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miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Message from Ashtar

Well, this is Ashtar. I stepped in once before early in this group and was quite unexpected and yes, we gave a little bit of a hint last week and then, Miss Susan here got a little bit nervous! James had questions and she was a little nervous about that it always is the vehicles opportunity to say NO. And, fortunately we continued speaking this week and I assured her that I would have the answers for the discussion and it was not to be her concern about whether or not she had the depth of knowledge because we don’t expect our vehicles to have depth of knowledge. We have a Divine appointment and partnership that we have worked out that all of those who sit in Divine service as channels for these intermediary conversations to take place. This is a Divine appointment and it has been determined many times and lifetimes before that we have this opportunity. And one of the multidimensional selves of this particular channel serves on my ships with me and she pilots at night and we have great conversations so it struck us a little funny this week that she was a little nervous about doing this today. But we will do our best to provide you information and wanted to bring other information to you as well.
Obviously this is a perfect segue for our conversation today. It couldn’t have been planned more perfectly. With the conversation about the Event in a more scientific manner as so it was that it took place as it was. We wanted to talk about things that continue to unfold and more from the heavenly beings, no, Beings up in the Heavens, would be a better way to say that. I am your brother. I am your brother. I am no better than you. You are serving an important role in this planet at this point in time and we are so proud of all of the work that all of you are doing. Many of you know that you are serving in a very important capacity on ships at this time in your sleep time and others are coming to ships for healing and preparation and raising of your energies, preparing your bodies for the influx of the light that is indeed coming. As James said, in the meditation, the influx of light is going to trigger those massive quick changes in the DNA that have been taking place as you have all been suffering the Ascension symptoms for years, it seems, does it not? And so many people who have not been awakened until now and are now awakening and are complaining of similar symptoms and many of you are chuckling because you think, “Boy, they are lucky to only have six months of this! I’ve had this for years!”
So, it is again such a pleasure to be here with you and we know that you are having very challenging times on a moment to moment basis and yet we want to bring you messages of light and joy. One of the things that was important to share with you today is indeed the changes that are taking place across your planet and in the physical bodies on the planet. We do not think this has been addressed very often in the messages that have come through the different channels over time, but the reason we chose to do so with this group is that it is so highly evolved that you do not even appreciate what great work your souls are doing on the planet. And your message that you share from here you are transmitting to hundreds of thousands of people throughout all your multidimensional selves so this is the reason you have been chosen today to share this message with.
So, on our ships we have those who are constantly monitoring the planet. Constantly monitoring each and every being on the planet. You have had other guests that have reminded you that beings on the planet are not only human. We monitor all of Gaia’s life, her own spirit of course but also all life that is in the seas, all life that is in the air, all of life on the planet’s surface. We monitor lives in the Middle Earth, Hollow Earth, whatever you want to call that dimension and we work with them to continue to have that communication from all sources. So, while you slumber, let us say, in your 3D existence, there are other aspects of yourselves that you have come to know and understand are not slumbering and are working equally hard with us on ships and in various dimensions to continue to move all of this forward. So, while brother Buddha shared with you about the 3d awareness and work you are still able to do in that level, we love to remind you and assure you that you are working in multidimensional levels at all times and are leading many, many different lives all in the same NOW.
And that is so hard to understand and wrap your arms around because it sounds like fairy tales but it is the way that things operate and it is the way we operate. We have constant contact with other beings in other dimensions and across millions of miles in universes and we connect with them through thought. We pick up the phone of like mind, let us say. And so in that we have a constant surveillance of what is taking place.
What has been happening is that the physical bodies as people are awakening, let me think of an image to share with you, think of a map that has darkness across the globe. Let’s say there is a map of the United States you are looking at and there are lights. And there are lights going on here and there. They are representing part of the population. So, imagine that there is a whole globe of lights representing human lights, representing every single person, some 7 billion some people on this planet. And there are lights that are going on. And there are lights that are brighter representing those who have been awakened for a long period of time. There are lights that are on for those who came to this planet awake. But there are also a fair amount of lights that are dark. And imagine as they are popping on! Popping on. Popping on as people awake! And they have been awakening more and more rapidly and all of those in this room are part of this experience. As you are out in the world and people share with you and you hear conversations that make you think, “Oh my gosh. That person has awakened! “Oh, my goodness, this person has awakened!” And it is as if the light bulb just went on, is it not?
