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jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Heaven Letters

The Truth of Your Self

God said:
There is no loss. You think you have loss. To you, it is incontrovertible that you have loss. As you see it, you lose your youth. You lose loved ones. You may lose hope.

Nothing is lost. Inside, you are still young. The heart of you doesn’t age. Age is something you buy into. In the extant world, everything changes, and you count that as loss. Everything in the world is a passing fancy. It is illusion, convincing illusion, and yet illusion. How you believe in illusion. How well you are attached to it.

You talk about physical appearances. It is the temporary physical that you are attached to. You are talking about time and space which do not exist in the first place and are hardly possible to lose when they are a mirage, and, yet you are attached to time and space as if flashing time and space anchor you. In physical terms, time and space let you down. Inevitably, they let you down.

You also talk about gain. You gain pounds. You gain money. You gain happiness for a while only to lose it again because you do not know that happiness is your very Being. You are attached to will-o-the-wisps.

In truth, you have everything and nothing to gain. You believe deeply in temporary things when all you are and all you desire are already yours if you could but believe, but, of course, you believe seeing is believing. Seeing misleads you. Belief is a perception as well. Truth is something else. Believe in Truth, beloveds. Believe in your unconquerable soul. Believe in Eternity and Infinity. Believe in your Self. Know the Truth about you. The Truth is not events. The Truth is not what you did. The Truth is not what seemingly has been done to you. Truth is unchanging.

You are not all what you reduce yourself to. Yes, you have a body, yet you are not your body. Yes, you have a name, yet you are not your name. Yes, you have a mind, yet you are not your mind. You are beyond your mind. You are beyond all you perceive and conceive. Heart and mind are not really contrary. Your mind is a vehicle. It is a kind of radar. Senses the same. Your heart is in tune with Me.

In one sense, everything on Earth is a blessing, even what you call hard times, even what you call misfortune, even what you call tragedy. Being alive on Earth is a blessing, and yet you call blessing by other names. You do not persist in the realization that you are a blessing and that you bless. You call yourself a fool or a rogue or one who complains, as if these names can be the sum of you. You are vaster. You are vaster than any thought you have.

Not even your thoughts belong to you. You believe in your thoughts that are far-fetched. You hold thoughts tight. You harbor them. You haven’t scanned far enough to reach Truth. You haven’t been able to get a handle on it. You have not yet been able to be true to your Self. You haven’t known enough to be true to your Self. You have absconded from Truth. You take everything else seriously, so seriously, and Truth, well, you skim over Truth. It is not yet in your grasp.

Frankly, you may well not know what’s up. You don’t know who you are. You don’t know that you ascend. You pull yourself down and cry, “Foul.” You may well give too much credence and importance to others and to many trifling things that mean nothing, nothing at all.

You are the meaning, beloveds, and you are far more than the surface of life. You are life. You are spectacular. You are Being. I ask you to know the Truth of your Self.

