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viernes, 29 de marzo de 2013

Song of Our Heart


Song of our Heart
By Composed by Hazel on our behalf
Mar 31, 2013 - 11:56:29 PM
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Song of our Heart

To our beloved brother Esu Immanuel Sananda
To our beloved Father, Michael of Nebadon
To our beloved Source, Creator of All That Is
To Peace, Love and Joy-Your legacy and bestowal

We take this journey with You
Walking in the radiance of Your spirit
With our minds united
Our hearts aligned
Attuned to Your holy ways
The lessons immortally ingrained in our souls’ memory
And we remember You
The bringer of Abundant Hope
To a world cultured in Sin
And as You taught
We remembered
That we may re-give your words 
To uplift the sons and daughters of God.
You lived with and in integrity
And so in your footsteps we do follow
To those who suffered you offered compassion
To those in anger you offered empathy
And so You taught
To see ourselves as mirrors of others
And others as mirrors of ourselves
To love each other with a new and amazing love
That every life force no matter how humble, broken or tragic
Has a meaning and an inner glory and is precious in the eyes of God
To be firm in conviction but gentle in nature
That crucifixion of another with words is a crucifixion of God 
That anger and wrath are not part of the establishment of God’s kingdom
In the hearts of men
That hatred is the shadow of fear
And revenge the mask of cowardice
That giving love instead of biting confrontation and discord 
Brings the reward and ability for re giving 
That tolerance must enobleth souls by judgments justly rendered
To pray for those who hurt us and forgive those who persecute us
To obey the fiat of creating within ourselves clean hearts and renewed spirits
That kindness is love in action
And humility love personified.
That the more we love the humbler we become
That selflessness is the mark of a great soul
The servant is not greater than the Master
Yet the Master is always a servant 
For it is through service that we must express and evolve our mastery
That life is inviolate 
And offence and defence, frailties of mortal disposition
That God’s love binds, not divides
That God’s side is truth and goodness
That perceptions can lie but knowledge enlighten
That justice should be tempered with mercy
That, that which comes from You
Has a radiance 
Is tolerant, beauteous, tranquil and all things making for good
For happiness, peace and benedictions on others
All being, the diadem stones in the crown of Your eternity
To walk and live in humility but be exalted in and through spirit
That titles are insignificant but divine entitlement worthy
That the ego is borrowed but the spirit enduring
Nothing that is real can be threatened 
And the unreal does not exist 
That when the pain and confusion of life assaults our senses
We must come to know that in God
There is infinite grace unto the moment of truth
That we can transform every expression into glory
For all that we seek lies within us
That all are sacred and in that sacredness we have an obligation
To all to whom we are connected
That our works must unite not divide
That all who would be in your kingdom 
Must find balance in perfection of service
And be a server of all.

How can we thank You?
We re-ignite the fire of God upon the altar on our hearts 
And through sustained momentum of energy and desire,
We will endeavour to launch the rocket of our souls
Into the vibration of the Mighty I AM Presence
We re-commit our lives in dedicated service
For it is our will to do Your will
Your will shall be the foundation of our tasks
And blueprint of our spiritual projects
We recognise that time is a creature of human will and intent
And we espouse your patience to witness 
the magnificent unfolding of Your divine plan
To honour You, Your Host and the Spiritual hierarchy 
To learn from You that we may become proficient Creators in time
To inspire others and thus manifest the love nature of God
We will represent You in absolute truth 
Equanimity and purity of spirit
We will attend the shadows that arrest the soaring of our spirits 
And purge the impurities that we may partake of the living waters of life
We will exchange our virtues for the valleys of others 
And trust that life will remove the peaks of pride 
In both ourselves and others
We will install and instil Your energy in the laboratory of our consciousness
We will espouse our inalienable divine right 
To live in accordance with our highest conception of God
We will live like the Masters did, to make men free

We ask that You guard and guide us that we may not falter
Show us the way by the light of Your Truth
And help us to understand fully and act upon our power
Which rests in our divinity
Smile in our hearts that ever may we feel 
Your radiatory nature 
A constant reminder of our ONENESS
That we may not feel the darkness of separation

You brought this world Abundant Hope through your Bestowal  2000 plus years ago
You have created Abundant Hope again to support the Second coming
As You did and do
We too will bring Abundant Hope to the world through our works in Your name

We are forever yours

Abundant Hope International

Conceived and Written by Hazel on our behalf


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