And so that is the image I would like to share with you of the globe. The light bulbs are popping on! And as we see this we can gauge the amount of light that is taking place in the world and it is becoming more and more bright. And as we look down upon the planet, well, frankly friends, this planet has about 12% of people on this planet, in total, that have notpopped on!
That is a lot of people whose lights are turned on! Does that mean that they are at the level of understanding that you have or the level of interest that you have? No,..that would not be fair to share that. However, they have become aware that there is something going on and they are tired of seeing the world through the old eyes and they are longing for something different. And that! That is an awakening!
And so sometimes you feel as though nothing is happening because the headlines are dire and the newscasts are dire and yet, if you could see the world through our vantage point and through the research that we do constantly and seeing the lights popping on, you would be so very excited!
Another thing that we want to share with you is that along with the lights popping on is the difference that is taking place in your DNA. And in you physical structures. And the healings that have been taking place in your bodies and yes, even the reversal of age that is taking place and what is so interesting for those who are involved with this process is that it is not only taking place with the humans but also all creation as we watch this Ascension process take place in a way that it never has in previous times. For a whole planet and for all of its physical beings.
And so we watch this and record everything and we can see as things in the cellular level change, moment to moment, and it does not take one’s awakening to have these changes taking place. They are taking place in spite of people’s levels of awareness and people who have not yet awakened. These are all in the process of taking place because it is happening through energy.
You are light beings. You are light beings. You think you are physical bodies but you are light beings and consciousness. And as these physical bodies continue to be bombarded as they have for many, many years with the ever increasing frequency of light, your bodies have been changing. Add to that, those of you who have been visiting light chambers in Inner Earth as well as those who are using light chambers on ships, your bodies have been changing even more rapidly. And what that is doing is that when this light of the Event takes place on this planet, you will have an even greater awareness of the breadth and the scope of everything that is taking place because those in this room and others around the planet who have been participating in this level of awakening will have a greater extent of that experience in their physical bodies too.
So while the change will awaken everyone on the planet and their bodies and all of the other creatures as well, it is tiered as those who are Lightworkers and are experiencing the Ascension symptoms for many years now, you will have much of the climbing up the ladder and that explosion of light will bring an even greater instantaneous awareness to you so that you will be prepared to act as wayshowers for others who are awakening and trying to figure out, “What in the world is going on?” What’s going on with their bodies? What’s going on with their minds? What’s going on with their emotions? And, what’s going on with the world?
Another thing that you will notice is that your eating habits will change drastically upon the Event. You will require less food. You will seek live food. You will seek clean and abundant water. And you will eventually, as you move forward in this Ascension process move into light based foods. And yes, you can sit down to a lovely banquet and we do, with friends, and we have prepared a wonderful Event party, let’s say an after-Event party where you will be able to enjoy wonderful grand foods. The foods will change and you will experience them very, very differently.
And so the picture that we wanted to paint for you today was sharing all of these types of experiences that you will be having and try to explain what is happening at this moment in time upon the planet. So that you can be excited! You can know that it is moving forward and that everything is happening in the exact proper time and that those things that you would like to see happen really has more to do with this 3-D world as you call it than it does with the Ascension and the new aspect of humanity and the new consciousness. The money that we have strived to bring forward to you, is abundance so that you feel as if you can move into this new world with worthiness and abundance.
It is all of these things that we have strived to bring forward but there are so many pieces that many of us just expected to fall into place. However, all of the rest of this is deigned by all of the Higher Council of Ascended Masters, Prime Creator, all of those who are charged with the actual Event and Ascension, all of this is guaranteed, my friends. And we have all been here assessing, watching you, recording. And you will be part of a team when you move into a whole new realm and down the road somewhere, when they look for volunteers to assist with a whole new planet, you may be thinking, “I may not volunteer next time to be in on the process on the planet.” But you may very well choose to be in the process such as the service we serve today of monitoring the planet and assisting each of you to the best of our ability.
