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lunes, 17 de junio de 2013

Message from Lord Sananda

Sleepiness is a Global Pandemic A Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 17, 2013

Sleepiness is a Global Pandemic A Message from Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, June 16, 2013
‘Through baptism, The Lord Jesus Christ has freed you from sin and brought you to new life through water and the Holy Spirit.’
What does it mean? Baptism is a water ceremony. The water ceremony is very important in the Hindu faith. It is magical and transformative. It returns us to where we came from. It frees you from sin. This means when we incarnate we have an opportunity to burn off all our karma and obtain Enlightenment and never die and be reborn again. When we pass through the water of our Mother when we are born on Earth we also pass through the StarGate in Outer Space which is wholly made of water. This prepares our Absolute Energy to come into the physical. This brings us to new life. Through the StarGate and with Wisdom. Hagia Sophia translates as the Holy Wisdom. This refers to having the Wisdom to Take Action. We pass through the StarGate only after obtaining the Wisdom to do so. Now we are stepped up in frequency and have the ability to access the StarGates again. Everyone can do this with the proper Wisdom and Love. 
O you possessed of sturdy intellect observe the teachings hidden here.
Sleepiness is a Global Pandemic. 
When One begins their awakening they feel alone in their new found understanding. Typically they go to the web to find out more. They come across a lot of information and fall into one rabbit hole after the other, scanning, reading and forming new opinions about the Outer World. As they learn their new truth they become lonelier yet. This is a result of Ego mind keeping the focus on Me, Me, Me poor Me. This can be an endless downward spiral which leads to reading things that look good at first sight, but turn out to be without substance. Avoid the idea that you have to ‘do something’ to solve your problems. This is where the unsuspecting are taken in the wrong direction by paid disinformation specialists. Instead, focus your energy toward Service. When you are serving others then you cannot go wrong. Helping One Another is the lesson of the day and will be THE lesson for years to come. When each noncriminal woman, man and child receives their reparations, $10 million each, then the real work begins. Mother Earth will need us all to join in to Heal Her and it will be a team effort. Choose your area of interest and focus on what you would like to reflect in this world. When you are healed and ready for your next Mission - where will you put your life energy?

Real improvement in knowledge comes through a process which develops discernment. Light Warriors can go for many years without being in a relationship. Sometimes their new understanding leads them to end a long relationship that no longer works or makes sense. Doing this allows each Soul to explore their Path at their own speed. This isolated lifestyle is the best environment for growth. It is a place where detachment is born. When we become detached from all the things we think we need - real growth blossoms. As we develop our inner life then challenges arrive. We bring up issues which need healing from past lives. Relationships and sex are a big issue. Fears, imbalances, hang-ups and old patterns surface. Also we begin to dream about meeting with our Twin Flame. Some find out diving into sexual relationships can be what is needed for the healing. Others find celibacy is the only way to work through and burn off this karma. There is no right or wrong as long as One is clear about their Path and continuously moving forward. Change is inevitable and part of evolution. Be Clear. One cannot have a healthy relationship unless both Souls are free to explore their own Stuckness and free themselves as an individual personality. This level of awareness is rarely applied to relationships, though it is the only way. Anything less is a lower vibration holding both Souls from Ultimate Truth. Be Aware and move cautiously forward with Ultimate Love. Young people today want to be assured what they are seeing is true. It is all very true and you are not crazy. Your Twin Flame Reunions are becoming available now. You may want to ponder all relationships you are in now and where you would like to be. What will it take to balance this in a fair impartial way?

The Solar Logos are Helios and Vesta
Humanity on Earth continues to evolve mastering the teachings on a Solar level. Masters Guide Humanity encouraging and tutoring them along the way. The Solar level integrates into the Universal level as we all move toward Christ Consciousness and into Enlightenment. When we reach Enlightenment we have no more questions. All the answers float in without effort.
‘And the Word became flesh, and He dwelt among us.’ 
What does it mean? God became incarnate and stayed on Earth to help you remember. He is in the physical now and has never left. You have never been alone here without helpers. You can find Him, see Him, talk to Him. He is here now. He has taken twenty-four lifetimes most of which you have heard something about and still He never left. It is hard to fathom, true nonetheless. It has to do with multidimensionality and being a master of Form and the Formless at the same time. Things are not always as they appear and we are tasked with opening our hearts and our minds to Higher realities. 
Both Christianity and Islam are logocentric meaning they are focus on the Word. In the Christian tradition the Word became flesh. 
Christianity uses icons of the Masters and Angels. Christianity expresses formless in form. Islam depicts  their renderings of the names of their holy figures in calligraphy. Islam expresses form in the formless. We are both form and formless.
We begin to understand our connection within and without. When this happens changes begin within and without. With every step on the Path new challenges present themselves. Every challenge is created by us for us. We create our own reality. As we ace our tests we are rewarded by new challenges. God is always aware of our hardships and sending us infinite amounts of Absolute Love. We may call on our Guides, too for clues on how to proceed. It is wise to find a mentor or Guru. Everyones first Guru is their Mother. Someone who has made it through the difficult Path of Enlightenment. They can help us ungrip from the programming which holds us back. They can show us the next place to focus as we continue mastering new understandings.
Our Galactic Family
Native Peoples, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians, Judaism, Goddess, Independent Spiritual Path, Sufis, Islam, Shintoism, Taoism and Zoroastrian all share within their ancient writings about the Earth, Her Portals, StarGates, Inner Sun, Extraterrestrial Civilizations living side-by-side with Humanity since Creation. When you develop the ability to read between the lines you can see it for yourself. When you study the ancient symbols and their esoteric meaning then you have Eyes Which See. Take the Goddess of Abundance for example. The Goddess Lakshmi is described as eighteen-armed, bearing a string of beads, battle axe, mace, arrow, thunderbolt, lotus, bow, water pot, cudgel, lance, sword, shield, conch, bell, wine cup, trident, noose and the discus sudarsana. Now what are the esoteric or hidden meanings of a conch, noose or mace? What does it mean to each One of us? These are ancient teachings hidden here. Knowledge is your birthright. Exercise your brain muscle by looking into Kabbalah, Astrology, Mazzaroth, Book of Enoch, Puranas, Upanishads, Masnavi, Pentateuch, Tao te Ching, Kojiki, Jataka, Pistis Sophia or any of the ancient texts. Investigate the ancient symbols and see the threads which connect ALL THAT IS to WHOLENESS. 
As you advance from the initial awakening then exploring the news for answers becomes a bore. Looking to hear bedtime stories feels like a waste of time. How many times can you read from various sources ‘the changes you have been hoping for are upon you now’. Most of these bedtime stories have something to sell you. The stories are designed to bring you back for more. They are harmless but not necessarily the best way to spend your time. Take half the time you spend now doing that and you would have a big chunk of time to go down to the soup kitchen, old folks home  or homeless shelter in your community to volunteer. Now take the other half of that time to exercise your mind with the true knowledge left behind by your Galactic Ancestors who came before and left the perennial knowledge which never changes. Become your own expert. Develop Know by Knowing. Then you will not be fooled. You will not be sitting around wondering Who To Believe? Believe Yourself! Educate Yourself! DO THE WORK! Your Guides stand by at the ready to help you. You are NEVER alone. Use your energy to partner with the Highest Forces of Light for good. Do Not Gossip. Do Not Deceive. Hate no one. Be Love. This is Sananda theough Elizabeth Trutwin, June 17, 2013. © All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.orghttp://GalacticRoundTable.net,http://StarGateEarth.orghttp://GalacticRoundTable.co 

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