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lunes, 11 de agosto de 2014

Message from The Divine Mother – Questions and Answers

“Divine Mother”
Blessings and peace to you today. I’ve come to share with you the importance that each and every soul has on this planet, at this time. Those who you may consider “lost”, those who you may consider of the Animal Kingdom or of the Plant Kingdom and those who you consider to be of the Elemental Kingdom.
magine that this entire planet is covered with a multi-colored beautiful tapestry. And imagine in your mind’s eye that the tapestry envelopes all of Gaia, wrapping around her. And if you consider pulling just one special thread from this tapestry, it mars the tapestry. And as you consider the fullness of the beauty of this tapestry you will know that every single soul’s thread is of prime importance for the beauty upon the planet.
And all of those things that are taking place, all of those things that are within the Divine Plan, even the conflicts, my children, even the darkness. For if you would look upon this tapestry and you would take out large chunks where there is conflict, take out large chunks where there are disasters, take out large chucks where there are souls that you have called the “Cabal”, the dark forces, would not there be holes in the tapestry? It would no longer be full and complete and beautiful.
And we see creation upon this planet as beautiful. And that every part, every person, every being, every conflict, every sad thing from your perspective, has a part in this Divine Plan. And yes, indeed, all of those involved with this Divine Plan who are upon the planet at this moment knew what they were getting into before coming. Just as those who came onto the planet when World Wars broke out knew that they were coming into those disastrous times. Those who have come during all of the history upon this planet came as souls to learn and to share and to experience.
As hard as this is to think about when you are sitting in the safety of this beautiful home, as much as you want to change the world and you see futility in things that are occurring, know that they are all part of the Divine Plan and that all of you are players in this drama. Are there choices that can be made that are different that can take this drama to a new location, a new place, and that place is a frequency change, a dimensional change? Yes. And this is the way that it needs to take place.
You have been receiving messages from us for many, many months now. You understand that allowing the Plan to unfold is the best path for you, as your Lightworker role unfolds. And that your job is to hold those higher vibration concepts of love, peace and compassion. You have been given tools of visualization. You have been given the tool of St. Germaine’s torch. Those are tools for you to continue to raise the vibration, to send that energy of love to these areas that are still in conflict upon this planet. And what that does is it raises the vibration and the frequency so that people can make different decisions so that things that are planned to be unfolding for the benefit of all creation upon this planet continue to unfold.
What we ask of you is to stay and refrain from judgment. So many things that you think you know are not what is actually happening behind the scenes. It is not that we hold it from you but there are so many people working for the “ground crew” as it is called, to do the work that needs to be done at that 3D level that allows for the choices to continue to be made to take this entire planet and her populations of all beings to this next level.
This is an important time, indeed, to be here upon this planet. And all of your lives have had meaning and substance but all of your lives have, again, created the being that you are here and now, the being that you are in your body, in your mind, in your emotions and in your spirit, so that your soul light shines brightly.
There are again, so many things that seem to be happening in the world that if you could but pull yourself back from judgments and just say to yourself, “This is according to Divine Plan. I may not understand the Plan but I send love and light to whatever area my attention is called to.”
The times are here. The times are here for the changes that have been taking place behind the curtain to become more and more open and to your eyes, to your ears and to your mind to see what the truths are. These are the times you have been waiting for. And we know we continue to promise that moment to moment but indeed, if you look at the world and you look at ALL of those sources of information that you get your information from, you can find the good news.
And it is our great pleasure to have you sharing the “New Scriptures” for indeed, it is your’s to be able to understand these words, to hear these words and to utilize these in conversations with people in your world that you connect with , that you affect, because they are different in perspective.
Know as you go forth today that we give you great love. And indeed, we respect you for being our “feet on the ground”, the hands that are performing the magic, the souls that are shine so brightly, that you are doing what you are called to do in any given moment. And that we would love for you to give yourselves great big hugs and know that they are coming from us.
And that the time you spend with us during your sleep periods more and more will bring you a peace and a comfort for you know you are straddling two worlds when you awaken. And the more that you can spend time in meditation, the more you can spend time in quiet contemplation envisioning, imagining, visualizing, all the ways you have been taught in this group and other things that you have done, you see yourselves in that fifth dimensional existence.
Allow the colors to seep through the veil, to pull your attention forward. See the creatures that have been myth but they are there to greet you. See the others who are there in other physicality’s, other beings. See others who have passed from this existence that you are looking forward to sharing with again. See the landscapes, see the homes, and see your activities. For the more that you can spend time in the joy of those moments, the more you will be raising your vibrations and pulling your soul forward into the new existence, into the New Earth, into the new life.
Some may say you are daydreaming. Only share this with those you feel safe with. For any bit of negativity that pulls you back into this dimensional experience is not beneficial. Do what you need to do on a day to day basis and allow yourself to play in the playgrounds of your imagination. And see that it will lift you more and more quickly and indeed, when you live in that dimensional experience, those things that are happening upon this dimensional experience will not hold interest for you, will not take time or space in terms of you spinning your thoughts around situations.
Just allow it to be and know that it is all according to the Divine Plan and that everything is happening exactly at the right time and the right place. You do not need to worry about the characters in the play. You do not need to worry about those whose actions are NOT controlling you any longer or are not having direct impact on you. Do not feed into any of the literature that brings into your being, fear or concern. Play more and more in the playground of your imagination and there you will find your peace and you salvation.
This is a message we bring for you today. We would entertain questions, dear ones. We arehonored to be with you this day.
Question: Are we to understand that there is a greater purpose to all that is going on, even the horrible things?