Message from Archangel Michael

              Beloved masters, the process the world and humanity are now experiencing has been spoken of by many wise sages and masters over the past several hundred years, and yet, the masses have not taken heed and have continued on a downward path of self-destruction. Humanity has built an illusion of wealth and abundance, but it has been built on the quicksand of greed and fear of scarcity.  This giant bubble of illusion has burst under the pressure of the Living Light of truth. What humanity is now experiencing is the cause and effect or the karmic results of following the impulses of the ego-desire body instead of the whisperings of Spirit.  Many dear souls have never experienced lack or deprivation-they have lived a life of instant self-gratification-while others, who believed the old teachings that they were not worthy of abundance, have lived many lifetimes of scarcity and impoverishment.
            You, the StarSeed, are in the midst of the astounding process of awakening to the awareness of your celestial heritage, which has been encoded within atom seed crystals and stored within your Sacred Mind.  Also, be aware that there is a magnificent history of bravery and excellence woven into the violent and often tedious journey of human evolution. You are experiencing a resurrection of extra-sensory abilities and higher consciousness abilities which have been dormant for many ages. However, it is not always an easy or comfortable process, and it takes dedication and effort to open the sealed door to your inner wisdom; the Sacred Mind. It is vitally important that you learn to trust your own inner guidance once more. A loving and grateful heart purifies the consciousness and creates tranquility and peace of mind.  It gradually develops into a constant state of serenity and Self-assurance, rather than just an occasional occurrence.
            It is apparent in every facet of earthly existence that humanity is awakening from the illusional dream of past ages as the refreshing Light of God-consciousness permeates all Creation.  Each Soul has an unique consciousness code within their Diamond Core God Cell. This code contains the perfect resonance or harmonics for each lifetime.  One of the wonders of recalibrating your Energetic Signature with your Soul Song is that the attuned frequencies begin to resonate with the streams of Living Light, which gradually connect your OverSoul-self to the many other fragments of your Higher Self.  At that time, your ascension process truly begins. You still cannot comprehend that you are strongly interconnected with all the facets of your Higher Self. One of the greatest, most astounding awakenings is when you become aware that you are a facet of a great, multidimensional Being of Light.
          It may be unbelievable at this time of great suffering, but the conditions the people of the world are presently experiencing with regard to abundance will eventually result in great blessings. When the suffering and pain of loss become great enough, more and more dear souls will turn inward for answers, and all the mighty forces of the higher realms will be waiting to answer humanity's pleas and will be ready to offer assistance.
            It may seem as if your lifeline is being tugged and pulled in many different directions as Spirit tries to get your attention  You can resist and hold back,  kicking and screaming; however,  you will eventually move forward on the spiral of ascension.  There will be no denying that the evolutionary cycle, which  is now in full swing, is creating chaos and a momentous  breaking down of old belief systems and structures.  Remember what we have often said, "Out of chaos comes new creation."  Every person's Soul-self is nudging and prodding, to one degree or another, in an effort to get his/her attention.  No one can maintain the status-quo, coasting and drifting, and ignoring the call to awaken. You must either grow and ascend in consciousness, or sink deeper into chaos and limitation-only postponing the inevitable.      
            Beloveds, rise above the fear and sense of helplessness that are rampant around the world.  See yourselves in your fifth-dimensional, Pyramid of Light and ask that the infinite abundance of all Creation flow to you and through you.  You are to take what you require and then allow the rest to flow out into the world of form.
            Remember, when you are infused with the Light of Spirit, it affects everything and everyone around you.  As your radiance grows and expands, you will draw more and more like-minded people into your sphere of awareness.  The spiritual trumpet to awaken is growing louder and it is reverberating throughout the land into the most sparsely populated places of the Earth, as well as the most densely populated areas.  The Light has no favorites, it will infuse and bless anyone or anything that is receptive to Its transforming, enlivening energies.
            You must also be aware that some dear souls will not be able to stand to be in the aura of your Lightness , for it is too painful. Whether intentional or not, they will try to throw you "off Center," and reestablish the status quo or keep things as they were in the past, no matter how chaotic or unsatisfying.  It is more important than ever that you, as the transducers and transformers of the refined Creator Light, stay focused and steadfast as you strive to incorporate and radiate more and more of the refined Light of Creation out into the world.  Many around you will wonder and ask why you have changed so much, and why you are no longer willing to participate in the old games of drama and lower-frequency entertainment. As you move further up the path toward Self-mastery, the energies and actions of others will affect you less and less. 
            As we have often told you, first you must teach by example, via your intentions and actions, and finally through words of wisdom offered at the appropriate time.  However, if those around you are not willing to learn to act and react in a more positive, harmonious way through observation or  listen when you offer loving suggestions and moral support, it is important that you withdraw from the drama they are creating and assume the stance of an impartial observer.
            Seekers of wisdom and self-transformation learn from their own actions and reactions, whether positive or negative.  From a spiritual point of view, negative events offer an opportunity to learn which course of action brings forth the most positive results. Your Higher Self always tests you, over and over again, until you reject those things that are not in your best interest, and authenticate that which is your truth.
            An important component of Self-mastery is to learn to focus on your inner world or the sanctuary of the Soul.  The Soul, the physical vessel and particularly the mind have their own rhythmic cycles and agendas.  The Soul's desire is focused on becoming en-Lighten-ed.  The mind is focused on attaining and retaining information. The physical body is focused on experiencing the physical world via the senses.  Humanity is constantly experiencing cycles of growth, stagnation and decay, which make way for a new cycle of growth and expansion.  The master turns inward and strives for an enhanced quality of life, while the unawakened Souls seek outwardly for stimulus and gratification through pleasurable, physical sensation and material possessions. Love as an external focus, exterior to yourself, will always bring a sense of vulnerability, always needing constant validation by someone or something.  
            Love as an internal focus projected outward is a constant flow of self-assurance, of self-acceptance, always striving to incorporate and project more of this blissful feeling of unity and harmony with all creation. You will begin to feel more and more levels of intelligent, unconditional love, and eventually, Sacred Love, when the Soul becomes the dominating force within, and the ego desire body and personality are brought under control. As you turn inward, your thoughts become more harmonious and less critical and resonate at a higher frequency, which refines your Energetic Signature. You must keep the channel of communication open between the Soul and the brain via the mind. This initiates the slow reactivation process of the Pineal Gland, and the opening of the portal to the Sacred Mind, which is located at that back portion of the brain, close to the crown of the head.  When your frequencies reach a certain level of compatibility, the membranes of Light that guard entrance to your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind begin to dissolve, and you gradually gain access to the treasure chests of love and wisdom stored within.
            Once again we will remind you of this important fact: All Creation is constantly moving in and out of specific vibrational patterns, which we call energetic signatures, or OCTAVES OF ENERGETIC SOUND.  You are identified by your energetic signature and your Soul Song , which determine the Light brilliance of your auric field.  Your energetic signature is composed of the frequencies of your physical vessel in your third- /fourth-dimensional environment.  The balanced frequencies of the higher fourth and fifth dimensions are stored within your Soul-self and become part of your Soul Song.  Beloveds, ingrain this thought firmly within your mind.  There are an incalculable number of unified fields of consciousness.  You are in the process of connecting to the magnetic power of many of these higher frequency fields of Cosmic awareness. You are beginning to attune to the vibrations of Divine Will, Divine Wisdom and Divine Love, which are primary attributes and qualities of our Father/Mother God.
            Another important attribute of your powerful, inborn condition is that your two hands are among the most highly developed links to your brain, for there are etheric generator crystals embedded within the palms of the hands.  They were designed to be some of the strongest, electromagnetic impulses of the physical vessel.  That is why those who have activated or developed the healing power within their hands are so effective in the healing arts.  In the future, you have the potential of redeveloping the memory cells within your fingertips so that you may access conscious and subconscious information through touch. 
            A good exercise would be to hold a crystal which you have Self-programmed as a generator healing crystal in one of your hands as you focus on activating the healing abilities within the palms of your hands.  Via the Infinity Breath exercise, concentrate on sending/feeling the Adamantine Particles of Light within your palms. Your palms may become very warm or begin to tingle.  It may take a while for you to feel the sensations; however, you will gradually gain the ability to send healing Creator Light to localized parts of your own body. Future healing will include en-Lighten-ed, dynamic healers with the ability to send almost laser-like healing beams of Divine Light to their patients. Reiki and other energy modalities are based on this ancient, esoteric knowledge.
            The chakra system also has both magnetizing and radiating capabilities. The higher the frequency patterns you can accommodate, the faster and more perfectly your chakras will spin, thereby radiating a greater force and higher frequency patterns throughout your bodily form and out into the world. Energy is always in motion. Creation is always in motion. The only pause is during the STILL POINT moment of Creation.
            As many of you are aware, over the past several years, the term "Earth Angel" has become a common term in spiritually-focused messages and channeled missives. To clarify, this can mean any Soul who is steadfastly striving to attain Self-mastery so that he/she may join the ranks of World Servers. There are many blessed Souls who agreed to embody on the Earth in order to be representatives of the Archangels, who RAY-diate the energies of the Twelve great Rays of God-consciousness within this Sub-universal experience. Remember, the major focus of your mission on Earth is to help intensify the Love/Light of the lower dimensions, thereby gradually returning the third/fourth dimensions into a balanced and harmonious state of existence.  We of the angelic realms are here in great force to help you move through these times of evolution and great change with ease and grace; however, you must ask for our assistance, for we cannot infringe upon your free will.  Reclaim your rightful place as a Master of Light, dear ones, and remember, as you integrate the knowledge of Spirit and illumined truth, we ask you to go forth and share your wisdom. We are ever near to guide, protect and inspire you, but mostly to love you. I AM Archangel Michael.      
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael.  Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from : E-mail:RonnaStar@earthlink.net

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

Heaven Letters

You Are Beautiful Waves of Creation

God said:
A question often asked Me is: “God, but how did You become God? Who created You? How did You get here?”

Yes, I understand your question.

I always was. There never was a time I was not.

I am before time.

I am original energy. I am energy welling up. I am the same energy I ever was. From energy burst through more energy, and, so, from energy, Creation burst through in a multitude of ways.

I multiplied, and so I have told you to go forth and multiply. Yes, I asked you to go forth and multiply yourself as I multiplied Myself. Yes, bear children and keep Creation going. At the same time, however, I mean more than multiplying physical Creation. I intend the multiplication of love. Bear love across the Universe, and make everything beautiful.

What value is physical Creation without the benefit of love? As a matter of fact, Creation on any level exists only with love. Anything less than love is subterfuge. It is a hoax. There is no Creation without love.

