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sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Message from Sananda

Sananda's Wesak Blessing!
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference – May 13, 2014

"Greetings, Beloved Ones!  It is I, Sananda and I stand before you, each and every one of you, with such Joy and such Love coming from Me to you.  I ask only that you feel it, that you open your Hearts to let the LoveLight come in through that opening, and from there to circulate throughout your beings.

"We are, indeed, in a most special celebration of Love, celebration of Light.  And it is that the momentum shall continue, continue to increase in its intensity and in its spreading, shall we say, so that the entirety of Planet Earth ultimately becomes imbued in the Light, such that the Ascension completes itself!

"There are those who will move into their Ascension bodies, their Light bodies at an earlier moment than others.  And this is all perfect, for those who go ahead are in such commitment to service, that they will indeed be in assistance to all who have yet to follow.

"But for now it is to move everyone up into a Higher level, and the means to do this is to bring the Light into yourselves and to feel the Joy and the Oneness of all of us here gathered.  Make no mistake – the Buddha is here!  And the Masters are here, and all who dwell in the higher vibrations are here to be with you, because you are allowing this Light to come in and you are lifting up!!!

"And so it is easy enough for us to join in our Oneness, and for you to feel it as much as we do.  You are truly the Blessings to the World, Beloved Ones!  And we kneel at your feet in honor of you, for it is you who are making this Ascension possible.  It is you, and the Lightworkers of Planet Earth, who have opened your Hearts sufficiently to allow enough of this LoveLight to come and be anchored here, so that itis brighter than it has ever been!!!  It is brighter even than the time when I walked the Earth as Yeshua.  It was perceived at that time to be bright and there was some thought that perhaps the Ascension could take place then.But as you know, there was still too much of the world engaged in the programming which was so dark, which was so low third Dimension, which had enslaved so many of the people Worldwide.

"All of the dramas had not been played out.  The World as a whole had not united in the Oneness of the LoveLight enough to be awakened to what needed to be done.  There was not enough awareness of the need to put down the weapons and to embrace each other as brothers and sisters, as Divine beings, as the Light of Mother/Father God, the Light of Love.So the dramas continued.

"But now, Beloved Ones, the dramas are ending and all of the heartache, the traumas, the cruelties -  they are ending as well. And so it is for us here together to say to you, we thank you, from our Hearts to yours, infinitely and always, that you have come to make this all possible; that you have come to stand with us and with all of the Lightworkers - all of those who have opened their Hearts to the Light of Love, and who understand that therein lies the Truth of the Universe, and all that is the opposite of Love is illusion and games and programs.

"And so it is, Beloved Ones, that we offer you our thanks, our Gratitude, our Blessings, for your Joy, and for your safe and easy journeys.  Let your paths be strewn with flowers!  Let your feet fly up and over whatever is put in your paths that would slow you down!  And let yourselves continue to bring in the LoveLight, so as to expand it throughout your beings even more!
"For it is this Light that joins us all, that brings us into the Oneness of our Communion with each other.  And it is this Light that is Home.  Love is your Home, Beloved Ones, as it is mine.And this is surely where you are in this moment.  Feel it!  And this is where you are indeed in many, many, many of your moments now.  And this is where you shall be united with that part of you which is already permanently your LightSelf.

"Be Joyful!  Feel it!  And feel our Love!  We bless you, Beloved Ones, and we thank you and we Love you beyond all words.  And so it is.  Namaste!"
Transcription by Marta
Given through Susan Leland, August 2, 2012. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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