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viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

Message from The Galactic Family - SaLuSa

  SaLuSa  28 February 2014

Dear Ones, we come with good news to inform you that the dedicated work you have put in, is about to bring the rewards that you have deservedly earnt. Our combined efforts have brought about a speeding up of the necessary work needed to bring about a notable stage in the progress required to bring the changes about. Your efforts have brought about a review of the progress made, and the decision was taken to rapidly move ahead. It means that specific events will occur that you will become aware of that will clearly reveal the commencement of another stage leading to "The Event". Within a relatively short period you will be given irrefutable proof of the advances being made, but do not expect them to be broadcast by the main media. The dark Ones will suppress the truth and will do anything to stop progress, and that means you may have to search around to find evidence of what is happening.

After all this time of waiting every effort has been put into bringing the necessary changes about, and the stage has now been reached where the Light is in its ascendancy. No longer do the dark ones have the controlling power that they used to have. Instead the Light has suddenly moved into a commanding position and its progress will now accelerate. Lightworkers are asked to keep their focus on the goal that they are working towards. It still requires a focused dedication to keep the momentum going, as there is still a long way to go. However, the good news is that it is all downhill now and you will not find as many difficulties on your path as previously. By now most of you know what is required of you, and many have awaited this particular time to commence their tasks. If you are one who seems to be without a specific task, you can do good work by continuing to spread the Light.

You will find that as the Light continues to grow so your lives will flow more easily. The struggles you have encountered in the past will gradually become less and less, and a time will come when everything flows smoothly and satisfactorily. It is your destiny to experience the fulfillment of your expectations and enjoy the upliftment in your vibrations. As you do so, you will find that your consciousness will also expand and you will be far down the route to full consciousness. Your whole journey has been one of seeking your path back to what you were when you first started out on your journey millennia ago.

By now you should have realized that you are not your body, which is simply something you have "put on" to enable you to experience in the lower dimension. Neither are you true "Earthlings" and your home is amongst the stars where you will return and reside as a Being of Light. You are all to be honored and respected for having taken on the task of living through the dense realms whilst carrying the Light. You have lifted up Beings who may otherwise have been completely overwhelmed by the lower vibrations. You eagerly and without thought for yourself took on the challenge of helping lost souls, knowing that you would not be allowed to lose your way indefinitely. At all times your lives would be followed and help given wherever possible.

So please do not judge those who appear to have fallen from the Light. They need immense help and understanding to get them back on the path to it, and you have volunteered to help them do so. You do not know at this stage what experiences you have gone through to get where you are now. However, when your consciousness levels have been raised you will see yourself in the "Mirror of Truth" and will no doubt be pleased to find you have fulfilled your promises. The truth about you has to be revealed in stages as and when you are strong enough to accept it. There is nothing shocking about it, but it is simply most surprising and for many of you unbelievable.

Be open minded as you become more aware of the truth, and know that it will always have that special feeling that will not be denied. If it seems too much to believe, keep it in mind as in time you will accept it for what it is. If you knew what a wonderful time lies ahead you would not have any worries about the future, as your lives are now on a different track although that may be hard to accept in your present circumstances. These are times of turmoil as the necessary changes go ahead, yet out of them shall come the peace and harmony that you have been seeking.

From hereon life should be easier on you and there will be no lack of encouragement. Indeed, many of you will need little if any as you will be spurred on by the developments that must come very soon. It will come in the form of confirmation of events taking place,that you would normally be unaware of but are now being revealed. Some will leave people feeling shocked but by and large they should be found uplifting. Lightworkers can be of immense help by gently enlightening people to the truth. Keep your attention on the developments as some will directly involve your activities. Be ready to adjust and always keep on the path to full consciousness. We are looking forward to making more contact with you, but it is not yet the time for more open contact. It will come of course, and even so is not too far into the future.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that at last the news is more enlightening and positively uplifting. It should carry on at quite a fast pace and developments to your liking and upliftment. As always we will be monitoring the activities of the dark Ones, as even a small number of them can cause problems for you. We leave you with our love and blessings.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.

Heaven Letters

The Well-Being of Hearts

God said:
I do not carry ill will, not even for a moment. I certainly don’t hold a grudge. Why would I? And why would you, beloveds? Why would you hang onto negativity? If you hold it, it’s yours.  Negativity is not a virtue. Negativity may be a hanger-on, yet you do not have to hold on to it. You are not to hold anything against anyone, for then you affront yourself.

Be done with negativity. Just say goodbye to it once and for all. What would you ever want it for? What is negativity but a hard feeling in your heart? Hearts are not meant to be hardened. There are to be no strictures in your heart.

Free your heart from anything that hampers it. Hardening of the heart is hampering. Yield your heart. Replenish it. Grudges deny your heart. Grudges make you petulant. Grudges are control. Hold a grudge, and you give self-regard for your own heart away.

It may be you want to proclaim yourself right above all. You will sacrifice a lot to come out ahead of someone else. It must be you are looking for a fight. What do you think you win? Let go, let go. Let go of any animosity that remains. Animosity is poison. By what claim would you poison your heart? It makes no sense. It does make sense to restore your heart. Your heart was not made to be the fall guy for another’s lack of sensitivity. The heart in your chest is your own. Your heart is not fair game for anyone who comes along. You are not to give your heart away. Only in love are you to give from your heart. Only in joy.

Victory over another doesn’t carry joy, or it is a joy short-lived. Perhaps you think you are punishing someone with your resentment. If you succeed in punishing someone, that is a loss. In every case, you punish yourself.

You must not close your heart, not for anyone. Your heart is a like a flower that must open to the sun. You are not to make your heart a victim. You are not to sell your heart down the river. Give away your heart to love and love alone. May your heart give sway to love. May your heart keep its integrity which is love. Do not give up your heart to falsehood. Rather than resent another for whatever wrongs they may have committed, embrace your heart. Air it out. Resentment, grudges, hurt and all that, let them go. Do not take your heart hostage. Do not take away the liberty of your heart. Do not sell it. Do not trade it. Open it.

You are to inherit My throne. Certainly, you must learn to rule yourself before you rule others, and never are you to be a punisher of others. You are someone who is meant to love. Forgive yourself for your trespasses. Peel back any veneer you have pushed onto your heart.