We are speaking now of expansion. Love wells up. It does not multiply itself in squares or straight objects, you understand. It wells up in fullness. Love is round-bellied, so to speak. No, not in straight lines but in curves, curves that could be called waves. Creation furls and unfurls in waves, and you are beautiful waves of Creation. Creation creates the Creator. There is one deed appearing as many. Creation swells with joy and with beauty and with nature. All of life expands, and you expand.

Sometimes you have growing pains, so to speak. You have to stretch. Sometimes you are unwilling to stretch, and, yet, one way or another, you stretch. In this one moment of Eternity, you are Infinity full of Itself.

I paint a pretty picture here. There is nothing more beautiful. With existence came beauty. Love came first and added constituents of itself called trees and flowers and land and water and infinite growing things. The nature of life is to grow, and so you were born on a little planet called Earth, and Earth evolves, and you evolve. We are full-blown Welling, Wellness, and Oneness, and We meet Our One Self and say, “How do you do?”

There is no depletion. Science has long known that energy is not destroyed. Energy can only be energy. There is not somewhere for energy to go, and, so, it soars and swims and takes delight in itself and all its ramifications. Energy bears not judgment. Remember this is a good thing. Energy simply does what energy does, and it grows, it expands, and it manifests itself in the world, and it visits itself upon you.

Often you have questioned the purpose of existence, including your seeming own, and the answer is for expansion and expression of love. Good grief, what else would there be for love to do? Never was love meant to go into hiding or to mask itself or to dissemble. The energy of love is pure, and all energy is love. Everything in the world wants to get together and enjoin itself. Creation meets itself on its way to everywhere, even as there is nowhere.

Creation is like a song sung. Where does the song exist? It is sung, and the sound fades at the same time as it stays in your ears and in your heart. Your heart is everything, beloveds. You are My Heart singular in its beauty. You are the breath of My breath. You are My Soul visited upon the Earth eager for it. Ah, you are a Creation of Love created by a Creator of Love, and Love reigns. Anything else, all the concrete, does not.

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

The Divine has spoken! The moment for blessed altering of this reality arrives….The meetings to do so are taking place now with results to follow swiftly!

1 Eb, 15 Tzec, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We return with some wonderful news! Movement toward your new reality is accelerating. A number of secret conferences around this globe have produced positive results that will become evident in the major meetings that are to take place in the coming week. The moment is arriving for collective actions that can easily catapult efforts forward. We expect the final go-ahead for events that are to manifest new governments and create a new currency. Numerous programs have reached a point where it is now necessary to terminate any thought of further delays. The economies of too many nations lie in ruin and the debt is making the present financial system untenable. Besides, we believe that you are ready for shocking events that include a formal end to the infamous "UFO cover up." It is indeed time for you to hear from your Ascended Masters and us. The present system is full of holes and rips that can no longer be sustained, and it is logical to initiate something else that permits you to continue your glorious march toward full consciousness.
   We come therefore to a point of no return. The dark cabal is existing on former glories that are no more thancomic illusion. In some way,each of you is stressed to the max. We watch and see how this present reality can no longer be retained. It is finished, and hence it is fitting to let those who can transform this cruel illusion do so. We are cognizant of the many rules and formalities needed to get this done. This slow tedious process is concluding. Use this moment to bring in the new. We intend to emphasize this strongly at these various meetings.Processes that began decades agonow cry out for a conclusion. Your realm is failing and the energies for change are here. When the Anunnaki left this dark cabal, they asked for a positive resolution that was not given. The present is the perfect moment to reverse this and proclaim a new reality for a sweeping change to free you and allow the reality of a new realm.
   This transformation will consignthe present governments to history's dustbins. Replacements exist that allow for a most needed and grand makeover. The dark can no longer maintain its game of mischief. There is a spiritual need to dissolve their long, disguised leadership. It is the moment for bravery and for acts of needed kindness. This realm is headed toward the Light. Those who condone the dark can no longer be permitted to rule. Those who comprehend this are required to disclosewhat is needed and to act quickly. This "quiet revolution" is happening slowly across this reality, and a grand move will bring this magnificence to the fore. We expect this and many wondrous events to occur, to bring into being what the people of this surface world have long required. We fully support all events that lead to such a successful ending!
   In conclusion, the time is indeed ripe for a non-violent revolution of immense proportions. Your world has long waited for changes that have yet to become visible.Behind this veil is a vast movement that needs to become the present way of your world. The selfish maneuvering of the dark cabal is no longer relevant. A new way is required to provide the preface to what Heaven and we have proclaimed. You are to be given a divine Ascension that moves you from limited to full consciousness. You are to embrace your spiritual and space families and return to the path that was yours in the times of ancient Lemuria. You are breaking out of an amnesia that has existed in you for far too long. You are ready to rediscover secrets long hidden from you. You are to become a most beloved member of this Galactic Federation! Many adventures await you and numerous new abilities are to become your legacy! This is to be your glorious and divine fate!
   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! This blessed world is now seething with gracious change! Everywhere a transformational energy is forming and people are demanding that a true alteration of this globe now take place. Little fingers of change are popping up in Africa, Asia, the Americas and the various Pacific Island nations. Grace is producing wonders so those who have little are using their scant resources and imaginations to forge new ways to drive away hunger and poverty. This same energy is evident as the grand old spiritually-inclined elders go down a similarly inspired path. The Divine has spoken! The moment for blessed altering of this reality arrives. We are graciously obligated to assist this sacred process and manifest a new reality for all. We have directed our allies to establish the means to manifest this new epoch for humanity! The meetings to do so are taking place now with results to follow swiftly!
   This coming age will be filled with much spiritual wisdom. We are obligated by Heaven to supply you with a whole list of subjects that concern how you are to reconnect to your "I Am Presence" and ready yourselves for the rest of the Ascension procedures. These lessons will be conducted by each of us quite shortly. This reality is soon to expand and remake itself. We will be your divine guides and spiritually appointed supervisors, and we take this special role quite seriously. The dark has long used its numerous powers to shape and moldyou to their desires. This power will be removed and you will be the benefactor in this gracious exchange, to learn and do feats that set the sacred stage for your Ascension! Your space families come to perform the act that will allow you to morph into a fully conscious Being of Light!
   For millennia we have used Agartha as our base of divine operations. The Light now illuminates the path to take you there and show you your means to return to your former selves. You have long toiled in ignorance of who you really are. Even we were affected and it is only our special focus and sacred help that permitted us our grand triumph. We stand knowing what it took to reach our current levels of spiritual knowledge and manifested abilities. Know the nature of these difficulties and rejoice in the divine dispensation given to you, because it is indeed a wondrous gift. Accept Heaven's grand gift and join us. Togetherwe are to produce a most needed new star nation and fulfill the Creator's great dreams. We are to be a most mighty and fruitful arm of Heaven! Hosanna! Hosanna!
   Today, We reviewed what is occurring around this green-blue orb. We have recounted most of what we are privileged to know about. Your spiritual and space families are ready to welcome you into your new ascended state of beingness! Much goodness is ready to surround you in joy, peace and prosperity!Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Message from Jesus

How much longer can you ignore that ear-splitting noise calling for you to awaken?

