Meeting at the Golden Temple in Amritsar
Greetings! A clarion call went out today to all those working with the Earth Mission and Master Plan of Ascension. As Earth continues through this massive dimensional shift sequential events coordinate to move through the changes. The partial solar eclipse one month ago touched the Americas and this message covers the period until the full solar eclipse on the equinox March 20, 2015. The changes which will sweep across Earth in that period will be the greatest Earth has ever seen. These changes will be the greatest Humanity of Earth has ever seen in the history of Earth. Earth is already fully in the 5th Dimension and from this vantage point these changes are able to take hold. The greatest change will be Open Contact, landings, and Earth returning to the Intergalactic Federation of Worlds as the 33rd Member with all the benefits of Galactic Citizenry.
A meeting was called together from the Golden Temple in Amritsar. The Sikhs call this High Holy Place home. Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, and Hindus, among others, make pilgrimages to this place. Guru Nanak was one of the great galactics who provided the vision and leadership that this place would be built. Now it is utilized for special meetings when the human galactics gather for a purpose. Those on the StarShips join through Soltec’s communication network and monitors throughout their craft. Humans and Extraterrestrials forming one group with one Mission.
To begin the meeting Mother Sekhmet read a prayer that we all join in Oneness. This was the prayer. As you read this prayer and take it within it changes you forever. Use it daily as you feel inspired. It is shared here as a great gift from Divine Mother. It is an invocation to All That Is. The Supreme.
Help me open my heart
To experience Your love
Help me clear my mind
From all the doubt and confusion
Help me see how You see
Bring me to completeness and unity
Let me be one with Your Being
Let me feel You within me
To experience Your love
Help me clear my mind
From all the doubt and confusion
Help me see how You see
Bring me to completeness and unity
Let me be one with Your Being
Let me feel You within me
We are consumed by Your Fire
We are consumed by Your Love
We are consumed by Your Grace
We are consumed by Your Beauty
We are consumed by YourTruth
We are consumed by Your Mystery
We are consumed by Your Light
We are consumed by You
We are consumed by Your Love
We are consumed by Your Grace
We are consumed by Your Beauty
We are consumed by YourTruth
We are consumed by Your Mystery
We are consumed by Your Light
We are consumed by You
You are the Mother of the world
You hold us in Your Embrace
To You all things are beautiful
and we are all Your children
You lead us through
I am guided by You
Let me be one with Your Being
Let me feel you within me
You hold us in Your Embrace
To You all things are beautiful
and we are all Your children
You lead us through
I am guided by You
Let me be one with Your Being
Let me feel you within me
This was followed by a ceremony where Mother Sekhmet called to the sixty million men working under the orders of KOS in all walks of life in every job around the world, carefully positioned to be support to the Master Plan for Earth Ascension. These are human galactics with full adept abilities and they are all fully telepathic with each other. They have been waiting to be called by Mother Sekhmet to this meeting for more than a decade. They have been working the Plan with millions involved. Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange and Glenn Greenwald have played roles from military, intelligence and the media for the Plan. They are the Ones who are known for their work. Understand there are millions in similar roles working for Truth and Justice and each last one will be known in the end. The Anonymous hacking will take down the banks. The Hong Kong Blonds working for St Germain will take down the banks.
If you still have not moved your money from the large banks to the independent banks you may be noticing indiscriminate changes in your available resources and this will continue to be a larger problem until the very end when the banks who worked in collusion with dark factions in government not only in the U.S. but all over the world will be taken all the way down and dissolved. Move your money now. Revaluations are cancelled. That was a massive training ground for those newly awakening to have a lesson in discernment. Many thousands invested everything they had. Return the coin. Holding it longer will only implicate you further. Let it Go. There is enough money, enough love and enough of everything for every soul on Earth. Let it Go. Hand your life over to Service and let go of the idea that money is God. The fiat money circulating this Planet is completely worthless. Invest in Humanity now with a renewed strength with your undivided attention and full devotion. Do that before its too late. Return everything with love. Be love.
