“My Beloved Angels, Why do You not Choose to Nurture Yourself?” Asks Mother Mary

Channeled by Linda Dillon, Counciloflove.com, August 17, 2014
A poignant question on our Saturday conference call. The Mother’s suggestion is “…you must tend to yourself so you can tend to each other. That is the paradigm, that is the essence of Love. I beg you to do this…”
Greetings, I am Mary, I am ‘Mare’ [the Ocean], Universal Mother, Mother of Love and Mother of nurturing, Mother of change and Mother of constancy, Mother of all, Mother of One.
Welcome, my beloved daughters and sons, and, yes, my beloved sons, do not think that this issue of nurturing does not apply to thee, if anything it applies to even more for you carry the Divine Masculine. And so often in the world that you inhabit, in the society that you inhabit, you are made to think and you have bought into the paradigm that you are supposed to be strong and self-sufficient and independent.
All of that is of the truth, but that does not negate the need for nurturing. The universal theme for each and every one of you, male, female, ancient, adult, child, and everyone in-between is sacred union and partnership and that means nurturing.
And how do you nurture? How do you enter into the nurturing of partnership…male to female, female to female, sister to sister, brother to brother, mother to child, child to adult if you cannot nurture yourself? How do you heal the wounded warrior, the innocent child, the wounded woman if you cannot nurture your sacred self?
I wish to nurture you; I always have and I always will. And I do so daily and I do so as the Tsunami of Love once again increases in frequency, vibration, and strength. And dear heart, what does this mean?
What it means, my beloved ones, is that the energy gains strength. And what does this mean? Issues of the ancient variety, yes, wash away and the grace anchors more deeply within. But it also means the care and nurturing of your divine self, your human self, your emotional self, your mental self, your sweetest personality, is absolutely critical.
Your core issue is front and center and many of you are depressed, frightened, a little shaky, uneasy, and you are also uneasy because you are dealing and helping to clear global issues because you have already declared yourself as global citizens. You are not citizens of Africa, of Somalia, of Egypt, of Israel, of Canada, of the United States, of the Netherlands or France; you are global citizens, you are in fact intergalactic citizens.
But you must tend to yourself so you can tend to each other. That is the paradigm, that is the essence of Love. I beg you to do this and I guide you to do this, not merely in the spiritual realm, which is absolutely necessary as well, but in the physical and mental and emotional realms, the inter-dimensional realms. Where are you most comfortable?
Please come and sit with me in the 7th, the 8th, the 9th, the 10th, come and sit with me in my arms. But do, not only what you can, but what will give you joy, giggles, pleasure, and what you can share.
So yes, it is what the channel Linda, my beloved daughter, has said. It is from the most simple so I do not wish to hear from you that you can’t afford it. It is from placing a slice of cucumber upon your eyes to soothe your weary eyes so that you put circles of cucumbers and you feel the freshness of the green, the Love on your eyes, that you put a mask on your face, that you put a beautiful cream on your hands, that you put a bright pink or a bright blue on your fingernails, that you rub a delicious cream on your feet, that you rub each other’s hands, that you coddle yourself, that you buy a 99 cent packet of bubble baths, that you luxuriate, that you buy a single flower and you stare at it and you play your favorite piece of music, that you find an old channeling that lights up your heart, that you read an old Love letter, that you look at a picture and remember how happy you were, that you talk on the phone or Skype with an old friend, that you make a list of ten things that make you happy, that you make another list of three things that will make you happy and then you do them. The list of how to nurture yourself is endless and the choice is truly the issue.
This is the crux of what I wish to speak to you of this day. My beloved angels, why, why do you not choose to nurture yourself? Because you do not think and feel that you are worthy, that you do not think and feel that you are worthy of half an hour, of 20 minutes. Nothing could be further than the truth.
Give this gift to your sweet self, give this gift to yourself in my name.
So long ago, often I was surrounded and, yes, at moments completely bogged down by responsibility, responsibility that I welcomed and enjoyed, seven children, an extended family, a community that I cherished.
But dear hearts, there were moments when I was exhausted. I would make myself a cup of tea. There was a spot at the edge of the village at the end of the day where the light was golden and the silence of the day was perfect, where I would retreat to and simply sit and sip my fragrant tea and do nothing and simply receive the blessing of the light; not counting my blessings, not praying, not asking, simply being and nurturing myself knowing that I was Love and that I was loved.
This is what I ask of thee. This is what is required as you transmute the entire planet and prepare for Nova Earth, as you transmute your key motivator and accept the wonder of who you are.
I Love you, dear hearts. My nurturing is a given. I request you to follow my example and cherish your sweet self. And then climb back up on the wave and lead the way. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon 08-16-14
© 2014 Council of Love
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