Natalie Glasson – Healing A Broken Heart By Archangel Michael – 15 November 2014

Nothing is too small or large, too important or unimportant to be engulfed in the loving heart of the Creator. When you connect into your own heart chakra you are connecting into the heart chakra of the Creator, you are drawing upon, channelling and experiencing the supreme love of the Creator; a love that is beyond any boundaries and limitations. The more you connect with your own heart chakra seeing, sensing and acknowledging it as a portal and limitless gateway to the Creator the more you will develop your capacity to love in all situations and experiences. Love is healing and truthful, when you enhance your capacity to love you allow yourself to become the consciousness and energy of the Creator in manifestation.
Certain situations and experiences are brought forth to you attracted by your soul to enhance your capacity to love. You could say that the gateway of your heart chakra is too small for the intense and supreme love of the Creator which needs to be expressed through you. It is also that in order to be and express the vibration of love upon the Earth certain illusions and old habits need to be broken, ended, erased and dissolved in order to allow love to bring through a new consciousness for your acceptance. A broken heart which describes the pain a heart chakra experiences can be activated from numerous circumstances such as small disappointments to great losses of all forms. While your actual physical experience and situation has reason, meaning and the ability to teach lessons, the main purpose is the growth, expansion and giving freedom to your ability to love. You have the ability to love beyond anything you could possibly imagine and yet sometimes you can become stuck in your capacity to share your self love with others and yourself. While humanity is beginning to grow spiritually without the process of pain being an activation many people are experiencing situations in their realities which cause the feeling of heart break, this is because the Era of Love is moving through you, clearing all unneeded energies and asking you to love and be love. The expansion of the heart chakra is the key to accepting and receiving the love of the Creator; if you practice expansion in your heart chakra then you may discover you experience less painful situations in your reality, your attachment to the painful situations cause your heart to feel like it is breaking. If you can have a continued focus of the ever growing expansion of your heart chakra you will always be releasing limitations to love with ease and effortlessly, thus in truth you will be experiencing more love in your reality. The Era of Love poises the question can love exist in every aspect of your being and reality, in all your relationships, creations and experiences and how much love can be experienced? The answer is ‘Yes,’ now is the time to feel, sense, acknowledge and experience it.
While everyone awaited the Era of Love its purpose is to challenge your capacity to be love and to express the limitless love of the Creator.
‘Today I easily and effortlessly expand my capacity to be love, give love and accept love.’ ‘I let my heart chakra expand easily and the love of the Creator to flow through me today.’ These are two affirmations which can assist you especially if said to yourself upon waking in the morning, setting the
intention for your day. When you discover a challenging moment in your reality you may also wish to remind yourself of one of these affirmations.
‘Today I easily and effortlessly expand my capacity to be love, give love and accept love.’ ‘I let my heart chakra expand easily and the love of the Creator to flow through me today.’ These are two affirmations which can assist you especially if said to yourself upon waking in the morning, setting the
intention for your day. When you discover a challenging moment in your reality you may also wish to remind yourself of one of these affirmations.
You may discover that as a light worker even in painful situations in your reality, your heart chakra never really closes. Even when pain is experienced, emotions activated you can still sense and acknowledge the love and openness of the heart
chakra. This is due to all of your spiritual practices and a greater ability to forgive and share compassion. If you find that your heart chakra does close in painful situations this is due to your fear for your safety and a disbelief in the process and love as well as not feeling secure or trusting in the Creator. If this is the case then there is a need to build your confidence in your everyday life of your continued protection, safety and security. This can be achieved by building a deeper connection with my energies, Archangel Michael. I am a reflection of your own energies of safety, protection and security. When you call upon my energies asking me to protect you, love you and create a space of safety I will always be there for you and yet I am simply you, a reflection of the power within your being.
chakra. This is due to all of your spiritual practices and a greater ability to forgive and share compassion. If you find that your heart chakra does close in painful situations this is due to your fear for your safety and a disbelief in the process and love as well as not feeling secure or trusting in the Creator. If this is the case then there is a need to build your confidence in your everyday life of your continued protection, safety and security. This can be achieved by building a deeper connection with my energies, Archangel Michael. I am a reflection of your own energies of safety, protection and security. When you call upon my energies asking me to protect you, love you and create a space of safety I will always be there for you and yet I am simply you, a reflection of the power within your being.
Any feelings of a broken heart, disappointment, loss, suffering, pain, rejection and so forth each have a purpose. No matter what the situation is the purpose is always the same. It is to bring you back to the centre of your love and to ask you to love yourself with greater expansion. It is to ask you to acknowledge the greatness of your love and how completely it can fulfil your being and reality. Every situation and experience upon the Earth has this one purpose, it may be disguised by explanations such as to make you stronger, to help you let go, to help you heal and yet the most truthful expansion is to focus you upon your own self love and your ability to explore and experience your self love in your daily reality. You can ask yourself questions such as, ‘In this situation how can I love myself more?’ How can I express my love to myself? ‘What does it feel like to be loved by me?’
Loneliness is the energy that you move to when you are unable to love yourself unconditionally, it is separation for the Creator and this is why it is so painful. Love is a unity with the Creator which all have the divine right to experience. Accept your divine right because it is only you who is stopping yourself from loving yourself unconditionally. Unconditional self love equals acceptance and experience of the Creator. The greatest tool whether you are experiencing sadness, pain or suffering, or not, is to focus on yourself being surrounded by deeply loving Angels and simply breath in and out with concentration on your heart chakra. Feel love following upon your breath, it is as if your heart becomes your lungs absorbing the breath and the love and exhaling. Such a simple exercise and yet so profound in its abilities to expand your heart chakra, draw more love from your soul and the Creator into your heart chakra and reality as well as easily shift unneeded energies, illusions and fears from your heart chakra.
Thus the health, continued wellbeing and development of your heart chakra are supported eternally through this simple experience. You will find that less challenging situations are experienced in your reality because of your greater core focus upon your heart chakra and capacity to love. Repeating an affirmation of your choosing with this process will enhance the experience. Affirmations such as,
Thus the health, continued wellbeing and development of your heart chakra are supported eternally through this simple experience. You will find that less challenging situations are experienced in your reality because of your greater core focus upon your heart chakra and capacity to love. Repeating an affirmation of your choosing with this process will enhance the experience. Affirmations such as,
‘I love myself,’
’ I accept my love,’
‘I am supported and loved,’
‘Love fills my being and world,’
‘I am love,’
‘I am always loving to myself,’
‘Love is my truth,’
‘I am healed by my love,’
‘Love sustains and fulfils me.’
There is so much simplicity in loving yourself unconditionally and so simple practices have great influence and yet it is
often difficult to accept simplicity because it doesn’t seem hard enough or as if it will not give a worthy reward. Love is
simplicity and so simple exercises reap abundant rewards.
Holding you in my loving heart eternally,
Archangel Michael
’ I accept my love,’
‘I am supported and loved,’
‘Love fills my being and world,’
‘I am love,’
‘I am always loving to myself,’
‘Love is my truth,’
‘I am healed by my love,’
‘Love sustains and fulfils me.’
There is so much simplicity in loving yourself unconditionally and so simple practices have great influence and yet it is
often difficult to accept simplicity because it doesn’t seem hard enough or as if it will not give a worthy reward. Love is
simplicity and so simple exercises reap abundant rewards.
Holding you in my loving heart eternally,
Archangel Michael
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