believe that you are indeed nothing but helpless and insignificant conglomerations of chemical reactions occurring randomly and without any intelligent purpose in a haphazard and meaningless universe.
If you allow them to, your bodies can seem to be all of you, or at least the most important part of you.  But they most definitely are not.  They are vehicles that you need to inhabit temporarily to experience the suffering and the limitations of the illusion, and that is all.  You, the spiritual and eternal sentient being that God created is VAST, but It is unimaginable to you as limited embodied beings.  All the spiritual guides, mystics, and channelers stress this enormous gulf between what, as embodied and limited beings, you appear to be and what You truly are – divine beings at One with God.
When you learn to accept this truth – you have been informed of it many, many times – and it becomes an experiential state of existence that you accept and engage with, you will be overwhelmed with joy, and all your fears and worries will just fall away.  Many who have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) have written about them and talked about them because their lives have changed so dramatically for the better as a direct result of them.  If you have doubts about who you really are, then read some of the books on the subject, or listen to some of the talks or interviews with those who have had NDEs.  They will truly inspire you, and at this time in humanity’s growth in spiritual awareness you need as much inspiration as you can access to assist you in holding your Light on high.
You are the ones waking up humanity.  Yes, humanity has made a collective decision to awaken, but you are the “alarm clocks” and you need to sound the alarm.  Humanity is ready, it has slept well and deeply, and now is the time to awaken into the constant awareness of your true and divine natures.
When you go within, to your inner sanctuary, that place of constant and alluring peace, imagine that everyone who is relaxing in their own sanctuary at the same moment – and there is only one eternal moment – is setting the alarm clocks that will awaken humanity.  With great intensity of purpose intend that all the alarm clocks are perfectly and irreversibly set and that they are about to ring out loudly, penetrating the consciousness of every sentient being.
And the sound that will burst forth, awakening all, will be the most glorious heavenly music designed and created specifically for the purpose of waking all into exuberant joy, as realization dawns that life is a magnificent and endless state in which all share in the marvel of being One in the deepest and most sensational intimacy with each other and with God.
With so very much love, Saul.

Heaven Letters

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Rise and Serve, Rise and Shine

God said:
You are a natural in fulfilling My dreams. You are star of fulfilling My dreams. No one has to know that you are a star and that you fulfill My Will. You have to know. Let others think whatever they think.

When I say that you have an assignment to do on My behalf – and everyone does -- I am speaking of the work and play you do for Me which is inevitably for the good of the world and humankind. Whatever service I ask of you is on My behalf. It is Our One Unified Will that you lift the world high.

Only as you rise can you do this.

It is your destiny to rise and to serve. You can't have one without the other. Rise and serve. Rise and shine.

The rising I speak of may not be the rising that the world may think of. I am not speaking of world acclaim or riches. Please understand that I am in favor of your success in the world, yet this is not what I speak of now.

All you ever have to have, you already have, and this is Our inviolable connection you already have. Whether acknowledged or not, We are more than connected. We are entwined. We are so entwined that there is no We, only I, only Oneness Supreme.

And so I serve, and so you also serve. You serve in My Name. You speak for Me. You do for Me. And, as you do, you speak for all. You herald Me to the world. You open doors for Me and more and more.

It is understood that you do not always know the good you do and how you fulfill My Will. Often you mosey along without a clue as to how you are furthering My Will. You do understand now that through the constraints of language, I speak as if We are two when only I exist and We are joined as One. Yes, beloveds, We are One. You are My Oneness. All of life is the story of Our Oneness, My Oneness which I share with the seeming All.

You appear as My Self in many forms. Whatever your guise in the world, beggarman, merchant, chief, you are My unlimited Self. Seen or unseen, you are a Knight in Shining Armor.

All that I can do, you can do. You have done. You are a considerable force in the world. You sweep the world up in your arms and carry it to Me. The world has been wounded, and you carry it to Me to heal. And now I tell you that you are a healer in the world. The Light of the World is a healer. By your very presence, you heal the world. Stay in peace, for it is in silence that you heal.

First, heal all the slights you hold within you. Let them go. This is the past that you are letting go of. You have had enough of the past. The past has to be left behind. Bygones must be bygones. You are here and now. You are present in My heart. Stay with Me. Just be with Me. Be the heart of Me. Let Us be together in Eternity, for this is the Truth.

