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sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

Message from Ashtar

Ashtar: "The Light is Pushing Ever Forward!"
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - September 30, 2014
"Greetings, Beloved Family!  And we are in such Joy that so much is happening all over your World and within your own inner Worlds!  And we would comment,* yes, the silver cities - we call them the crystal cities – Cities of Light are there.  It is for you to reach up.  It is for you to catch the visions, as it were, to create your own realities in Higher Dimensionality.  And you understand and know in your Hearts, where your thinking emanates from, that this is your true reality.  This is your Home-coming!  This is your evolvement up into Higher Dimensionality, taking your bodies with you - modified to a great extent, much more crystalline, much more light!
"And this process, this marvelous process which combines your spiritual ordaining of this event long ago, with the actual science which is causing these transformations - or, shall we say, it is being attributed to science.  And, yes, it is quantifiable and measurable using the scientific technologies, but it began in your spirit selves, your Higher Selves, which are still directing each and every one of you along your paths of Ascension!!!
"And so it is that these energies - the very energies which are incoming to you - are flowing so abundantly that it is for each of you to reach out literally and integrate, connect, commune with these energies and welcome them into your beings.  This, Beloved Ones, is how you get there!
"And what are these energies anyway except Love and all that springs from Love?  And this is how you bring the Light into any place within yourselves which is dark - and beyond yourselves, too.  This is how the darkness is healed.  It is simply to allow the Light in!
"Now, yes, we understand.  Some of these characters that have been mentioned here by name in this report from Tara and Rama,**they are in resistance to the Light.  But just as you cannot darken a place that is full of Light, because the Light shines and illuminates the darkness in the place, so it is that these ones are struggling so hard to maintain the dark and the programming that creates darkness - that is the darkness called 'fear.'
"The Light is pushing ever forward and it is surrounding them. And only those who are the darkest of the dark can resist it at this moment.  And they shall be unable so to do.They will either choose to leave Planet Earth - or perhaps even to have their very existence terminated - or they will come into the Light.
"And so it is to offer them that redemption, that restoration of the Light part of themselves.  Now we are speaking of the humans who have the Light within them.  And even those whom you classify as being non-redeemable, dark, dark, dark beings, beings from other places - even those ones can have the Light come into their beings.  They can welcome it.  And they can have a turning, shall we say, in their attitudes, in their expressions.They can stop telling the lies and being so wanting to control!
"But we ask that you not have any expectations of this. Indeed we advise this very strongly because our perspective is that their day is just about over and the recalcitrant ones, and the ones that you call the serpents, and so on and so on, they shall be taken elsewhere.  Or at least they shall not be allowed to be on the same path that you’re on.  Because there is no room - where there is only Light - there is no room for dark!There cannot be any dark.There cannot exist any darkness!!!
"And that is why we are advising you now to do your preparations, to do your clearings, to do your final healings.  It is to prepare yourselves.  It is literally to Light-en up, to lift up! And it is that you are all succeeding!!!  And if you come to a place where you stumble, there are many, many beings of Light - those you call the Higher Level Ones, the Higher Dimensional Ones, the Ones who come from the Realms of Light.
"I, Ashtar, am a resident of Higher Dimensionality, and yet I come to you because you have welcomed me.  You have let me come into your Hearts! And you have resonated and recognized that I bring Light and the Truth, which is that we are all Brothers and Sisters in the Universe and that we are made of Love!!!  And it is to assist and facilitate your return to Love that the Ashtar Command is here in such great numbers.  And we have attracted more ships from all over the Galaxy - and beyond - that have ever focused anywhere in the Universe all at once!!!
"It is not just to be in observation.  That ended a while ago in your time.  We have been given the permission to mediate and to stop any and all nuclear activities or major war activities!  It is all winding down.
"It is for these characters to parade across the stage one last time, so that everyone can see who the perpetrators of all of this disaster and destruction really are.  And it is so that everyone can be in Forgiveness - not just of these ones who have done the dark deeds and expressed the darkness - but to be in Forgiveness, each one for himself or herself, because they have allowed it!  And in some time in the past, most likely they have worn a dark hat a time or two in their past lives in the history /herstory of Planet Earth and other places.
"And so we are absolutely de-Lighted to have been in assistance to you, and to remain in assistance to you.  And we assure you that we can do even more - EVEN MORE than we were doing, say, two years ago in your time.  Think about where you were two years ago.  And you have passed so many milestones, as it were, upon your paths, and Planet Earth has passed so many milestones!
"You have heard it said that you are now in 5-D and what this means.**  Yes, 5-D is here and welcomes you all!  Spend time in it.Get used to the bliss of it!  Bask in the Love of it, because you deserve it!!!  And while you are experiencing the energies of it, that is an excellent time to accomplish whatever it is that you have on your list of Requirements - be it healing, or rejuvenation of your physicalities, or further connections with the totality of your Divine Beingness, or with the One We All Are, or whether you choose to manifest into your reality some additional abundance – it’s all there for you!!!
"Think with your Hearts and open to the visions and create and reinforce the visions!  Reinforce them with the greatest power in the Universe, which is Love.  Let your Love shine upon your visions and know that you are creating your True Realities.
"And this, Beloved Ones, is where you find your JOY!  And this is how you come HOME to the Divineness, the Divine Being, the High Dimensional Lifestyle, where you come and reunite with that part of you which is already there!  And where we enter into a total and everlasting Communion, never again to experience the veil of separation which you, Beloved Ones, in your desire to experience all that you could upon Planet Earth, have called forth and which is now dissolving away in the Light of your Love!!!  And so it is!  Salut!"
*   Referring to a line in Ashtar's chosen theme, Come The New Jerusalem.
** Tara & Rama Report 
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, September 30, 2014. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2014. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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