Hearts are meant to be soft. Your heart is meant to be soft. Starting today, get onto the right foot. Any hostility you have kept has to be washed away now so you can move forward in life. Eject from your mind anything that is not according to the well-being of your heart and others’. Someone you may hold responsible for the roughness of your heart is not responsible. You are. You allowed your heart to become renegade. No one else is responsible. Only you. You have wounded yourself. It is you who latched on to another’s error and made it your own.

jueves, 27 de febrero de 2014

Heaven Letters

No Ownership, No Loss

God said:
There is nothing to weep about, beloveds. We, you and I, do not see eye to eye on this. My children have a long list of reasons why to cry, and I see from a different horizon. You believe in loss. I know that everyone returns to Me, so, as much as I do understand, at the same time, I do not fully grasp the undertaking of weeping, just as you, no matter how willing you may be to let go of heartache, keep it to you and cannot understand how you cannot have what you want.
You do not quite get it that there is no need for weeping. You see weeping as most natural because you see change as loss. You weep for what was and which you interpret now as having gone. I had understanding of this enough, beloveds, to provide tears for you to wash away heartache. You may believe that tears never get used up, yet you think loved ones eventually are, and their love for you is used up, and, even the love in your own heart leaves, and you weep again.

You see death as taking something away from you. You do not quite yet accept so-called death in perspective, yours or a loved one’s. Ah, beloveds, you are caught in the grip of possession. There is a tendency to think that something vital to you has been wrested from you, stolen from you, kidnapped from you, and you have no recourse. There is no FBI to help. The deed is done. You see what was sweet now as all over.

Everything is yours, beloveds. It stays yours, yet you see differently. You see loved ones taken away from you, and you are bereft for what once was. You see tragedy when there is none. The physical existence may be done. The emotional existence of what you knew as love may be over, and you see this as loss and against the rules you wanted to stay permanent. You feel yourself thrown away, exiled as it were, all because you cling to the past which seems to have vanished.

You may even feel that you can no longer rely on Me when, in all Truth, I am what you can rely on. And yourself. Rely on yourself to get out of the desert of feeling loss.

Life is not all you think it is. Life is not all that it is cracked up to be. It is more, beloveds. It is greater. Little by little in life, you are growing to Greatness. Attached, you block yourself from Greatness. Unattached, you fly to Greatness. You have to let go of your attachment to what you see as right and just and what you are sure is supposed to be.

You have been misinformed, beloved. Love is far more than your attachment to it. Do not feel abandoned or abandoning because of a season of winter. Love will bloom again. You and I will plant flowers together. The seeds of love never die. They will re-seed themselves. One day you will see that even what you see as the terrible removal of love makes room for more. There is no suffering laid out. It is that you can only see so far as you can see. Because your sight is limited doesn’t mean that the field of love has fallen into disrepair. It means you are near-sighted. Love is alive and well.

There is more to love than has been dreamed of. Love extends. Nothing else can happen. That hearts are wounded is a reality of everyday life, yet it is not Truth. Absence of love is an illusion. You accepted woundedness as the gospel. The gospel is that love transcends all. Woundedness is some kind of self-imposed loyalty to the world and betrayal to yourself and the spirit of love. You chase a phantom of the past. Let it go. Love is secure. Let go of apron strings you attached to love. Untie yourself from the idea of love lost. Never mind what hearts seem to do. Restore your own.

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2014

Message from The Galactic Family-Sheldan Nidle’s Update

3 Batz, 14 Zac, 10 Caban
Dratzo! We return! Much is happening across your globe. The dark cabal struggles to maintain its power and sees that these efforts are in vain. The Light, now represented by ancient families and numerous sacred secret societies, has come and laid successful claims to the wealth and power of the dark. This legal assault is aided and abetted by us. We come to end this unholy debauchery of the dark and to bring in a new time, filled with prosperity and your liberation from the odious enslavements perpetrated on you by the dark. The Ascended Masters, acting under the divine decrees of Heaven, have established the means by which the dark is to surrender to the Light. This process is underway and is reaching its first major milestones. The prime instrument of your enslavement is wealth, and especially that most hideous invention of theirs, "fiat money." This insidious invention has created unnecessary inflations and manipulated panics or "crashes" for centuries. Each time, these vile maneuvers greatly enrich the core of the dark cabal while creating events that have further cemented their rising power.
   The results of these manipulations led to war, death and division. We are in the midst of ending this odd merry-go-round and replacing it with a divine stability that permits you to clearly see what is real and what is not. As you begin to expand this process to include the wonders that are Gaia and her amazing eco-systems, you discover your true purpose for being on Earth. You are a special Being that is meant to be an ever-Loving intermediary. You have the ability to correct those things that threaten these eco-systems and provide those things that can actually help every being that resides upon this globe. Moreover, you are on the verge of rediscovering your subterranean brethren. Inner Earth is in actuality a 5-D realm. It is where you are to return and resume the special mantle of being fully conscious humans. The truth of this is now vibrating within every cell of your body. We are here to assist this process and, under Heaven's direction, to transform your current troubled reality.
   This transformation begins with vast alterations to your physical, mental and emotional bodies, and is to end with a spiritual transformation that returns you to full consciousness. The dark comprehends this. Yet, it cannot bring itself to give up the power that it has controlled for millennia. This power is currently being pried from their hands by the dire situation that this group presently finds itself in. The dark is attempting to find new sources of wealth and somehow wiggle out of its current nightmare. A process is underway that is forcing them to walk down a road that leads to a very high cliff. Lemming-like, they are going to swiftly leap over it into a dangerous abyss. That is when we can install the freedom and prosperity that are your real destiny. That is when disclosure happens and we can freely land across your globe. It will quickly lead to a new reality and a general re-acquaintance with your spiritual and space families.
   Events are occurring even as we speak that are the beginnings of the process we have herein described. To correct this world, we need to force a resetting of the world's currency and quickly follow it with a return to a precious metal-based system. Included in this is a restructuring of how the financial world operates internationally. These positive corrections will be the foundation for the release of the prosperity funds and technologies that will start a reversal of the criminal pollution of your environment by the dark cabal and its numerous minions. These events herald the moment when the Ascended Masters can at last freely speak in public on a number of vital points that affect most of your core perceptions. Their lessons will prepare you for our mentors and their talks with you about the path to full consciousness, and the Agarthans will appear and explain who you really are and what is to be expected of you by Heaven.
   Hosanna! We are your Ascended Masters! Our beloved Mother is in the midst of great physical changes. Gaia is preparing her surface realms for the grand redesign! The beauty that is soon to manifest blesses humanity. We are now watching as the dark ones resign themselves to the fact that a power shift is presently happening. Money has long been at the core of their ways. Our associates are taking this tool from them. Following this currency shift, there will be a return to precious metal-backed currencies. This is to eliminate the various tricks and schemes used by the dark to manipulate its many currencies. There is also a series of new bank regulations that will prevent several "tricks" used daily by the large international banks. These will precede the actual release of the prosperity funds and the rise of new governance. This new governance will set the stage for the general return of Common Law.
   While all of this is happening, you are to receive the next steps in your physical transformation to full consciousness. Your main head chakras are to be readied for the introduction of two new chakras. This can cause increased headaches, general blurring of vision and different degrees of imbalance and nausea. Another set of difficulties can involve general tiredness and greater lapses in memory. These numerous symptoms are to be temporary. Once the various parts involved are set into place, these maladies will gradually disappear. Your brain can then be "rebooted" by the medical teams so you can experience a greater ability to remember events and work on any mental problem presented to you. We say this to properly ready you for what is about to occur. We are all to give you lessons after new governance is installed!
   These new lessons are fundamentally to correct what the dark has fed you over the last few millennia. Full consciousness is to connect you to Gaia's and humanity's Akashic records. You require a prior knowledge of what really happened since your present amnesia. Spirit demands that the Truth be known and shared among you. This is one of our many responsibilities to you. You need to be able to assess this realm and decide what is good, relevant or just needs discarding. We need to establish our evolving collective and prepare you in every way possible for full consciousness. In addition, you need to be made aware of Agartha and the coming of your spiritual and space family. This grand reunion is to bless and alter this realm. It is to allow you to forge a true galactic society! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
   Today, we expanded on the events of the day! Much is now happening to bring down the dark and its octopus-like entanglement of minions and like-minded institutions, so that actions to bring you prosperity and permit new governance can manifest! We indeed live in a time of wondrous and Heaven-inspired events! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Heaven Letters