There is no past, no present, no future, only the Infinite and Eternal. There is no time. We exist, yet time does not. There are no clocks ticking. There is timelessness, and We are located in spacelessness. Our hearts beat as One. We are One. I am One with you, and you are One with Me. And so the world turns, and so We love. We are love and naught but love.

You are here on Earth to grow in love, and so you grow. You can only grow. Never mind how you may feel today or tomorrow. You are growing in love. You are My representative of love, and so you represent, and so you are.

domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2014

Message from The Galactic Family – The Arcturian Group

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SEPTEMBER 28, 2014
We of the Arcturian Group speak today regarding the many changes you are experiencing in your lives and observing in the lives of others. Many have chosen to leave earth at this time, but try not to fret or mourn them dear ones, for it is everyone's choice in this time of ever increasingly powerful energies to stay or to leave. Many have determined on a deeper level that are unable to spiritually evolve to where they need to be in time to be a part of the higher frequencies of ascension energy coming to earth at this time. They have made the choice to incarnate at a later time into what will be then, established new energies. All are where they need to be.
We speak to those concerned that they are not evolving quickly enough or doing whatever is needed to incorporate the new energies. Be assured dear ones, that once you choose to evolve (through activities of seeking, reading, meditation, and even stating your intention, etc.), you will get whatever lessons, clearings, experiences, and guidance are needed. Do not compare yourselves to the descriptions you may of read in some book about how ascension or evolution must feel or appear in order to be authentic--every person will experience his journey as is appropriate for him. Each one's Higher Self knows what is needed and when it is needed.
You, the awakened ones, knew before incarnating that these times were to be a powerful and perhaps difficult, but in spite of that were eager to be on earth and a part of it. Whereas in previous lifetimes you may of come in with one or two lessons to learn, this time you understood that it would be necessary to resolve all remaining karmic situations, release traumatic experiences still stored in cellular memory, and awaken into a state of consciousness aware of truth in order to assimilate the high frequencies of ascension energy. The process is not always pleasant as you have discovered for many clearings are re-experienced as they come to the surface.
The problem is that once a soul puts on a physical body, the denseness of physical energy causes him to forget. Children remember for the first few years of life on earth because they still resonate with "home" which is why children often see and interact with spirits and angels seemingly talking to themselves. With time and under the pressures of a third dimensional belief system, individuals begin to identify with the ego self, the personality, and forget who they are or why they came.
It is a time of change for all--those un-awakened as well as the awakened--for the old ways either no longer work, or simply do not resonate in any meaningful way. Foods, friends, and entertainments that in the past were satisfying suddenly feel obsolete and no longer interesting. Relationships or occupations may feel finished. This is because your energy field no longer resonates with the energy field of much you previously did resonate with--you have graduated beyond them. At this point you will either be drawn to these same things in manifestation on a higher level of expression, or they will simply no longer be a part of your life.
As long as there remains any third dimensional consciousness, there will be teachings, beliefs, and solutions based in duality and separation--more is better, you live only one life, death is permanent, you are separate from God and other living things etc.. Many promoting third dimensional solutions are sincere but as of yet un-awakened individuals, offering the best they know. There are others who actually are awakened, but have chosen to serve in this way, working within the third dimensional belief system for those needing this level of help. You who read these messages are ready to move into new ways.
Be alert always to the subtle intrusion of world belief which functions much the same as subliminal advertising. False beliefs and attractive suggestions put forth by those who stand to profit from an ignorant and susceptible society slip effortlessly into minds left unguarded and unaware which is why it is important to stay alert and centered at all times. Limit your news viewing and television shows that represent the lowest common denominators of humankind. Understand that what you accept into your mind easily becomes your state of consciousness and will in turn then have to be cleared at some point.
Be aware, be alert, be awake.
We wish to speak of the energies of conflict so apparent on earth at time. These appearances are the manifestation of ancient energies long stored in the body of Gaia as well as in the cellular memories of certain groups of people. Having long remained dormant, Gaia, with the help of all awakened ones, needs to clear these dense and obsolete energies once and for all.
The fires and disasters you are now witnessing are Gaia's process of clearing old energy. Ponder the violence and suffering that took place in the settling of the western USA as well as certain other areas of the world. Gaia is a living soul and is dong what she needs to do in order to lift into a higher dimensional energy.
Your job is to see through outer appearances by recognizing their nothingness in the light of the truth that there is NO LAW holding any of these things in place. They have only world beliefs of separation and duality to sustain and maintain them which is why those who stand to profit from violence and war work hard to perpetuate fear and the resulting appearances.
Perpetual war games and manipulation of people are beginning to be recognized for what they are--ploys to instill fear and suffering in order to keep the mankind locked in old energy. These things cannot work in an awakened society. Many are beginning to see through the hype, news, and constant bombardment of negative and fearful information and are moving beyond fear by evolving into the Light of Truth.
Events in the third dimensional world may appear very powerful, but have only the energy of ignorant belief to sustain or maintain them. Yes, they appear very destructive and powerful, but that is the illusion, dear ones. Illusion is never OUT THERE, illusion is in the perception of the observer--everything is perceived according to one's state of consciousness. In the light of truth, has anyone ever died?
Know that life lessons are set up and agreed upon before incarnation. There are many at this time who are bravely resolving large amounts of personal as well as universal karmic energy through their experiences--they have chosen to serve in this way. Remember, karma is an energy balance, not a punishment.
As awakened beings, it is time to accept the responsibility of serving as Light workers. Once an individual becomes conscious of truth, he cannot sit idle--truth must flow, adding Light to the world's energy field which in turn helps others to awaken for there is only ONE. When fruit is allowed to rot upon the tree, it serves neither the tree or others, but simply stagnates. As you silently and secretly release the Light you carry, more is given. It is a flow, and this is evolution.
You are the healers bringing change dear ones, you are those who must send unconditional love and Light to these struggling places, people, and activities. Recognize all appearances for what they are--manifestations of a world consciousness of duality and separation. Instead of judgement, visualize unconditional love and light flowing forth to those people and places that seem to have lost their way. Utilize also the powerful violet flame of transmutation but attach no directions as to what any sending of Light is to do, for the energies of Divine Light function as wholeness and completeness and know what is needed.
The energy of earth is quickly moving into a new and higher dimensional frequency despite appearances to the contrary. Your job is to rest in truth at all times, send unconditional love and Light to places and people unaware of Oneness, and then trust.
You create your world so remember to create well and truthfully.
We are the Arcturian Group September 28, 2014