Indeed. And the greater purpose is for humankind to stand up and say, “We are sick and tired of this. We do not want to play these games any longer!” And as more people come to see the strings of the puppeteers have been pulling for such a long time, as more information comes about that wars are not really fought for religions, wars are fought for money and greed. And that those who have been in power on this planet, have been in power to play sides against one another so that they could increase their power and their money.

So, yes it does have a Divine Purpose. Those involved with the activities, the children, the families, the mothers who are losing their loved ones, the soldiers who are fighting, all of these came at this point in time knowing that this was part of the Plan.

AND when you sleep at night you have soul reviews every night, every person on this planet, so there is preparation at that time of sleep so that if one has chosen to be in a war zone or many have chosen to be in a war zone where the conflict is blaring and the rifles and artilleries are going and the bombs are bursting, those souls have had preparation and while there may be momentary fear at the human level, they know they are being greeted by realms of family members, friends and angelic beings when they are on the “other side”.

So, hold that image, Stacy. Hold that image and know that it is part of the Divine Plan, for all of the awakening human consciousness. And all of those that are suffering and we know they are suffering, we are not downplaying that, but all of those who are suffering are being greeted into the angelic realms and that those beings then, are on the other side and have an understanding of what they gave their life for and have a very different perspective. They too shine light back into those areas of conflict.
Does that make sense to you?

Question: I never thought it would happen but we have a dog that we are fostering for a short while. I want to know what the purpose is for the dog to be a part of our family during this time of Ascension.

Delighted. Delighted to be of assistance. The Animal Kingdom, especially those who come into homes in this life as domestic animals, those who would be pets, all of the Animal Kingdom especially those who would be dogs, cats, even lizards, parrots, all of those types of animals that interact in a home situation with families bring you unconditional love. This dog brings you unconditional love and you learn through this interaction with this animal that love grows. This is a lesson that is great for your children. It is a lesson that is great for your husband. And your part is to watch these interactions and to allow them to unfold in the way that this dog’s spirit is meant to be there.

This is a case of this animal coming to you as a guardian angel. And so at this time it is to help to awaken your family more greatly to the presence of unconditional love. The animal’s heart will continue to grow and to give. We see that this animal may not be with you on a long term basis but this animal comes with a purpose and it was time for your family to experience this in a very different way. And the joyous moments that are there are good for you too because it helps you to get back to that inner child of your own being to just be in the moment and share of the joy that this animal can bring. Does that answer your question?

Question: It seems that there are more people asking for money at intersections. I sometimes find myself making judgments about thinking that the person should be working instead of panhandling. Is there a best thing we can do to help people in need?

What a wonderful question! What we would say is that the judgment in the way that “we” believe in this society, and I am speaking for all of those here, that people should be working for their livelihood. Is that correct? So, there is a perception that if people fall outside of the mold, the reality that is set forth for this society, that they are somewhat less capable, perhaps less of anything you could put a word too.

We would say that those people that you come across, and this is a message for the group, when your eyes connect and your heart connects, does it not tell you that this person is one you would like to give to, whatever you  have to give and want to give? Out of pure love and pure innocence and freedom from knowing how that gift is going to be used. If you have been called to give, you give, and this is a way you receive even more because it is allowed to flow through.

Now, if you live in other countries, perhaps in India for instance, perhaps in the Middle East, there are those who are, by nature, “beggars”. That is there job. It is only in this country that great value is placed on the 9-5 routine that probably most in this room would say they would like to get out of!

We would say that when a judgment in your mind arises, send the person love. Know that if there needs are not met by you, for whatever reason that connection was not made or the intuition was not clear that the person was someone who truly “needed” then know that someone else will  meet that need, if it is indeed there.

