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martes, 10 de marzo de 2015

Message from Cosmic Awareness

Our Negative Inner Programming
That which is Cosmic Awareness is available, please proceed. Thank you. Today is March 6, 2015. Thank you for being with us today for the RainbowPhoenix membership session of March 6th. Will Berlinghof is the Voice for your messages, Joan Mills is the questioner and energizer. The Law of Light, the Law of Love, the Law of Unity and the Law of Gratitude have been invoked. Is there an Opening Message or any event you would like to discuss please at this time? Thank you. That this Awareness does have an opening message, a general opening message. That this Awareness has been talking about the programming that humans go through and receive. This programming commences even before the birth into the physical, into third dimensionality. But it certainly could be said that the programming a human goes through begins at the very beginning, begins at the cradle and goes throughout one’s life, right until the end. Therefore the programming of humans is that which could be said to be cradle-tograve. It is of such a nature that most never realize that they are programmed to think in a certain way, to respond in a certain way, to energize their lives in a certain way. It is the programming that constitutes the outline of life on this planet and the expectations one might have as to what will or will not occur, what can or cannot happen. Most never question the programming, never see it as something other than what it is: the working rules and laws that govern one as they move through life itself. Some of the programming is that which is inherent in the natural order of things, as it is taught to humans. This natural order would convey then to the ones living in this system, the running rules or the rules of engagement that one lives one’s life by. These are deep and widespread, they govern many levels of activity of a human being as they exist in this special environment that they are born into. Such examples of this natural programming or that which is considered natural is, for example, the programming around gender and gender beliefs, gender expectations. That the masculine is favored on this planet at this time and for a long time the advantage was to the masculine gender. That there are assumptions about gender therefore, such as men are superior or men have the advantage, that women have been oppressed, and that they are secondary citizens, etc. etc. It is not the intent of this Awareness to present a full discussion of gender and gender issues. It is simply using this as an example of how many have assumptions that they are programmed to have that are natural to humanity and how things are seen. It is certainly the case, that in the case of gender there is a shift happening, changes are underway. Thus, the male gender dominance of the masculine which has been so prominent over the last several thousand years is being corroded away, is being chipped away, as the feminine is making a return. There are still many discrepancies between the masculine and the feminine but it is no longer what it was even a short while ago. That this is an example of one of the natural programs one is born into when one chooses to come into physicality for this time, this age, this place. That this Awareness would now speak of another program that is running in humanity. That it is important to understand this particular program and the depth of this program in order to begin to change the program in oneself. The specific program this Awareness is referring to is the program that states that life itself is hardship, is suffering, is that which always should expect a bad outcome, a negative outcome to occur in life, and not to expect a good resolution or result of living in the physical world. It is captured in such phrases as: “one must save for a rainy day”, or “if it is too good to be true, it probably is not true”, or “that life is only about suffering, that you are born to suffer, and then you die”. These negative program templates that exist in the mindset and psyche of humanity are so deep, so ingrained that most humans never ever stop to think that their attitudes are already pre-shaped because of that which is the collective attitude held by humanity, that life is a hard go and that only bad things can really be expected and you are not to believe in positive goals and outcomes. This discouragement of the positive, of being positive is so deep and endemic in humanity itself, that it is often so that when one tries to look at things in a positive way or expresses positivity, one is beaten down by the many that hold that it is a very negative world and expectations of something positive and fine coming are not even tolerated by those who hold this mindset. Thus it is that many have had the experiencing of experiences wherein one may express to another that it will be alright, everything will be fine, only to be met with rebuttal and put down. That one can indeed express this positive mindset to another, especially one known perhaps to that one, only to hear: “ yes but”, only to receive from the other, the reasons why this could not be so. If one were to say, for example, to a friend that one could choose a positive timeline and avoid that which is the negative, the response often is: “that is unrealistic, that is not reality. Reality is this: “that you are born, you suffer, then you die”.The purpose of this expression today of this philosophy, of this information is to help the individual to recognize how deeply embedded programming truly is, especially the programming that dictates that there are only negative results that can truly be expected, and to have things work out