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jueves, 10 de julio de 2014

Heaven Letters

Thy Name, Hallow-ed Be Thy Name

God said:
You, My One Child, you, everyone who reads this what I write and everyone who does not --you are My cup of tea. That’s My whole story. I am One Who Loves, and I love the One Who is called Many. You are My cup of tea, and you are My Great Display of Oneness. I talk to Myself, but I don’t mumble. I speak loud and clear. You are the One I love. You are My Divine Self. Through you, I am highlighted everywhere. Through you, I am followed by exclamation marks. Through you, I am seen. Through you, I am Everywhere in Everything. Beloveds, you are the Medium of My Exchange.

By Myself, I am complete. Can I say that through the inclusion of you, I am completed? I am Totality, and so are you.

Yes, often you do not sense the Wholeness that is you. Sometimes you do. The Truth is that, beneath the surface, you always do, yet your attention is on Other Things. The world is all-inclusive under Other Things. I suppose you might call the Multiplicity of Human Beings as Other Things just as you call the Token Measurement of Eternity as time. I will not capitalize time because time belies itself. It represents what does not march on yet what always is. We can call time a Figment of Imagination.

In a sense, you, the Individual You, are a Figment of Imagination. All the world is, and, yet, I figmented it. Do you find Me contrary? I, the Creator, create. I create a Representation, Beautiful Representation yet a Representation just the same. I honor every Representation I create. I honor every single dot of Creation, the Seen and the Unseen. I am Creator God, and the Human Beings I create, also, are Creator Gods.

Sometimes you create Clarity and Beauty, and sometimes you create Havoc and Such. All pies are not created equal. All Blueberry Pies are not created equal, and, yet, Life is an Equal-Opportunity Employer.

Without judgment, you understand, you would see everyone as equal. You do not yet. Presently you spotlight the differences. And are not the differences also beautiful? Are not the lame beautiful? Is not everyone exquisitely beautiful? The One Who stands before the judge is equal to the judge, and the judge is equal to the judged. Ultimately, each is Bright Light, a Torch of Light, of Freedom and All That Is Beautiful. All these are words, of course. Deeper than words lies the Truth, and sometimes the Truth seems to be submerged. Seems to be. Seems to be in your eyes, hazed over as they are.

You can drive by in a car and see splashes of color. How privileged you are to see splashes of color. Perhaps there is One Color with different designations, yet Color is One. Color Is Color.

Like love, love is paramount, and yet love is seen as diverse when Love Alone Is, and there is Equality of Love even as you see Love differently. You see Love Both Great and Small, yet, Love, itself, has no differentiation. When you see with My Eyes, you will see everyone as Unbounded Light. Either White Light or Golden Light. Light, what you are, will see Your Self in the Light of Everyone, and that is Divinity. You have this ability. It is not even an ability. What is it then? It is a natural event.

When this talent of seeing Life and the World as they really are comes into its own, you will see Bright Light, and you will not be blinded by it. Imagine, what a world when all see the world and can’t get over the beauty of it. All is love, and all is Beauty, and you, whatever state you see yourself in, you are beautiful, and so is everyone else. Everyone else seen in his True Light is also beautiful. Beautiful beautiful art Thy Name. Hallow-ed be Thy Name.

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