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jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Message from Crystalai

Dr. Angela Barnett
My favorite metaphysical teacher was Joel Goldsmith because he focused on the reality of Immortality. My study of Christian Science by Mary Baker Eddy since age four combined with Joel Goldsmith’s teachings held my consciousness within the belief system that Man is Immortal, always has been Immortal, and always will be Immortal. I never considered the possibility of any other reality.
I was one of the lucky ones. It is much harder to change a belief than to be born with the correct belief.
The words that I heard most often were Man is not Material, he is Spiritual.
I grew up hearing about so many people who were healed of every known disease through these metaphysical teachings. I remember Goldsmith talking about people who had lived to be over 200 and one who was over 600 years old living on Earth at that time. Later, when I lived in Japan, I met people who lived in Hokaido where there were entire villages of people between 200-600 years old.
So, the belief about immortality is not a belief about the Soul continuing on into another lifetime when we die, as the common religious belief will teach. The Science of Christianity always said that man is an immortal idea of God, not a mortal idea of God. The Science says that man is made in the image and likeness of God. That image certainly does not die.
When I was a child, I was always much more attracted to the music at Sunday School than the words. I was the pianist for Sunday School and later the Soloist in the Church. I always saw a much deeper meaning in the music and the poems that created the music. I could feel the reality of God through the music much easier than through any thing that was spoken.
I also remember using the music to remove fear when I couldn’t sleep at night. Reading the scriptures never did relieve me from fear, but the music wrapped me in a blanket of protection immediately.
There was a third aspect in my early years that led me to the study of communication and the psychology behind communication. That aspect of my life was the way my family communicated. I was living in a sea of confusion and fear every day of my life. I escaped to my room to read Goldsmith and Eddy who would each tell me that my Mother and Father was God, not a set of mortals. Goldsmith referred to the parents as the oven where God kept the creation until it was ready to experience his reality. The KNOWING that God was my Mother and Father eased my pain and made me happpy every day of my childhood. This is what led me to the study of AUTHENTIC ENCOUNTER, which is the only field of study in Communication that admits that there is a Greater Mind at work behind the communication between two people.
In communication we learn about transmissional communication, where one person, such as a teacher or preacher sends a message, and there is no reply from the receiver. And then there is transactional communication where two people share messages between them. However, we learn that the meaning that is shared between the two people comes from whatever is in the background knowledge of each of the transactional partners. This means if the person talking has grown up in Asia, and the person that he is talking to has grown up in America, whatever the person says is going to have a different meaning to each of the transactional partners. Several years of investigative research in the field of communication was achieved while traveling from country to country analyzing the background knowledge of the people who were communicating.
I earned my Doctorate studying the Communication in MultiNational Corporations while working in and doing research in various companies around the world. It was easy for me to see how each culture had designed their own reality and a language to fit that culture. These various realities made International Business very complicated. We were always investigating the meanings that were being used to market products to countries that did not share the same meanings or use of words as the Distributing Country.
Over a decade after I completed several years of research in intercultural communication, international communication, multinational communication, International Marketing, Education in MultiNational Corporations, Education in International Schools, and Behavioral Psychology and Music Therapy in multinational education, I heard this Great Entity speaking. His name was Ramtha. He was talking about the need to learn to expand our consciousness and go beyond our cultures into a new reality. The first time I heard him, I thought he had copied my lectures in Multinational Communication. He was repeating everything that I had learned through research all over the world, and then written in my Dissertation.
I remember hearing Ramtha talk about how at one time all of the people on Earth shared the same reality, but then our minds were scattered to the wind. He was talking about the Tower of Babel. In 3470 B.C. the Babble-On Massacre caused a mutation in the Human DNA that scrambled our original language patterns and removed our original Race Memory.
After that time, people scattered around the world and collected into small groups that grew into villages. Those groups would create their own realities because they had absolutely no memory of their original raceline. There were groups creating villages in various countries, and each group created a completely different realtiy system.
The reason for the Tower of Babel was to scramble the original Fire Letters of the Race Line Genetic Code of Creation into 12 pieces and then scrample those letters out of the proper arrangement in the minds of each of the 12 groups. This was done so that the original Human Angelic Raceline would completely disconnect its Divine Power.