The Oneness of all of creation is the underlying truth that supports all that exists, and for you, embodied as individual human beings with many different beliefs and cultures, that is an enormous paradox.  And your guide through the paradox, the maze, is your intuition, your guidance from your true Self, and from those on whom you may choose to call in the spiritual realms.  And to make contact with that guidance you have to break away from the distractions with which the illusion constantly presents you – deadlines, responsibilities to others,and various other “shoulds and musts” that you accept as inevitable and unavoidable burdens – and take time out in your peaceful inner space to be quiet and to listen.  And that can be very difficult initially as your daily chores and responsibilities keep popping into your mind with the message “You just don’t have time for this right now.”
However, if you manage to override those constant calls for your attention – and you will to a certain extent if you persist in not engaging with them – you will create a place within you, or, more realistically, you will uncover within yourselves a place of peace and safety that has always been there for you.  You most certainly need to uncover it for your own well-being.  And when you do, those with whom you are in any kind of a relationship – family, work, religious or political associates – will also gain.  After all, as we in the spiritual realms keep telling you “All Are One,” and therefore your existence, your life, your thoughts, your words, and your actions all have an effect on the lives of everyone else without exception.
The wonderful thing about this moment in humanity’s ongoing spiritual evolution is the rapidly increasing sense of awareness that each one of you has your own path to follow, and not “a one size fits all path” designed or recommended by some guru or authority figure.  People whom you respect as mentors can be enormously helpful to you as long as you also listen carefully to your own inner knowing, so that when it comes to making decisions you also fully honor that inner intuitive sense.  Wise, loving, and compassionate mentors and guides, who have no personal agenda to fulfill, can help you to identify what your intuition is attempting to tell you.  But then you have to come to an awareness, an understanding of what that is so that you can decide what action, if any, to take in the situation that you are seeking guidance about.
In the end it always comes down to Love.  If your choices are not based on Love, but on egoic self-centeredness, then you are choosing not to learn the lesson being presented to you, and it will have to be presented to you again at a later date, and maybe in completely different circumstances.  You did not understand it the first time, so a new approach will be introduced in the hope that it has more meaning for you.
The lessons that you chose to have presented to you during your human lives will continue to be presented to you until you recognize them for what they are and make an effort to understand them and then learn from them.  Each one leads perfectly to the next, and consequently you cannot skip or bypass any because they each give you insights that will help you to understand the next one.  Your life paths and the lessons that you chose to have appear on them in front of you were very wisely and lovingly created so that you could obtain the highest benefit with the minimum of suffering.  It is not imposed suffering that you experience when you do not learn your lessons, it is just the inevitable result of error.  For instance if you drive your vehicle too fast around a sharp bend on a wet or icy road you are likely to have an accident because you have made an error of judgment.  There is no punishment involved or intended, although you may choose to interpret what occurs in that way.
When the separation occurred you moved into a state of amnesia, and memories, which depend on the linear flow of time, locked you neatly into the time continuum so that the Now moment, in which all of creation exists eternally, was closed off or hidden from you, and your knowing of your Oneness with God was temporarily mislaid.  Without that knowing of God’s infinite, eternal, and unconditional Love for you, and of which you are each essential and inseparable aspects, severe suffering assailed you.
You were created in Love from Love by your heavenly Father, and to lose that Love, as it seems that you did, has caused unimaginable pain and suffering.  That is why He wants and intends that you awaken from your horrific nightmare.  He wants only your eternal happiness, He neither judges nor punishes because that is not the way of Love.
You have attempted to hide from the terror that you instigated, to disguise it, and to deny it, but as long as you appear to be separated from His Love it will be there undermining your self-worth by convincing you that because you are unloved, as it seems to you that you are, you are therefore unworthy of Love.  To live with that belief is too painful to endure, and so it is refuted, denied, and hidden deep in your unconscious for as long as you have the egoic strength to contain it.
When the separation happened your Father instantly provided for its dissolution by ensuring that your connection to Him was unbreakable and eternal – of course it was always unbreakable, you just were not aware of that – and always available to you if you chose to go within to your inner unseparated space and call on Him or your spiritual guides, angels, saints, or mentors for assistance.
Often you were afraid to do that, or did so reluctantly and skeptically thus deciding not to be aware of that divine and always on connection to Him.  Nevertheless, over the eons that connection has been increasing the volume of its calling to you, and in the last few decades more and more of you have heard it and responded.  As the numbers responding have grown so has the volume of its ringing, so that all are now hearing it – even if all are not yet acknowledging it – which is why you are going to awaken.  It is as though you had pushed the snooze button on your alarm clocks when they sounded off in the morning because you wanted a few more minutes in bed, but the alarm, in snooze mode, is very persistent, and its volume increases with each new burst of buzzing until it is impossible for you to ignore it any longer.
That is where humanity is now.  How much longer can you ignore that ear-splitting noise calling for you to awaken?
Your loving brother, Jesus.

Heaven Letters

Love Soars and Fear Disappears

God said:
Your mind and your habits of thinking signal to you that that there is difficulty. Regardless of what befalls, you would be problem-free if you had not so well-learned the concept of difficulty. You would be as free as a bird if you had not learned well that life is composed of difficulties and you have to be on the alert. How well you learned danger and aversion to it. It is as if you planted an alarm within you, an alarm that alerts you constantly.

You were born into a world that taught you ideas of right and wrong, and that challenges in life were wrong, unbidden, unfavored, as if you were not to grow, as if there were a limit set on growth, as if life were to expand so far and no further, that safety was primary and living life really was to be avoided, averted, opposed to you.

There is no doubt about it. You can look at life as though it were treacherous and uncalled for. You can look at injustice and cruelty. They are not hard for you to see. And so you make judgment. All this judgment was cultured into you. You were not born with it. You were born innocent. You were born with the prediction of goodness and care. You were born to thrive and not to retire from life as it comes, as it happens.

What if, as a child, you knew only love and did not become acquainted with fear? What if you were not confined and made to cry? What if you were greeted totally with love and encouragement and knew nothing else?

This does not mean you would be savage or spoiled. You would have your own way in the sense that love is your way. What if there were no repression, no punishment, no correction except for love?

What health you would have, what vision, what joy in life. Joy in life is what you would have learned and what you would give unabashedly. What happiness, what laughter, what consideration. How you would embrace life and be embraced by it.

Alas, this is not how life has been cultured, and, so now, culture well-being for yourself. Love yourself now. Put balm on your wounds, and heal them. Be good-natured once again, and be good-natured to yourself.