So with that we know there are going to be questions. We are now open to questions.
I distinctly heard when I was out in the universe (during meditation) that we were going to experience 14 min. 32 seconds of unconditional love. And there will be many questions from those who may not understand but they will know and remember what they are feeling. Does that have a basis in fact?
Oh, absolutely, sister, absolutely. So, the feeling will happen at all levels. Received in the heart chakra, coming down. The expansion into the twelve chakras will take place at that time. No longer seven, you will have twelve and all that energy will be coming down through the chakras into the heart and out into the world. A great joy will bring tears and laughter. That will bring change to every single being within the depth of their souls. It will be changing them physically, emotionally and mentally and spiritually. They may not have words or understanding but they will always have that peace with them and they will never backslide from there!
Is it our consciousness that is going to trigger the Event or is it a combination of things that is going to trigger it?
The actual Event that you have been preparing for begging for, seeking, that is deigned by Prime Creator, the time and place, all of that, how you can help is what you are doing here and what is being done across the planet and that is by preparing the consciousness of those in this room and by preparing the consciousness of others who are reading these materials and the materials you read from today and the materials that are coming from other places. The more that people are prepared for the acceptance of this energy, when it comes, the more it will be able to spread most effectively and do the most good in the most immediate way possible. Can you bring it in more quickly by having the appropriate meditations? We would say no, because, as it is said, “No one knows the hour, no one knows the day.” However, all the work you do in preparation will make the actual Event more and more successful for your brothers and sisters across the planet because that which you hold in your meditations affects all on the planet so it is not just all of you in this room that are meditating and experiencing and sharing, you are also a part of the energy web across the planet that is a conduit for the energy that will be fed into Gaia and all life within, above, below. Does that make sense?
If I don’t have the words to say what I mean, if I expand my consciousness will they receive it? Can they receive without saying a word?
Meditations of thy heart is what is fed into the consciousness. You do not need to speak dear one, in fact as you continue to evolve, fewer and fewer words will be spoken because it is that which is in your heart and that you choose to share which becomes the word from your mouth and from your mind that others will pick up upon. We know your heart. We know that which you are seeking today and we share with you that you are one who also is a part of the ground crew that is monitoring this planet and you are part of the family of Ashtar upon the ships and yes, you and I we have conversations many times throughout the days and the weeks and as times come ahead, you and I shall spend more time on this planet and talk about the path you are to walk.
Was the way I did the meditation and what I have been getting about the triggering of the Event pretty accurate or is there anything else that could be added to that?
You did a wonderful job! Seriously, brother, you did. You know that, that which you were speaking was Right On! When one is speaking truth, that heart of creation that is supporting the truth you are speaking and provides you with energy and passion. This is true for all beings. And when you become, as Susan called you, “Fired Up!”, as you did today, you were speaking truth and you knew it in all parts of your being. Is that not true? Yes! Yes! And so it is good that you saw this piece of writing this week because we know that last week you were feeling a little shaky about things. And, this was part of perfect timing as we say, that this came into existence in your awareness this week. You were ripe for finding something that will give you a lifeline, my brother, my friend. All of those in this room feel at times that they need a lifeline. This is part of the purpose of this group. And this has been such a blessing for all of us who have come to share with you and through you because we have been able to take our hands and touch each of your hearts with our hearts. And help you to move forward. It is very frustrating we know, when you have channelings and you read channelings and read others and we all say, call on us and we will be there. And you call for assistance in your meditation or you call for assistance in your day to day life and do not feel that response.
And yet, this group, James, that you moved forward with has provided that, has it not? So, let us say yes. We do not mean to make fun of you, please do not take it that way but you have answered your call, you spoke truth, you did not add anything else to it as this point in time, as we said. The meditation was very effective and very clear and the purpose of encouraging others to share this meditation in their day to day lives. The Light Showers, the Light Holders. All of you who are working on the ground at this time. So that you can continue to bring that beautiful Divine Sun energy through the system and into this planet and provide those portals from those other locations through your beings into Mother Gaia so that you can be generating the energy for the electrical web of this planet

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