is a fairy tale and fairy tale endings very seldom come true. Such is the assumption and such is the conviction of those who express this attitude and this programming, that it is quite convincing, especially if one has within oneself the equivalent program of negativity and the lack of expectations to positive results. Thus a saying such as “saving for a rainy day, one must save for a rainy day” implies that even though one is in the sunshine, even though one is in good weather and a good time, it will get bad again, it will rain again, and one must therefore make efforts when it is sunny to ensure that when it is foul, that they will survive, that they will get through. But the actuality of this programmed concept is that there is always an expectation it must get bad again and it cannot stay fine weather. Thus the saying: “one must save for a rainy day”. This Awareness, aside from pointing this out, would also add to this that it is important to present a positive viewpoint, an alternative to the negative viewpoint. Therefore instead of saying: “one must save for a rainy day”, perhaps it would be more advantageous to say: “one can expect a sunny day, that life is about sunshine and warmth and abundance and that there is no need then to worry about the rainy day and that one will be able in the moment of that time ahead to live in the sunshine and fine weather and with abundance and joy, for this is what is expected”. This is that which is the new program that replaces the negative programming. This negative programming exists even in the fables and parables of humanity. In particular this Awareness would present the fable, the story of the grasshopper and the ant. That in this Aesop’s fable, the ants see life as that which is about preparation for the rainy day. That they are diligent and hardworking when the sun is shining, not allowing themselves to enjoy the fine weather, whereas the grasshopper living in the moment enjoys the fine day, the fine weather. Of course the moral of this tale, this fable is that when winter comes, the ants are fully prepared and they retreat underground and enjoy that which they have worked hard to establish for themselves when the weather was fine, while the grasshopper is left out in the cold, freezing and starving. When the grasshopper comes to the door of the ants and knocks on the door, they rebuff him, they deny him entrance for he was the foolish one and they had told him in the fine weather to prepare for the rainy day and the hard times ahead and he did not do so. Therefore the ants felt justified in turning away this one who had come to their door, to suffer his fate. The moral implication of course again supports the programming that there is dark times ahead and that one cannot enjoy life in the moment, but must instead focus on the hard times and prepare oneself for those hard times. This is a very deep programming that runs in the very core of the human psyche. That because the negative is always reinforced and because part of the programming is to ensure the entrapment of humanity in not living in the moment, not being in their power, but instead focusing on the bad, the negative, the dark that is ahead, that they can be controlled and manipulated. That in this particular fable, the moral is of course, that if you do not do it this way, you will suffer the consequence when times change, things get harder again and that you will die, because you did not prepare yourself. This is the programming and in this program one can find that energetic strand of consciousness that is manipulated by those in power, those with the understanding of how to manipulate, so that humans adopt this as their working tenant of faith in their lives and thus are very easily sidetracked away from the truth of living in one’s moment, of being focused, of knowing that the positive can also occur if one stays focused on this, versus that which is the negative: “that something wrong or bad will happen always”. Therefore this Awareness does say that while there is some merit in being prepared, there is no merit in believing that always the result will go sideways, that there always will be a bad result, dark times, suffering, hardship. This deep programming must be realized within the individual as being that which is there, that which is held by society and that which most believe in and put out as so, put out as reality. This Awareness, in speaking of timelines and choosing timelines, would therefore say that with recognition of this degree of programming, one then can come to an understanding that one has a choice. A choice of whether to accept the programming that has been put down and taken in by humanity, by the individual, or one rather can expand one’s consciousness with the realization that if one can create one’s reality by focusing on it and if one focuses on the negative, then why is it not so that one could equally focus on the positive, be in one’s power, realize that the program has been built up continuously over thousands and thousands of years, so that it is that which most would consider non-debatable, without discussion, that it could be anything but the negative and that this is reality. If one can understand this, recognize this and even pledge oneself to dismiss this, to disentangle oneself from this way of thinking, and with equal vigour apply oneself to focusing on a positive future, of recognizing that if one creates one’s reality through the beliefs that are held and the energies put out consciously and unconsciously to support those beliefs, then why not have positive beliefs? Why not hold hope as that which is fundamental to one’s life? To understand that one can live for the sunny day and does not need to expect the rainy day. This process is