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martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014

Message of Kaa-ah from the Bird Flock of Mu

From deep inside your being, you hear,
“I am Kaa-ah from the Bird Flock of Mu.” Instantly, you felt the joy of flying above a land that appears to be shades of ocher and gold. The sensation of flying is marvelous beyond words, and the purity and love of that reality is pristine and alive with pure potential. As you listen to Kaa-ah’s story, you we also live it.
“I am Kaa-ah,” you hear again. “I am from the Bird Flock of Mu. You likely cannot say my name, nor could I say yours, for we speak only in tones and melodies. I telepathically connect with you so that I can share the vision of my most beloved memory of flying into our golden city in the center of Mu. Of course, our entire world resonated to shades of ocher, gold, bronze and crystal.
“We of ancient Mu are the first in this rotation of the Great Galactic Cycle to experiment with form. There were many other realities that existed in former cycles, but they are unknown to us during this incarnation.
“We have come from the ONE to assist in creating a reality of duality and are joyous to communicate with you. As I look into your mind I see that the term ‘we’ means many, but to our minds the term ‘we’ means the ONE. We have no term for individuality. We are the flock.
“Each of us cares as much for the flock as for the heart that beats within our own chest. Perhaps we feel this way because we all beat to the heart of the Sacred Egg. We, the Bird Flock of Mu, are the Keepers of the Sacred Egg. The heart/core of our life within this holographic projection Earth is the gestation of the Sacred Egg.
“Mu, who is the entire planet to us, continually breathes Her sacred force of creation into our Sacred Egg. It is this force of creation that is used by all the citizens of Mu, as not all of our citizens are of the Bird Tribe.
“Before we entered this reality, we experimented with many forms. The concept of form was new to us, for in our true Home in the higher vibrations of Light, we are pure consciousness.
“We, the citizens of Mu, came to Mother Earth to initiate a grand experiment of polarities of life in form. We joined this reality knowing that these polarities would become increasingly extreme.
“We also knew that eventually these polarities would create an appearance of separation. Within our experiment, Light was to be gradually split into good/light and bad/ dark and form would be split into the genders of male and female.
“In the former cycles of the Mother’s sojourn around the Central Sun, there had been many other visitors. Mother Earth has long offered a format for many differing life forms to live and gather experiences. In this manner Earth has prepared her SELF for her Final Initiation, the Initiation of Unconditional Love.
“Unconditional love is the cohesive power of the Multiverse and the power of creation. Within the ONE, only unconditional love and divine creation is known. When we no longer require our manifestation, we simply withdraw our attention and intention so that the creation can gradually, or instantly, cease to exist.
“We have long been aware of the myriad torsion waves of multidimensional light and unconditional love traveling the multiverse. With the power of attention, observation and intention we call for these waves to break into particles of creative potential.
“Then using our power within of unconditional love, we create the manifestation of our desire by using the raw potential of these particles of light which are composed of love and potential.
“This ‘new’ discovery of these torsion waves in your ‘modern day’ is common knowledge in our land of Mu. It is in this manner that we create forms for our consciousness.
“We have great fun experimenting with taking many different forms. Just as you experiment by wearing different clothing on your body, we experiment with wearing different forms on our consciousness.
“The Sacred Egg, which is the power source for our planet, is far away from the interruptions of the psychic energy of Mu’s other inhabitants. In the highest tower of our highest mountain, of which we have few, the Mother’s Sacred Egg lives in constant communication with the Mother’s mate, the Father of Light.
“In this manner, Mother Earth’s Egg of creative potential remains eternally basked in the unconditional love of Her Divine Complement, Father Light. This constant connection between Light/Spirit and Matter/Form gives us the power to consciously create our forms and fulfill our needs.
“We, the protectors of the Sacred Egg, needed a form that could fly, as we were the emissaries between the Mother in the central mountain and Her outer lands and oceans. When we first began our experiment of life in form, every being could easily float up the mountain and into the Great Temple of Completion.
“However, as the Mother became more and more polarized we had to choose to live within a form of one of Her four elements of earth, air, fire or water. Some of us chose to walk the land, others chose to fly the air or swim the sea, and others chose to remain in formless light so that they could serve the element of fire.
“Gradually, the water beings could not leave the water long enough to travel the great distance up the mountain, the fire beings chose to maintain their flickering, ever-changing forms of light, and those who walked the land could no longer take the time to journey to the Temple.
“Hence, it was the creatures of the air that became the ‘Keepers of the Sacred Egg.’ We could easily fly from the mountaintop, over the waters and onto the land. We could also converse with the fire creatures. All the beings of the four elements are totally conscious of their form and can easily communicate with all the other beings through telepathy and empathy.
“As Keepers of the Sacred Egg, we create nests around the top of the mountain, just below the Temple, to lay and hatch our own eggs. We only create an egg when we are ready to complete our experience as a member of Mu’s reality. When we begin to long to return Home to the ONE to visit our family of Spirit, we build a nest and lay our egg.
“Once we lay our egg it is instantly fertilized by the Flow of the great Father Spirit that penetrates every molecule of our mountain. We patiently sit on our egg until a being of light desires the experience of our form. Once this being enters our egg, we totally share our consciousness.
“Through our joint consciousness, our potential replacement travels Mu to learn about the experiences and responsibilities of our Bird Flock. If the light being decides to take a form on Mu, it hatches into its bird form. The mother bird maintains her own form until her replacement is ready to perform her responsibilities on her own.
“At this point, the light of the Mother Bird flashes out of her form, and the form disappears as the light returns to the unity of Home. Please understand that there is no ‘birth’ or ‘death’ in our reality. Birth means surrounding our light with form, and death means releasing that form back to its elements and returning to the light.
“Life and death are the same in your day, which to our perception is occurring in the same cosmic NOW as our reality on Mu. In our reality we only ‘eat’ light. Hence, there is never a need for food or any elimination of waste products. All form is filled with life and all form communicates with each other, as well as with our spirit self of light.
“We Lemurians began the cycle which you are now closing. We have come into your awareness to assist you with seeding the Mother’s Core and Cornerstone Crystals. We have come into you for we are you. We represent the birth of this cycle and you represent the transmutation of this cycle into its higher expression.
“We bless you on your journey, for it is much like ours. We are the Alpha and you are the Omega, the beginning and the ending. We began this experiment of polarity, and you are here to close it. Just as we are assisting others to step in to the 3D Matrix, we will assist you to step out of it.
“Once that circle is closed the beginning and the ending will merge into the Oneness of NOW. Once within the NOW you are free of time and will be returned to the ONE.
I AM Kaa-ah,
So stay tuned,

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