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viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

Message from Archangel Michael


Transmitted Through Ronna Herman, LM-02-2014

Beloved masters, you are beginning to comprehend how different your physical reality will be as you gain access to and integrate more of the more refined frequencies of the higher realms. You will also realize how radically your future life’s experiences will change. As everyone’s telepathic and clairsentience skills are perfected, you will understand why truth, honor and integrity will become paramount. We are aware of the Light patterns that you emit, and also the resonance of your energetic signature, whether it is harmonious or discordant. We see your radiance or lack thereof, and you cannot hide who you truly are from us. In the near future, this gift will become the norm for many advanced Light Workers as well.
You are not only seeking to return to balance and harmony within, but it is your Higher Self’s greatest desire that you reclaim and perfect the beautiful Soul Song that is uniquely yours. The spectrums of Light and of sound in our realm of existence are far beyond your senses and even beyond your imagination. In your reality, you can only experience a minuscule portion of the celestial sounds, the radiant Light, and the power and majesty of our environment.
Fear and your ego are your greatest enemies. As we have explained in recent past messages, the negative, stressful events that you are experiencing at this time are activated from within to help you eradicate and/or refine past conditioning. Tests and situations of tolerance are created to help you acknowledge any restrictive, damaging thought patterns that you may not be aware of at a conscious level. Universal Law states that the frequencies of your thought patterns must be refined and lifted in order to tap into the next higher level of consciousness. You must qualify or become attuned to each new level of conscious awareness before you may integrate the vibrational energies it contains. Once you have mastered that level to a certain degree, you will be ready to receive its unique gifts and benefits.
As you begin to follow the nudgings of your Higher Self, you will gain the ability to disregard or to not be affected by the actions or reactions of others who try to dis-empower you. The realms of duality and polarity are great teachers. If you had never experienced anything but loving and positive actions, there would be little or no growth, and stagnation would result. Your ego self will constantly urge you to focus on the external world, and to behave in ways that are not in your best interest as an aspiring Self-master. If you consciously strive to stay centered within your Sacred Heart, and to use the enlightened wisdom of your Sacred Mind, you will never be led astray. Your intuition will grow stronger and stronger as you build your confidence as a master of Self, and you will always sense and understand the correct decision to make or the path to follow. As your confidence and your intuitive abilities increase, indecision will become a thing of the past. You are relearning the master skills you enjoyed in the higher realms. Remember, you have been a master builder of worlds without end, and you have existed in the higher realms much longer than you have been entrapped in the dense environment of the lower dimensions.
Never forget, you are eternal and immortal. Your physical body is a temporary temple in which God dwells. The Sacred Heart is the temple of the soul. Therein is the Essence of life where true love resides, and where your awareness of Infinity begins. The Diamond Core God Cell within the Sacred Heart contains the Twelve Rays of God Consciousness, which are etheric crystal prisms of refracted Light called Rays that beam forth the Essence of Creation.
Death is a metamorphosis, a changing of the cloak of flesh for a cloak of Light. You have but one life and that life is eternal. You have assumed many roles while on your journey throughout eternity; however, within your Sacred Heart, you will remain as you were in the beginning, a Divine child of the Supreme Creator. To become en-LIGHTEN-ed is to realize your Divinity within, whereby an impulse from deep within your Sacred Heart will assist you to follow, unerringly, the guidance of your God Self. In the higher realms your vessel of Light is pure, perfect and indestructible. Envision a wholeness that has never been altered and a radiant form with no imperfections.
Even though chaos and duality are an integral part of your existence in the third/fourth dimensions, there is order and design in this Sub-universal Master Plan. You were not sent forth as cocreators without protection and a clearly defined path to follow in place. Your return to full consciousness of your God Self within this Sub-universal expression has always been assured.
Your Sacred Mind always knows the truth, and will eventually override the misconceptions of the conscious mind, which can be reprogrammed as you strive to clear the subconscious mind of all negative influences. Your Sacred Mind is the direct connection to the God Mind. Moderation in all things results in equilibrium, balance and a sense of well-being. Self-mastery leads to control of the physical emotions and the thought processes of the lower mind. A Self-master stands firmly centered within the Sacred Heart in the midst of chaos and change–holding fast to the wisdom of the Sacred Mind as it gathers strength and guidance from our Father/Mother God–while learning to become an observer of the process as all illusion slowly fades away.
Many of you have discovered that no matter what you are experiencing in the outer world of form, there is a strong sense of joy that wells up from within. These powerful pulses of energy OverLight any discordant situation, and help you remain centered within your Sacred Heart. Individual will comes from within the soul, while Divine Will originates from within your God Essence Seed Atom. The soul is forever seeking to advance toward its collective whole–reunification is its major goal.
Throughout your many years of trials, tests and challenges, we have told you that the ascension process entails acknowledging, releasing and transforming all of the negative, impacted vibrational patterns that you carry within your complex physical, mental, emotional and etheric forms. As novices beginning the journey of transformation, you could not comprehend or fully understand what a profound gift awaited you as you reached a certain level of balance and harmony within: the gift of GRACE. A state of Grace awaits every soul on Earth once they gain the ability to function within the frequency patterns of the mid-fourth sub-dimensions and above. As you return to the accepted level of duality within the spectrum of Light and shadow, you gradually learn to maintain a “harmless nature,” which is a vital element of becoming heart-centered and soul-focused.
Ascension means attaining a clearer awareness of Self, and accepting the fact that you are an extension of our Mother/Father God. As you delve deeper and deeper within Self, you come to realize your intimate connection with the Creator. Once you have felt the exquisite bliss of a heart-to-heart connection with our Mother/Father God, and you are able to draw fully on the Adamantine Particles of Love/Light, your yearning for love is gradually fulfilled. Your hunger for sustenance will always be satisfied, and you will be given the strength, will and determination you require to joyfully complete your earthly mission. Through this process, your true Self is gradually being revealed to you.
We have explained how the spectrum of Light and shadow was created in this Sub-universe so that humanity could experience duality and polarity. In the higher dimensions, for those closest to our Father/Mother God and the Great Central Sun, the duality spectrum is very narrow; however, it became broader and more pronounced as each dimension was established, until it reached what was to be the maximum duality that was to be experienced. You are aware that it was not ordained or intended that humanity should sink so deeply into duality and polarity thereby causing so much pain and suffering. The time has arrived for the distortions and excesses of the past to be brought back into harmony, and it is our greatest desire to assist you to move through this process with ease and grace.
Dear hearts, too many of you are carrying great burdens from the past, mistakes you have made in this lifetime, and also many errors from past conditioning and buried memories of painful events or actions from all your previous lifetimes. Holding onto these memories or carrying the “burdens of inequity” no longer serves you. It is time for you to allow us to help you heal the painful memories of the past, just as we are clearing the distortions of the third- and fourth-dimensional collective consciousness belief patterns, and bringing those dimensions back into their originally designed spectrum of duality. We have repeatedly told you to, “heal the past, script your future and then live in the moment,” for this very moment is the Still Point / the power center of Creation. Why not move into the center of that spiral, into the eye of duality and polarity where all is calm and peaceful, and filled with pure, rich, primal life force substance just waiting to be molded into your vision of the future? This very moment, as you move into your Sacred Heart Center, you can experience the profound love and compassion of our Father/Mother God and the Supreme Creator, and know that you are a treasured son or daughter on an important heavenly mission. Remember, nothing you can say or do can diminish this love.
Attaining universal consciousness is a never-ending process. Human-mental logic and the Sacred Heart / Sacred Mind will begin to function as a unit of Spiritual Power as you attain a certain level of wisdom and enhanced God-consciousness, and you will automatically begin to question the contradictions of the different religious beliefs. This is necessary so that you will begin to seek out the pure Essence of Divine Truth that is scattered throughout the ancient sacred books. Over time, sacred truth will be revealed to you according to your present level of consciousness. A Self-master is constantly seeking, discovering and integrating more complex and empowering Sacred Cosmic truths. Ascension is a process of constantly transcending your current level of limitation, both emotionally and mentally. You must always integrate and experience any new knowledge you accept as your new philosophy of life, thereby gaining the wisdom of the concepts.
My valiant Light Bearers, you are becoming more aware and hypersensitive to the frequency patterns of change, both within and around you, and your heightened sense of awareness increases, it is critical that you learn to become a mindful observer. A Self-master always views life events from a higher vantage point so that he/she does not become caught up in the maelstrom of drama and chaos that is rampant in the world. It requires discipline and great wisdom to stay the course or to remain centered and empowered when it seems as though the world around you is sinking deeper and deeper into chaos and destruction. We know how eager you are to attain full Self-mastery; however, as we have often stated, the fast track is not necessarily better. You must be willing to allow your Higher Self and your angelic helpers to set the pace of your advancement, for we have the advantage of observing what is taking place around the world, as well as within each of you from a higher vantage point. This enables us to interpret the outcome of forthcoming events through energies of the strongest probable future. At such times, occasionally, we are allowed to intervene through specific mandates from our Father/Mother God and the Lords of Light.
We ask you to remember, if obstacles are continually put before you as you attempt to move forward or create something new in your life, know that it may not be the right time for your vision to become a reality. Be willing to go into sanctuary (spend time in contemplation), so that your Higher Self can either inform you of what you must do in order to proceed, or possibly what must take place that you are not aware of before your aspirations can be fulfilled and made manifest. Be willing to stay in the moment, and to know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at the present time. Affirm often: “This is a perfect moment and I am centered in the power of the present.” We implore you to view your life experiences through the filters of your Sacred Heart/Mind as you draw forth the powerful Adamantine Particles of Life/Light and infuse them with your love before radiating them out into the world and to humanity. We are all in this cosmic dance of evolution, and together, we shall prevail.