one that takes time to develop, in that there is great discomfort often in an individual when they try to let go of a programming. If one simply gave up one’s job today because one wished to dance in the sunlight and the fine times one is in at this moment, often leaves that energetic recoil of the individual that goes into fear and doubt and confusion, and it becomes a stress to them to make such a change, such a dramatic change, even though intellectually they may understand the very principle that this Awareness is talking about. Therefore this Awareness asks first that you simply begin to identify when you, the individual, are in a negative programming, where you have negative thoughts and feelings and fears, to doing something positive or moving away from that which is held by the collective as so. That as you become more aware of this negative programming, it does become easier to choose not to endorse this negative programming and alternatively to begin to focus on a more positive outlook and outcome. That you begin to make choices, where you choose not to simply be the slave of the conditioning and the programming and begin to make the small steps into your positive nature and your positive being, and that when it is finally time for one to step fully off the cliff that they can do so much more easily because they have been working at it step by step. The most important thing of course is to realize that one of the biggest programmings of all is that it is not possible for you to have a wondrous result, a wonderful life. Begin here to say “why not? Why is it so that the expectation is that when you think in terms of positive outcomes, that the energies held by the mass consciousness will dictate it cannot be so? Is this not part of a program and part of programming that has been given to me that I have accepted because I was not given alternatives, that I have ingrained within my own being to such a degree that it stresses me to think of life where it is fine and wonderful and positive, knowing that the truth, the alleged truth, is that things will go bad, things will not work out, and that for me to believe anything else than that is irresponsible and insane”. Of course this Awareness is presenting it in first person so that each of you can think of your own responses and feelings when you are faced with information such as that which this Awareness delivers: that you must look positively forward, hold that the outcome, the timeline of your own personal experience can be one that is glorious and uplifting and exorbitant in positivity and well-being. That when one chooses to focus on the negative, it is because of the programming that exists within oneself and it is only with an awareness to programming that one can start first to recognize the program and secondly then to change the programming. Instead of holding the creed that bad things will happen, that life is about pain and suffering, and there is no way, and to think in terms of things working out, even though it is hoped for, it is never totally believed in. That understanding this as a starting point will help the individual, each and every one of you, to effect the changes in your own life, to begin the process of deprogramming yourself as you move into the program of your own choice. Do not save for a rainy day, prepare to dance in the sunlight. That this Awareness is complete with this opening message. Thank you Awareness, that was definitely excellent. May I ask a silly question please? Please ask your silly question. Who, what exactly are/were the programmers, and why are they in that position? The programmers are those who have greater knowledge about how one can shift concepts and control others. In this case, those who are known by the various names of the Archons, the Orions, the Reptilians, the Anunnaki, ones who have always been able to work not only from the encapsulation of 3-D but from that expanded level of consciousness that is fourth dimensional. They have been able to see probable outcomes, probable timelines. They have their own agenda, have always had an agenda, and because of their superiority of being able to access fourth dimensionality, of being able to see the result of timelines to a degree, they have been able to enact and initiate the programs in third dimensionality that will restrict human beings, the slave beings, so that they cannot themselves up the ante, up the game, move out of control. Therefore those in control, those who are known as the Powers That Be are the ones that have been responsible for the programming across the centuries, across the millennia. These are also those who are the bluebloods, the Royal ones, the ones that have been in positions of power and control, those who have had great wealth and great privilege for they have understood what the game is about. They have their own programming if you will, and many of these bluebloods, these Royal ones, will program their own children in order that they continue the tradition of dominance that their parents and the grandparents and the ancestors behind have laid down. That this too is a type of programming. But that which this Awareness sought in this case to highlight is the programming of negativity that runs so deeply in the human psyche, because it has been instilled there, installed there, by certain other ones who have a greater knowledge, a greater capacity to understand how one creates one’s reality by the beliefs and attitudes and the programming one has and one operates with. Does this answer your wise question? Yes it does, and I do thank you, that makes quite a bit of sense. Actually speaking, they just assumed this power themselves for programming, is that correct? It could be understood this way, but it is more