The world found fault with you. You have had enough of the concept of fault. There is no fault except a stamp imposed upon you. Love blossoms you, and yet love finds no fault to improve. With more love, the concept of being improved would not exist. Not even approval would exist. There would be no need for it. Nothing would have to be made better. What for? You are a beautiful viable human being who, too often, was being improved, and that may have been to your detriment. Disapproved of, you were not improved. You were hampered.

Where is freedom when you are cramped? Perhaps your sense of self-worth wasn’t allowed to grow as your feet might not if they were always cramped in too tight shoes. Everyone has awareness of not cramping the body, yet when it comes to heart, cramping may be the order of the day.

Let there be an end to this. Substitute enjoyment, laughter, appreciation instead. Let everyone be free. With freedom, there would be no need for license. There would be no need of recrimination or going too far. There would not even be need for love because love would soar on its own. All would come down to the knowledge that love is all, and that is all there is. What a comfort that would be. Love would be like a warm quilt in winter, and it would be a fair breeze in summer. Love would soar, and fear would disappear.

Then you would be able to look at the world and say that all is good, for good is all you would know.

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Message from Saint Germain

St. Germain - Wake Up Call - through Nancy Tate.
28th October 2013
I am here today to instill within you a thought that may or may not be of value to you. It is the thought that you are worth more than you feel you are, no matter what you feel about that now. It is a matter of being in the space that tells you that you are profound and capable of so much more than you can imagine. You are only now opening up to the boundlessness that you possess.
 It is a knowledge within the egos of humanity that you are capable of doing so much, and yet your ego also carries the boundaries that keep you confined within the walls that are in place from the energies of those who seek to bring dominance into their lives. There is one thing that they count on and that is that they are more capable than anyone else to attain and bring about untold wealth and power. That, my dear family, is what speaks of the ego within them, the inward ideas that they could do more if only they knew how.
 That is what keeps them at the rim of bringing trouble into their lives and keeps them from letting go of needing to be better and more wealthy, more powerful and on top of it all. That, my dears as you know, is what can lead to their downfall, in their eyes. For they feel that if they do not succeed then they are not better and more worthy.
 This is where the truth of Love comes in. This is where when you send them Love it is more powerful than any amount of control they think they have over you, or the situation. When you send them Love and consideration of their ego, then they have no ground upon which to fight back, because there is no fight on your part. When you stand in your love, you stand in the power that does not push, or resist. It is free flowing and allows the movement of that which is loved, while at the same time it does not draw the resistance that ego brings forth. Love is an energy that is totally free and open and there is nothing within it that anything can hold onto. It is a continual movement of energy that invites no criticism and no boundaries. It is a voice of existence that is complete within itself, and that creates existence.
 Do you see what it is that brings about the boundaries and resistance that some send forth and create? It is their lack of the purity of Love that could set them free. With the Love that they are created in they could have untold wealth. They would never experience the fear-based idea that they must push against anyone in order to be above, or better than the others. With Love there can be continual freedom and creativity to manifest anything that is desired and intended. It is the most powerful energy, for it is the beginning of creation that was born in the energy of Love.
 I bring this reminder to you today for I feel that this is a gift of Love that I bring to you in conversation so that we can feel a more resonant existence with all of humanity. As we do this and walk in the power of Love, we will know the truth of the Creator. That is what is in the totality of the All and since you/we are all part of the All, we are the Oneness of each other in our individual expression. So as the issues surface on earth and all of the ideas of the ones who are ‘less than’ and’ more than’ come into manifestation see the power that is behind each issue and how it is brought forward to be released and given the freedom to be what it desires and intends in the original energy of its existence.
 I am St. Germain here with you through this one again, and I do so much enjoy being here with all of you. It is indeed a joy for me to dance amoung the sisters and brothers that you all are. Shall we give this all a welcome celebration as it comes to the openness that is destined for the All?! I am on the dance floor with open arms and heart, encouraging you all to be my dance partners through the coming steps of joy, peace and Love.
 Thank you dear St. Germain,
Love, Nancy Tate

Message from Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene via Ute Posegga-Rudel: A Humanity One at Heart

Posted by Alice C
Mary Magdalene12sig.jpgMary Magdalene: A Humanity One at Heart, channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, October 26, 2013 athttp://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.co.uk
You, who are here to work for the light, are now at the point where your service is being requested like never before.
You will see many things arise and change that will show your still sleeping brothers and sisters that this reality is not continuous or firm and not forever.
This will challenge them to change their point of view that still rests on the illusionary surface of themselves and their world, and to seek the strength and eternity they project onto the outer world within themselves.
For many this will be a new experience as they never had the opportunity to know who they really are, and they will be very confused. Who can help and support them and show them the way are you, who have dedicated your life to the Truth of your Godhood, the Divinity of your True Humanness.
It is important – and nothing is more in these coming days – that you stand in your heart, the domain of feeling and compassion. That you are rested steadily in yourself, in spite of the many changes and challenges you all will face.
It is only love and compassion that counts in these days, and the wisdom and light that is the basis for finding creative solutions for a new life to emerge.
Only from the Zero-Point the New can materialize, it cannot be created from what already is, especially if it is not based on Divine Principles.
The Zero-Point must first be known in Oneself, to accept the outer changes.
The Zero-Point is the Heart that is not holding on to the old ways, that is radiantly empty and thereby full to allow the ways of love and freedom, abundance, trust and truth for a New and Divine creation.
It is your heart that awakens the heart of those who never lived from there. The mere living from the brain will end and what emerges is a humanity One at heart. And it is the heart that reigns the brain.
Dear Ones, if you haven’t done it yet, it is now inevitable that you journey back into your heart to remain there as the essence and center of your being. It is only the fullness of Divine Emotion that has the power to embrace the world and change it from the core, to inspire the confused to return to Oneness.
This Heart-Power cannot be “created”, it must be allowed to emerge from the Depth of your Divine Being that always has been there. It is your participation in this Divine Force that requires the surrender of your separate self.
It does not know techniques, because it is greater than all of them, it does not even know “structure”, it is beyond and prior to the human hologram. It just Is. It embraces all beings and things because it Is the Oneness of All.
Dear Ones, this cannot be merely a thought. It must be experienced, it must be lived. It must become Reality, your very own Reality, your firm anchor to be of service in the times to come.
What is merely brain-based cannot hold against the storm. But what is heart-based is standing firmly and is also grounded in your Mother Earth, One with Her. Gaia’s spiritually expanded state of consciousness and your unity with Her is protecting and enveloping those who understand the Oneness with their planet as the source of their life.
Beloved brothers and sisters, I am here with you at these times of increasing challenge. My love is equally embracing all of you. There is One Force of Love that unites us all. This Force is now the savior of your world as you allow It to save you and to live it with all humanity.
My Blessings are with you!
I am Mary Magdalene
Message conveyed by Ute
Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me viatransformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.
Message from  The Galactic Family – The Arcturian Group
OCTOBER 28, 2013

We of the Arcturian Group wish to welcome all to this message. We come to teach and inform, never to preach or push you into understanding something you cannot accept as of yet. The main focus of these messages is to help you understand that you are in charge of you...no one else, and to help you remember and claim the power you have always held as spiritual beings, but have forgotten.