Heaven Letters

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

This Is What Love Does

God said:
What you have been searching for all your lives is the love in your own heart. You have veered a little off course. You thought it was love from others you were seeking. You thought you needed the world to love you when, all the while, it was your own love that you were seeking so desperately.
What standards of love do you impose upon yourself? You are good enough for Me. Cannot you be good enough for yourself? No longer find yourself wanting. You don’t have to be other than you are. You are My beloved right now. It doesn’t matter what you look like. It doesn’t matter how perfect or imperfect you are. It matters that you love yourself. Love yourself regardless, and then you will be able to love others regardless.
You are not born to Earth to find fault. You are here on Earth to engender love. That’s it. Life without giving love is a dry desert. Let your love be like living under the sun, and you are like the morning dew. It is for you to be the pause that refreshes. Be you the giver of My love.
If you are a bus driver, know you are more than one who drives a bus. You welcome everyone who boards the bus you drive, and you bless everyone who gets off. This is in the job description I give you. You open your heart so that others may open their hearts. You are personable, yet you are impersonal in your love. It is My love that you give. It is My love in your heart. That is the love that is yours to share. You are twice-blessed.
What did you think you were on Earth for? To amass or to give?
Giving love is not wanton, yet you give to all, as if you are handing out free tickets of admittance to the love that flows from Me to you and all who come before you. You do not discriminate. Would I pick and choose to whom I give My love? Then why would you?
Remember, this is My love you give. I have entrusted you with it. It is on My behalf that you give it. In giving My love, your beleaguered heart is nourished. You nourish the world, and you nourish all, including yourself. This is a good deal, beloveds. All the love you give covers yourself with love. You beam it out. You become the sun that shines.
The Great Spiritual Ones did this. It was My love that shone from their eyes, from their words, from their hearts. They knew they were representing Me. They played a big part, yet it was nothing at all because it was all in service to Me. They lived Oneness. They found themselves by losing themselves, though, of course, there was no loss. There was only gain, and gain for all.
The love that issued from the Great Ones was not personal emotional love. The love that issued from the Great Ones was beyond emotion. The love they gave transcended boundaries. Their giving love was like breathing. They did not have to think about it or weigh it. It was not a production. There was no fanfare, yet there was the Power and the Glory. They gave love to you from Me. You receive My love through them still. My love is non-ending. My love is.
You are My love. What applies to Me applies to you. We are talking of Oneness, beloveds. Accept Our Oneness. You are One with Me. Now accept that you are. Accept Our Oneness. Dub everyone Oneness. Reveal Oneness. This is what love does.

