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sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014

Message from The Sphinx

The Sphinx Speaks heart and mind and what is the right choice
The mind is connected to the brain and the heart, what is the mind, what is consciousness, what is the brain and what is the heart.
The brain is the part of the human that interprets the energy being sent through energy pathways within the physical body, but the brain also interprets what is coming from outside of the physical body.
What many see as feelings, is energy being send through those pathways to the brain and the brain interprets those energies according to its own set of calibrations of what it has learned over the years.
Even the energy coming from the spiritual energies of your spiritual body are translated by the brain, there is no way around this, as the human is a thinking being, the human is a feeling being as well, but as we explained the feelings are still translated through the brain as an interpreter.
In a way there is no way to bypass the thinking of the human brain.
You already say it yourself many times when you say you live or think from the heart. It feels right; this is a thought coming from the mind, the brain.
We can see the mind separate from the brain, but it is still fed by the brain as the brain receives the energies coming from inside and outside of you. Maybe you can say the brain is the translator of those energies that are coming into the brain.
Even so, it is thought that makes the human work, thought of how something feels, does it feel good, does it feel right, does it feel wrong, what is the right decision, how do I make the right choices.
Choices are also duality based as there is a usually a right and wrong choice depending upon your own belief system, no matter how much you raise your frequency, no matter how much you say I am living from the heart, living from a higher consciousness, there is and always seems to be a wrong and right, the better choice or not so good choices and the choices are always based upon a belief system, either your own, or someone else’s belief system.
Even though sometimes decisions are or seem to be spontaneous, there is always a thought connected to it, and there is always a translation through the brain and mind before the seemingly spontaneous decision.
You can ignore the thought, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t influence your spontaneous choice or decision of what to do within each moment.
In a way, spontaneous or not, decisions, choices are always based upon a belief system of opposites and duality.
Many of you would like to follow the highest guidance and here is where we come to speak about using the maze or the labyrinth.
A maze has different choices, many paths leading ultimately to or maybe leading to where you follow the highest guidance. A labyrinth has only one path that leads to the center or the higher guidance.
Many choices are presented within the maze, and many get lost along the way and it takes some time to find the right path again, the labyrinth leaves you with only one choice if you can follow the path of non-duality, but also the path of non-belief systems.
At that moment of no choices, there are no decisions to make, as the path forward is clear. Not through feeling or emotion or even thought about what is right and wrong. Just one knowing without thought, informed yet not informed as the higher guidance already knows the path and does not think about right or wrong.
The opposites disappear and become just what is at that moment. And within each moment.
The higher guidance becomes present and takes you straight to the center of that moment without interference of thought, or feeling about right or wrong.
The choice and decision disappear and the maze and even the labyrinth disappear as there is only one moment within that moment.
The sphinx speaks
August 29, 2014
Petra Margolis

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