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domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

The Sphinx Speaks

The Sphinx Speaks 
Dr. Who?

Many will know who we speak of as they have seen him, and many are attracted to the way he can explore the universes.
But we would like to approach this from another point.

Many are looking for a Doctor, a Doctor who can put a band aid upon the situation they are in. In reality many are using a band aid upon the situation they are in. Trying to change the situation by raising the frequency of the situation instead of trying to find a way to what brought this situation to them.

When you go to a Doctor this is what most of them do, they put a band aid on the situation and let you move on, on your way to new situations that need another band aid as the band aid from the previous situation made a change, but has side effects that now have brought a new situation that you like to change.

Some will try to find the source of the situation and will try to solve the situation from that perspective as well.

When you see yourself as a spiritual being, and a human, you have two situations.

The human body was already in the making before your spirit moved into the human body. You all know this from the stories of how spirit moves, a soul moves into the form of the human body when it is either in the womb of the mother or maybe a bit later.

The spirit merges with this body and it takes time for the spirit to fully merge with the feeling of being human.  The spirit learns from baby to child to adult how to handle the human body and human life.

There is a merging with the human body, but your spirit has lost its way in how to fully control the human body, some of it due to outside influences, but also do to inside influences within the spirit body.

The ones who belief in spirit try to fix this with band aid after band aid, trying to solve the situation they are in now, instead of trying to find their way back to full control through bringing back the original merging of the spirit with the physical body.

This would mean almost rebuilding from the ground up, but also from the top down.
With the ground we mean the human body, with the top we mean the spirit body.

The human body is a very complex energy system, even though it looks physical it is energy that is coded in such a way that it allows the spirit to merge and take control of this energy.

In a way the human body becomes part of your spiritual energy, part of your spiritual body, yet it is not really part of you, as the energy used to create this physical body was already there before the merging of your spirit body with the physical body.

When we look back aeons ago the situation was different and the spiritual body was involved in creating the human body, in this way the spiritual body was in full control of their own human body.

Through outside influences this has changed into the situation you are in now.

And finding your way back to this original situation of full control is and has become very difficult and this is why the band aids will only work for a short time, and new band aids are needed again and again.

Trying to change yourself as a human, trying to become the spiritual you within the human will never be completed as the human is in reality not a part of your energy.

The human energy can be used to assist you in returning back to your original state of being the creator of the human body, but this is a long way, and many prefer the band aids. As they give faster results, or seemingly faster results as more band aids are needed time and time again.

This is also why many are more focused on the 5th dimension and this is why the 5th dimension was in reality offered at this time. It allows for many to begin their journey back step by step if they choose to do so.

This movement into the 5th dimension cannot be done through band aids, but requires a new set of recoding that lays the ground work for the physical and spiritual body to begin the return to the original creation ability of the spiritual being that has become stuck within the physical reality.

What you are experiencing in your physical reality at this moment is the return to a different physical and spiritual energy around you, this is however separate from the human energy and cannot be used just as a band aid to change the human body.

Deeper and deeper codings are needed, and these coding do not come from the energy in the physical and spiritual reality you are in. The energies within your physical and spiritual reality, coming to you through the sun and other means are the band aids. They are meant to give you the experience of what can be.

And in this give way give you a choice of what could be.

The sphinx speaks
August 24, 2014
Petra Margolis  

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