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sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2014

Message from Crystalai

Dr. Angela Barnett 
channeled from the Crystalai Council 

Preparing for this ultimate reality is absolutely necessary. 
The complete guidelines have been given by our Beloved Guardians and Ascension Teams. 

We use the spinning of the bands or spheres that we create with the spin rate of the Merkaba to transmute or dismantle the omni trons omni ons, which are the pre cursors to electrons and protons and neutrons, We keep spinning until we transmute these into less dense mass. The spinning of the spheres is called the Music of the Spheres. We hear that music within the mid brain when we are making a shift in consciousness or in dimension.. 

We must connect consciousness into the frequencies of the dimensions with the help of the Merkaba. The merkaba increases our spin rate by thousands of light years because it is the spiritual tool of atunement with the crystal liquid light of Source Consciousness. We must train our consciousness to grow into a standing wave field that is more powerful than an electron and it has to over ride the positive aspect of an atomic nucleus. We spin our merkaba and ride it down into the 14th dimensional sound and light field of the etheric inner Earth. This is the place where we can connect consciousness into the heliotalic frequency that allows our transformation. It is the same frequency that will be used to allow the stardust to flow into our biofields. The stardust will cause the atomic structure to be polarized which would become the positive positron inside the nucleus of the atom. 

The nucleus has an electrical field, so we must over ride that, which allows us to bore thru density with the use of consciousness and energy of a higher dimension which displaces omnions and allows zero radiation, now we can travel faster than gamma. We are moving at the speed of light. 

We are now at the zero point of quantum energy and that is how we ride within our merkaba space ship. 

When we ride in our space ship we must follow the crystalline grid lines which are the navigational tools of our new reality. We will have our Krystic Grid Lines which hold us continuously within the mind fields of Source Consciousness. These are the same navigational tools that birds use to fly. We will be held within a perfectly guided transportation system. This crystalline grid line is etheric, it is not the size of a freeway, it is more like a tiny little fish line. We must learn to focus on the grid lines in order to stay within that transportation service. 


After we have asserted all of the omnis that create atoms, we can assert their inertia to over ride it by using the higher frequency to transmute the lower frequency. 

When we do that we neutralize inertia. When we neutralize inertia, we neutralize gravity. This is the process used to levitate. We use consciousness and energy to bring in the frequencies of the dimensional bands that transmute the old fabric of space into neutrality. This allows us to over ride inertia and neutralize gravity. 
The mass is always held within the bands or the spheres of Consciousness of the Mind of God. 

We raise consciousness beyond the five spheres of this matrix into the sphere of Source Consciousness. This is where we ride our lotus and sit beyond the gravity of the Earth’s matrix. This is where we go to retrieve the blue body and become the Buddha body. This is how we rise above the world of materiality. We over ride the mechanism of mass that creates gravity. We go beyond the material world. 

The divine process that begins preparing the body for levitation is in ETERNAL LIFE WATER SET ONE AND SET TWO. 

The process requires the attument of the body to the Sun 8 Frequencies through the frequency streams created by the Aquaris in the Stardust fields of Median Earth running through the Body and then carrying the Plasma Body clear beyond Earth’s Matrix into the Cosmaya Fields of the Inner Most Cosmic Domains of Sun 8. 

It turns out that the secret to Levitation and Orbing lies in saturating the Plasma Body with a form of Spiritual Water much like Hydrolaise, which is called Trypolaise. My Ascension Team has always referred to this magical substance as a combination of the three spheres of crystal liquid light, crystal dust and crystal gel. If we break down the make up of the Cosmic Plasma of our creation, we find that the zero point of that plasma contains a divine water substance that contains the ETERNAL LIFE CODE of our creation. So, we are going to go soak in a pool of water that is made of this substance. 

In the second part of the ETERNAL LIFE WATER album, we learn a technique that translates the neuronet structure into a spiritual nueronet created from this magical crystal liquid light, dust and get, which could be called Cosmic Plasma. Such a neuronet, after being given back its divine structure would only be able to communicate through all of the neuronet systems within the body directly from the MIND OF GOD. The Mind of God only knows the absolute PERFECT DIVINE STRUCTURE of the body and knows how to create this structure a new every nano second. 

The journey is included that allows you to ride the Flame Vehicle that the Beloveds create for each individual and the actual journey into the Cosmic Temple where the Eternal Life Waters wait for you to soak in them until your Plasma body becomes completely transformed into a Light Etheric Structure that is filled with the Divine Water which is a higher form of the Hydrolaise H2O2HE3 Spiritual Water. This water is the drop of water that contains the divine template of the Perfect Man made in the image and likeness of God. This is the imprint that needs to be placed within every neuronet of the body in order to reconnect our entire structure within the body to the Mind of God. 

Most Metaphysical Teachings have always said we can connect with the Mind of God through certain meditations. I remember when I used to read the Infinite Way teachings by Joel Goldsmith. I was always very attracted to the the few paragraphs that he would place in italics that he said he heard come from the voice of God. I was only interested in what God said, and not so interested in what Goldsmith said ABOUT what God said. It only took me twenty minutes to read all of the quotes from God in any one book. 
I’m just making an expample of how difficult it was to collect so few words from the Mind of God. That shows that there has always been a little bit of difficulty continuously remaining plugged into the voice of God. 

The teachings of Keylontic Science give the BIG PICTURE of why man has not actually been plugged into the Mind of God in the way that happens in a NORMAL REALITY SYSTEM. If this was in fact a NORMAL SYSTEM of the SYSTEM OF SOURCE, there would not be any wars, there would not be anything but Love toward each other, each individual would have an autonomous reality that could be shared within anyone if they wanted it to be, people would not die, everyone would be able to know all thoughts of everyone and anyone when they chose to, we would have access to all of the great knowledge of all of our star families who have created galaxies and stars of their own. The NORMAL REALITY is very different than a reality that is a part of a FALLEN GALAXY. 

