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miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

The One Who Serves – Questions and Answers

“One Who Serves”
Yes, we are the “One Who Serves” here. We are here to answer any questions that you might have. No particular message at this moment. Any questions here?
I had a vision of a round table and the “Twelve”. I asked, “Who will be King Arthur”? Then I knew it was Sananda. It felt like the King Arthur story and I want to know if there is a relationship to that?
It is a representation of those you are working with and yes, Sananda, would be the one considered to be at the front of the table but that is difficult because it is a round table. So, in that respect, your sense of it being a round table makes a lot of sense, does it not? For where do you think the idea of King Arthur and the Round Table came from? This idea of the Twelve at the Table is an ancient idea, an ancient understanding. This is not the first time this is occurring. So, understand that as you sit at the Table, you are a continuing expression of those who work with you and through you until they are able to sit there with you at the Table in a physical form as you see it now. You see?
Does this answer your question? It will manifest in a physical level, not so much the 3 dimensional understanding but still physical form as you will know it at that time.
I was reading a channeling from Archangel Metatron, that mentioned the Earth will enter the Photonic Belt. Is this true?
It is already doing so, already affecting you in a great way here. Yes, it is a part of this, certainly. It is entering an entirely new area of the galaxy in your understanding of things. What has been considered the energy part of the galaxy as opposed to the rest part of the galaxy that you have come out of now. In other words, it is time to get moving!
During the meditation I saw people throwing their guns down and hugging other people. Will the Tsunami of Love make people throw down their guns and just want to love people?
It is very difficult for those at a 3 dimensional understanding to grasp what I am about to say here but when that Tsunami of Love, that “Event”, occurs and these energies are flowing to each, the tendency will be to throw down their weapons, to throw down all the fear, all the hatred and in many respects they will not understand why they are doing it. But it will be something they are compelled to do. Will all do this? No. But the power behind this will be so complete and so in control that it will be very difficult to hold onto the darkness and not stand in the light.
You see? For how can someone be within a room of darkness and a light begins to form in that room and the light begins to illuminate all the darkness and as the light continues to spread and spread and spread, how can one remain in the darkness within that light?
How can we raise our vibrations?
Just as you have had in early discussions when the topic was discussed about raising your vibration and now to do so, you have heard in terms of your thinking processes, have you not heard to be more and more in control of your thoughts? Be aware of your thoughts and change or shift your thoughts as much as you possibly can into higher level thoughts and along with this, the higher level thoughts, your feelings too. As your thoughts increase, so too your feelings will increase and be a part of this.
Another that has been given by the Divine Mother and many different sources is to be out in nature. And to not only be in nature but “Be” nature, be one with nature! There is one thing to walking outside and seeing things as everyone else on the street corner would see them from the walking outside and seeing them for what they really are in the higher vibrations. There is a big difference! And as you begin to do this more and more and practice this, it will become more of a regular practice for you and as your saying goes, “Practice makes perfect”. As you continue to work with it you will continue to thin the veil for yourself and as you continue to thin the veil your Third Eye center will open more and more and that will continue to thin the veil more and on and on and on. It works together hand in hand here. Does that answer your question?
I have a friend I want to know if she will get a job she wants to move into. Can you give any insight here?
I think you know what our answer is going to be here, for we are not going to take out our crystal ball to say, “Yes, this one will get the job.”  Or, “No, this one will not get this job.” That is not our job to do this. But you can take out the crystal ball and do this for her and we are speaking quite directly here because you have the knowledge deep within you to do this for her. There are others in the room that also have this ability but may not be aware of it. You can use a crystal ball but it does not have to be so much of a crystal ball but something that represents that. You can do this with the cards, the various cards; there are many different ways of looking at the Akashic Records. There are many different ways of seeing into the understanding which is the past, present and future in all of One. You see?
I have been staring at the candle and it works like a crystal ball and that was cool.
Yes, there are many tools that can be used in this fashion. There within the light. Be one with the light. Shirley McLane did this. “I am one with the Light.” You see?
You brought up the conversation earlier that you came to a major understanding of the dark and the light, this was wonderful! And it is commended that you allowed it to come forward and shared it with the group as well! This is a major happening for what is it that those you look at now that are considered enemies, not necessarily in this group but those who are listening or reading these words, as they look at this and they think in terms of the Cabal and those of the “Dark Forces” you look at them now but someday soon you will look at them as friends, as brothers and sisters. And be one with them and they will turn around and look at you the same way because we are ALL from the same Source.
So at one time we were all one and we are still one in this moment now, but many have forgotten this Oneness! You see? We commend you for bringing this out to all.
Nothing further?
We will release channel. You, as a group here, you have much ahead of you in many respects as a continuing group, as a continuing Force of Light to spread throughout the planet. And don’t think that you are just one individual and what can you do? Because even just one individual focused and especially when many individuals are focused the same way, you can create a great deal of light and energy and love and spread this. It is just as has been given, that your movie of the “X-Men”, when the professor is sitting in the chair and is communicating through his mind and communicating with all of those who are, in that respect are considered mutants with him, he sees the Light popping up everywhere around the planet. This is what we are seeing. As the lights continue to pop up, you are the new mutants, we might say. And we love you and we jump for joy when a new light pops up, a new one begins to fan the flame.
For they are all embers at first and then the ember becomes the flame and as the flame continues to be fanned, it begins to grow and grow and grow until it expands outside of the individual and now the individual is within the flame. And we are speaking of the Violet Flame. That is what you are after as world, as a race.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.
Channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco and James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated

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