How will Earth move through this enormous operation coordinating tens of millions of adept Beings working from within the matrix to return Earth as the 33rd Member of the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds? This is a very precise operation. There is more negative and false disinformation on the internet about this than truth. Try not to argue too much with others. Ask yourself if you have direct knowledge and if you do not be patient and follow your heart. Be easy on yourself and realize since you are not yet complete with your ascension your discernment is not perfect. You will Know by Knowing. Do not try to convince others. Do not follow like sheep those who present information that there is some action you must take or some snake oil you must buy. Stay away from these ones and break your addicted pattern of being fed by false prophets. There is no device you need to excite your creative energy or repair your DNA. You do this by meditating every day to align your energy with the Supreme. You must do the Inner work. There are no short cuts to Ascension. Those misleading you will be taken up during arrests and taken for accountability for enslaving you inside a layer of the truth embargo with disinformation. They played their role perfectly. Save yourself and stop reading them now. Go inside. Meditate. Read the ancient texts. These are the Source of information to seek out. The rest are fooling you and holding you to a short leash of stuckness. They have you tethered with news that all you have been waiting for is coming true now. They have the same messages every week. Go inside your heart and connect with Divine Mother and receive your upliftment there. This connection will Serve you and raise your knowledge and in due course impart you with new gifts. Be true to Self. Not to something outside of you.
There were many joining today’s meetings from the Ships. Their work for the Plan is carried out off Planet. They are coordinating their efforts to complete the Plan. Mother Sekhmet gave her Blessings to these Ones to join forces with the purpose of supporting the Congressional Hearings Initiative underway until the end of December and on into the New Year when we will hold new Congressional Hearings and have a formal Disclosure. There is a social media campaign which is building and more will join. If you have not yet, consider this a rare and excellent opportunity to actually do something to effect change. As you sit on the sidelines doing nothing to help, feel that disharmony as it grows. Allow it to over power you until you feel you must do something to help. Have that thought nagging your little mind as guidance from your true Self. This Plan is much bigger than just one person. Decide now which side of history you will become. Act Now. Everyone is aware who is helping and who is not. Those helping, well their light shines a little brighter. We see it as we look at you. You cannot hide. There is a saying God helps those who help themselves. This is a tool, the Congressional Hearings Initiative, a tool to help yourself. As you utilize the tool you are empowered with supernatural help to solve problems in your life and move quickly toward your individual Ascension. As you leave the tool to waste you go to the back of the line for receiving help and life becomes one long frustrating survival test. Help is there but you feel as if you cannot tap into it. This is a real phenomena. Consider this carefully. Time is up.
For the past year there have been perceived delays in the Plan. That is how it appeared from the outside. The truth is Mother Sekhmet positioned people wanting to make mischief in their roles long ago. She knew at this crucial moment they would hold things up for all involved. Now many more souls have returned to love. They have woken up and decided to stay at Earth. These are the same ones who have trouble suspending disbelief. They have the longest road back to their true nature. They are the ones yelling at you to believe in misinformation. Let them be. They will design their own Path and it will not be easy for them. Have compassion. Do not argue with them. Be an Example instead.
Who are the players in the Plan? At the top are Mother and Father God. These two are known throughout the seven super Universes and beyond. They are known to those in the human species and also to countless other species created by Them and living within the created and uncreated realms. Next are the citizens and councils of those within the immediate area of the Orion arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Next are the Venusians and Pleiadians and their counterparts from Andromeda, Arcturus, Sirius, Vega, Lyra and other similar places where Soltec coordinates communications between the Galactic Federation and the InterGalactic Confederation of Worlds. There is the Secret Service and Peace Officers working at Mars and Earth and the Justice component working with them at Saturn. There are those Extraterrestrials working as counsel to those in governments on Earth. There are over one million walk ins positioned in roles where they can effect change.
Finally is Barack Obama with his official capacity announcing a formal Disclosure of the Extraterrestrial presence engaging the Human Race. The President is aware of and prepared to play his role. Often in the world of UFO researcher the question comes up : Has the President been briefed? The answer always is, no military/pentagon/intelligence official has briefed the President on what is going on between the government and the secret space program. These ones holding the truth embargo in place don’t want the President to know anything they are doing. That answer holds true in a sense. It is meant to confuse your senses to the real answer. President Obama has been briefed by the Highest Forces of Light on his role, the Plan, the actions he must take and the timing when he will step up to the podium on a televised broadcast before the world to say We Are Not Alone in this Universe.
All of these Ones were present at the meeting at the Golden Temple today. Most were in Ships hovering above or receiving the transmission through Soltec’s network. They participated in the prayers and invocations and synchronized the count down clock to Earth Ascension. They will be joining their resources to be certain no mischief gets in the way of completion of the Plan. The transmissions were then shared from the King on down and every participant received their final orders. Did you receive your transmission today? Do you have your instructions for your role? Go within and check and verify your part. Decide which side of history you want to come down on. Thank you for your Service in the Light. Godspeed on your Mission. Namaste! Meet me on the Rainbow Bridge for updates in your daily meditations. You are never alone. This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 23, 2014. © All Rights Reserved. meeting-at-the-golden-temple- in-amritsar/
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