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martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Heaven Letters

Freedom for Yourself at Last

God said:
Beloved, you ARE. You are already a vibrant human being on Earth. What on Earth keeps you back from total joy? When you are not happy, you are keeping yourself back from happiness. I say this across the board. You are the culprit, not all those others that you may think are. The buck stops with you. You are innocent, of course. You are so innocent you deem to think others are responsible for your happiness in life.

Give yourself a full measure of happiness. Please do not shirk your responsibility here. How often you may say that this is your life, and yet you tend to think that others and conditions set the tone of your life. Ah, it is you, beloved. You are the one who decides that the situation you live in at any given time is responsible. This is tantamount to saying that your life is not your life but belongs to the outside world to bounce up or down.

Look, even if you are in prison, you can agree to be happy anyway. The borders around you are not what you are used to and are not what you want. Even if you are innocent of what you were sentenced to prison for, now you yourself are responsible for your unhappiness or happiness. Let’s be honest. Your life before imprisonment may not have pleased you all that much either, yet, now, how happy you would be to be back where you were then.

This is the thing about relative life – it is all relative. Hot or cold. Sweet or sour. Bumpy or smooth. You do not have say over everything, yet you are the only one to say what you will make of what you’ve got. You are the chef of your life, beloveds. You have certain ingredients. You may well have limited ingredients and not all the ingredients you would desire to make a wonderful cake. Just the same, you can make a cake. You can surprise yourself with how delicious the cake is that you make without all the ingredients you wanted. Rainy days can be enjoyed as well as bright sunny days.

You cannot relegate the joy of your life on Earth according to the weather.

Do you come across hurdles of life? Yes, indeed. Yet hurdles are there for you to jump over or go around. You don’t have to stay there, locked in to the hurdles. You are the sayer of your own life.

You do know of people who have surmounted more than you have ever come up against. What is the difference between your will and theirs? Will to happiness, beloveds. Will to drink from the well of your life. How you may prefer wine, and now you have to do with water. Water can be good. You can come to know simple water and appreciate it as never before. That your life is bounded in ways you don’t favor is also an opportunity for you. You may not be able to go here or there, yet you are somewhere. You may have more dreams ahead of you than the dreams you have realized heretofore. Is that bad, beloveds? You have more good in front of you. Is that so bad? You have more to open within yourself. How can that be unacceptable? You may prefer Granny Smith apples and, yet, you can get to know other apples or pears even.

Everything in life does not have to be to your present liking. Wherever you are, there is something for you to gain, and you can gain it. Even locked up, you can get somewhere. What is your will, beloveds? You will is for freedom. Then give the gift of freedom to yourself.  

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