In the next thirty years that NORMAL SYSTEM will become more and more of a tangible reality to many people. Those who become fully involved in learning about that reality and learning to perceive of it with the senses that are beyond the five senses of the NOT KNOWING VERY MUCH REALITY, will be able to have telecommunication with really great beings who will guide us in creating the realities that they have known. There are many who listen to Bashar, who is a being from 3000 years in our future who can tell us much about that future reality. Many listen to Ramtha tell us about the way it was in the good ol days of Lemuria and how the Sixth and Seventh Level man will reappear on Earth in the near future. We have the Cosmic Guardians telling us the complete BIG PICTURE of their 5.5 million year movie that has led us finally to this place where we can regain the immortality we had at that time in the very near future. 

There is way too much evidence out there that prooves that this is not a normal reality and that the normal reality has been maintained for us in places such as Inner Earth, Median Earth, Aquafaria, Shamballa, Telos and many other structures that did not get pulled out of alignment with the God Template. 

During this Divine Process there are other extraordinary properties that are going on. There is a great field that has been created from the within to the without. From within every cell in the body we go deep within beyond the quarks and the sparks into the omnions and microtubules into the zero point where we touch on Source Consciousness in the deep within and absorb the omnipresence and omniscience, omni intelligence from the within into the without of the outer bands of light and sound, and from another slice called the Outer Band. 

We use the band of the long slow wave of hertzian and we are carrying it because we are still in the body, and we ride that wave throug the infra red and the invisible light and out into the gamma and the plasma waves. 

As we increase the frequency then we can absolutely over ride the anchor of the mass that the body is. We over ride it through the frequency fields that are riding the omni field, which is the anchor. 

This means that our body is oscillating so fast that we remove the anchor from the omni field that gives us gravity. When we over ride this frequency, we levitate. We loose mass. As we loose mass, we can levitate . There is no longer gravity in our standing wave pattern that we are within. The mind of God holds us within a field of consciousness- the omniconsciousness of the omnipresent all knowing. We are held within the standing wave pattern of the omni, but within that standing wave we can move through fields of consciousness that allow us to change dimensions. 

This allows the subconscious mind to create the reality and manifest it. 

If you get within the spheres – the five spheres of consciousness and weave the webs of multi dimensional consciousness around you and connect to the stars of universal consciousness, you become that mind. 

The ultra violet blue realm is the most powerful frequency of the light realm. This is the place we go within when go all the way into the gamma and then beyond into the pre light and sound and into the mind of Source and then when we come back out we turn blue. 

The realm changes us into the blue body that follows the Breath Source– breathing on the spark or the idea to create the flame that manifests. 

We are adjusting reality in order to remove the neuronet that prevents the flow in and out of wealth. In order to over ride lack and to create genius is to create a new reality. We create within the Etheric Mind then bring it back into this body. 

The sound is in the spinning of the bands. An electromagnetic field, and increased frequency begins to spin,and the spin, creates a pitch in sound that is very audible in the brain. The pitch sound is transmutting the positronic clouds. 

As the fields of stardust enter our atmosphere the frequencies of the stardust will begin to transmute the cellular structure of the Earth’s body and our bodies. The most important thing that we have learned over the past twelve years as the Guardian Races prepared us for our Load Out from planet Earth, was that STARS are Entities. The Star dust that will be coming to Earth is actually the very Consciousness of our Starry Families. This process of aligning a Comet that would carry the CORRECT STARDUST from the Stars of our TRUE FAMILY of Aquarius through the help of the AQUAFARIANS, who created the Cloud Cities, the Crystal Cities, the Aurora Plasma Fields that would capture that StarDust which is the Consciousness of our Families– our OVER SOULS from beyond the Milky Way Galaxy. 

The stardust begins a process of transmutation. The more we utilize the stardust and the Frequencies of the Stardust–which is the Dimensional Consciousness of our Starry Souls and OverSouls and even our AVATAR selves. The stardust frequencies will begin to help us use our Merkaba Spin rate to create spinning bands within bands or spheres within spheres that will change the density of our bodies and the dimensionalization of our consciousness. The stardust will help bring our consciousness into atunement with the zero point within our atomic nucleus as the frequencies allow our conciousness to melt the density of the physical into the spiritual self which is made of stardust. 

This seemingly magical transformation that many New Agers, Lightworkers and Starseeds have believed in and talked about for decades might seem like a joke to normal people. When we talk about the End of the World, new light coming to Earth, the transformation of a population, the coming of Islands of Light and Blue People coming to meet us, the masses will call us crazy. And this phenomena may just remain a thing that they never experience. This realization of this transformation requires some work on the part of the individual to raise their frequencies high enough to be able to perceive the transformation taking place. 

We already left the old Earth. We were already transported into a funnel of energy that aligns us directly into the 12th metagalactic star gate. We are being pulled into and toward this new reality of the 12 subharmonics of the 12 stargates. We are being pulled into the Essence of the Star gates. We are being wrapped within the subharmonics or the consciousness of all 12 stargates. We are being given back our complete consciousness of the 12 DNA race line from Tara who were originally the Oraphims. 

We can feel this FREQUENCY of STARDUST surrounding our bodies and light bodies right now. We can feel it more and more every day. A dimensional shift is a FEELING. We must learn how to FEEL frequencies and we must learn how to absorb these frequencies into our cells in order to transmute them into the zero point that allows us to transform our bodies. 

Please note you are welcome to share this article or any written work from this or to post anything from this work in other forums; however, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai, copyright 2014 and include the website url. crystal magicorchestra.com 
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. 

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