Transmitted through Ronna Herman http://www.ronnastar.com/ * Copy freely and share. However, I claim the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael. WE OFFER ARCHANGEL MICHAEL’S MESSAGES ON OUR WEBSITE AS A GIFT; HOWEVER, WE DO APPRECIATE YOUR DONATIONS TO HELP DEFRAY OPERATING EXPENSES AND POSTAGE FEES FOR THE FREE LOVE PACKETS WE SEND AROUND THE WORLD.

I live in a sphere of blessed Light.

Through my Sacred Heart,

I beam God’s Love so bright,

Into the world of form.

Negativity cannot enter this holy place,

For I am protected by heavenly grace.

I live and breathe to love and serve.

Ronna * 2014

Heaven Letters

Bright Shining Light You Are

God said:
I do not ask you to be greater than you are. I ask you to be as great as you are, as great as I know you to be. You, beloveds, may be the last to know your Greatness. Because you have difficulties does not mean that you are not great. You may be grading yourself by invalid standards. Being great isn’t the same as going by what the world says, and you have adopted the world’s point of view. There are moments when you may consider yourself not even worthwhile.

There is a tendency in the world to see yourself with plusses and minuses, and minuses detract from the glory that you are. You may see yourself as the periphery of your life i.e. the apparent results of your exterior life. Because you may live in a hovel does not make you less. You are not the building you live in. Where you live is not you. The circumstances of your life are not you. There is much more to you than your wealth or your poverty. If you could see, if you really could, you would see yourself as Bright Light Shining regardless of whatever the world might say.