All are in and of the Divine, and therefore all that you have been seeking, is already within you. This is a difficult concept to understand if heard with third dimensional ears. It is not that you have a little box in your heart holding all sorts of material treasures, but that within you is a spark of the Divine. That spark, being in and of Source, automatically embodies everything also within Divine Consciousness...every Divine Idea and every facet of truth--your very life, intelligence, wholeness etc., all held infinitely in place by Divine Law. Evolution is simply the process of awakening to truth, and because everyone's past life experiences are different, everyone's evolutionary journey will be different. Everyone unfolds progressively as they are ready, always under the guidance of the Higher Self.

Over time man forgot who he was and came to believe that he was separate from Source and all other living things which resulted in lives of struggle and suffering in order to survive. Duality and separation became the consciousness of the world, always perfectly manifesting itself as the pairs of opposites..sometimes good and sometimes bad--two ends of the same stick. Good appearances are no more spiritual than bad appearances, understand and ponder this truth.

Always there were the few who remembered who they were and tried to tell the world, but for this they were crucified, burned and tortured because others had discovered that by maintaining ignorance within the masses, they could draw to themselves great power and wealth--which is still happening today. Open your eyes dear ones and start to see through much that is being fed to you as fact... begin to question. Listen to your intuition and not the voices screaming at you from your televisions, radios, and pulpits.

Try not to preach new understandings to the world, for you may lose them in your attempt to verbalize to those not ready or able to hear. Simply hold each new awareness within, protecting it as a mother holds her unborn infant until it is strong and ready to be born. Practice by translating all you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell into its spiritual reality. (Example: The common desire for a "right" companion is actually the material sense of a yearning to experience completeness and wholeness--translate and realize; "I am always divinely and perfectly companioned and can never be separated from my perfect companion--Divine Consciousness". This realization (not simply intellectual knowledge) may then manifest in the outer scene as the perfect companion if that experience would represent completeness for you.)

The practice of knowing the truth as you go about your day will change the world because each new awareness adds truth and eliminates error from impersonal universal world consciousness. Others can then begin to access the increasingly enlightened world consciousness, which helps them to open and begin their own journey.

This is what it means to be a light worker. Many still hold concepts of what a lightworker is, believing it refers only those who heal, preach, or do fabulous psychic readings. No, lightworkers are all who bring Light to the world in through their evolved state of consciousness. This is reflected in the Light of your energy field--you. Many will feel this and are drawn to your energy (or are sometimes repelled) for all innately yearn for that which you hold even though they do not know exactly what it is that you have. Most interpret this attraction in very three dimensional ways (your clothes, your hair, your job, your money, your fame etc.). Remember, always hold yourselves in compassion, never entering into the energy of sympathy, for in sympathy you align with another's energy field and may find yourself drawn in and depleted.

Every soul on earth is attracted to high resonating energy because everyone is a spiritual being...all resonate with it, even though they may be many lifetimes away from understanding or even being interested in this. A very un-evolved soul may experience this desire for peace and wholeness as the need to commit murder which in their thinking would resolve a discord and bring them the peace they long for. They do not understand these longings to be a spiritual in nature, and so interpret them according to their state of consciousness.

Many are still confused by issues of right or wrong. Intention defines the energy of every action according to the level of attained state of awareness. This is how you forgive yourself for past actions...by realizing that you were doing what you deemed best according to your state of consciousness at that time. You would not take the same action today.

Proselytizing and attempting to force a certain belief system ("my" way is the only "right" way") onto others is an activity of ego. Even when you can clearly observe where someone is missing the mark, it must be understood that the experience is their lesson and their path, which may be totally different than yours. This does not mean you cannot throw out a helpful "seed" of advice, but then let it go. No one can be forced into a state of consciousness they have not yet attained, and all have Guides, a Higher Self, and a contract they are following. Prisons are still necessary for those harmful to themselves and others, but should be places of healing and growth, not simply places of punishment.

Every soul lives out from a deep desire for completeness because although he has consciously forgotten, he innately knows it is who he is. That is why the search for happiness and peace manifests in infinite form and variety...whatever makes sense to an individual's state of consciousness. Understanding this will help you to forgive the world nonsense you see and hear about, even within yourself. Remember that everyone is doing the best they can with where they are at.

Send Light to those who do not yet know why they do what they do, and know that regardless of appearances, this is a spiritual world of ONE governed and maintained forever by Divine Law.

We are the Arcturian Group 10/28/13

Heaven Letters

The Terrain of Yourself

God said:
To what do you make yourself accountable? To the world? To yourself? To Me?

Why make yourself accountable? There is more to life, much more than making yourself accountable. You already count. You are here on Earth for a reason. You fulfill a purpose. There is nothing you have to prove. You already exist. You are. You are here for Me, and, yet, you are here for more rampantly than for Me.

You serve Me whether you know it or not. And, whatever you think, you serve the world, and you serve yourself. There is no accounting to be made. It is enough – you count. You count. You encompass. Your service is vast.

You are a keeper of destiny. You are a keeper of hearts. You are a keeper of My heart.

You are a commuter, beloved. You scale the heights. You hit the lows. You speak to life, and you are a maker of life.

You may feel like a combatant. Nevertheless, you are a compatriot. You are heart and soul. You are very much into life, even when you mean to keep a distance. There is no escaping life. You are here for life, and life is here for you, purposeful even when you know your purpose not.

You propose to life, and you suppose, and you dispose. You meet life daily, and you expose yourself. You expose yourself to yourself. You are the seeker, and you are the finder of that which you seek, and so you stir the soup of life. You make up a menu for life, and your menu is unique.

You cohabit the world. No one is truly in life for himself. You are a player. You are in the game. No matter your style, you play. You do make a play for life. You want to win it over. You want to play well. The fact is you do play your part very well.

And you are the winner of the game, and your win is learning. You learn considerably.

No day is wasted even when you waste it. No energy is wasted. Energy is used, but not wasted. You may think you throw life away, yet in no way do you throw life away. You can’t. Life is, and you live it. Whatever life may be like for you, you live it. No one else lives your life. Only you.

You win. Life gets down on its knees for you and yells, “Uncle.”

No matter how life may seem to treat you, you are the one who lives life as you do.