Message from Lady Portia

Portia:  You Carry the Ball

St. Germain and I are taking turns talking to you in these last moments before the world turns completely around.  We love talking to you, and we have both been so busy working with the government officials and world financial leaders that we have remained, like a bug in their ears, completely involved with the day to day operations of the unfolding Prosperity Programs.  Of course, we have told you that we can be in many places at a time, but it is also sometimes more effective if we pull much of our energies together for a short time to focus as intensely as possible on a single person or group. Adamos and I enjoy combining our vibrational power to apply the violet flame when needed, or to send enormous waves of Love right into the heart of a recalcitrant one whose actions are important to the greater good.

It has been increasingly effective as we join forces with you on the ground who are sending such Love and compassion to your brothers and sisters.  We observe the flow of loving energy in the environment the way you would see a drop of food coloring in a glass of water.  The swirling waves of color and light move through the atmosphere like ribbons of Light.  We see the energy being sent especially to the Middle East, to the areas of conflict, and to the leaders of the banking and finance, many who have been aligned with the cabal in the past.  Your vibrational messages of Love are literally bowling them over.  Keep up the good work!

Your planned meditations are especially effective, like when you send out your energy at 11 minutes past the hour.  We love it when you join your energy with ours to create a golden wave of uplifting and joyful vibrations.  It speeds the changes we all want to bring into effect, and we cannot do it without you.  It is part of the contract we have had with you from the beginning:  We cannot send more energy to effect change than you do.  This creates a fair balance, and it means that we can never bring about any change that you have not begun to create yourselves.  This way, you are always leading the way, designing and manifesting the world you envision.  Then we can throw our energies behind helping you.

You see, we must always allow you to have at least the 51% share of the influence upon the conditions on your planet.  It is part of the Universal Laws that we cannot intervene in the local affairs of a planet's day to day activities.  The only exception has been if the people engage in building nuclear-type weapons, because that, as we have told you, is dangerous to the entire Multiverse.  It was decided in the Councils that it would never again be allowed that your military zealots unleash nuclear explosions, either for testing or in battle.

Of course, now they have designed missiles which can be made from small amounts of depleted uranium, the waste product from your nuclear power plants.  The use of nuclear power to create electricity was an insane idea from the beginning, since the scientists had no idea how to dispose of the waste or how to control the powerful reactions if some small error or leak occurs.  It was a truly foolhardy idea, sold to the people as a panacea, but in truth it was simply another massively profitable experiment because of the enormous expense of building and maintaining the extremely dangerous plants, and the impossibility of disposing of the waste.

Needless to say, there is no good way to dispose of a substance with a half-life of thousands of years, and no known way in your world to neutralize its toxic effects.  Of course the builders were aware of this when they convinced their friends the politicians to approve of their irresponsible plans, but everyone understood at the time that the waste products might just be a useful source of military weapons, as they have become.  You have seen the effect of this factor in the discussions of Iran's nuclear capabilities and the waste from their reactors.  It is a world-wide ticking bomb.

For this reasons, it was determined that the Ashtar Command would begin a program of clearing away the nuclear waste, using advanced technologies brought to bear on the problem by your galactic brothers and sisters.  There has been an effective intervention in many parts of the world, commensurate with the activity on the ground to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons and to decommission nuclear power plants.  It has been unfortunate that since nuclear power plant spills and accidents have been mostly covered up, there has been a rather indifferent attitude on the part of the people.  It is the common belief that since the plants have not exploded all around the world, there must not be much danger.

There has been little discussion in the media about the parts of the world that have been massively polluted by the Fukushima accident; it hardly makes the mainstream news that entire coastlines have been devastated by the movement of ocean currents carrying the radioactive waste.  You have been told it was completely cleaned up by the Galactics, but unfortunately that is not yet accomplished, although there is great willingness on the part of the ones who will gladly finish the job.  They require your ongoing participation and energetic input if they are to intervene in such a dramatic way to complete the job.