The reason that I was so intrigued by all of the various cultural realities around the world was because I was being trained to see that as long as we keep trying to connect with other versions of people and those versions of reality, there were always going to be problems. However, when we shift to AUTHENTIC ENCOUNTER, where the meaning between all people is the communication coming from DIVINE MIND, we begin to find our way back home to our original reality of ONE RACE LINE on Earth.
The true purpose of the birth of the thousands of Indigo children and the Six Avatar children was to bring the Consciousness back that was stolen from us in the Tower of Babel. That tower used sound waves in our atmosphere to scramble the pure sound of light and sound that is the Consciousness of the Divine Mind.
Some people have asked the question, ” How can we be separated from the entirety of Light? Why would we need to connect to a higher light instead of just light?” The answer is that the light and sound in our Universe has been scrambled. It is like a radio station. If you don’t turn the knob on the radio station to exactly the station number, there is static between the stations. Well we were placed in the static part of the radio. We were placed in between receiving transmitters. This has made it very difficult to stay on GOD’s CHANNEL of reality. We receive the Sound and Light of God’s Authentic Encounter when we focus completely on staying on that One Frequency which is the HIGHEST FREQUENCY. However, there is all of this static coming in when we try to get on that station. That is what the Tower of Babel did, along with the Jehovian Seals that were placed in the Earth’s Grids, along with dozens of other distortions placed in the Waves of Sound and Light. Those waves were twisted and scrambled.
Now, that we are in the Aurora Fields of Cosmic Plasma, we are tuning out of the Tower of Babel, and we are tuning in to the Original Ascension Earth, and we are tuning back in to the time when our Race line had ONE LANGUAGE, and that language was AUTHENTIC ENCOUNTER. We all knew the thoughts of everyone because we had ONE MIND.
That was the discovery of my husband and I after doing several years of research in the MULTINATIONAL, MULTI-LINGUAL World that was created by the SCRAMBLING OF OUR COMMUNICATION CHANNELS.
The other thing that we learned while doing this research was the fact that Music was the International Language. We always used music to teach communication. There were other psychologists who combined the study of neurolinguistics and authentic encounter to show that all communication actually comes from outside of the head and travels into the head. It is not actually the brain that sends communication. The brain is actually a receiver from a higher source. YES, THIS FACT WAS PROVEN by NEUROLOGISTS many decades ago.
We learned that the use of the High Frequency Music from the Mind of God could create this continuous connection to the God Channel that we were tuned in to before the Tower of Babel.
It wasn’t until I listened to Ramtha, and then Ashayana Deane, and then Bashar each explain this reality in their own unique way that I realized that what I had discovered in my research was the divine reality that all Ascended Masters know. It is always our higher self who does the communicating. The thoughts that come to our brain come from our higher self. They don’t come from the brain. Neurologists had done research where they actually shut off the brain, and yet the person could still communicate.
Now, we are learning where communication actually comes from and we are beginning to learn the telepathic communication methods that were divinely ours over 5000 years ago. The reason that this reality is becoming more and more clear every day is because of the birth of the Avatar Children melting away those Seals that have been blocking us from our Oneness with our Raceline. As those corrected frequency signatures were born into our Earth’s portals directly from the parallel spiritual universe, they created this new doorway of consciousness that will remove those scrambled communication codes and melt our minds back together as they are supposed to be.
The beginning of this transformation came from the Indigos born about one hundred years ago. This was the first time there was even a speck of desire for different countries to have any desire to communicate. The birth of those corrected Frequency Signatures began the Paradigm shift that began to melt away the hatred between countries and between races of different colors. The education system began to change, the world economics changed, the multinational corporations began to flourish, we began teaching the subject of the Melting Pot of Cultures in our school systems. This change all took place between the time I graduated from high school and the time I completed my doctorate. Everything that I tried to acheive in my research and education became a paradigm shift in the entire world.
Why was I so in tune and so on time with this reality shift? It was my plan long before I was born. I had come to Earth for the first seeding 5.5 million years ago. I came again for the second seeding 4 million years ago. I came for the Jesus and Mary project several times before anyone had even heard of Jesus and Mary. I made sure that I was here for this final completion of the project that my Ascension Team began 5.5 million years ago.
