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viernes, 5 de julio de 2013

Message from Nebadonia our Divine Mother

By Nebadonia through Rosie
Jul 4, 2013 - 10:29:14 AM
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Through Rosie, 4th July 2013

If you stretch out your hand to take mine, you will be surrounded by my unconditional LOVE FOR YOU. This means that you are treasured, respected, protected and utterly cherished, irrespective of your fears, uncertainties, erroneous ways, inflexible thought patterns, or any other “negative traits” perceived by yourself or others. For I know of your perfection. I know the divine plan which you are to fulfil. I watch your footsteps as a child, when you stop to investigate every stone and flower, and I watch your footsteps as an adult, travelling the road from dependence to independence, always holding the keys to your own destiny.

My love encompasses ALL. Perhaps you may catch a breath of it when you are mesmerised by the effortless flight of the butterfly, or when you are in ecstasy over the fragility of its wing. Perhaps you sense it as the wind passes gently through your hair or as the sun falls upon your shoulders. Or perhaps these moments of almost breathless stillness and reverence and wonder are so very rare in your own lives.

But even if you have caught but a fleeting glimpse of this, just a crack of light in the darkness, then HOLD ONTO THIS AS TIGHTLY AS YOU CAN, FOR THIS IS OUR PLEDGE OF LOVE TO YOU.

Those who have brushed with the light, who have caught a glimpse of paradise, who have exchanged just one glance of unconditional love, are changed forever. They KNOW of what they dream. They MOVE TOWARDS THEIR IDEAL WORLD. They have a bastion to which they can return again and again in times of woe. They may be distraught also, for one taste of this elixir may enhance their distaste for all else. They may wish to hide from the noise and return to that ecstatic moment.

Keep this as a treasure in your heart. May it ever shine as you move, slowly but surely, onto a greater stage where you are required to light the path for others – until all bathe in this high level frequency. May your intrinsic knowledge of the existence of our unconditional love for you inspire you to fly your banner and move forward with the greatest sensitivity to those who will require your help, who will cry in desperation, who will not know where to turn, who will not – initially – be equipped to deal with this new level of emotional pain, whose lives are literally falling apart. Thus will your compassion grow and your role be accomplished.

May the sparks of ecstasy you have experienced light the inner fires of those whose access to a more spiritual way of living has so far been limited. BURN FOR THEM, AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE YOUR REWARD. In love for you, Nebadonia.

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