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martes, 23 de diciembre de 2014

Message from “Yeshua”

My brothers and my sisters, it is so wonderful to be with you again at this time, in this moment, as another year is about to begin, a new year of understanding and love that has been absent in many aspects until now. But as this New Year begins it is a time of rejoicing, a time for love and this time, your holiday season, is it not a time of peace? Is it not a time to share an understanding of love upon the planet? This is what this time represents. Yes, you celebrate Christmas. But what is Christmas? Is it a celebration of my birth? I think not. Is it a celebration of the birth of Christ? Yes. It is a celebration of the Christ Consciousness throughout all the planet.
For not one on the entire planet does not feel this resonance at this time of the year. Whether it is the celebration of Christmas or the beginning of the New Year but in some way everyone celebrates this new beginning. It is a new beginning of a new understanding. Of a new level of love and peace that is going to spread throughout the planet.
I, Yeshua, have been that filter of Christ Consciousness into the world for the last 2000 years. My time is almost up and I will move on just as all are moving on to a new celebration of their oneness. So as people look to this time does it not draw all together? If not for just a moment bring a smile to everyone’s face as they look upon a small child as they open their gifts. Does that not bring a little bit of a sense of peace and love?
Do all have this at this time? No. All do not experience this but the time is coming when all will, for this is going to be a time that is going to be remembered. When the veil is lifted and you can see the reality of all that you have been missing up until this time. Everything will open up to a new light, to a beginning of a new dawn for mankind.
So look to this time, this day, this day now as the Winter Solstice, this day when the nights are the longest and the days are the shortest. But what happens the next day? The night gets a little shorter and the day gets a little longer and each day after again and again. Until you come to that time in the next year where the days are the longest and nights are the shortest.
But what does this represent? It represents a new beginning. A movement forward and with the days becoming longer and the light shining more and more and more and more and the darkness fading off into the distance. Is this not symbolic for what is about to occur to this entire planet? As has already happened throughout the galaxy where many have turned to the light where they were so steeped in darkness previously but it is now time for the light! It is time now for the light to shine. For the Star of Bethlehem to once again shine forth! Not as a true star but as a ship as you know it, the New Jerusalem.  And as I said so long ago, “there will be a new Earth and a new Heaven.” This is what was meant, the beginning of a New Age, a New Age of love and oneness that has not been present up until this time.
So be of good cheer, my brothers and sisters, be of peace. No matter what is occurring around you always know that all happens first within and then is expressed without, first within and then, without. Believe that. Know that. All will happen in its time, in its frequency, in the right knowing that this is the moment!
I am your dear brother, Yeshua. I am and always will be with you. Let all thoughts of divergence let all thoughts of separation from your brother and your sister next to you, let all those thoughts fade away with the beginning of this New Dawn.
I leave you now to be peace and love for all time.

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