I want to ask all of you to join with St. Germain and me, the other Masters and the Brothers and Sisters from across the galaxy who wish to help restore Mother Terra's oceans to their pristine condition.  It is an enormous task, but one that will resolve quickly with the concerted efforts of all of us together.  We ask that you join us for a powerful blast of violet flame energy to nullify and clear away all the toxic waste from nuclear weapons and power plants around the world, and to speed the decommissioning of the 435 currently operating nuclear plants around the world.  In addition, there are 71 under construction, 29 of them in China, all approved for construction since Fukushima.  Why has this headlong plunge into environmental roulette been permitted by the people of the world?

Partly, the answer is that governments have turned a deaf ear to protests by citizens' groups, but the times are changing, Dear Ones.  Arm yourselves with the facts of how dangerous this time bomb technology really is, and get rid of any government officials who support it.  Make it your "litmus test" for who you want in office, and you will clear away the crooks and the irrational capitalists who care only about profit and who only look at the financial bottom line, without regard to environmental dangers.  Why would you want anyone by that description in office anyway?  You could clear them all out in one election cycle.  You wouldn't even have to wait for the Justice Department to build a case against them to get them out of the positions of power they now hold, although many will join the "perp walk" very soon for their accumulated crimes against the people.

So, join with us to continue envisioning and creating the world of our dreams - a world in which all are safe from man-made disasters, illnesses caused by toxic chemicals, dirty water, and reckless indifference to the pain it inflicts on our dear Mother Terra.  Send your powerful energy of Love across the planet, flooding all the earth with your passionate intention to heal, clear away all destructive energies and residues of dark ideas and actions.

Include in your Vision the complete elimination of all genetically engineered food products and all pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Picture in your mind's eye the dwindling of factory farms and the enslavement of animals.  See them emptying of animals, and closing their doors because of the lack of demand for meat and meat products, as all the earth's beings, animals and humans alike, evolve from carnivore to omnivore, then herbivore, or as humans like to call themselves, vegans.  As your planet rises in vibration, there will be less and less interest in consuming the flesh of animals who have become your friends.

Have you noticed how much easier it is to find organic food in your markets?  Have you seen how many restaurants offer vegetarian specialties?  When you go out into the world and profess your preferences in markets and restaurants, when you get to know the farmers in your area and support their efforts to grow organic fruits and vegetables, you are making a large contribution to the positive change we are longing for.

Every decision matters.  Every food choice carries with it a moral implication.  Will you turn toward the Light in every area of your life?  Will you "vote" for a healthy and sustainable Paradise as your living environment, or will you support the cabal in your choices by buying food that has been grown with their deadly poisons?  Or buying water in plastic bottles that strangle and destroy the oceans and all who swim in them?

You see, Dear Ones, these are the changes that money cannot buy.  You do not need the RV (although you will have it anyway) to create massive change in the world you live in.  You only need to stop giving your money to the culprits who are encouraging your demise, sickening the whole population, causing birth defects and cancer, and lying about it.  It is so simple, is it not?  If every person reading this will withdraw their support from the polluters of the world, the world would be a different place.

Now, go down your lists of things that are toxic.  Refuse to use toxic cleaning products.  Eliminate all plastic bags.  Bring nothing into your house that is made of plastic.  Read labels to make sure you are not using toothpaste made with fluoride or fruit drinks made with sugar.  Buy nothing in cans or boxes.  Ask your grocer to unwrap the fruits and vegetables, or do not buy them.  Take your own bags, and do not feel you have to wrap every item you buy in plastic just to take it home.  It is a simple thing to carry mesh or cloth bags to wrap your foods.  Do it for Mother Terra, and for yourself.

Loving yourself, your family and your planet is not a sometime thing.  Be loyal; be always thoughtful of the impact of your actions, on yourself, your community, and your beloved planet.  As our dear St. Germain has said, it is the mark of a Master to be in complete command of your thoughts, feelings and actions.  Now, expand that definition to include all your actions, everywhere you go, every time you make a purchase, no matter how small it is, every time you plan a meal or step into a restaurant.  Honor your commitments to yourself and your spiritual family, and as you do, you will find yourself rising above old habits, indulging in uplifting and joyful thoughts, and becoming healthy in the bargain.

You will soon be receiving enormous blessings.  As you plan the ways you will be using your funds, be aware of the plea we have just made to you, to remember - you are the stewards of your beloved planet.  Do not forget her in your excitement to buy all the things you always wanted.  Instead, go to deepest part of your Heart, where pure Love flows from us, through you, and into the Heart of Terra.  Honor that connection, Beloved Ones, and go forth to create Heaven on Earth.

