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miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Beautiful Message from Saint Germain

Compte de Saint Germain's Blog

Posted: 03 Sep 2014 12:07 AM PDT
Via Aruna, 9-3-2014

My Dear Ones.

In the next days many changes are going to occur. Some will be even more dramatic than what has come before them. Please prepare to ascend. Are you ready?

Here is some guidance to help you:

1. Observe your mental activity.
·      Can you be fully present and aware most of the time?
·      Are you clear of unconscious negative attitudes?
·      Are you able to hear messages from within?
·      Can you ignore your mind’s concerns about daily life?

If the answer to any of these questions is “no,” are you willing to spend one hour each day without thinking?  Call it being quiet, or being meditative, or no thinking time. During this time be totally attentive to what is happening now.

2. Ask yourself this question: Are my concerns about daily life making it any better?
When these dramas begin you will see that what concerns you now is not going to change your future. What can change your future is to not be concerned about anything happening outside yourself, or what will happen in the future.  Instead, make your inner world a most caring, delightful, loving mode of deliverance. Direct your attention to your heart, and let worldly things be much less important. Cancel your concerns with love. Love everyone you come in contact with. Love is all you need. Nothing will defeat you when you are thinking loving, appreciative thoughts.

3. In your day-to-day experience, think about nothing but what you can do today to share your love.

Everything will work itself out. You need not complicate it with your concerns. As each challenge appears, do your best to maintain a not-concerned condition. Act spontaneously from your heart to help with what you can, but stay in your heart so you can receive inner guidance. YOU ARE BEING TAKEN CARE OF.

No disaster will close off any location from ascension. When the love in your heart overrides your mind, ascension can occur. Flee nothing. Change only those clouds that appear in your head.  Truth is only available when the clear voice of your divine source can find its way through those clouds. This voice will guide you through everything about to occur.

Prepare to ascend. 

Ascended Master Saint Germain 

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