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viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

Message from Nebadonia

Message from Nebadonia the Consort of Christ Michael Aton Sovereign Creator o Nebadon our Universe


The Waters Have Broken

by Nebadonia

thru Shellee-Kim

All of you who live, work and try to survive one day after the next on the earth plane are subject to much duress. Most of it bombarding you from the unseen realms. And often just below the surface of your conscious awareness. Necessarily so. As your adversaries work in this manner for specific reasons. Not the least of which is their great need to not be detected at their daily games.

It is and has always been one of our major tasks, therefore, to bring forth from the higher, Lighted realms an equally unending supply of messages that can counter this. The results of these endeavours have, unfortunately, only found marginal success. And the vast majority walking your plane continue to do so with their heads downwards.

It is all very well to wish to change, to desire ‘doom’ (as a means of relieving a life you do not wish to take responsibility for) and to fantasize over a better future. But none of these desires can manifest in positive change without there being some semblance of ownership first. And this is and will be the toughest part for all to accept. That each, regardless of his/her life and its choices, had a hand in both the creation of and that which has resulted on the earth.

Transitions are rarely smooth and it must be accepted that this one will be no different. Liken this process to the birthing of a baby.
The mother waits for contractions, several stages and levels of them before the actual labour proper begins. Although the breaking of the waters and contractions are all necessary stages to reaching the bearing down phase. With many different birthing options being available to the expectant mother and baby.

You can birth a new life while literally almost paralysed due to your choice of drugs, feeling almost disconnected from the process. Or you can choose to consciously go through each moment of pain, knowing you will have fully participated in what you are bringing forth. And then you can also choose to ease that process with a water birthing experience, where you are fully supported by the healing waters and so feel that much less of the pain, being able to focus more on the joyous anticipation of the experience.

I am here to tell you that the waters have broken now and the stages of contractions will begin, rapidly moving through these to the bearing down and the birthing phase.
Be ready to catch the baby, nurture it (and the mother) in the warm swaddle of a blanket and ensure that it has immediate sustenance and it’s passage ways cleansed so that it might gulp deeply of the breath of new Life.

Let the emergence of yours and the babies’ of others that you will assist into life be ready to take in great gulps of new and cleansed air into their streams. And be ready for the new life to come…

Thank you, beloved, for making yourself available for this. You are endeavouring to stick to our agreement and it is encouraging.

Deep love of the One Heart to you all.


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