NOVEMBER 24, 2013
Dear ones, once again it is that
time on earth where the many are preparing to celebrate gratitude. It is
therefore time that you understand gratitude in a more enlightened way, for
gratitude is simply the other side of love--they work together. Gratitude is
the flow of love returning to you and thus creating a circle of energy that
flows out from and then flows back to you. It is spiritual living.
Everyday commerce is actually the
flow of love and gratitude interpreted by mind in a material way. The service
someone performs, or the product he sells is a 3d dimensional sense of love and
your payment or barter is the gratitude. It is a circular and complete flow
(out as love, back as gratitude) and the failure to express gratitude blocks
Businesses can only be truly
successful when functioning in this flow of love and gratitude, especially as
the vibrational level of Gaia rises. Businesses that function only for their
own self interests will no longer survive because the necessary energy flow
will not be there to sustain them. You are all familiar with business that you
love to pay (gratitude) because they are so pleasant, honest, and have done a
fine job (love). You are all familiar with the other sort as well.
Gratitude is not simply about
giving thanks for something that has been received, but is a state of
consciousness that reflects unconditional love--that regardless of any
appearances to the contrary, all is spiritual and of Divine origin. Everything
you see, hear, taste, touch, or smell reflects a Divine idea as interpreted by
the state of consciousness of individual as well as universal mind.
Those who are unable to receive on
any level, have accepted the false belief that they are not worthy or that this
view represents a state of humility. Being unwilling or unable to accept love
in all or any of its forms, blocks the flow and leaves an individual unable to
experience the full circle of love and gratitude. False beliefs about love can
act to block this flow and happens to those individuals riddled with concepts
of what love must look like in order to be love--concepts thrown at you daily
from media in all its forms. Those living in this universal illusion try
unsuccessfully time after time to create love according to these false ideas
and fail, because concepts have no underlying reality to them and arise from
false information.
Believing oneself to be unworthy of
love or gratitude is a facet of the duality and separation belief system--the
belief that one is born a sinful being undeserving of gifts and blessings until
clawing his way painfully to salvation. These ideas are obsolete dear ones, do
not fall into this trap for you are well beyond this now. Those unable to
experience self-love or express it through love and gratitude frequently
manifest their inner pain as violence, lashing out at the world in frustration.
Through ignorance of spiritual truth, they feel "unworthy" of love
(energy of duality and separation) and do not understand why or what to do
about it. They do not yet realize that ALL are worthy because ALL ARE...
True self love only comes with the
realization that the self is really SELF--in and of the Divine, and that no
circumstance or appearance can ever change this regardless of what one may of
been taught or told, and regardless of any popular beliefs.
As an individual unfolds into truth
and learns who he really is , self-love begins. Self becomes very easy to love
once it no longer carries a heavy burden of judgement and criticism toward self
and the world. He begins to recognize that the Divine Light of the masters is
the same Divine Light he carries for there is only one--manifested in and
through individual consciousness but always the One. He understands that
mistakes he has made along the way were simply facets of his learning process
and are now tools with which he can assist others. He begins to understand that
nothing has the power to make him unworthy for there is only ONE power and that
is the Divine. It was all a dream... It now becomes easy to give and receive
because he knows that there is no limit to the flow that never was his
personally ( this is the erroneous belief that results in poverty) but is in
and of an Infinite Source. There is Infinity to release and an infinite
capacity to receive from Self...the One.
An important facet of love and
gratitude lies in allowing others to give. If you know you need nothing, but
someone wants to express by giving to you, allow them to do this for the lesson
of love and gratitude is something that all must learn. It begins with baby
steps-- simply giving away something or saying thank-you for blessings
received, then when the student is ready it moves into a deeper understanding
of the underlying energy .
Love and gratitude are the same
energy and flow from Divine Consciousness which is infinitely complete and
whole. Love is the activity of Oneness, interpreted by the state of
consciousness of the individual--examine and ponder this statement for it is
the basis of evolving out of the old and untrue. Gratitude is simply an
openness to, and reflection back of the energy of love whatever its form.
Energy will bounce back to the
sender if not received. This can work to keep you from negative outside
influences for when you keep your energy field filled with the high resonating
vibrations of truth and light, negative energy will simply bounce back to the
sender finding nothing to attach to at its lower level of vibration. This
information explains how many superstitious practices (hexing, evil eye etc.
etc.) actually work...the receiver through his superstitious belief in the
power of these things opens himself and invites the negative energy sent in.
Gratitude--study, ponder, and
meditate into its deeper meanings and then celebrate the holiday of
Thanksgiving at a new level.
We see you having much change
shortly in your world. All is proceeding according to plan with many awakening
to new ways of seeing and doing and believing. Old energies are quickly
dissolving into to the Light of more global awareness. Keep your light high and
bright dear ones. We send you much love and gratitude on your celebration day.
We are the Arcturian Group 11/24/13
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