Tara & Rama Report 11-11-14
Rama: Greetings.
Tara: Hello everybody. Greetings everyone and I just gotta give an A+, I mean Fran is doing research like the galactic librarian she is.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: And yes, and they have been giving vaccines that are sterilizing women and killing the women in India too. They’re using all kinds of things. They’re experimenting to see what they can come up with. The most incredible news is this portal that we are all aware of, this crystalline ascension gateway 11-11 today, and it’s a super high vibrational opening portal that assists us to evolve our consciousness, and as we all participate it’s like a floodgate. My point is that the higher vibrational energy inside the gateway portal to ascension of 11-11 allows the power of love to overcome the love of power.
Rama: Right.
Rama and Tara have been talking about the protection of the president lately.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: The most recent was that these folks that stole this election.Mr.Mitch McConnell actually brought on that Ping May ship that he has full access to of his father-in-law’s. He brought on that ship theEbola virus. And the Ebola virus was put into the vaccines. They’re using vaccines of every nature to try to reduce the human population. And I’m very aware of the nature of the beast. Okay, they’re saying, ‘out of sight out of mind.’ The last person who had Ebola got well and so then we can just forget about it. And of course we are all one.
And over there in Beijing on Sunday evening three ninjas hired by Minister-
Rama: Abe.
Tara: Shinzo Abe, President Shinzo Abe he ordered up a couple of his yakuzaninjas – three of them – and they tried to kill the King of Swords and the President. And the King of Swords used his phaserand they’re little puddles on the floor.
Rama: Right.
Tara: And that doesn’t necessarily mean that they won’t try again. The next night Larry, Curley and Mo were sleeping in the same room as the King of Swords and the President. And trying to take all of this with a little bit of humor really is helpful. It is helpful because this is just like they’re desperateto keep the power in their hands, as on the other side of that door is facing the music. And that music is that they did some things called 9/11.
And Rama had a little experience with Joe Biden last week.
Rama: Yes, I went with Tom the Cat and we went to Joe Biden’s office [out of body]. And Tom the Cat just asked me to go and do this. It was one of those quiet moments where we had a moment to just do that little journey, and we went to Joe Biden’s office. And he was sitting at his desk and he had his head in his hands, and it was like he was in the depths of despair almost. And we just you know, Tom the Cat just said, okay we’re going to do a little reiki on Uncle Joe. So Tom put his hands on his forehead and the back of his skull, and I put my hands on either side of his head. And we just held the energy for Joe. And then it was like about five minutes we did that.
Tara: And then he went to sleep.
Rama: He just laid his head on the desk and went to sleep. And you know, Tom said we better go know because the detection equipment picks our frequencies up. So we got out of there.
Tara: The thing is that what the King was saying though is that Joe Biden knows that he’s going to be held accountable for ordering up 9/11.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And with Bush Jr. coming up and making a fool of himself. He started off on Fox News on Sunday, and than today was on CNN and he just said, oh I did the right thing. I have nothing to ..
Tara&Rama: I don’t have any regrets.
Rama: And it’s like, what?
Tara: And so Thom Hartmann on his show said, he doesn’t need to be on T.V. He needs to be talking to the International Court of Justice judges right now.
Rama: War criminal.
Rama: Yes, and we talked to Thom. And I just said, you know, Thom that there are times when you have these right wing pundits on that are just so blatently rude and inconsiderate with the energies, I have to turn you off because it brings tears to my eyes. Because these people are just – it’s like they’re so caught in the matrix that they believe the Kool-Aid that they have drank. And Thom calls them out, but he basically just said that you know, I gotta do what I gotta do. And Mr. X also called him out on Israel and Thom was kind of defending Israel today. And Mr. X as well as myself just said you know Israel is guilty of war crimes at the highest levels.
Tara: As a whole country.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: They agree that the people of Palestine are less than human, and therefore they can be with impunity killed.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: No trial, nothing. Which was being done, and Rama did you check? I mean there’s been three or four Palestinians that have run over and killed people with cars and..
Rama: And they’re blaming it on Hamas. It is not Hamas.
Tara: Yeah, what it is is a hired group of people that are actually already going to be going somewhere anyway.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And it’s by Netanyahu’s hand and so they have this holy jihadist thing where if they can take out a few folks and make it look like it’s something else, because there is this animosity that has built up after this last little devastating war crime over there in Palestine. And so there are people getting killed, the violence is escalating, the sacredness of the Mosque. And the Al Aqsa Mosque is the key stargate..
Rama:..on the planet.
Tara: There is an insanity with thinking that you can have this less than virtuous way of thinking about taking over such a sacred portal and being able to wield its power. It’s just not possible.