You may rate yourself according to your physical beauty or your height or your weight or your complexion. You may rate yourself according to your career or trade. If you are a Doctor of Jurisprudence or a sweeper of the streets, this is irrelevant to who you are and the Mightiness that you are. Profess yourself worth to be the child of the King of the Universe. That is I, yet you are heir to the Kingdom. You are My heir while I live, and I live in Eternity as do you.

The clothes do not make the man except in the eyes of the world, they do.

Do not think that I am putting the world down. The world offers many treasures and many joys and many opportunities. If it did not, you would not be here. Yet the world assigns status. Your status in the world is not who you are, not by a long shot. You are the Glory of God regardless of your position in the world. Conceit is not who you are. Intelligence is not who you are. Nor are you beggarman or thief or merchant. These are only subterfuges of you. They are not Who you are.

In Whose Image were you made? That is Who you are.

You may be a pauper, and you are worth gold. No maybe about it. A millionaire is not worth more than you. And you are not worth less. You and the millionaire may not know this. The whole world may not know this, for this is how it often is in the world. But I know it, and you will know it. As you know My Glory, you will know yours. It is My Will that you know the Vastness and Oneness of you. My Will be done. My Will is.

From where does Greatness come? It comes from Me. I gave it to you. It is built-in in you. You do not yet know what you are capable of in Heaven and on Earth. You do not yet begin to know. You also do not yet know what part you play on Earth and what gifts you give. This is across the board, beloveds. There are no exceptions to this. The world makes exceptions to this all over the place. I make none. And you are swayed by the world. Now I ask you to be swayed by My Word and no less. Then you will know the Truth of Who you are and always have been. Even in your darkest moments you are what I say. You are Greatness. You are Greatness. You are Greatness.

Message from The Galactic Family – SaLuSa

SaLuSa  31 January 2014

Because of what is happening around you harmony and peace seem far away, yet gradually the turmoil will become less and in just a relatively short time peace will settle upon the Earth. It is because of the coming of the New Age, and it is lifting the vibrations more quickly. These changes were always going to accompany this period, with the ultimate separation of those who are ready to ascend from those who are not. This is inevitable as the vibrations increase to the point where only those souls who have reached the same level can remain within it. It is the culmination of many thousands of years experiences through many lifetimes in different Ages. The end of a cycle is an important time, when all souls decide how well their life plan has furthered their evolution, and if they need to repeat any particular experience.

Most of you are well advanced and will be ready to move to the next stage of your evolution, with the help and advice of more evolved souls. Many will stay with the Human Evolution, but some will elect to join other species that may take them to another planet. You would of course incarnate into a suitable form for that experience. Those continuing their experiences on Earth in the 4th. dimension will find that life takes on a completely new look, and that it is in a harmonious and happy time. Gone will be the dark Ones to follow their own pre-destined future, and be given another opportunity to return to the Light.

You have little idea of the happiness and fulfillment that awaits you, and it will far exceed your expectations. It will be your reward for having come through the darkest period of your life, and having successfully found the Light once again. A few of you will find that some of your friends or relations have failed to make it into the higher dimension. Have no fear for their future as they will be exactly where they can proceed and make progress towards the Light. In your position you will be able to learn of their progress, and visit them when they are out of the body through their sleep period. Whilst you will be able to retain the memories of such meetings, they will return to their dimension with no waking memory of them.

At present you are awakening to your true potential as your level of consciousness expands, until in the near future you acquire full consciousness. Be assured that many helpers are already prepared in readiness to help you take your place in the higher dimensions. Life is a continual opportunity to evolve and at every stage you have many helpers. It is always the responsibility of those that have evolved to assist those who follow after them. As like souls come together so their consciousness becomes as One, but be assured you keep your individuality at the same time.

We know so many of you are weary from your experiences, and it is not surprising considering the dense vibrations that you exist within. It is why you receive so few visits from Beings in the higher dimensions, who find it a most unpleasant heavy vibration to be in. Equally you will be so uplifted when you enter the higher dimensions, and enjoy all of the advantages associated with them. Make no mistake, that when you elected to help those souls trapped in the lower vibrations, you knew what a difficult task it would be. However, you were assured that that no matter how far you dropped, we would always be their to help you return to your rightful place.

Dear Ones, your sojourn in the lower dimension is all but over, and you will emerge far greater than when you first entered it. Your experience will help souls who can benefit from your experience, and you are to be commended for your great sacrifice to benefit other souls on the path of Light.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and full of admiration and gratitude for your unselfish acts to assist your fellow travellers. You are All One and linked in ways that are everlasting, and you will continue to assist each other on your great journey through the Cosmos. Your sacrifice has its own rewards as you see souls move into the Light and awaken to their true selves.

Thank you SaLuSa
Mike Quinsey

jueves, 30 de enero de 2014

Urgent Message for Ground Crew

Urgent Message for Ground Crew –
Next 72 Hours 1/29/14 – 2/1/14

  JANUARY 29, 2014


Based on the information that I have received from Andromeda and Pleiades, the visions that I was pulled into and the channeling that I have received, a major wave of new information and the destruction of the matrix energies in those who are still sleeping is about to occur which will allow for major intergalactic events to take place.

We are asked to once again regroup. What this means is to enter a meditative state for the next 72 hours. This means not to actually sit in the meditation, but become completely balanced and completely aware of every single second, to fully and completely be in the NOW as each and every single one of you will be receiving information from your respective galactic links. This energy influx is to come from those stationed above GAIA, the planetary alignments and the energies from our divine higher selves.