I made sure that when I returned to Earth this time that there would be memory codes in me that would activate when certain situations were placed in front of me. Of course, my higher selves were always placing these objects in front of me to help me remember. And I don’t just mean a few books falling off of shelves and hitting me on the head. I mean really big things like being poisoned with enough lethal poison to kill ten people and then being met by a team of angels who showed me the Draconians who arranged the poisoning and showed me myself being replaced with a new self- a walk in who was one of my other versions of myself.
I had many of these meetings with Light Beings and Dark Beings. I learned how to demand the help of the entire Crystalai Council and they would appear before me. After I did this several times, I began to suspect that I might be someone very powerful. It seemed like I was in charge of an entire army because this Council would respond so quickly. One time I was taking a Ramtha course through a live streaming and I didn’t like something that Ramtha said. I felt like he was being very one sided about saying people needed to come to his school and to be in a specific place at a specific time. I raised my voice to the Crystalai Council and demanded them to demand Ramtha to apologize. Five minutes later — this was live streaming- Ramtha said I am very sorry. I want to give my greatest gratitude to those of you who have been working so hard on your light and sound project.
There were other times when my husband would have conversations with Ramtha in his dreams. I wrote that reality in a blog post about seven years ago. The next day I received a reprimand from one of Ramtha’s administrators who told me that Ramtha only speaks to JZKnight.
Well, I find that very hard to believe. I have seen Ramtha talking to his students for thirty years. And anyone who knows about the true communication before the Tower of Babel knows that we can all communicate with anyone in our universe.
The reason that I have never had any interest in attending the Ramtha School of Enlightenment is because of the administrators who act like narcicists. They are truly control freaks. I have found the same to be true with those administrators that were assigned by Ashayana. They have said some very unkind things to me, without having any idea about what I actually do. They had the administrators of Lightworkers. org reprimand me and ban me from their site. They said that I had no right to talk about Keylontic Science because I was not an official representative.
I have only recommended the teachings of Ashayana. I have never attempted to critcize her or to claim I was a teacher of her Science. I only recommended others to consider reading her books. And they reprimanded me for that. Pretty unbelievable–but true.
The SEAL that created that TOWER OF BABEL communication distortion is one of the Seals that the Avatar Children have removed. The combination of all of the orginal race line fire letters have been restored and are now forming into the original communication template for our world.
This is one of the grand events that we will see manifesting very quickly between 2017-2022. Bashar says we should focus on communicating with the Dolphins because they know our original language and how to use Authentic Encounter.
I have always communicated with the Cetacean Raceline and the Aquafarians that I knew from the FIRST SEEDING of 5.5. My Aquafarian Mother and family is still in Aquafaria. I Slide into Inner Earth to visit my family every night. I communicate with the Cosmic dolphins who live in Aquafaria. It is the exact same communication that is used with the Dolphins of the outer domains.
It is natural that I would be directed by Zaurak, my starry brother from Sirius B, because we had worked on this Ascension Project before during the Second Seeding. We found that Sirius B had the exact same accretion level as Aquafaria, so we could use the Magnetic relationship of the two bodies of consciousness to help pull the Earth up into the original frequencies of Inner Earth through the help of Sirius B.
When Zaurak called me to Monterey in 2008 to work on creating the Ascension Portal for the Cetacean Raceline I was able to watch many dolphins and whales turn into Plasma Vapor, rise into the skies and then transmute into the Cloud Cities. This was the Ascension of the Cetaceans. The dolphins were ascending into the Sixth Dimension and the Whales into the ninth dimension.
It was this event of the Cetaceans rising that activated the Ascension Portal for the Human Angelic Race to rise to the Fifth Dimension. It has always been the frequencies of the Cetacean Race guiding our bio-regenisis project on Earth.
My Crystalai Council arranged for me to have the pictures of holding the Blue Sphere and Violet Sphere when we were in Monterey. The picture is showing that there is in reality no distance between our body and our Blue Plasma Body. Our physical body and plasma body hold the same design and as the plasma body turns blue, this means the physical body has become fifth dimensional. So, as we were watching the Dolphins rise into the Sixth dimension, I was watching myself rise into the fifth dimension.
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Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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