How completely and how rapidly your world changes will depend on you.  We are here, always at your side, moving the energy that turns the wheel, forging ahead when you do, holding back when you do.  This has been the reason for some of the delays you experience, of course.  We are not permitted to move "off sides" if you are not carrying the ball in the same direction we are.  So, come, let us go full speed ahead, chanting our joyful marching songs and singing the praises of our loving God.

We are here with you, reveling in the triumph of these moments, and we are dedicated, thrilled to be moving with you in harmony.  We are the ones who always, gladly, "have your back".  You just need to be aware of what's in front of you. Together, Dear Brothers and Sisters, we are winning the game, and changing the world.

I am yours, joyfully dedicated to the Great Plan.
Your Portia.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May, September 27, 2014, 11 pm, New York

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sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

Message from Crystalai


(Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) 

We are in a new reality. We are in a new time and space. We are in a place that will allow us to absorb the cosmic star dust that is filling our skies with the help of the Coronal Mass Ejections and the meteor showers. 

We are also being held within a Consciousness field of protection with 48 plasma bodies or Crystal Ships holding us in alignment with this Aurora field that prepares a stairway to heaven as this blue cosmic stardust begins to fill our atmosphere. 
As of December 2012, we have been placed in a new time and space reality that allows us to align with the divine matrix. Before our Earth was in an angular rotation that placed us in alignment with the Phantom Matrix. It was the Guardian Alliance who moved us into a new space and time reality where our race line would not be completely obliterated. 

The fallen angelics tried very hard to pull us in to the Metatronic 55 reverse spin which would had pulled Earth into a reality that would had been horrific and would had ended in the destruction of the human raceline. 

Our Guardian Race did everything they possibly could do to make sure we were removed from that future reality. They made sure we were realigned in to a new space and time reality. The original path of Earth was in the outer domains that made Earth very vulnerable to invader racelines that wanted to take our stargate portals for their own usage. The new path of Earth is in the INNER DOMAINS. The inner path is a safe path. It is a path of alignment within where all 12 stargates merge their frequencies back to gether into a new atunement that allows us to begin our multidimensional journey. 

The experience that we are having now is not what it seems to be. Our old cellular memory is telling us that we are being bombarded by meteorites. Our new reality is telling us we are moving into a blue stardust that holds the frequency signatures of all of our multidimensional reality. Even at the scientific level, science says that the Comet's tail will bring pieces of stars from thousands of other planets. Once those frequencies enter our atmosphere, our mind shifts more and more into the Consciousness of Multidimensional realities. 

The Guardian Alliance and the Aquafarians knew that this time would come in our history that we would need help in our transformation into the second sphere of reality. They knew that we had fallen out of the Andromeda M31 and that only the Aquarius Matrix held the divine blue print that was needed to bring us back into alignment. They created an imprint of their sphere of reality around the Earth. So, we have been held within the womb of a star all of this time waiting for the time of our rebirth. 

We are in a new reality. We are in a new time and space. We are in a place that will allow us to absorb the cosmic star dust that is filling our skies with the help of the CME's and the meteor showers. 

We are also being held within a Consciousness field of protection with 48 plasma bodies or Crystal Ships holding us in alignment with this Aurora field that prepares a stairway to heaven as this blue cosmic stardust begins to fill our atmosphere. 

The more we align with the frequencies-the cosmic frequencies, the source frequencies, the stardust frequencies, the more we get to enjoy each wave as it passes through our bodies and Earth's body. The more we get in tune, the more we get to see this entire fabulous event that is taking place right now in our Universe. It has been quite an adventure for me. I am so grateful that I have learned how to feel and experience this glorious event of our shift into at one ment with all 12 stargates. 

I also know that as this adventure moves forward, I am seeing and feeling new things faster and faster each day, my dreams become more and more lucid, I start dreaming before I fall asleep, I am walking in my sleep half the time, I feel like I'm walking in and out of dreams just like changing stations on a t.v. It is the beginning of multidimensionality. 

We asked our Aquafarian family when we can move to Aquafaria continuously. 

They answered this way. When we are consciously in Aquafaria more than we are in our third dimensional reality. We will be in the 6th. 

