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domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

Message from Heaven - Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela via Nazira: Mandela Speaks About Where He Is

Posted by Alice C
mandela_compositeAlice C: From a new channel Nazira, this is the latest in a series of messages from Nelson Mandela.We hope our African readers especially enjoy the communication from the beloved ‘Tata’ (Father). Please visit the Mandela Speaks website for previous messages (link at end of post).
Nelson Mandela: Mandela Speaks About Where He Is,  channelled by Nazira, January 4, 2014 –http://mandelaspeaks.blogspot.pt/
Mandela: Greetings to everyone on Earth. I am still here and might explain why. When a person leaves the Earth to go somewhere else, he remembers many experiences that he had on Earth. If they were very sad, he may wish to leave his past surroundings and move on to new ones.
I want to remain with you for a while, because you have been very kind to me ever since I became ill. I was aware of the great festivities that took place upon by breathing my last breath on Earth.
It is not difficult to separate the soul from the body. In fact, by the time that the soul departs, many of us know that we have left. I smile as much in my new surroundings as I did on Earth because of true joy. I wish to tell the people of Africa that I know many personally, and when you pass over, I will be here to welcome you.
There are many graduates who spend much time welcoming Africans home. Parents retain their love for children and are advised when one of their own is coming. Many loved ones are allowed to come to Earth in spirit to be at your bedside during your last hours on Earth, so that they can accompany your soul body to the Happy Hunting Ground.
I do not know how long I will be allowed to remain with you. I am advised that slowly the attachment to Earth fades, and activities in Heaven become more attractive. There is much to do, and I will be sharing as I begin to experience life beyond the Pearly Gates.
It is possible for relatives and friends to have conversations with those who pass over, at least for a short while. All communication is by thought. You may feel my presence, or you may receive my thoughts. I will always send you thoughts of joy. I will also send encouragement, plus a few new ideas on how to build communities, how to improve on the education system, and how to handle the sharing of wealth that will soon come to pass.
As soon as we leave our bodies, we see more, and we see the bigger picture. Telepathy is a magnificent tool, and hopefully it will be taught in most communities.
A thought has substance, shape and power. You can send a thought of love, or a thought of hate. Love is the most powerful energy in the Universe. Hopefully by the end of this year, every African will feel peace. When there is peace, love follows soon after.
My love is free to all. Please partake.
Nelson Mandela
Recorded and transcribed by Nazira,
a telepath who lived several lives in Egypt.

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