If You Want to Help the World …

God said:
There is a preponderance of love in the world and in your life. You may be so involved in the troubles of the world and the troubles in your personal life, that you do not see all that which extends far beyond the troubles of the world. Surely, you don’t think the way to fix problems is to kick at them, do you?

Fighting doesn’t solve difficulties, beloved. Has war brought peace? End of war doesn’t necessarily mean peace.

If you are someone who is appalled by the news and can’t get over it, and you feel upset in your gut, what good are you doing anyone? You, perhaps only in the privacy of your thoughts, are appalled at the misdirection in the world, and, by your thoughts, you star what you don’t want and so you support that which you do not want.

Beloveds, you have to get away from your attention on what devastates you onto that which uplifts you. Why would you hesitate to emphasize the insatiable goodness in the world and choose heartlessness to focus on? Do you think it is a waste of time to focus on the positive and a good use of time to focus on the negative?

This is not a new thought I am expounding. Songs have been written about emphasizing the positive. You would not commit deliberate unkindness and selfishness. You would not. You are opposed to unkindness and selfishness. Why not propound that which is closer to your desires for the world? Your heart is good, and, yet, I have to ask: “How do you help the world by expounding on its inadequacies?”

This occurs in many areas of life, in the public domain as well as in personal lives.

There are parents who harp on the inadequacies of their children. There are teachers who point out the failings of their students. Children are not going to excel in everything. Not every child is a great athlete. Not every child is a great academic. It seems obvious that, if you want your child to excel, you have to notice what he is good at and what is meaningful to him. Are grades in school more important than love?

If you must be appalled at what is wrong with everything, be appalled that your attention is on what is wrong rather than on what is right. Why are wrongs the topic uppermost in your mind? Perhaps you like the idea that you have a voice in important things in the world. Perhaps you like the idea that you point out the irregularities of what goes on in the world. Perhaps you like the idea that you are a good citizen who wants to wipe out all the world’s wrongs.

If you want to help the world, uplift your thoughts, beloveds. Complaints are a dime a dozen. It takes no talent to see what the world must do. What must you do, beloveds? You must find some good news to occupy your thoughts. The good news is also apparent. The world seems to have taken on the idea that marketing bad news is more important than marketing good news. Bad news does not need any help from you. Good news does. To whom are you leaving the reporting of good news to?

I ask you to emphasize the beauty in life. You cannot extol it too much. You cannot say too much about the majesty of creation and the munificence of the world.

One ounce of love is worth a million tons of negativity. I do not speak of trumped-up love or pretended love. I speak of awareness that it behooves you to bless the world and stop pointing out what is wrong with the world. Bless enough, and you will change the world. Take care. Stop fighting. You don’t have to condone the wrongs you see. Just stop touting them. Make peace with yourself.

martes, 25 de febrero de 2014

Heaven Letters

Inexpressible Truths That Words Try to Say

God said:
If you did not have language and the words language is made of, what would you think in? If you did not have language, beloveds, as much as language is loved and valued, might you not live fully in the concept called now? Wouldn’t you? What do you think in but words? Yet, of course, there is a dimension of thought before and beyond words. Without language, there would be no names for the pictures you see before your eyes. The pictures would be known and pointed to and yet not remarked on with words.

Man everywhere is a creature who speaks. We are by no means going to revoke language even if it were possible.  First came pointing, and then names for everything pointed to. I suppose We could call language shorthand and longhand at the same time. What a miracle language is!

There is something about the tongue and lips and breath and heart that want to make sounds, and there is something about the human ear and heart that want to hear sounds. Add the miracle that language can also be written.

And, so, language added itself to pointing, and sound blessed the ear, and the heart liked it. And, then, there is something about the hand, the hand with the opposable thumbs that wants the sounds to go through its fingers. Hearts everywhere also want to feel the touch of language as much as the ear and heart want to hear language flowing.

Does this not seem to you that waves of evolution blessed all on Earth, and the Earth is happy to hear sounds and feel them written on her sand? From water to land, and from sea to sea and back again, language is heard, and everything seems to be another wave that flows one after the other? And yet the water everywhere is called Ocean or lake or river or tap water. The basic Earth and its seas also yearned for names and to hear themselves called in every dreamed-up language that seemed to be meant to be.

Written with a stick in sand, or a pencil in hard, or with computer keys, written language is a sense of touch. Language in one form or another embraces all the senses. Can you not taste the words you speak and hear and touch them? Can you not see beyond the words? Doesn’t each poem have its own self?

The physical senses are by-ways to the heart. What is sweeter than a loved one’s voice and touch and sight? One loved one is sweet like a rose and another sweet like lilac. What is an unseen aura but a combination of all the senses experienced in a vaster sense yet embraced through all the known senses as well as the mind and heart?

Even though language is bound, language is your way out. Even though language means many things, it is your route to understanding more. There is life before words and beyond words, and language will help to take you there. Understanding is sweet. Playing with words is like playing with the notes of music, and so great music of language is also played. Words feel good on the tongue, and words make music, and language performs greatly.

Language goes fast and slow and in between. Language can be a race or staying still or fast and slow and still. Language is ever new by virtue of the consciousness who speaks it or hears it or reads it. Language is a leap of consciousness.

