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viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015

Heaven Letters

How to Know You Are Following God's Will

God said:
There is a big question that you may face, and it is:
“How do I know when I am coming from God’s Will or when I am coming from my own ego? How can I know with certainty which is which?”
You don’t want ego to be your guide, and, yet, you may feel you are in a quandary.
Ego is a stretch, beloveds. Ego tends to pull you across a chasm, and you feel weak rather than strong. On the other hand, you can be totally following My Will and not feel strong the way you would think you would. Doubt grabs ahold of you. Perhaps doubt is what ego is based on.
You are firm in your desire to follow your heart of Mine, yet the right direction to follow is not always clear to you. Sometimes you hold on by a thread.
Sometimes you can be doing just right, and feel uncertain. How you crave a green light to flash or a bell to ring to wave you ahead, or clearly a red light or a buzzer to tell you to desist. If only you could know with certainty when you are on what could be called the right course.
Life in the world isn’t always so clear. You receive mixed signals. You thought it would be easy following Me, and now you find that following Me can be uphill. You hadn’t bargained on this.
You are looking for certain results, and easy is one of the results you are looking for. If you are in the flow of My Will, you wonder how you can find it difficult to uphold Me. You like to believe that easy does it, that it has to be easy to follow Me, and yet it may not be easy to read the signals. Sometimes you just have to trust you are going in the right direction and not keep gauging the evidence. Results will not always give you the sustenance you yearn for.
For so long, you had an inner knowing that fueled you, and now you may feel bereft, and yet you would never want to let Me down or ever disappoint Me. Then follow Me, beloveds, whether you are sure or not. Follow Me as best you can. Sometimes, beloveds, you follow Me because you know of no other way to go.
Your sureness of purpose will return, yet, that you have sureness of purpose is not a requirement for following Me. Let go even of the need to be sure. It’s clear to you now that you could wait your whole life and still you might feel unsure. There are moments when you are unsure, and there are moments when you are less unsure. That may be how it is, beloveds. If you fly blind, well, then, you fly blind, yet you are flying!
Let flying be the ground under you. Let flying be your surety. You are going in a direction. Fly high.
Do not question so much. Just keep following Me.
You may think that Columbus, for instance, never wavered. Perhaps it is the very resistance he met that made him strong.
We can look at the Great Spiritual Ones. Their lives were not always a piece of cake. Perhaps they were not always certain either, yet they kept going, one step after another.
Here is what I want to tell you: There is no defeat. Results may not appear as you desire, and still you take one step at a time. This in itself is propitious. Bells won’t go off to tell you that you are doing well. There may well not be cheering crowds, and yet you keep going.
Instead of your hearing applause, you simply have to cheer yourself on for a job well-done. You and I hobnob together. My arm is around you, and I am strong in My faith in you as We travel together

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