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viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

Message from Christ

Dear Followers of Christ’s Way,
The moment to organise our presence in Rome, in Saint Peter’s Square, for Easter, has arrived.
This particular event, that someone might perceive as a brave action to change the Church beliefs, is in truth a Real Spiritual Event.
The first year we went to Rome, Christ advised us that we were going as ambassadors for Himself. He suggested that we should prepare ourselves beforehand by getting rid of any feeling of rejection and criticism of Catholics and especially any feeling of being superior to them because we have found the true Christ and his Letters

Christ said also:   “I beg you, my dearest friends and followers, please try to make this visit to Rome a tremendous step forward in your own Divine Spirituality. Try not to go in your humanhood of consciousness. Try to rise up and enter into my mind at this time. ONLY LOVE WILL REACH THESE PEOPLE. I beg you to put on the golden armour of LOVE, because this is truly your protection".

Those are the Christ Thoughts brought to us before by Recorder but now in 2014, Christ gives us an even stronger message:

“My dearly loved Members of Christ's Way,

I am writing to you because Marco Carraca is planning to take a large group of Christ's Way Followers to Rome to visit St. Peter's Square over the Easter week-end.

Do you realise that if you go, you will be representing me, the Christ, who has given you the Letters as your guide-lines for founding a new Era of Love, Peace and Joy.

I, the Christ, am alive and real  and have given you the  Letters to help you prepare yourselves to bring into the world an entirely new CONSCIOUSNESS of Unconditional Love and wellbeing. 

I have come down as near as possible to your planetary consciousness vibrations, that you may,  at certain times feel my presence and also receive the message of love and encouragement I send you when you are in a receptive state of spiritual receptivity.

I have told Marco that I will be writing to the Members of Christ's Way to tell them I know of his plans and to ask you, my dear Followers whether you know your true motives in doing such a thing?   In what spirit do you truly intend to go to the Vatican?

Do you know that Pope Francisco is deeply loved for his upright spirit and his determination to bring about the eradication of falsehood and corruption on every level of the Vatican?   He is doing my work as far as he can receive knowledge and understanding of it.   To acknowledge the authenticity of my Letters at this time would be impossible for him. The moment he does so, his position,  in his own estimation of Truth and Spirit, will be no more tenable.   He will have to resign.

I'm asking you my beloved Followers, in what human mood and motive are you truly going to St. Peter's Square?  If you are truly my Followers, Followers  of the true, living Christ from Celestial Realms, you should be able to accept and understand my LOVE for my dear Francisco, so bravely incorruptible,  and even enter into it.

If you can do this, consider again what would be your true motives for going to St. Peter's Square over the Easter week-end when Catholic minds are filled with remembrances of the crucifixion.   Do I agree with this dedicated allegiance to the cross? No, I do not, it is something I have always rejected as being spurious and false and I have longed to see the belief expunged from the human consciousness forever but at the same time, my Love for Francisco will not allow me to rejoice in any humanly devised invasion of his property  unless it is entirely spiritually motivated..

What do I, the Christ of Celestial Realms mean by the human words of spiritual and love?  I mean the Divine Impulse of promoting the very highest good of another person - or other people.

This is my Christ message today.   If you, my beloved Members of Christ's Way, are seriously and sincerely my true Followers, please examine yourselves honestly, truthfully and ask yourselves what you truly desire to achieve?

My beloved people, I know the consternation that this e-mail will arouse amongst you all - but you are living in times that you and your thoughts will create.  You have to be deeply in touch with your own truth and intentions and desires if you are to succeed in creating a Kingdom of Heaven on earth.   If you truly want to do this, you have to live and act motivated solely by unconditional love.

Please share your personal truth with Marco because he, too, is  called on to sift through his emotions to  discover what are his true intentions in wanting a large crowd of banner waving people and brochures and flyers.

Please remember that when you went before,  and I  sent you a very strong message urging love in every step you took, there was a different Pope and consciousness within the Vatican attracting different responses.

My beloved Members,  you now live in a dimension of knowledge of Cause and Effect - Consciousness and repercussions.  You can no longer afford to live as you did, reacting according to your emotional  impulses when under stress.

I know that this period of your minds opening and trying to understand entirely new concepts of your planet causes you sleepless nights and turmoil.  And I see you trying to live that understanding sincerely and this is  inexpressibly painful for you. I love you all and tender my Supreme Love and radiate it to all of you, personally.

Before I leave you, I want you to know that this long message is not telling you, you must not go to Rome...but....if you decide you want to go to Rome to speak to  Francisco, you will have to prepare yourselves so that you go as my loving representatives and present yourselves as Children of Light.

How will you prepare yourselves?  You will meditate, pray and make peace, be reconciled with any inharmonious relationship or condition in your life. In this way, you will prepare yourselves to become my representatives as Children of Light and will
become a blessing to Pope Francisco.


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