They added this important fact. They said we will not move to Aquafaria, we will move Aquafaria to Earth. The Healing Temples of Aquafaria will move to Earth between 2014 and 2017. They said the blue star dust that will come to Earth will be the aurora fields like a stairway for the blue body to awaken and arise into the fifth dimension. 

This is exactly what we are doing every minute of every day. We are spending more and more time in our Aquafaria home absorbing the frequencies of this sixth dimensional realm and learning everything there is to know about it. This is the realm where there are millions of elementals showing us how to redesign our bodies into the omni particles of our original creation from the breath of god. These breaths of Source frequencies are breathed in to our etheric chromosomes to realign our DNA at the omni level into a New Form of consciousness. 



Message from Crystalai

As we move onto Future Earth, we will have an entirely different type of body. First, we will transform into a different chemical make up. This will be our first pull into the future, as our particles spin faster and faster through the angular rotation of particle spin that rearranges our biology, chemistry and scenery. 
This change will happen instantly -- not gradually. The biological transformation of the body, that has been going on within our carbon based structure will be changed into the crystal based eternal life chemical and biological forms. Our Consciousness will be transformed into a higher frequency that merges into the all knowing Source, who creates a brand new idea with each breath. 
Our pituitary gland will blossom and open our third eye to gain the spiritual vision of the Mind of God. When the pituitary blossoms, the Mind of God begins its continuous dream stream between what we desire to create in our dreams to blossom into full manifestation in any of the multidimensional reality fields. The new seventh level man will regain the ability to manifest visible reality through the invisible, Please note that each paragraph of this article contains the basic idea that is explained in detail in articles that have been written by Dr. Angela Barnett. There are dozens of articles explaining these concepts in great detail at our website. Please sign up for the bi-weekly newsletter to be continuously guided through the events occuring on Earth prepare our consciousness to shift into a new portal of oneness with our souls from harmonic universe two, our oversouls from harmonic universe three, our avatar selves from universe four and our rishi selves from harmonic universe five. As the Earth shifts out of the time matrix that is being controlled by fallen angelics, there will be a new pathway of consciousness through Source opened that will once again become available to the human angelic who learns how to connect his frequency specific midbrain directly and continuously into the primal sound fields that activate Source Consciousness to create a brand new idea through every breath. 
The reason that our minds have not been able to function as the Minds of God has been because of the metatronic sonic fields manifesting in Earth's atmosphere as a result of the Jehovian Seals placed in Earth's grids thousands of years ago. There were seven locations on Earth that had these Seals activated causing hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. Through the frequency work that many LightWorkers who work with the Round Tables of our Guardian Races have done, the metatronic sonic fields began to close. The Fallen Angelics have been controlling the minds of human angelic through metatronics for thousands of years. Those who have learned to activate their fields of protection through the use of the Frequency Shields of Universal, Cosmic and Source Consciousness have been free to activate their 12DNA blue print and become ready for their transition into the harmonic universe two, Inner Earth and Tara to become a visible experience of transformation. Once our Consciousness complete transformation into the new time matrix concepts such as immortality, agelessness, and instant manifestation will become the new subjects taught in our schools. INSTANT MANIFESTATION is the natural ability and expectation of all human angelics. We will be the creators of all that will exist in our new reality. 
WATER is the most important part of manifestation next to consciousness and frequencies. In the Normal Earth, water was, and will be, the giver of life. The stories about people soaking in magical healing ponds is true. There wasn't just one pond. There were millions, and the oceans were healing waters as well. 
Our chemical make up is simply a densified version of water. We are like the ice cubes who will soon change into vapor. We can make this process happen simply by breathing Love into the water that we drink, swim in or use in gardening. The healing waters were healing because they were IONIZED with the Love Frequency. That frequency was removed and lowered into stress and violence. 
It is now the time of IONIZATION. We can accelerate the process by listening to our ETERNAL LIFE ALBUMS, raising our consciousness into the Love Frequencies and then breathing into your cup of water before you drink it. The water will give you back your love frequencies while healing your body. You can do the same thing when you swim. You can fill the oceans full of IONIZED LOVE FRQUENCIES. 
That is the FIRST STEP in the Transformation of our Bodies and the Earth. 
This Ionization is continuously done by Dolphins and Whales. Every time they breath they are exhaling the love frequency and ionizing the oceans. 
The problem is we live in a hologram where we are seeing holograms of realities that just aren't real. 
We can now walk through the mirror into our parallel realities and create the world the way we want it to be.