Rama: And I talked with Thom about the disclosure hearings and that was one of the reasons that I called up. Because I wanted to ask him as he would talk about it and he basically just said, Rama if I go to the realm where you’re going I am going to have a little visit from the FCC, and I will be off the air and can’t pay my mortgage, and I won’t have a job. And you know, he was saying you can take that quantum leap step that I can’t, and he said I am inviting you and your beloved to come here to D.C. and talk with us as you can get here. And you can bring the King of Swords and Mr. X as you want.
Tara: And you can come and hangout on our boat and we’ll have a nice long talk.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And that would be nice. I don’t know if it’s on the list at the moment.
Rama: No, I don’t know.
Tara: No, but that’s a good sign that-
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: That’s something that they all want too. We all want it. I’m just going to say that Mike Gravel is a very important key here for the information to reach and penetrate. I mean he is the one that got on the floor of Congress for five days and filibustered and read many of the seven thousand pages of the Pentagon Papers before Congress – unbelievable. And remember whatVandana Shiva said when Malala was with King of Swords and Katherine on Saturday.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: And Vandana Shiva said, I’m getting together with Lady Master Nada at the United Nations. And we’re going to call forth, ah you know it’s long enough that there hasn’t been anything dealt with because we know that 9/11 was an inside job and it’s time to get it out before the General Assembly and the [Security] Council at the United Nations and take the bull by the horns and arrest our criminals. And Vandana Shiva’s got the power with Lady Master Nada to do these things.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: I think in this moment the work that Fran was suggesting that we all do has got to be done. That is our mission to tweet or whatever modality of social network.
Rama: If you don’t have twitter, get on the phone and very politely call up our Representatives and our Senators and say, have you watched the videos?
Tara: The DVDs.
Rama: The DVDs that Dr.Steven Bassett has sent to you, because this is so revolutionary to change the course of our planet’s story right now. And it gives the opportunity for Mr.19.5 degrees to get out there and just say, hey we’ve got some friends that have some solutions to what’s going on on this planet that we haven’t yet begun to dream of. But as we can invite them to this virtual round table across the planet we can heal this story instantaneously.It is that quick.
Tara: And there is a so called legalese, ah you might say, a flaw or something, a bit of a lazy statement in the Obama Care situation.
Rama: Yes.
Tara:..where the Republicans are saying that you can’t receive subsidies from the federal government in the States where the state has not accepted the Medicaid Plan.
Rama: Right.
Tara:..which would leave another five million people out of the ability to have health care, and let’s just keep on turning it around. And you know Bernie Sanders keeps coming up with this and saying. Okay first of all they..Lawrence O’Donnell did a really prima facie case with very highly educated lawyers on the show the other night, and they said that it is not true, because it goes without saying. You might say that it’s a given that as this comes from the federal, then it adopts it in the states no matter what the Governor decides not to do or not to accept. Because the Governor has free handouts you know, or you might say has access to the people’s money, which has already been paid, that he’s saying ‘no’ to in order to manipulate this. So again, we can put that in the circle. A single payer would be nice, Everybody. Let’s keep taking it higher.
The power of love has never been so like it is now, and through us we experience it and we share it more. And love heals everything the more that we can do this. It’s a good challenge and a good time that we’re in right now.
Rama: Good vibrations.
I Ching is awesome. The Great Exceeding, that’s such a powerful word. The Great Exceeding – it’s all in capital letters.
The Great Exceeding – Da Guo #28. Above is Dui, open responsive, and free. Below is the Sun, root, foundation and nourishing. And I’m going to read this part here.
”For safety’s sake, a brief retreat from the situation out in the public is indeed in order.”
Calling up your congressman and senators is not a problem. Out there on the streets I saw them boarding up all the businesses inFerguson. They’re expecting major riots because they know – they’re expecting him to get off, the police there.
Rama: Darren Wilson.
Tara: Darren Wilson. Which is a very sinister plan of the dark side.
Rama: It’s a crime of the highest order.
Tara: Yes it is, but put it in the circle of support. Their day is not – oh and that’s another thing the King of Swords said. He said that the Bushes and the Clintons are very much not long for this Earth..
Rama: Yeah.
Tara:..anymore. We’re at this place where Mother’s paws are on the ground and she’s made her decision. And they can try their hand on their second death or not in front of Mother. That’s the way that she put it.
“In retreat, our perspective is refreshed and changed. From a place of mindfulness and stillness we will be able to see the source of the internal chatter that is causing turmoil or imbalance. As we refuse to retreat, we could be in danger because things are out of our immediate control. The energy of the Great Exceeding is here. Therefore, it is now time to assess what is going on and leave the outcome—the correction or the collapse—to Great Spirit, the universal energies that aid us all in seeking balance in our inner world of love and wisdom. We are not, nor ever have been in control. Get over that concept, it is an ultimate danger and will destroy peace of mind, relationships and spirit. The situation is great, the opportunities are great, the danger is great. Stay awake: We will receive in Great and proper measure.”
Rama: Namaste.
Tara: Namaste and Inshallah and I pass the talking stick, and please help, Everybody. Thank you so much.
Transcription by Julie.
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