Lucas – A System Crumbles – A Call For Change – 11 November 2014
Picture by John Allan Crumbling Road Bridge. A bridge on a now bypassed section of the Dunvegan-Sligachan road in a bad way. The road is still open to traffic. (23 February 2006)
Our illicit brother and sisters that seem to keep wanting power over all have been losing in faction wars against the ones that see the ending of the FED fiat banking system and the dollar as the world swap ending. Those others have been building a similar system to keep power as the FED is factually now in Chinese hands. The more countries shift to the other system (which is by the way just the same with an other name) the more the printing worthless money is going on. The other system will last as long as power and greed will not make it a similar 2nd FED alike failure. The signs are clear: countries do business directly and more in other currencies than the dollar without any value. Commodities, and real estate, infrastructure is bought up in bulk by those now having the financial power or cashing in on the falling apart of the FED dollar system.
We see created wars, new terrorist created and sickness and virus spread from fabricated human engineered kind to keep us from seeing the real cause of the failure. All is done to stop the fall of the old empire of the dollar and the USA and its partners in crime. The buying up of gold, silver and other precious metals is still in full swing. It does not feed the world though nor give it shelter, water and other basics due to created lack. We need to end the on FED system swap for an other in new hands. We need the full potential of humanity being used. That means a stop to all parties and groups running the world or having the ambition with economic systems of exchange or military force. The enf of accumulating debt and debt slavery is needed now. We should by now as humanity have grown out of that old paradigm that does not work and leaves only a few people thinking to do “things or for “their own glory and power” or out “of the best so-called interest for..” We can live upon this world without lack or debt and we can exchange without having money, or other economic systems in place if we really want to make it happen. In smaller local and regional communities humans have already shown this can be done.
Dear power that were, You need to rethink things and create a new balance were all can be flourishing and have enough. We need to get out of systems, monopolies, oligarchies, political left/right/center hollow frases. We need to get working together as individuals in one world without borders and without any kind of governing body than individuals deciding and creating together in unison a new paradigm. Shifting powers back is difficult if you have had it that long and have a rush of adrenaline pumping on that note. It is difficult to shut down the old and get into really talking to your fellow humans and making a real difference. It is not done to create shadow worlds, manipulate media, manipulate minds and use behavioural psychology and other methods to keep people in check. What a waste of creation’s energy this is. Working together as individuals free and thriving will be the greatest boost to humanity and the renewal of all that can be will be.
Change does not come with lies, deceit, hidden agendas, and plays. Change is not about setting aside all that humans know for a corporate world agenda that will dictate the way. We are here upon this world to make the shift happen that is sourced from our deepest spiritual and earthly connections in balance. Make an effort to come out of the imbalance as it is time to move towards the consensus and center point were all is. We are capable of that and that includes you all. You might be still seen as the opposites and duality forces but you have also the power to be the uniting. We need all aboard to make the ship sailing swiftly. No captains and hierarchy aboard as we all are equal. Let us make this shift work for all of us. Not just for a few. There is already lots of progress made. Free energy technology should be freed from the shackles it has been given. Healthcare should be given back the cures that already have been known without pharmacy drugs and vaccines to really cure disease. We need to have all access to that what has been kept from us. All information. We need no retribution but cooperation and accountability.
I know and not belief that we all can do this together as individual creators.
Give it a thought and get working on it. We are the only ones that can make it happen. No more words but actions.
Much love and light,
(c) 2014 – Copyright of Lucas, all writings of Lucas maybe published, re-blogged and posted only in full without altering anything with the link mentioned in the article with name of the author Lucas.
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