Many of key ground crew light workers are going to be tested. Pay attention and know that no matter what is happening, you are NOT to react. Do not allow yourself to react in the negative way. Keep your vibrations high, as hard as it might be for you, you must remove yourself psychologically from the negative situations and rise above.

You need to keep your tranquility and balance and light, and unconditional love for the next 72 hours.

Please understand and remember that you as light workers hold tremendous powers and sphere of influence. You are here to anchor the light and it’s incredibly important to do so in the next 72 hours.

The reason is as I’ve mentioned above, much cleansing energy is about to enter our planet yet again. And as you all already know that awaking to the truth of who we are is not an easy thing. Many people get scared when they begin to experience ascension symptoms, they begin to panic and that energy of fear is exactly the energy that we are trying to transform into a light and love.

Please pay attention to everything that goes on around you, as most of you will be visited, and you will need to discern whom you are visited by. That is why it’s important to keep your vibrations high. If you begin to feel anything but love or density in the air around you which is not coming from love, instead of getting frightened, think love, and only love. Activate the ultraviolet light all around you, and your whole area of influence.

I was told that 1 light worker, has the influence of at least 18 miles radius around them. When you walk around, you are influencing at least 18 miles in any direction.

Since the energies are going to hit people once again and awaken them from deep sleep, much chaos may unfold. Our light is going to be needed by those who are awakening, by keeping our vibrations high whomever will awaken in our vicinity will not be hit as hard, and the fear will automatically be transformed and leave them faster allowing them to peacefully resolve their awakening instead of trying to hurt themselves or others around them. Thereby influencing you in the process in a negative way. Just think of this like this, when you are walking down the street and you see other people smiling you can’t help but smile yourself. If you see everyone frowning you are going to frown too. So be the one that is smiling as you are walking around your day, and I mean INTERNALLY, ENERGETICALLY, spreading love to ALL who are on your path.

I know it might not be easy, once again I understand that we are living in a demanding world, BUT I know that we can do it! If we couldn’t we wouldn’t be here! So it’s time for every single one of you reading this message to ACTIVATE YOURSELVES, LIGHT UP THOSE INTERNAL FLAMES. YOU ARE GRATELY NEEDED!

Please do everything possible to keep your energy in balance, in peace, in harmony, in light, in unconditional love. I As soon as you begin to feel that you are shifting out of balance please find a way to re balance yourself, do whatever works for you.

A really good way that works for many instantaneously because what it does is aligns every single chakra energy point in your body, is the following:

Stand up straight and put your palms together in a “prayer” position with your feet and legs touching each other.

Close your eyes and begin to SLOWLY breath in and out, 7 times.

As you breath in you are to think of each of the Chakra colors, and breath into the chakra corresponding to each color. So if you begin with your crown chakra breathe in the violet/purple color and feel your chakra activate by fully focusing on it, completely feeling the tingling sensation of activation and peace spread throughout that area of your body, as you breathe out think of everything that is not working for your highest good leaving your body.

Continue to do so until you are done with all 7 breath.

Then lift your hands up with the palms still touching and spread them open and place your palms on the side of your legs.

That is all, you should feel your peace and harmony and balance restore!

Do whatever you must in order to feel only love, light, peace, joy, harmony and BALANCE in the next 72 hours. Thank you !!! I love you all!!!    Xoxoxo

Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL

Heaven Letters

Drop Fear. Gain Confidence.

God said:
If you want to see the light, look where the light is. This is the same as saying to keep your attention where you want it to be – in the light -- and let go of attention of the dark.

Fear is on the dark side. Let fear go. This does not mean to be foolhardy. This means to be sensible. With fear, you tremble. Don’t go by your fears, for, if you do, you will be timid, and you will not act. You will sit with fear. I am not suggesting that you be a reckless daredevil. No, I am suggesting that you dare to have courage. It takes a certain courage to look at the light and drop the dark.

At least know that you have choice. You do not have to be paralyzed. Whatever you do, you want to do it with courage. It’s possible that courage is a synonym of confidence. Go with God. Go with confidence.

Look, it takes a lot of courage to live in the world, especially when your main thought is protecting yourself as if you need armor. If your main thrust of life is safety, then you move in the arena of danger, and danger is on the dark side.

Look, I know that life for you is not a lark. It is not all dancing around the Maypole. And you may think that in the world, you are dealing with reality. The reality of life in the world is that you are dealing with illusion.

Now, you may say that it’s no illusion that if a train is coming and if you stand on the track, a train will run over you. Fine, don’t stand on the track. No one is asking you to stand on the train track and dare the train. I am not saying you have to explain anything or prove anything. I’m saying that fear keeps you huddled. I am saying to get over your fears that inevitably keep you back from life.

How many of My children fear love because they fear losing it? Sometimes you fear losing love so much that you make sure you don’t love. I am telling you to let go of fear, for it interferes in your love of life. Fear cuts you off. Perhaps you fear losing wealth. Perhaps you can see more clearly how fear of loss keeps you where you are. If you don’t have love, you won’t lose it.
And, if you don’t have health – even health – you have something to complain about. I say to fear your own complaints and run away from them like the plague. Fear is a plague. Complaints are the rash the plague leaves you with.

Am I getting through to you? What you call realistic is fear dressed up as a good guy. Beloveds, can it be realistic to fear living life so that you don’t venture into it? Life is meant to be the adventure of a lifetime. The adventure includes movement, and it also includes rest. It’s okay to stop and rest. Yet your pledge is not to desist life but to live it, at least meet it halfway. Life doesn’t have to hunt for you.

Perhaps you wait for life to reach you. Okay, while you are waiting, go out to the forefront of life where life can see you. You can meet life. If you have been hiding from it, no longer hide from it. Go out there. Get into center court.

