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miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Heaven Letters

The Life of Your Dreams

God said:
Your desires for mankind are embedded. Their arrival is imminent. You notice that I say your desires for mankind. This is a greater scale than fulfillment of your personal desires. There is a difference in scope between desires for mankind and desires for the individual self. Absolutely, your personal desires are not discounted nor are they forgotten, yet would you put your personal desires before peace in the world, for example? Would you put your desire for a new car or a wife or husband before blessings that encompass the Whole of Mankind?

You really wouldn’t. I know you wouldn’t.

And I am a Well-Wisher, yet My Will is done. It is already done. Remember time is not here as it is with you. 

It is that when good will in the Universe takes hold, your personal desires will be fulfilled and/or your personal desires will no longer hold the importance they once did.

Remember when you were a young child, and you thought a nickel must be worth more than a dime because the nickel’s circumference was bigger than a dime’s? You know better now. This is the comparison I make.

More and more you will be thinking beyond yourself. Frankly, joy in fulfillment of your personal desires is not usually long-lasting. The new refrigerator – it’s so wonderful. Then, soon enough, the new fridge needs cleaning as much as the old one did or a vegetable bin starts to stick, or when you open the fridge, something falls out, and you push the fridge door closed with your leg as you used to close the old one. You may hardly notice the new fridge any longer. And so on.

The woman of your dreams is no longer the woman of your dreams, and the new job becomes old hat, and, you discover that a million dollars has its limitations just as fifty-thousand did.

But, ah, peace in the world – peace in the world has no limits.

Think of the contentment it brings to know that every child in the world has had water to drink and food to eat.

Think of a world where everything makes sense!

What have your personal wishes been, dear ones? A smaller nose? To be young again? To have the world fall at your feet?

When there is peace established on Earth, every individual is also blessed and blessed in ways that you may not even dream of now.

There are so many blessings ahead of you, and isn’t it wonderful that they are ahead of you? And all the blessings behind you that you were blessed to receive, isn’t it wonderful that you have had them?

Yes, to count your blessings is not a new idea, yet it is perennially a great one. This will keep you occupied and out of discontent.

You are in the world now, and the world is yours to think about and bless. The world is your oyster, beloveds. It is at your service. Be you in the world’s service. There is a bigger world than your immediacy. Yes, of course, if everyone thought beyond their immediate selves, would not the world already right now be at peace? For every personal desire you list, intersperse it with a blessing for the world.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everyone in the world had a blissful night’s sleep tonight? What wonders would that do?

What about greater understanding in the world? What would that not take care of?

What a blessing it is for you to bless the world. And you will be blessed. You will be blessed. The one who blesses is twice-blessed. Right now I bless everyone, and I desire you to value and bless.

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