There are many, many people on the streets. Things are not as positive as the government would tell you it is. There are many people in cars. There are many people who are homeless. Are there people who are “scam” artists who have rings of people working corners? Yes, we would say that too but again, your intuition will know when the time is to roll that window down and hand the money or perhaps to go through McDonald’s for lunch and pick up an extra hamburger. Offer that to a person. Sometimes it is food that is required. Sometimes money will help. But money is not always the answer sometimes it is the way you can share love in the moment though.

Be kind to yourself. The judgments are part of the world you live in and the rules that have been set-up within this society. But again, you will know when the time is right and if you catch yourself in judgment forgive yourself, bless them and know that if there is indeed a need, there will be another called to them. Does that answer your question?

Question: I awoke from a dream recently. I sat up and spit something out onto the floor that seemed to have a light to it. I watched it crawl away in the dark and I got my phone to use the light to see it but I didn’t see anything. What was it?

This is what I would share with you. You were working on a 4th dimensional level in your sleep. And in this dimensional level you are working on ships, you are working to help clear the darkness from the planet. From this dimensional level you sometimes take the sword with Archangel Michael to continue to work on clearings, to continue to work on those forces which are still in power in pockets on this planet. What had happened was that part of the energy that you were fighting with Archangel Michael, when you suddenly came back into your body because you had been fighting quite violently but in the 4th dimension it is not like cutting off of limbs violent, it is battling and part of the energy that you were fighting against came into your body. Archangel Michael used his sword to sweep it away. It was a violent reaction that you had so you plopped back into your physical body and you were awakened and the remnants of that 4th dimensional dark energy is what you spat upon the floor. And that is why it was luminescent and that is why it fizzled actually, because it could not maintain its energy at this level so it dissipated and disappeared. So, you probably at the time, as we focus back at that moment, had some strange anxiety, some strange thoughts and again, Archangel Michael is with us too and he is smiling upon you and saying, “Thank you, Brother. Thank you for the work that you do. We don’t always like to have these brought back into the 3D world which is why there is a veil in place but you left the circumstance so rapidly and so quickly so this is why it did not make sense. It was not a dream. It was part of what you were doing while working with the Light Forces as you sleep in this plane.” Does that make sense?

Question: Lady Portia came to visit but I did not capture her message on my tape recorder. Did I miss something important?

She was just there to assure you, Sweet One. It was not necessary to have the message recorded because her message was in energy, in frequency in love and was encapsulated within your own heart.

Question: Last night I remember Archangel Michael visiting me. Was there a message?

We know that we have told you this before, and this is a message for the group. We know that you have visions of yourselves sitting in these chairs and having what you perceive as a small role on this planet at this time when you come on Sundays to share with one another. And we know that we have told you that you are Masters. We have tried to tell you and to assure you that you are doing wonderful and great things in other times, other places and in other dimensions.

And so, the visits to each of you from the Ascended Masters, the Archangels, for all of those who support you as your personal guides and angels, all of those are here to share with you and be with you. That very special energy that each of us brings to share with you is meant to support you on your path and in all of your duties and the realms in which you are existing at this time. And the multidimensional selves that you are will become clearer to you. We wish to share with you the visions of who each of you truly is and share all of the things that you are doing.

Archangel Michael has come to you to bring his blue sword of protection and truth into your life and to remind you to stand in your truth, to be loving and to be strong and use your voice for good in this world and in the work you are doing.

And he is here with each of you as are all of us. If you but call upon our names, we are there. I would bring you love, compassion and insight understanding what your role is in this lifetime. And again, what I would leave with you today is to ask you to allow, to know that the Divine Plan is at work. To know that you are a thread in this great tapestry and indeed, every aspect of everything that is happening upon this great world right now at this point in time, is part of the Divine Plan that everyone has agreed to. So there are no victims, even though you would see victims. There are no people in power over you any longer. It is only the power you give them. This is a world being lifted in love and you are Masters touching millions of people every moment of every day. Bless you, we thank you and we will visit with you again.

Question: I saw a picture of a celebrity on the Internet and I remembered seeing that person in a dream the night before. I gave them a big hug. What does that mean?

It is part of the oneness, part of the unity, part of knowing that you are all connected. And when you have these déjà vu’ experiences, each of you, the synchronicities we have talked about, yes, speak them aloud and recognize them. Know that whatever reason you are connected with that one, it reminds you that there is no distance, there is no time, and there is no status, that you are one with that being as well. We are going to take a backseat now and allow the next step to unfold. Blessings to each of you

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