If you always wanted to be an artist and feared being a mediocre artist, paint anyway. Do not deny yourself the opportunity to follow your heart and fulfill your dreams. No one says you have to be a great artist. I say if you want to create, then create. If you want to love, then love. You can be realistic and paint. You don’t have to quit your job in order to paint. Paint now.

Message from Father God, with all the Company of Heaven

Dearest Ones, I have some further information for you.

Concerning your participation in the coming revaluation of currencies, I encourage you to establish a relationship with a bank you trust - especially smaller local banks and credit unions.

Lady Portia, you are thinking about your home bank.  That would be a very good place to start. You have a personal relationship.  That will allow you to communicate with the banker in such a way that you will know the policies before you exchange, because he is an honest person.  This will be a very good approach for others as well.

Talk with him and with your credit union.  You will be able to establish close relationships with them, and the exchanges will benefit the local banks and economy.  This is the purpose, of course.  The large banks have proven themselves to be dishonest at many levels.  We prefer for you to avoid them if possible, or abandon them immediately after your exchange.

Now, about your Adamos (St. Germain).  You have not heard from him much because he is "leading the troops" in this very crucial time.  They are working round the clock to make the RV happen, but to do it in such a way that all who can be caught in the net will be.  It is a very large number now, those who have betrayed their fellows by taking the path of greed rather than love.  

Yes, we are sorry to see so many disqualifying themselves, just as we were sorry to see our children of the Reptilian race making the same decision.  This group are now separating themselves into 2 or 3 groups - those who have committed heinous crimes against humanity by carrying their greed to such extremes that they knowingly caused large numbers of people to be placed in situations of great hardship, poverty, and even starvation, and those who have stood by or played minor roles in the greed game.

Some of them - those who have no remorse - will have to be...what you might term...dissolved, as the Reptilians of equal Darkness were.  Others who show even a glimmer of remorse and the wish to continue their lessons, will be taken to the alternate planet, where they will be treated to the experience of living exclusively with their own kind.

The planet where they will be taken is one without the guiding essence of the soul.  It is, in effect, a dead planet, so there will be no suffering on the part of the planet.  We could not subject a living planet to the kind of abuse they have inflicted on Mother Earth again.  Their destructive practices will be felt immediately because there will be no healing presence to counteract it.  This will be a great shock to those who took for granted that the planet would always recover, although they did not acknowledge the reason for that recovery - the presence of a nurturing and loving Mother soul who was dedicated to providing abundantly for all within her care.

They will learn quickly when they see they must live with their own destruction. And so, justice is done, without punishment or special privileges for anyone.  All must make their own choices about where they will end up.  

Those who remain on the New Earth will live under very different circumstances.  After the Ascension of all who are now on the path toward Light, Mother Earth will renew herself, restoring her pristine beauty.  It will truly be a Paradise on Earth.  All of you reading this who aspire to ascend will be able to return to Earth, either within the Hollow Earth or on the surface, to enjoy the fruits of your many lifetimes of work.  It will be a truly glorious time.  

Now, let me tell you something about the healing process and how it will come about.  All Earth's inhabitants will have to be taken elsewhere for a time - or I should say, will be given the opportunity to explore and experience other planets for a brief time, while Mother Earth completes her restoration.  At that time, she will be free to absorb all the remnants of earlier civilizations, to wipe herself clean, you might say.  All existing cities, roads, skyscrapers, wooden structures, the residue of mining and fossil fuel exploration, all automobiles and other transportation devices and so on, will disappear deep into the crust to be dissolved.

Do not mourn for the planet you have known, Dear Ones.  It is the end of the era of smokestacks, corporations and banks.  None will be needed in the new higher dimensional Earth existence.  Abundance will replace want, cooperation and goodwill as it is lived in the 5th dimension will be the only experience in the lives of those who come to Earth in the coming age.  You may choose to remain, to revel in the beauty of the planet you have loved and have helped to save, or you may wish to move on to other adventures.  All the Universe will be at your fingertips, and there are many challenging or thrilling or captivating opportunities available to you.

Once you have completed your Ascension, you will see what we see, understand all of what has transpired over the eons you have worked to bring Earth back to peace and beauty.  You will elevate yourselves, and you will have much to celebrate and experience.  You will revel in the Love you share, the uplifting feelings of triumph you will feel together.  This is the destiny of those who follow the path of Light.  There is always a multi-rainbow at the end of the project, no matter how much effort it has taken to reach the final goal.

You see, we are already celebrating.  Prime Creator has stepped in to take over the final few steps as you approach your Ascension.  We, Mother God and I, are fulfilled in our great Love for our children who have succeeded in this great event.  We see the result, feel it in our Hearts, and we rejoice.  We too will elevate ourselves, along with the entire Universe of souls who are responding to the rising vibrations.  All beings will come together in a great uplifting which cannot be described to you in advance, but can only be experienced to know the great Joy that will fill our hearts as we rise together.  

It is our destiny, Beloved Ones.  We are on the threshold now.  Accept your blessings with joy and gratitude.  Step into your New Golden Age with Joy and Hope in your hearts.  It is truly a new day.

We love you beyond measure.
I am your Father God, with all the Company of Heaven, wishing you Peace, Harmony, Joy and Love.