Language does come from the Silence of the Depths of the Oceanwide of Vastness and Oneness and all these inexpressible Truths that words try to say. 

lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Message from Mother Mary and Lady Nada

Lady Nada and Mother Mary via Fran Zepeda: You Have Arrived at a New Pinnacle of Holding Love and Compassion and Grace Within You and Without You

imageLady Nada and Mother Mary: You Have Arrived at a New Pinnacle of Holding Love and Compassion and Grace Within You and Without You, Channeled by Fran Zepeda Received February 23, 204 at:
Lady Nada and Mother Mary:
Greetings, Beloveds. We, Lady Nada and Mother Mary, come together today to express our deep love and abidance to all of Humanity and especially those of you who are ready to tune in and hear our deep message of Love.
Together we join our light signatures to complete a circle of divine Love and Compassion extended out to all of you. We hold it deep in our Hearts and share it willingly and freely with all who wish to accept it and ground it into their very Beings and to enhance their Hearts with pure Divine Love and Compassion.
You are ready to encompass Love and Compassion as a natural state of your Being, dear ones. You are holding it deeper and part and parcel of your very Being. We stand before you to mirror it and to enhance it and to validate it so you can, of your own free will and own power, be a source of it for others as well as yourselves. You are beginning to stand strong and are empowered with these elements in your own right, just the same as we hold them.
Your courage to step further out of duality and old ways of doing things is to be commended and is honored by all in the Spiritual and Galactic Realms. Your ability to stand strong within these qualities of Love and Compassion as a natural and inherent part of you is becoming more apparent and feeds the world daily and minute by minute.
No longer are you usurped by errant ways to the degree of before, as you followed the path of separation and duality. You are flowering amongst the new fresh growth of your development of your True Divine Selves and it is a beautiful sight to see. We feel your strength and we feel your power. You stand tall amongst us and are doing your individual parts to transform the world.
It used to be that you often felt that We of the Spiritual and Galactic Realms alone were the ones that had these special qualities of Love and Compassion and you were striving to develop them and striving to receive them from us. Now it is becoming so clear to you that these qualities were there within you all along in a very large degree, just dormant in some ways as to the magnitude you felt and showed and revealed and shared them.
It is not only your birthright but also your mission to feel entrenched in these qualities as a natural part of your every action and feeling. It is not separately that you call them up. They flow from you naturally like a beautiful stream of water cascading down a gorgeous and glistening and sparkling waterfall to join a larger stream and tributaries, naturally and powerfully flowing out to the sea of humanity. It cannot be stopped, nor would you want to, dear ones.
You are resplendent and glowing now in Love and Compassion as you allow these qualities to absorb every part of you, every cell in your body, filling up your massive space of energy all around you and out to all. It is not separate, but flowing and melding with others. It is “solid” in its flow; in other words, nothing can stop it, and nothing can diminish the flame of it growing and glowing within your Heart Center, building to a crescendo of unlimited expansiveness, sharing with others, being a part of others and yet so unique in your apparent Stream of Light.
Through the days ahead, we encourage you to build this Center, allowing it to glow and grow more warmly and stronger, connecting to your Source-Point always. As you feed yourselves with Light, you become stronger and more resilient and more resistant to influences of doubt and negativity, of returning to old ways and of despair.
Hope illuminates within you and grows ever stronger now, dear sweet ones. It cannot be stopped. It is fed by your repeated experience of joyful warmth emanating within and without, as a result of your complete acceptance of the intense new energies blanketing and filling you daily. Accept them. If you feel a resistance or a pain in your heart as if you have pushed up against a wall, breathe more in, and allow the warmth and glow to penetrate the “wall” of resistance. Then breathe in the fresh new air of possibilities and Love that you have allowed yourself to encompass and accept.
And so dear ones, remember we are with you and you can call on us to encourage you to accept and BE the Glowing Golden Light of Love and Compassion and of Grace. You are getting a taste of what it is like to be sovereign in your abilities to Create and to BE Love and Compassion as your inherent identity, being in touch constantly with your inherent Divine Self.
We share our love freely with you as you share yours freely with yourselves and others. There is no limit to it and it is part and parcel of your true identity now. It is who you are and it is what you do. Bask and Bathe in it, dear ones, for you have arrived at a new pinnacle of holding Love and Compassion and Grace within you and without you.
Take this Truth in stride and live it, dear ones. You are magnificent and resplendent in your capacity to BE Love and Compassion through each moment, throughout all eternity.
We bid you farewell for now, but know you can access us constantly through your Heart and through the energy and Love of this message. We love you dearly and we thank you for your immense contribution to Gaia’s and the Universes’ sweet and powerful evolvement into the higher dimensions.
All our Love,
Mother Mary and Lady Nada
©2013 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included: www.franhealing.com

Heaven Letters

Crests and Valleys of Life

God said:
What you listen to as you read My Words is My heart, the beat of My heart. I invite you to become in tune with Me. Come, be in tune with Me. Drop your resistances, and, as it might be said, surrender. What you surrender to is Truth, beloveds. As you let go of your defenses, you surrender your arrogance. Is it not arrogant to think you know better than the Creator of the Universe? If you cannot say it is arrogance, can you admit that it is folly?

Let’s put it another way. Would you shake your fist at the Sun or the Moon? To what avail? To what avail?

A five-year old may think he knows better than his mother or father or grandfather. A five-year old may stamp his foot because he has not received what he wanted. He feels he was denied that which he is certain is meant to be his. The young child cannot see beyond his disappointment. He is captured by it.

When you protest, beloveds, what are you doing? When you figuratively hold your fist up to Me, what do you think you are doing? It is not upmanship between you and Me. There is no rivalry. There may have been times when you would like to dethrone Me. Of course, at these times, you are not using your head nor your heart. You may think you are impassioned. Often, you are simply objecting to what cannot be changed except by your perception of it.

If you flunk a test at school, truly, beloveds, you can’t foist the responsibility upon the teacher. The teacher may indeed have contributed, yet you can’t assign what is ultimately your responsibility to the teacher. A grade is not everything. Nevertheless, you are the one to do something about it. Unless you take responsibility, you assign yourself the role of victim. This is not worthy of you. It is you who sees yourself as a victim. This is a poor role to play.

Life, as it is seen in the world, is a lot of crests and valleys. You may travel by roller coaster or a slow train. You never quite know ahead of time. Life, as it is seen in the world, may drop you off before the stop that you are sure you were supposed to get off at, or life may take you past your scheduled stop. Yes, life, does seem to have a mind of its own. Sometimes, the unexpected may delight you. Sometimes, the unexpected, disappoints or even outrages you. You are overjoyed when you win the lottery, and you are devastated when a loved one leaves no matter how. In either case, you have to recover. You will recover. You will balance out, sooner or later. Why not sooner?

Life is not generally what you call an even playing field. Who said it was supposed to be according to your terms?

From everything in life that occurs or doesn’t occur, you are fashioned. You are given molten metal, and you mold it, beloveds. You yearn for the freedom to have life come to you as you desire, yet you have the freedom to mold your receiving of what occurs and then taking it from there. The past is irrelevant. The only matter to deal with is right now. In a sense, you do deal with the past because you have to let go of it so that you can see the scenes before you with new eyes.