You may be duplicitous or rowdy. You may be whatever you appear, yet you are alive on Earth, and you are as you are. You wind yourself up every day, and you keep exploring the terrain of yourself. You are remarkable. Never in the existence of the world have you been less than the protagonist of your life as it plays itself out.

At the same time as you are in the game, you are the watcher of it. You see your life, and you see its playing out no matter how unbelievable it is. You dance with life, and you learn a few steps. It is as if you have sailed the High Seas, and you were surprised at the course life took, and yet you took your turn and you played your plays.

Your life is significant. You are a building block of life. You contribute. Everyone contributes to your life, and you contribute to everyone’s life. You manifest life. One way or another, you grab life and give it everything you have to give. You create your life while you watch it on the screen. You are the maker of your life, and you are the watcher. You turn the pages, and you turn the pages fast, and you finish your book, and it is perfect. Make no mistake. Your life is perfect as it plays out.

Message from Archangel Metatron

The Sweetness of Life by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 24-10-13-www.omna.org
How does one describe the sweetness of life? How can you access the sweetness of life and does life have an eternal sweetness to it that is yours to revel in? These are questions that I wish to speak of today and to ask you to contemplate. Is there such an existence as experiencing sweetness in your life with every moment of your reality and are you deserving of the sweetness of life?
As you are aware, your life upon the Earth is a process of learning, you could say that it is no more than a process of learning. Could you allow yourself to accept that your experiences, connections, interactions with your reality, loved ones, animals and yourself are simply processes of learning?  Surely this would take away meaning, purpose and authenticity from your reality and existence upon the Earth? As always it is for you to decide how you choose to answer such questions and perspectives put to you but by accepting that every aspect of your reality and even your existence upon the Earth is a process of learning for you, you allow yourself to detach from your reality seeking the truth within every experience, feeling or thought. In a reality of learning where multiple options, ideas and scenarios are given, you have the purpose of seeking the truth; this is the truth within your being.
Truth can be an unpredictable process of learning and activation within your being because there is no way of validating the truth of the Creator, even as an Archangel speaking with you now, I can only share with you what I believe to be my truth and yet I have no solid validation from the Creator as I speak. I do however have a feeling of deep absolute and complete love as I share my truth with you now which is all the validation that I need to continue to hold complete faith in the presence of the Creator flowing around and through my being. Seeking truth can ask you to question yourself, your beliefs and your understanding. Seeking truth asks you to be discerning and to clear yourself of false beliefs while raising your energy vibration so that you are open and awake to new inspirations and insights that fill you with love and amazement. Seeking truth asks you to familiarise yourself with your own energies and your thought processes so that you may pin point from where within your being your truth is unfolding. If when you access your truth or inspiration within you the ego activates and egotistical reactions occur then you know that you have not yet stimulated your inner truth. Egotistical reactions can be the feeling of wishing to prove another wrong, manipulation, your power being enhanced while taking away the power of others. Even sadness, negativity, lack, bullying, judgement and fear are aspects of the ego which can cloud the truth or divine inspiration from unfolding within your being. The more that you become familiar with the way that you act and react in your daily life the more you will notice when you are speaking, thinking or feeling an illusion and when the truth is emerging from within your being. You may see that seeking to realise your own inner truth which could also be described as your intuition or the voice of the Creator is a powerful process of learning and growth.
Allow yourself to acknowledge every thought, emotion, action, reaction and experience in your life as a process of learning. Then see how you react to this shift in your awareness, does it make a difference to the way that you view yourself, the way you approach situations and the way that you proceed in your reality? Does it allow you to take a step back and simply observe? This will allow you to rest and release a tremendous amount of pressure that you place upon yourself, reality, others and your spiritual growth.
Accessing and exploring your inner truth is an aspect of the sweetness of life, because once you allow a certain amount of detachment from your reality on the Earth you offer yourself freedom and the ability to experience the sweetness of life. The greatest tool for experience the sweetness of life is appreciation; it is not even gratitude but accessing a perceptive of appreciation for the flow of life and the physical reality upon the Earth. When you release yourself from the compressing pressure that you place upon yourself daily you begin to realise that everything is joyous, that there is sweetness to life, your life, which you can taste, feel, experience, interact with and see.  This sweetness isn’t even the presence of the Creator but is the beauty that is within you and all around you, the ability to love unconditionally, to laugh, to be free, to smile, to feel love, to hold faith, to feel supporte d,  to express yourself and the divine within you fully and to live free from fear. All these things you can give freely to yourself and can experience fully.
The sweetness of life that I speak of is the presence of life itself, the experience of being alive and the experiences of the life force energy of the Creator. You have a divine and sacred connection with the Creator and in this life time can experience the Creator fully.
Practice of Accessing the Sweetness of Life
If you take a moment to imagine yourself surrounded by everything that you feel limits you or is a burden upon you, it can be the most mundane aspect of physical life, your emotional life or your mental life.
 Imagine that these limitations and burdens have cords connecting to you; know that you chose to create these cords of connection so that you would carry the limitations and burdens with you in your reality. Maybe you have even chosen that once some burdens or limitations have been overcome that you will attach or create another to replace it. Examples of this could be constantly not being able to pay bills, being abused, constantly loosing objects, experiencing fear and so forth.
Then remind yourself that there is sweetness to your reality, there is beauty, freedom, love, truth, bliss and peace for you to experience fully but you only need to allow yourself to. As you allow the love within your heart and soul to manifest and to emanate from within your being, imagine that the love dissolves all bonds of connection and ask that Archangel Michael uses his sword of light to severe your connection with the burdens and limitations eternally. See, sense or acknowledge them flowing away from you.
Now allow yourself to energetically experience yourself, energy and reality free from the burdens and limitations, in this moment you are connecting with the sweetness of your life, you may feel loved, joyous, blissful, peaceful, a sense of freedom and the ability to make changes in your reality.
To exist in this manner externally is your divine right.
By letting go of your attachments to burdens and limitations you are not resolving the issues nor are you ignoring them but you are allowing yourself to enter into a place of personal power and a space within and around you that is attuned and aligned with the Creator. When you are attuned and aligned with the Creator you also access the truth of your being, inspiration, intuition and inner guidance. So the sweetness of life is not only to appreciate all that is within and around you as sacred gifts but to know that you have the guidance within you to move through any situation with ease joy and perfection.
The sweetness of life is to remove yourself from self-inflicted suffering.
By detaching from the burdens and the limitations you are releasing yourself from the experience and feeling of suffering. Whatever you perceive the sweetness of life to be, suffering isn’t present and doesn’t allow you to fully explore yourself and energies. It may allow you to explore negative emotions and energies but are these really a part of your being and truth, meaning is suffering present within the vibrations of the Creator?  It may be difficult to accept when you are experiencing suffering of any form, but suffering can be a self-inflicted creation, it is also a lesson created by yourself asking you to love yourself unconditionally.
With your loving power restored, a connection with your intuitions and a feeling of love emanating, you will notice that the burdens and limitations do not hold such power over you and can be resolved by you with tremendous ease. So you are accessing and realising the sweetness of life.
I also wish to bring focus to your emotions and how your emotions are a powerful tool to inflict suffering upon yourself. It is important to observe why you believe you should suffer and why you do not believe yourself to be worthy of experiencing, feeling and acknowledging yourself as love. It is important to realise what suffering is, it can be a fear, a negative thought, a feeling of sadness, it is important to explore aspects of your own suffering especially emotionally.
The sweetness of life is to experience life in a state of bliss, peace and love; this can be achieved and maintained with ease if it is your choosing. Reminding yourself of the love of your being allows you to step away from suffering and realise that your life is sweet already and you are deserving to enjoy every moment of your life and reality upon the Earth.
With appreciation and love,
Archangel Metatron

