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miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2013

Golden Age Messages from the Masters

through the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School

Living Presence to Presence
September 2013 ~ Part II

You are invited to be a member of the Councils of Light that are presently overseeing the ascension of humanity and your planet, which is well underway. This is not a recent invitation, yet one that was made ages ago according to your Divine Crystalline Blueprint, which showed that you would be living on the Earth during her Great Shift in the Ages. We humbly bow before your heart for your profound willingness to keep doing whatever is necessary to embody your fully awakened and enlightened Presence so you can truly create, love and live Presence-to-Presence in Christ Consciousness. We are profoundly delighted that you are becoming much more conscious of your service in the world as a wayshower and leader who is specifically here at this time to create as a Golden Age citizen capable of inspiring those in your community to create their lives in Unity Consciousness.

~ The Councils of Light within your Central Sun

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When your Divine Crystalline Blueprint was reviewed by your Presence and your Ascended Master Sponsors before you ever entered this life, you looked at what you might do to assist in shifting the overall consciousness of your Earth into unity. Until humanity is fully living in Unity Consciousness, your contract is reviewed lifetime after lifetime. You have asked your Presence to take you back into your own Divine Blueprint many times in order to strengthen your dedication to serve the Divine Plan because of the vital nature of these times. For surely, you are not living in ordinary times nor are you being asked to live an ordinary life.

You have served for many lifetimes and many centuries to reach this auspicious point in your evolution. We are filling your heart with continuous streams of Source Love and Light so you are profoundly inspired and energized to do what you came to do. We are in the process of bringing very loving relationships into your life by reconnecting you with loving partners and vital members of your soul family so you can feel the joy of reuniting. You will also be meeting those who have been with you in creating the conditions that made it possible for previous Golden Ages to take place on your Earth and elsewhere.
It is very rewarding for us to witness the joy as you experience these reconnections, yet your most important relationship now and always is with your own Beloved Presence since it is only from that level of your consciousness that you experience the ultimate ecstasy and your new Golden Age can really take root in your private lives and in the collective lives of humanity. When you are thoroughly reconnected with your Presence, then all of your relationships will become so sacred and exciting to your ever-expanding heart that you will wonder how you could have ever fallen into fear and separated your consciousness out from your Presence.

You are now entering a new time where the past, the future and the present are all one and there are no memories that are strong enough or painful enough to keep you magnetized into the old paradigms founded in duality and separation from your magnificent Source. As you come back into the outstretched arms of your own Presence, you will be re-entering the gates of "heaven". When you are living from the heart of your Presence, you will see and feel only love within and around you and everything and everyone in your life will move forward to support you. You may still see some suffering in others, yet your Presence will be there to send its unconditional love into their hearts and in that you will be an instrument in awakening their Presence! Only Divine Love has the power to move humanity into a new era of peace and a new Golden Age of prosperity on every level of your collective existence.

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