than that. They did have to work at it. The assumption was only that they had superior knowledge of how things work and in this superior knowledge had the advantage to manipulate and control. However there have always been wildcards along the way and wild ones, Avatars and Gurus and Enlightened Ones, even Messiahs that have created alternatives in human consciousness, that have given another way to see things and to think about things. Using the one known as Jesus the Christed One, Jesus Christ, although there is much here, more than this Awareness will go into at this moment, that this One did speak a truth, gave to humanity an alternative program that they could engage in and focus on. One that was based on the concept of love and not hate, freeing oneself and not enslaving oneself. For this, this One was attacked as a dangerous one, as a terrorist to those who held power, for he indeed was a danger to the establishment, for his radical message might indeed affect the many that heard his message. Thus it was that this particular One needed to be crucified and destroyed, but even this did not work and the theme of resurrection was firmly implanted in the mindset of those times and for the generations that followed. Of course there was corruption of the organization that went on to profess the teachings of this enlightened being, and now that organization itself is one of the major programmers of consciousness, having corrupted the message and destroyed the messenger from being that which is an effective role model for each human being and instead creating an image of him as that which is the personified God on Earth. That again this becomes complex. There is a much deeper plan here that even goes beyond the plan of those who have been the programmers for so long. Suffice it to say that even though there have been those who have been programming for a long time, manipulating with great patience the various timelines to suit their agenda, that there have always been the wildcards, the wild ones. That there has always been that which could throw a spanner or a monkey wrench into the works, their works and that this is very much the case now as the consciousness of the Divine Source is more involved now that the experiment in control is coming to the conclusion. And that the spanner can be you, the monkey wrench can be each individual who rises up, who begins to see for themselves how they have been programmed, how programming works, how it certainly embraces, embraces all of humanity in an attempt to smother humanity, to control humanity, to enslave humanity. And it does indeed always come back to the individual who perceives this, who understands this, and who then rejects the programming and rises above it, and reprograms themselves to the higher consciousness of their own being. That also again reflects the third dimension duality of choice, where a person has the ability to make their own choices regardless of what is programmed. Is that correct? This is correct, but if the programming is so subversive, so deeply implanted, most do not understand this, most do not see this. Most feel that they are right, for in that nature of duality where there is choice, that when one holds that “I am right, my choices are right in that I am a follower of the mindset that is the mass mindset, the collective mindset”.When one holds that to be of the collective, of the masses is right, then those who reject this, those who would stand up to this are deemed to be wrong and must be struck down, must be taken down in order that the radicalness of these ones and their ideas cannot filter into the populace, cannot be assumed to have relevancy and to be given the chance to grow and to spread. That they, those who are speakers of truth that is not in agreement with the collective mindset are often labeled enemies of the state, terrorists, radicals, anarchists. That these labelings are simply the labels applied to ones who are dangerous to the collective mindset that has so diligently and patiently been set up. That this Awareness would ask you, each of you, each individual: are you content with the norm and being normal, or are you one who feels it from deeply within that they are not normal, that they are different, that they are somehow not part of those out there, even of the family one may have grown up in? For if indeed you are one that has always felt yourself to be outside of, to be different from that which surrounds you, those who surround you, then you are one who has indeed the capacity to question the mindset and programming that you have grown up in, that has surrounded you all of your life. You are indeed one who is a dangerous one to those Powers That Be who would continually keep the masses asleep, uninformed, unaware, dumbed down. That one who can see this truth and can change their life, can rise up to a level where others see this, others ask questions, others begin to question their own programming. That ultimately it is an individual choice to question one’s own programming, to begin to recognize the negative programming that is so endemic in the mindset and psyche of humanity, that which is the true choke chain that holds the individual, that holds humanity itself in slavery. That each individual can throw off the choke chain, can change their reality by disengaging from the program and being the unique individual they really are, the spiritual being they have always been. Absolutely fantastic! Very, very good information and it will be very, very helpful for many, including myself. Thank you.That this Awareness is complete Its opening message and it is hoped that many questions will arise from the message given today. Very good, certainly

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