Via Kathryn E. May, January 29, 2014, 12 AM.  New York City

Permission is granted to share or copy these messages, providing no additions or alterations are done, and credit is given to the channel and the website,www.whoneedslight.org.

miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

Message from The Galactic Family – Sheldan NIdle’s Update

1 Akbal, 6 Yax, 10 Caban
Selamat Jalwa! Much is happening around your globe. The dark cabal's leaders fully understand that their long reign is coming to an end. Our earthly associates are busy putting the finishing touches on a global currency reset and are using this event to quick-start a new worldwide banking system. Right now things are happening that will bring the first taste of global prosperity to this realm. A new gold-backed currency will eliminate the former restrictions set by the Dumbarton Oaks Agreements. The era of the Federal Reserve dollar is over. A new financial landscape is forming to put the control of each national currency back in the hands of the nation state from which it comes. Each bank will then abide by a strict set of rules which will end the fraud and chicanery of the past. Banking will no longer be a license to steal, and the gross "cons" that banks were noted for will end. Quite swiftly, the new governance that will arise as a result of this prosperity will enforce these new regulations. This new reality will be the forerunner of a disclosure that solidifies your march toward full consciousness.
   The present chores of this fleet are built around the need to assure that all that is agreed to does indeed manifest. The present time is one in which the old dark order, possessed of unrelenting greed, arrogance and irresponsibility,will be succeeded by those who use their consciousness and growing sense of responsibility to bring forth a new reality. It is this special new reality that will be fully birthed when your present consciousness transformation is finished. This, as we said before, requires that we provide many mentors whose primary task is to bring you back to full consciousness. This pathway will involve the cities of Agartha. Special places throughout this realm are set-aside for the final stage of your journey. We have coordinated the building and operating of Light Chambers that are to finish this most divine task. When you leave these living transformers, you are to be fully conscious. After a short training you will be capable of operating well within a new 5-dimensional reality!
   What is ahead for you is a great leap in consciousness. This divine operation is meant to raise this reality to the fifth dimension and to prepare you to become the prime guardians of this sector of physicality. You are to reunite with your Agarthan brethren, and together, to colonize the other three water worlds. These new galactic societies are to forge a galactic council to preside over this special guardianship. Moreover, you are to bring this newly united star nation into the Galactic Federation and fulfill your sacred destiny. Numerous galaxies, near and far, have heard about your grand destiny and wish to share these events with you. In effect, you are to become a prototype for peace, prosperity and unity! Many ships from these galaxies are here now, watching and assisting us in your ongoing transformation. In returning to the status of physical angels, you have given many the vision of how the divine plan unfolds in its miraculous ways. This gives all in this enormous fleet much joy.
   As all of what we have stated unfolds, remember that this set of divine alterations is part of an even greater change that is sweeping throughout this galaxy. We first colonized this solar system with the full affirmation of this region's Spiritual Hierarchy. We watched the dark arrive long ago and wipe out this first colony. We then received permission to intervene and the land of Mu was created. Later came Atlantis and a truly odd scheme by the dark to make humans a slave race. This process has now failed. You are leaving the shackles of limited consciousness behind. You have learned much from your millennia of adventures under the dark's hard hand. This is over. It is time to return to the realm of full consciousness and fulfill the grand destiny given you by Heaven. We and your spiritual and space family, now come together and will perform a special prearranged alchemy. These events are to right this galaxy to the Light and permit you to make a great and necessary magic. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Events are now taking place that will change this reality. The various secret societies from both the East and West are finishing tasks that permit the world to begin global currency reset and to manifest a new financial system. The present banking oligarchy is composed of an "old guard" whose time for defeat has come. Ever since the days of ancient Rome, this stolid group retained control of the globe's purse strings. These dangerous and egocentric ones are to be jettisoned and left to their own devices. Arrests will follow, and with them their demise. These blessed events have taken us millennia to arrange and decades to make a reality! What is to succeed them is a system that is purged of their immorality and gross disrespect for humanity. Humans were their unwilling slaves and failed to see the great powers that each possesses. It is the time to accept that your liberation is at hand.
   This first stage of your prosperity will be followed by the distribution of the various prosperity funds. This is to be a two-part process. Once this is complete, new governance will manifest. As you can see, this is indeed a truly blessed time for all. The old debt-ridden system is to fall. A new system will replace it that frees you from debt and allows you to achieve your sacred desires. Take this time to reflect. Look carefully at your societies. See how they can be improved. Look at the Earth as well. See her in a new light. Help her and swiftly transform how your societies provide for your energies and your transportation of people and goods. Be ready to embrace startling new technologies, and above all, do so in the spiritual context of your growing consciousness! Be conscious of everything and do not let this opportunity slip!
   You are about to meet the representatives of your ancestors. You are also to mingle with the spiritual Beings of Heaven. The "veil" is to open. We are here to guide you to full consciousness and to teach those primary things that you need to be familiar with. This time will be one of joy and an equal part of responsibility. Many wonders are to become known to you. Use this time to improve yourselves and to forgive each other. Learn about your shared unity with all Life! Comprehend the great gift that is your life on, and shortly, in Gaia. Be ready to abandon your many beliefs and to expand on others. This is a very moral and relatively bloodless "revolution". It is to leave you in a consciousness state that you have not enjoyed physically for over 13 millennia. Be grateful. Be gracious and Bless all for what is happening to this realm.
   Today, we continued our many messages that explain to you what is happening here. We ask that you take this in and do what your Higher Self advises when you are in prayer or in a meditative state. Be proud of what you are becoming and be ready to welcome all who have come to impart these wonders to you! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Heaven Letters

God Is Not Your Sugar-Daddy

God said:
That I love you doesn’t mean I cater to your every wish. Everything unfolds as it unfolds. Further than you can see, everything unfolds just right, and just right for you. Beloveds, you have been near-sighted.

It is told that I require Ten Commandments from you, and, yet, you, you give Me and yourself many more commandments than ten.