It is you who opens or closes your eyes. It is you who pulls down the curtain or raises it. Moods do not rule you unless you say so. Because life offers crests and valleys does not mean that your moods are to follow. Your outlook on life cannot be dependent upon the turns that life takes. Your outlook on life is dependent upon you. You do not have to be Hamlet. You can play a different part. You set the stage for your own life. You are the director of the play you star in.

A Call to Action, and Resources to Help All Lightworkers - Be the Messenger of Truth

This is an urgent message. We recommend that everyone reading this page go to the website below, send it on to everyone you know, and be prepared to lead in the coming dramatic Shift. The Event and its intended consequences are carefullyexplained.

Prepare yourselves, your loved ones and your neighbors for the dramatic changes we will experience in the coming days. Know that this is for the Greater Good, and that your understanding will help others to manage their confusion and possible fear responses.

The time has come, Beloved Ones, to step forward and help the world to make this transition! We have been asked to be on the forefront of transmitting this knowledge. Join us and we will truly create a New World of peace, compassion, and Love.

These events are imminent, and will begin with a huge blast of Love energy from the Central Sun. Open your hearts, be ready to disseminate this information to everyone you know, and stay in contact with each other and with us.

We love you and look forward with Joy to the imminent global change, which will include massive arrests, a new use of the global media, and an opening of all structures, financial and legal systems to complete change.

The following website provides a way to join in event support groups, to meet with like-minded Lightworkers in your area.

Stay in contact.
Be at peace.
Live in Love.

Kathryn May, Anne DeHart, and all the crew of the Healing for Ascension Tour, WhoNeedsLight.org and the HollowEarthNetwork.com.

Prepare for Change - Victory of the Light!

Imporant Message from Saint Germain

Part 199, St. Germain's Call to Lightworkers: Life Post-RV
Dear Friends, it is I, St. Germain, and I come to tell you we are planning great
things here in the Heavenly Realm.  The reason we are free to plan these wonderful things is because we are finished with the hard work which led up to the RV.  It is now up to the very competent crew on the ground to make the final announcements to begin trading, and we are on to the next phase - Announcements and Disclosure.

There are so many changes coming in such a short time period that you are going to be amazed, astonished, and you, Beloved Lightworkers, will be joyfully fulfilled.  You will feel that your cup runneth over; you will be gratified by the sudden blossoming of evidence everywhere of what has been growing behind the scenes for years.

Once the RV trading is underway, which we expect immediately, we will be on to even better and more dramatic changes.  The arrests of the criminals who have enslaved the planet for their own profit will be coming forth in great numbers - so many you will not believe your eyes when you see dozens who were honored as captains of industry and finance being walked off in handcuffs.  All will be given a chance to redeem themselves, for we are a merciful community here in the higher dimensions, but it will not be done at the cost of holding up the march of real progress for all.

We have worked so long for this, Beloved Ones.  You and I have seen the bright future for Planet Earth and have moved always in the direction of Light.  Our rewards will be abundant, glorious, and ongoing.  Yes, there is much to look forward to after the RV.  It is just the introduction to a complete Shift in the way business is done on Planet Earth.  By this, I do not mean only commerce.  Education, social traditions, political activities, governance - all will be different.

Now, we wish to prepare you for the necessary upheaval which will inevitably result when the financial systems are in the process of changing over.  There will be a short period in which the banking system may shut down, in order to institute the new, fair and  free economic standards which are to be put into place.  No more will every transaction, every trade, every loan be tailored to enrich the cabal which grew fat while the rest of the world was starving.

No more will hardworking people be forced into homelessness; no more will employment or education be akin to slavery.  The human condition is about to change globally, and we are asking you to help usher in this glorious New Golden Age.  You who are reading this are the Lightworkers who felt the rising vibrations and were inspired to invest in the possibility of using your own resources for the good of all.  You will be rewarded tenfold, with the pleasure of giving what you have to support and nurture others who are in need.

You will also find the way open for you when you take action to build, create, form networks and organizations to benefit all.  It will feel as though a weight has been lifted, and the wind is always at your back.  Doors will open for you as if by magic, because the old resistance which was built into the system has evaporated.

Life was intended to be beautiful on Mother Earth's surface, but it has not been for many centuries.  The abundance that was to be shared by all was co-opted by the few, bringing terrible pollution and degradation to her and causing disease and ill health to become the norm.  You saw the effect of the chemtrails in recent weeks - aberrant weather patterns, devastating drought and crippling snowstorms, all caused by the arrogant manipulation of the natural world.

This reckless poisoning of Earth and all her creatures will never be permitted to occur again.  Your Galactic Brothers and Sisters are neutralizing the effects of this weather manipulation, which was intended to create profit from engineered illness and famine, by creating such environmental disaster that the entire globe would be brought to its knees.  An entire population which suffers from hunger and disease is at the mercy of those in power when those in power are ruthless and feel entitled to their privilege.

You will be astonished by the revelations which will be coming hour by hour over the newly freed media.  The Rockefeller/Rothchild/Murdock cartel will be removed from operations of all the television, radio and print news production, and the world will gain a true source of communication.  It will then be used to honestly inform the population of what has gone before, and what wonderful opportunities lay ahead for all of you.

We have met today with Mother/Father God, Prime Creator, and all the Company of Heaven to discuss how we might bring the information to forewarn those of you who are not given to hysteria or paranoia of the coming difficulties you may encounter during the enormous Shift.  We are concerned that many who are completely unaware of the coming disruptions may become panicky or even violent when the resources they are used to having are limited for a short time.

You have all seen the extreme reaction when people are told there is a large snowfall coming.  Many stock up on enormous amounts of food, water, and emergency supplies at the thought of being snowed in for a day.  These are the ones we are concerned about reaching with the message that all is well, all is being managed and overseen from On High, and there is nothing to fear.  Just the opposite - this is the sign that progress has been made already, and that the new way of life will be brought forth from the rubble of the old, toxic and debilitating conditions.

Here is the concern for the coming weeks:  There may be a period lasting from a few days to a week or two during which the banks will be closed.  Depending on the reaction of the populace, this will have a greater or lesser effect on all other elements of life, like food distribution, the transport and delivery of needed medical supplies, and even the ongoing stability of power, water and transportation.  We hope to avoid any hysteria or panic by preparing everyone in advance to expect a certain amount of disruption and to prepare for it as much as possible.

Ultimately, your own good humor and generosity will provide the needed bridge to help carry others to the other side, to reassure and prepare them for a joyful completion of the process of change for the better.  As long as people remain calm and friendly, resourcefulness and creativity will carry the day, and all will come out of this Shift in high hopes, with their Vision of a new and more humane world alive in their consciousness.