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

Important Message from Mathew on Extraterrestrial Assistance

Earth’s Golden Age
matthew books Suzanne Wards EXTRATERRESTRIAL ASSISTANCEWhat happens on Earth affects the whole universe, so it is of utmost significance to advanced civilizations that the dark energies that have held sway on your planet for eons become reconciled within the light.
In keeping with universal laws, assistance from one civilization to another can be given only when it is requested. Your heartfelt desire for a peaceful, harmonious world is your request – what is in your hearts rings out to the universe as clearly as your voices – and God authorized many nearby and far distant civilizations to come to your aid.
Your bewilderment about how to heal your planet’s pervasive environmental damage also is part of their assistance mission. But you are in charge – Earth is your homeland and you chose to be there specifically to participate in this world transformation and spiritual renewal that is underway! However, assistance from extraterrestrials started long, long before their infusion of the light that saved Earth’s life more than seven decades ago. Throughout the planet’s history our universal family has served in one kind of supportive role or another.
Members of some highly advanced civilizations had a hand in designing and establishing the flora and fauna, and human life on the planet derived from several civilizations’ seeding programs. Among today’s populace are descendents of those ancient residents, some of whom were gods and goddesses who chose to lower their body density by incarnating rather than remain as pure love-light essence like the rulers of the universes did.
During the eons when Earth was known as Gaia or Terra or Shan, twice negativity amassed in such amount from humankind’s ungodly ways that Earth had to rid herself of that unendurable burden through catastrophic upheavals. In the first occurrence, individuals who had retained their light were rescued by their ancestors and all others perished.
The second time negativity became intolerable, the upheaval came in two separate incidents – the destruction of the once glorious civilizations on Atlantis and Lemuria. Some souls who lived during those eras chose to reincarnate before the planet’s surface was once again hospitable, and they established beautiful living areas in Inner Earth. Others from those two civilizations have embodied during the last half-century or so specifically to help prevent another such catastrophic event.
The Akashic records, which contain every soul’s lifeprint of each physical and spirit lifetime wherever in this universe it is experienced, are maintained and safeguarded by some of Ashtar’s forces.
For long ages some of Hatonn’s Pleiadian crews have been on rotation maintenance tours to insure the integrity of the light grid around Nirvana-Nirvana is the proper name of the spirit world you call heaven-that bars entry by rogue entities.
For equally long times crews from numerous civilizations have been monitoring the heavens for meteors and other small celestial bodies or debris that are headed toward Earth. When anything is of a size that could cause extensive damage, the crews change its course.
After your air travel started, the crews deflected the trajectory of debris or dematerialized it if it posed potential danger to planes in flight. They also have rescued persons thought lost in ships at sea or planes that disappeared; the rescued parties physically entered a different “timeline,” which is why they weren’t seen again on Earth.
Extraterrestrial assistance came with unique swiftness and intensity over 70 years ago, with the massive infusion of light that kept the planet from spinning out of orbit into certain death. Because the in-pouring of light was available to all of Earth’s residents, those who responded started generating their own light with greater forcefulness.
Along with beaming light to the planet until it is well within fourth density, various civilizations are using their technologies in a number of ways in accordance with Earth’s more recent desires. For instance, when the Illuminati cause a geophysical event, the crews lay down an electromagnetic grid that distributes earthquake or volcanic activity and lessens destruction and death toll without reducing the amount of negativity released. In the case of manmade weather, the crews decrease the wind velocity of violent storms and steer them away from heavily populated areas along coastlines.
Remember the viruses called SARS, avian flu, swine flu and H1N1 that abruptly appeared on the scene with simultaneous media hoopla that each disease, in turn, was “feared to become a pandemic”? No pandemic happened because members of our universal family neutralized those laboratory-designed viruses and doomed the Illuminati’s twofold intent – genuine pandemics with great loss of life and global chaos and fear.
Crews in your skies, who are there by the thousands and thousands, are using their technologies to reduce as much as possible the radiation from Japan’s damaged nuclear reactors, and they rendered less harmful to marine life the oil that kept gushing into the Gulf of Mexico. They are ameliorating the toxic effects of weaponry and other pollutants, and a civilization appearing as cloud formations is leading the way in cleansing Earth’s atmosphere.
As important as all those kinds of assistance are, perhaps the most vital help is preventing the Illuminati from using nuclear warheads to mount disastrous terrorist attacks. A dozen or so attempts have been thwarted by rendering the warheads impotent, sometimes in combination with missile malfunctions. This is not a violation of Creator’s law of free will – it is honoring Earth’s free will choice that there will be no more terrorism on the scale of “9/11.”
Some of the strongest, most experienced light beings in this universe are right there with you. The purpose of their presence derives from their superior intelligence that gives them entry into fields where they can beneficially influence decisions and activities during this crucial time of Earth’s transition. Some are working behind the scenes to guide the essential changes so that as many of Earth’s residents who choose to accompany her into the higher planes can do so. Others are risking their lives by exposing various parts of the Illuminati’s global network to free you from that insidious control.
Very few in your civilization know that several thousand people from other worlds are living on the planet. Since they look like any other person, the populace as a whole is in for quite a surprise when these visitors identify themselves in their customary appearances. Although they recognize each other from the distinctive auras that reflect their souls’ evolutionary station, only the most energy-sensitive Earth humans can detect that difference.
Since the most distant sources of assistance have names you wouldn’t recognize – some are musical tones mingled with pastel colors – I’ll mention only the star systems relatively nearby where Earth’s benefactors are from: Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Orion, Lyra and Andromeda.
Now you can see how universally beloved and significant Earth is and how beloved and important YOU are! Still, what your benevolent brothers and sisters are doing is not a rarity in the universe-souls evolve through service to lesser developed civilizations that request help. As you continue growing spiritually and intellectually, you too will want and be able to help enlighten and uplift lesser evolved souls. That is only one joyful aspect of the magnificent adventures awaiting you!