I am not stubborn. I see the mechanics of the Universe and how life on Earth plays out. You, however, may be adamant on how life should play out according to your reckoning. You are sure you know better. You resent that there is death and that your loved ones die and you can hardly forgive Me for saying that one day you too will die. From the window where I look out, there is no death whatsoever. The body, yes. Yet the body is not you. It is the wrapping you come in.

You would like to command Me to see that your heart is never broken. Demanding is also commanding. You may demand that the path of true love goes smoothly for you. Who was your true love once upon a time? Do you remember? Would the one you once claimed as your true love fill your heart now? Are you not, once in a while, grateful that your intention did not succeed? Say, “Thank You, God.”

You demand that I give you happiness. And you demand what that happiness ought to look like.

What you really demand is that I bow down to you. You tend to think that you really do know better than I. “Thy Will, not mine,” may never have sat well with you.

You want your life to fulfill your desires. You like Me to take care of you, and then you like to hold Me responsible for any unfulfilled desires of yours. You like the idea of Free Will! Grab it then. With free will comes responsibility. Really, with all love, I have to tell you that you can’t have everything your way. You cannot have it two ways. Don’t make Me your scapegoat.

Alas, much of the time, you don’t listen to Me anyway! You don’t want to because you have the illusion that you know everything better than I could. Although you may express a desire to know what I think, and, then, when I tell you, you find Me in the wrong.

You can’t have say in your life without responsibility. When I gave you Free Will, responsibility came with it.

True, sometimes I create miracles for you, but then you are offended when I don’t always hand you a miracle or say yes to your every wish. In fact, you may want to hold on to the past, and I firmly say no to you. In life, you take a boat ride, and forward is the only path open for you. Thank Me for that, beloveds. Thank Me that everything does not always come out the way you want.

You don’t have to wait for Me to make your life as you wish. Make your life what you wish. If you want to regulate your life, then be self-regulatory. Attract the life you want. Take the responsibility and forego blame. If you want to get somewhere, get on your horse, beloveds. Set yourself in the direction you want to go. Take the reins. Allow Me to visit your life. At the same time, you give your life to all.

Nothing surprises Me, yet I am sometimes amazed at the contrariness of My children. All that occurs in life is for you, whether it’s what you like or not. Too often you want life to stay the same, yet, you must know by now, that life in the world doesn’t stay the same. Life is forever changing. Sometimes the change is too fast for you, and other times the change is too slow.

Beloveds, you cannot always take the controls and lord it over Me. Guide yourself, yes, and, at the same time, put aside your judgments and trust in Me Who loves you, if you could but see.

Message from Mother Mary

Mother Mary: We See Your Luminescence Ever Growing Brighter – Channeled by Fran Zepeda – January 27, 2014



Mother-Mary-213x300Mother Mary:
My dear sweet angels of Light, of illuminated excellence that you are. By now you are feeling the energies in a most accelerated fashion. They are becoming such a part of you as you are of them. As you expand, you take in more of your essence and accept it to the “nth” degree and in doing so, you spread it out and encompass a larger part of you and mingle with a larger part of everyone, my dear travelers of the Light.
I come before you to enhance your experience with this new light infiltration, with this new Light Essence of you. By now you are not feeling such a delineation between you and the light, between you and others, between you and the many aspects of yourself. They are one and the same with you as you are one and the same with others.
And for that matter, dear ones, you are growing into that acceptance and concept of your totality as messengers and holders and heralders of the New Light, which is one and the same with the New You. No more must you attempt to figure out what is happening within and around you, for you are becoming it, becoming the New Reality and you hold it dear to your hearts as I hold you dear to mine.
For you have crossed the limits of yesteryear and are welcoming the limitless Now and we see you opening up and feeling your way through this new milieu of Light and transcendent energies. You are the forerunners in this. You are the makers of this new era, and from you will follow many miracles and new experiences for others.
For the minute you accept your role as new trail blazers of this New Light, you will encompass more and more depths of it and there is no end to the possibilities, and thus as you expand this awareness, so will others have the courage and means to do the same.
So I ask of you dear ones, please keep opening up to your possibilities and your gifts as you explore the expansion that you are enjoying now, with no limits and no preconceived ideas. The more you let go and open to the possibilities of this New Light, the more you will progress along the path of deep awareness and experience of your rich inner worlds of Divinity. The more you surrender to it, the more you will experience the sweet music of grace and purity within you.
Allow the crescendos of Love and Joy to soar within you. Take them to new heights and perspectives. Allow it to be your experience always in the Now and build upon that to continue building your world of expanded vision and purpose.
As you continue to soar within this new milieu within, so must you ground more, always using your heart as your compass. As you can see, your heart is without limits now as far as what it can experience in the realm of Love and Joy. Experiment and take it to new levels, dear ones.
I am reveling in your new experiences. You have taken a brave step forward and we of the Company of Heaven commend you for your courage and perseverance, for your willingness to transcend the limits of your physical bodies to experience more expansiveness in your Light Bodies without hesitation or fear of where it is leading you. And with this, the more it will take you into unchartered lands of possibilities and new awareness.
I am within you and around you as you experiment with your new abilities and heart-rendering new awareness. Going within now leads you many places, and many new vistas appear to you. You are making the rules and establishing new parameters in what is being offered to you as you explore your many avenues of new awareness within you.
You are your World now, you are its maker, you are its inspiration as you tap deeper into your Divine Essence and come out with rich experiences within your beautiful energies of Love, your all-encompassing Love etching its way deeper into all the pores of your Being and spilling out to others.
So continue to soar, dear ones; continue to tap the untapped resources within you and delight yourself in its pure graceful quality, unique to you, and so ready to show its essence and to be accepted by your loving heart.
As I speak to you from my heart, you capture the essence of it, and use it to enhance your own essence, to build the crescendo of your own heart to its pinnacle. And this is just the beginning, dear ones; you will capture more of your essence as you accept and own it as the Truth and as you do, all your capabilities will begin to emerge more and more as you allow them.
And for now, if you feel like you have been inhabiting a dry desert within you as you begin to fill the void of your new transition, the more you feed it with love and acceptance the more lush the scenery will become, so much so that you will revel in complete joy and wonder at what you are discovering within you, as you allow the New Light to transform you deeper and more true to your underlying Divine Essence.
And so my dear ones, I leave you for now to continue to build your True Essence and discover your unique abilities. Just let go and Be in the moment, as we have been urging you to do, and within that moment will open up pockets of discoveries unequaled ever in your experience.
Enjoy this new ride, dear ones. I am always with you, as is the Company of Heaven, and we see your luminescence ever growing brighter.
With all my love,
Mother Mary
©2013 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included.