I want to reassure you, Dear Ones, that we have left no stone unturned, no idea left on the table without consideration, and we are resolved that this entire process - even in its enormity - will be accomplished with Grace.  It cannot be done without a certain amount of chaos, but it can be completed without great loss or upheaval.

Consider how much fun you have had on a camping trip when you left behind the comforts of home in favor of living in the natural world, with the pleasures of life in a forest or at a seashore all around you.  Think of the coming transition as something like this - the opportunity to get closer to Nature and to those you love, while relying on your own and others' resourcefulness.

You may have a day or two without your iphone, ipad or computer.  You may experience a disruption in your cell phone reception or your TV programming.  When all services resume, you will be ready for the massive changes that have been planned for you.  Free energy technology is just around the corner, a gift from your Star Brothers and Sisters.  Opportunities to stretch your mind, offer your hidden skills, and celebrate with everyone around you will present themselves as you discover new pleasures, new friendships, and astonishing news about yourselves, your unique identities and your true path in life.

Yes, it will be a grand adventure if that is the way you approach it.  Of course, there will be some who become angry and upset if their daily routine should change even slightly, if they are inconvenienced in some small way, because their grasp on stability and happiness is defined in terms of "safety" - meaning that they cannot tolerate change in any form, even for the better.

This is where you come in.  You will be called upon to reassure, to comfort and to teach.  You have been reading these messages, finding your way to deeper Heart communication, deeper self-acceptance and Love.  Many around you have not had the benefit of such reassurance, and such training in patience and Faith as you have had.  They will be blindsided by the knowledge that all is not what it seemed and that it did indeed need to be changed, and now.

Like the cabal, many of Earth's sleeping inhabitants had found a way to remain unconscious of the massive suffering by blaming the victims, or by developing some philosophical or religious explanation for how suffering is inevitable or even preferable.  We are here to show the way to a new outlook, Beloveds.  We will work together with you to maintain stability even as the familiar ground is shifting under our feet.  We will sustain our Vision of Peace, Joy and Justice for all, and so it shall be done.

Never again will any of Earth's people have to suffer under the oppression of a ruthless despot who gained control by force.  No force will be allowed in the weaponless environment of peaceful diplomacy, fair and respectful concern for all, regardless of one's former position of power or powerlessness.  It may seem impossible to you to imagine such a change, while you still see around you the remnants of centuries of oppression and disregard for the basic rights of humankind as well as the Animal Kingdoms and the natural world in all her beauty.  How can all this be expected to change in a moment?  By removing all possibility of military might, psychological manipulation through propaganda, and secret political power.

The Forces of Light on the ground and Above have been preparing to step in to shift the balance for many years.  Only now has the energy on the planet and throughout the Universe risen to such a level that the tipping point has been reached.  The era of darkness has ended.  Planet Earth will never see another war, another genocide or another mass suppression of freedom.  It will require the help and Vision of all to create the New World, but we are confident that once the sources of fear and oppression have been removed (as is happening at this moment), the cream will rise to the top, as you might say.

There are unsung heroes, courageous adventurers and industrious Creators on every block, in every house on the planet.  As soon as the pall of fear and the Veil of Forgetfulness is lifted, they will shine, and many will rise to follow their example and yours.

You will feel an enormous blast of Love from the Central Sun which will trumpet the beginning of the Great Change.  The dominoes will fall in rapid succession - Prosperity funds being released around the world, displays of ships from many planets of far-flung galaxies to thrill and reassure those on the ground, Disclosure of the true origins of humankind and other extraterrestrial beings like you, and in short order, Landings which will bring wonders we can only hint at because it is impossible to truly describe in words.

We, your Ascended Masters, helpers and guides will join you at last, as visible and tangible to you as your next door neighbor, and we will rejoice with you.  Along with new sources of food, water and power, we will also bring music, laughter, unending Love and our heartfelt Joy.   And I, your faithful St. Germain, will be happy to lead the parade as we dance and sing our way across the world, from sea to shining sea.  Of course, I will invite all of you, as well as my beloved Lady Portia, to lead the parade with me.

What a jubilee we have ahead, Dearest Lightworkers!  Our time has come at last, and we will lead the way into the new era, singing "Hallelujah" in praise of God's Love, as we rise together to the Promised Land which is truly our Paradise on Earth.  You will see the Crystal Cities appear before your eyes, your beloved Sananda will indeed return, and you will all find reason to weep with joy every moment of every day.

Walk with me, all Beings of Light.  Stride without fear into the new dawning Light.  The New Golden Age is begun, and we are here to welcome its birth.

I am your Adamos St. Germain, here for you always. I love you without end.

Transcribed by Kathryn E. May/Lady Portia on Feb. 23, 2014, 12 am, Atlanta, Georgia.

Permission is granted to share or copy these messages, providing no additions or alterations are done, and credit is given to the channel and the website, www.whoneedslight.org.

domingo, 23 de febrero de 2014

Heaven Letters

The Presence and the Power

God said:
If you were to sit down with Me today, and you had twenty-five words or less to say to Me, what would you say?

I will tell you something. You might prepare twenty-five words, and, when your turn came, you would say something else! Because I live, shall We say, in the moment, you would be relegated to the words or no words that would come out of your mouth. You can prepare before and after, yet, at the moment with Me, only spontaneity can arise.

Of course, you might sit before Me without words, for the sitting with Me might be all you would want. You just might want to relish the Silence with Me, and, no longer would words rise from you. You might find yourself delving deeply into My heart. You might dive into My heart. You might swim in My heart in perfect harmony.

You might just sit and look at Me with your heart.

Beloveds, there would be no need for words because in Oneness you would be.

This is the simpleness of Our engagement. None of the things that matter would matter any more. What would you ask and what would you tell – you might want to just sit together with Me. Words would leave you. Questions would leave you. Comments would leave you. You might not think of anything.

You would have entered Eternity and Infinity. What words could compare?

You would not even think of going on a tour with Me, for the Silence We would share would be enough. Be enough? You would be so immersed in Oneness that there would be nothing else. Nothing else would exist. Existence would exist. You would be enthralled yet not conscious of being enthralled. You would know saneness at the very moment you would lose your mind and know your capacity for love. You do not love with your mind, beloveds.

The heart would reign. Love would not be a personal thing. Love would be Silence and Vastness and Oneness and all the other things love can be called, and, yet, you would have no name for love. You would be out of names, out of the layer that calls for names. You would be nameless. You would not even be able to say the name God.

You would be One with Me, and, therefore, We would be One. There would be no otherness. There would be no noise. There would be the incomparable fullness of Oneness which is empty of description. There would be no need for description or conversation or anything at all but the immutability of Nothingness.

