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jueves, 26 de julio de 2012

Messages from Christ Michael The Creator Son

Christ Michael ATON's Plan for our Local Universe of Nebadon 
This is Christ Michael. This name serves as a familiar label most people see me inhabiting. My role as Aton/Sovereign is much broader and more controlling. Hatonn is a Commander of the Phoenix and as such was my disguise for many years. ATON was Hatonn, although Hatonn was not all of Aton. My title is Michael as Creator Son of the Universe of Nebadon, and I am called Christed because I have the Light of the Father Creator speaking through me.
I am the designer of this Universe. I created my Planet first and then worked with the First Race to envision my Universe and manifest my vision. My decisions determined what life is like in Nebadon. My interests have informed the choice of physical embodiment you have taken on. The search for and exploration of Duality - a reversible energy direction - characterized my concepts and focus. I was interested in seeing how I could become apparently detached from my Creation, yet still be attached as Maker. This connection and detachment took on various guises of Light and Dark energy, active and passive receptivity, attraction and repulsion, positive and negative directions and energy flow. This became manifest in people and objects characterizing the physical embodiment of my conceptions within my Universe. My interest is played out on a grander scale than you can imagine.
Your role on Earth-Shan [Urantia] was to take this preoccupation with separation to an extreme. I could predict various scenarios you would pursue, but I wanted to see how you would operate without my direct connection guiding you. I asked for and received volunteers from all over the Universe to come to Earth and experience this lowest level of separation. I maintained a core of connection with all of you, but you gradually lost any memory of this. This was influenced by off-world intruders who forced the parameters to change. That influence was a possibility I had envisioned, but until it was set in motion, I could not evaluate the experiential evidence it would provide.
Their Free Will affected your Free Will and the choices had to change. Since you had given up any direct memory of me and our connection, you were at the mercy of those who chose to manipulate you. This provided a new perspective that couldn't be appreciated without it happening. You were strong enough to withstand that possibility, or you wouldn't have come here in the first place. But you were mismatched and defending yourself blindly. To help you I sent legions of Guides and directional Assistants. I could do no more since I had created the possibility of Free Choice for those participating in the experiment.
But there is a limit to how much information can be obtained from this 3rd Dimensional experiment. Your context changes, but your reactions do not. It is time to change the parameters for the context. This I have done by allowing Mother Earth to begin the change she has requested. She is beginning to clean her physical self and generate a stronger aura. As Man began to experience the new energies that were arriving for Mother Earth, he began waking up to his true role and his place in the scheme of what I had planned for the Universe of Nebadon.

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