martes, 28 de enero de 2014

THE TRUE STORY ABOUT Michael & Lucifer

~ THE TRUE STORY ABOUT Michael & Lucifer~

FatherMotherGod Amon Ra's picture

~ THE TRUE STORY ABOUT Michael & Lucifer~

~Brilliant Repost~

Archangel Michael, the Prince of Light, and Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, locked in battle for all eternity over the fate of mankind, or so the church would have you believe. It's perhaps the most rearranged and misinterpreted story of them all. Allow me to explain a quite different version of events.

God and the Angels were together in Oneness, Everything was still united as One. Creation existed, but individual experience of Creation wasn't yet possible. It's like having a cake, but not getting to eat it, what fun is that? Creation wanted to experience itself being Creation, and so the Divine Plan was formed. Some of the Angels would enter into a dream, where they would pretend to be outside the Oneness so they could participate in the unique aspects of the Oneness. The one you know as Lucifer was the first to volunteer to “leave” Heaven, while Archangel Michael was the head of the angels who stayed. No conflict here, rather everyone working together towards the same Goal.

The real story of what happened afterwards is that of the prodigal son, not of a war between “good and evil”. Lucifer, literally the “light-bearer”, was the son who left his Father's House (Heaven) to share his inheritance with all of Creation. Michael, literally “he who is like God”, was the son who stayed at Home. Note how the people judged the son who left for spending all his Inheritance, while the Father was overjoyed. Lucifer was meant to have a good time in Creation, not to be stingy with the blessings he was given.
When the prodigal son returned, the Father gave him the other son's Inheritance as well. What would be the point of leaving it with Michael anyway if he's not going to do anything with it? Not that Michael minded at all, he already was Creation. Michael is Creation, Lucifer is the experience of Creation. Of course, if you're here experiencing Creation, how can you be outside of Creation? You can't, so you are Creation experiencing Itself, and hence Lucifer is Michael and Michael is Lucifer. Two aspects of the same Oneness. And you're not separate from this, which means both aspects are within you as well.

Speaking of you, how did you get to be here? How did you get to the so-called “lower realms”?
We were born of Oneness, so how did Humanity get to be separated from God? Simple, every Soul in this realm is one who chose to join Lucifer, a “fallen” angel. There's a little bit of truth to the story, but you aren't a “wrong”, “bad” or “evil” being, rather a very brave and adventurous one. Not one who rebelled against God, but one who disconnected from God within themselves for
the wondrous experience of Reunion.

And it wasn't Lucifer that caused people to be so mired within their illusions. When
Lucifer “left” Heaven, there was still the understanding that one was still always one with Heaven, they were simply dreaming.
This is the Garden of Eden of legend. It wasn't until Humanity lost the Violet Flame and couldn't effortlessly cleanse the lower vibrational energies that things started really getting messed up. Then the angels forgot they were even angels and started doing really funny things, like working at walmart and joining the republican party.

Now, what I'm saying is probably going to bother a few, if not a whole bunch of people. I'm telling them that they're a part of what they've been told is the most evilest of evils. These beliefs are so widespread that pretty much everyone has been conditioned by them. Hell, Lucifer and the fallen angels, they've got many other names in different cultures. People sure don't want to hear they're the “fallen” angels, what would that make the world they live within? The world most people are in is hell, though the Planet they live upon is the Garden of Eden, a Living Starship. They super-imposed their illusions upon the Truth and missed the Reality altogether, yet they still are the prodigal sons and daughters, and the door Home is always Open. This is Lucifer, the Light Bearer's, message.

The illusionary conflict between Michael and Lucifer has been projected out into
people's everyday lives. There isn't, and never was, a war that divided Heaven against itself. It's a metaphor for people's own internal conflict. The angels came to the manifest to enjoy it, yet religion teaches us this realm is ruled by evil and the whole point of us being here is to escape to heaven. This creates a dualistic illusion of two paths, one of the “wicked”, who indulge themselves in physical pleasures, and one of the “righteous”, who deny physical pleasures believing they'll get some reward in Heaven. Both of these so-called spiritual paths just lead around in circles, Buddha shared this over 2,000 years ago, yet people still don't quite get it. There aren't two paths, there's only the one you're walking, and when you learn to enjoy it you wont need to wait for some reward in Heaven, you'll have brought Heaven here to Earth through your own joy. Dividing Lucifer and Michael creates conflict within your own Being, and separates Heaven and Earth. Letting go of the conflict unites Lucifer and Michael and creates Heaven on Earth.
Lucifer never left Heaven and neither did You, You simply forgot that Reality of this whole situation and Heaven was hidden behind the lie of separation, reinforced through twisted, superstitious