There would not be the words to ponder this Everythingness of Nothingness and Oneness and the Silence and the Vastness and Love, Supreme Love, just there, rather here, so complete that there would be nothing to say nor a reason to say anything at all. Which of you could open your mouth? You would be so powerful you could not open it. Words would not come even if you could open your mouth. There would be no thoughts to think about. For the first time in your life, you would be question-less.

No one would want to slip from this wonderful Nothingness in order to say a word. Speaking would be like digging a tunnel, and why would you want to? With such great Presence and Power, you would be powerless to leave, not even for a moment. Furthermore, you would never have the thought to leave. You wouldn’t have to tell anyone. You wouldn’t shout. You wouldn’t whisper. You would be in awe, yet awe would not exist either. You would be, beloveds. You would be, and you would know only Beingness, and thrive, so to speak, in Beingness within which there is no speech.

sábado, 22 de febrero de 2014

Heaven Letters

You Are Getting There

God said:
You progress. Despite all your antics, you progress. There is not a moment when you are not progressing. Even in your darkest hours, you are progressing. You cannot stop progress in yourself anymore than you can stop progress in the world. Whether or not you note progress in yourself or in the world, you can’t stop progress. Even when it appears that you are not growing, you have left one more step behind you.  Human beings are evolving Beings. You do not stay the same. You may not see always what is right before you to see.

Sometimes later on, you smack your hand on the side of your head, and you say: “Why didn’t I see that before? What was I thinking?” From a distance you may see what close up you did not see.

And, yet, I have said that there is no distance. There is no close-up. I have said that there is no time to speak of. We could say as a manner of speech, that you and your supposed life are encapsulated in one moment.

When I say there is no time, I am saying that there is no past and no future. I could say there is no present either. There is something We call Present. We call it Now, yet immediately the present becomes the past, and the future cannot even be seen before arrives. No matter, life IS.

Whatever you want of life, you can have it. It is yours to have. Desires are a good thing because our desires move us forward. Forward means going in front, and forward is also higher, beloveds. Desires lift you. Desires give you some pizzazz. Desires are signals of light that keep you moving. Human Beings ARE, and yet they also MOVE. Human Beings do not stay where they are. There is no holding back the dawn.

Whether you move forward or higher or seemingly move at all, life will pick you up and drop you somewhere. You cannot stem the tide.

In a sense, in life you are a fish swimming in the water, minding your own business, going on in your merry way, and then you are swimming in a net that is lifted and you are deposited on dry land. This image falls short, of course. The point is that fish can exist only in water. You, on the other hand, can exist wherever life puts or pulls you. You can exist in desert or snow. You can exist in mountain or valley. You, beloveds, are adaptable. You may not always want to adapt. You may protest where life takes you, yet you can find your good wherever you are.

Beloveds, there are no aquariums for human beings. Wherever you happen to be, you are meant to be for that supposed time. You are invariably in the right place at the right time. No matter how improbable that may seem to you, this is how it is.

Of course, you may fight it, and get out. Or you may fight it, and not get out. You may not fight it and get out. Of course, in Eternity, there is no getting in or getting out. There is none of that.

In the world, you are taking a walk. There are many roads to walk. Some you choose. Ultimately, it is all your choice. It is definitely your choice to progress regardless of the circumstances.

Consider circumstances as a meal you are served. You prefer some meals to others, yet, in each case, a meal is a meal. And life serves, and life serves you, and you are served, and, so, you progress.

viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

Message from The Galactic Family – SaLuSa

SaLuSa  21 February 2014

You are present on Earth at a most important time, and as Lightworkers many of you have specific roles to play to help manifest the changes. Each of you volunteered to serve the Light at such an important time, and be assured that every contribution is essential to the whole. Providing you can stay focused on your task, you will be doing your bit to help bring about the changes that are essential to manifest the Light. It is a fact that because so many individuals are helping in this way, that the dark Ones are losing their battle to maintain their rule. Although they concentrate on the larger picture, we have them under total observation and are fully aware of their plans. Our combined efforts will eventually result in a bloodless coup that will force the dark Ones to accept their defeat. They will be totally overwhelmed by the progress made by us, and we know exactly when to play our hand.

The situation upon Earth is demanding a lot from you, but bear in mind that there are immense changes taking place. You may rest assured that the outcome is known by us and indeed often set up with our help. So do not be distracted by what is happening around you, knowing that a successful outcome has already been planned. We are obviously aware that the dark Ones will fight to the bitter end, but we have matters under control and we will not allow them to get out of hand. For karmic reasons we cannot interfere in some matters that have to play themselves out to clear outstanding responsibilities.

As the vibrations begin to lift upon Earth some of you will find that your psychic powers increase, and that generally you are becoming more intuitive. It will help you to decide what to do when faced with a number of choices, and you will be able to go forward with confidence. Remember that we are also on hand and never far away if you require some help. However, do not try to anticipate exactly how it would be given or when, simply accept that we will do what is best for you. We have the advantage of being able to see the larger picture and act accordingly. Sometimes for example we need to introduce changes in your life, and getting them into place can be difficult. Humans seem to have a strong mindset and do not always welcome change.

Time is still speeding up but you are now getting used to coping with it. It means being better organized and making full use of it. In the future you will live in an entirely different time, where the day to day chores that you now experience will no longer be necessary. Most of your needs will simply be provided by pure thought and it will be instantaneous. Even now you often unknowingly project powerful ones that do bring you the results you desire. That is why we already advise you to carefully watch your thoughts, as you have more power than you presently realise. In time you will be able to control  them, and at a certain high level of vibration nothing less that positive ones would enter your mind. Already those souls on the path of Light are subconsciously or consciously working towards a condition which excludes anything of a negative nature.

If what is expected of you sounds difficult or demanding, be assured that all changes will manifest when you are ready. No one will rush you into phases of upliftment until you are, and much help is always available to you. The fact that you are here at this most important time, is in itself a sufficient indication of your ability to make adequate progress  Needless to say, every contribution is helping the Light to manifest and spread the knowledge that will establish the truth of your history and the future that awaits you. We have told you many times that nothing happens by chance that impacts upon your life. All happens for a reason and is intended to further your progress towards the Light.

We will confirm once again that President Obama is playing a major role in bringing the Light to Earth, and in a holding position that will ensure the truth comes out. More importantly he is also playing a balancing game between the dark and Light, until the time is right for the next great step to be taken. As you must realise from past experience, we have inexhaustible patience and no move is made until the outcome can be assured. After such a long time working to turn the tide, we are not going to make any errors now that the finishing line is in sight. Your patience has worn thin at times, but we have been overjoyed at the rising levels of understanding that you have achieved.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and pleased to tell you that we have tight control over the activities of the dark Ones. If you get the impression that we do not, be aware that by seemingly allowing them to proceed with their plan, we are setting them a trap. By the time they realise how they have been fooled, it will be too late for them to recover. Then at last we shall have the stage to ourselves and rapidly proceed with the changes that have been long awaited. It will be a most exhilarating time with great happiness and joy.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey

Heaven Letters

Words Do Their Best

God said:
How beautiful is a day in the life of God. Of course, there are no days. No day is separated from any other. In My existence, there is not time at all. Time is a kind of disguise. And, yet, the world bends to this fictitious snippet from Eternity. Does Eternity sound long to you? Yes, but, no, Eternity isn’t long at all. It just is.

You live in Eternity. Eternity may seem like a long unending road to you. It is true it is unending, or it wouldn’t be Eternity. You can’t truly pin curl Eternity or part its hair. Nor can you combine it with anything. Eternity is sort of like the air you breathe. Where does the air begin and the air end? The air is not Eternity, yet it goes a long way. Where do you pinpoint the air? Hard to say. Air is, and so are you just as well.

You may have wanted life to occur in a flash, and it does. Life is a flash in the pan. Blink. Blip. This is life, and yet it is a flash on a continuum. It’s sort of like a carpet rolled out for you. Sort of.

There is no defining Eternity any more than there is defining Me. True, the finite can bring you closer to Me and closer to an understanding of Infinity, yet there is no definitiveness in Eternity. Words do their best. There is only so far that words can go. The field of Eternity is wordless. We can say that the field of Eternity is without thought. Eternity is to words like Beingness to what? Your little self, perhaps.

Eternity is above and beyond. It is an essence. A photo cannot be taken of your Being. Nevertheless, Eternity and Vastness and Infinity and all these indefinables are breathless and beautiful. Beloveds, you are the same. You are Eternity and Vastness and Infinity and Beauty, all these inescapable and yet indefinable qualities. Yet these words do not really signify qualities because the Grand Essences like Beauty and Vastness and God and so forth don’t really have attributes. They are so much more advanced than attributes.

But for the sake of communication, the thought forms of communication that language provides, We use words as best We can. In fact, you, my dear Human Being, can say anything you want. You can make up anything you want as well. And so you have made up the word danger. You don’t really believe that Eternity and Infinity are in danger of anything, do you? What can possible affect the underpinnings of Eternity and so forth?

Eternity and Infinity etc. cannot wear out. They contain no cogs that can wear out. They contain everything you know as everything and yet, at the same time, they contain nothing. What noise can there be in Silence? All beautiful words I speak are full of emptiness! Or, We can say, the Fullness of emptiness! Nothing is everything, and everything is nothing. All this is a play on words. We play on Earth without ever leaving Heaven. Yes, of course, you are boondoggled about now.

You are on a search for what you already are. You seek yourself that requires no seeking at all. You have been found. Never were you lost! Yet you have misplaced yourself. You were looking for your sunglasses and they were on your forehead all this time. You were looking for your keys when your keys had been left in the lock. And you have been seeking Me Who is already in your heart undisturbed. What can possibly disturb Me, and yet a lot disturbs you. It is truly and deeply just a game you play with yourself, like playing solitaire or kicking a stone along the street or throwing a ball.
Welcome to My Country.

Message from Jesus

Do not hold on to the anger that some of these shocking disclosures of infamy arouse within you

Humanity’s long awaited and much anticipated awakening draws ever closer.  It is very hard for you, embedded in the illusion as you are, to keep holding your Light on high, but you are doing an absolutely marvelous job for which we honor you greatly. The end is in sight although that is possibly not very apparent to you, surrounded as you are by a large selection of nightmarish events that need to be resolved, and for which, at present, there seems to be little sign of that being possible.  Your collective intent to send the energies of Love, healing, compassion, and a desire for reconciliation and peace to all on Earth is having very positive effects all across the world wherever conflict is raging.  Please keep up your good work. Here in the spiritual realms we are supporting you powerfully in every moment, and your intent cannot fail because it is fully in alignment with God’s Will.
There has been a lot of talk in your mainstream media during the last couple of years about the 1% versus the 99%, and the views and desires of the latter are having to be increasingly heard and positively responded to by the former.  Change is happening all across the world, and the speed at which that is happening is accelerating very rapidly indeed.
No longer can “the masses” be arrogantly dictated to, and no longer can the various law enforcement and military agencies and their employees be relied on to suppress and control society.  Needless to say for society to live peacefully together laws and standards that honor and apply to all must be maintained.  When respect is offered to all without exception enforcement is unnecessary, because all recognize and honor the sovereignty of each individual.  However, your so called democratic systems of government have not been doing this, and they are at last being seen by almost everyone for what they are, namely endemically corrupt organizations that bow humbly before their masters – those who have enormous wealth along with the power and influence that that buys – who believe themselves to be above the law, and who behave accordingly.  Their days of freedom to do as they wish are severely numbered.
The courageous whistle blowers who have risked their lives and their livelihoods to bring public attention to the secret, dishonorable, and corrupt practices of so many organizations – corporate, religious, political, military, and governmental – are highly regarded in the spiritual realms and are given much support and protection.  Make sure to send them abundant love whenever you go quietly within to pray, mediate, or contemplate.  Do not hold on to the anger that some of these shocking disclosures of infamy arouse within you for the perpetrators of these scandals. Remember that they too are very damaged individuals who are running scared, and justifiably so, and they need your Love, just like everybody else.
We are all One and there is only Love.  Focusing on anything that is not in alignment or harmony with Love only serves to delay your awakening.  Love is penetrating even what appear to be the hardest of hearts, because It is utterly irresistible.  There is no one who is shielded from the field of divine Love that envelops you all, and however strong the intent to block out Love may be it is never strong enough.  Love is infiltrating everyone on the planet, and therefore It is also infiltrating every organization on the planet, regardless of the reasons for which those organizations may have been established, and their resistance to Love’s power is being fatally undermined.
God is Love, and all of His divine creation is contained within Love’s infinite field which is eternal, limitless, and boundless.  What you experience as unloving, unaccepting, repressive, destructive, crushing, and frightening is of the illusion – temporal – and therefore cannot and will not survive the gentle but persistent and overwhelming onslaught of Love.
Anything that is not in alignment with Love – and truly that is very, very little – is dissolving, dissipating, disintegrating, because your collective will and intent has ceased to support the illusion and the misery in which it has attempted to envelop you.  It was a silly game which caused you much pain and suffering while you engaged with it, and now you have sensibly chosen to discard it.  Without your constant support it cannot survive, because illusions demand the attention of those who would build and support them, and that attention is being very rapidly withdrawn.
Focus your attention on the wonderful and uplifting changes that are happening all across the world, because that strengthens your own energy fields and therefore the effects that they are having worldwide.  Just keep reminding yourselves “We are all One!”  And within that Oneness there is no room for anything that is not of Love because there is nothing real that is not of Love.  Doing just that dissolves the illusion and brings all to awakening.
Your loving brother, Jesus.