Tara&Rama Report 8-26-14
Artist’s drawing of a starship – not a photo
Tara&Rama: Greetings…
Tara: Hello.Oh my God, I am just like, it’s mind boggling, Everybody, the step-up in the energies and what’s being said!
Rama: Yes the solar flares, along with all the other energies going on, are increasing the frequencies. Everybody’s hair is standing on end, or fur for that matter. I’ll just say we are I mean there are stories every single day out now about crafts showing up everywhere.
Tara: Yeah, do you want to tell them about the ones that you were…
Rama: The one story I get most on my twitter feed was Illinois witnesses agiant ship. It looks like the star wars ship. And this craft look like a giant cargo craft. He saw the underside of this. I can post it in on our website and send it to you Fran. The underside of this craft is so huge it looks like one of the imperial fleet cargo craft. I don’t know what to make of it, but it was completely silent, and…
Tara: And then there’s another huge craft and it’s fully active. It’s based at the bottom of the sea.
Rama: The Baltic Sea.
Tara: The Baltic Sea right below Crimea. And President Putin has been scuba diving- going down there and observing it, and filming it.
Rama: And all these…
Tara: [laughs] Imagine President Obama doing that for one second, Everybody. I’m just saying, there something really afoot here. You know the Russian people have football fields upon footballs fields of downed craft, E.T. Zeta Reticuli craft. And the entire country for at least the last decade already- the whole country knows there’s starships. We are very behind. Okay, so go ahead Rama.
Rama: This craft at the bottom of the Baltic Sea is fully operational.
Tara: Right.
Rama: And many have seen folks moving around inside it. Then there’s another story- there’s a guy from the rock group Blink-182. Tom Delonge, he saw several crafts over San Diego in the last couple of days.
Tara: Oh my.
Rama: And MUFON talked about this.
Tara: Yeah, there’s some photographs here of one, two, three, four, five, six. There’s six of them- not very small either.
Rama: No, this is why I’ve got to say, yeah know, we are so close to, yeah know, it goes far beyond the skirmishes going on with the Earth folks who are using these ancient war technologies and we are being keenly observed. And I would say we best be on our good behaviour!
Tara: They’re starting to release some of those fifty thousand technologies that we’re supposed to be waiting for, for NESARA to be announced. And they’re just creeping into our consciousness.
Tara: And then last night it was the Emmy Awards, and Billy Crystal gave apresentation around Robin Williams and everybodywas crying, in both ways.
Rama: Yeah. It was very awesome.
Tara: There’s no way to transmit the energy. Just know that it’s there. Maybe look for it on the internet. We’re going to play it on our show when it comes up here. But on top of that, this beautiful lady- her name is Méline Portia Lafont – she also had a rather long message from Robin Williams, and it is stellar as well. So the work goes on. Robin Williams hasn’t gone anywhere really.
Rama: No, he just kind of just changed the coat and just said, [I’m] back in business.
Tara: And the other thing is that we were told there’s a lot more to this than that. The Faction 1 Black Ops had a great deal to do with that whole scene.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And we’ll deal with that when it comes.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: Basically the message from that is that we need to police the police, and that yeah know this has to completely investigated and changed, completely, and totally. Because it’s no different than, yeah know, the four and a half hours where they left Michael Browne’s body in the street. That was a message. The vast majority of the white police men on the Ferguson police force are members of the Ku Klux Klan.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: And in the past when they were hung yeah know, on trees and they were left there. They were left there for days as a message to anybody else who wants to try to be uppity with with Ku Klux Klan behaviour isms. So this is all a ritual, and it’s a ritual that wants to be, yeah know, anchored in greater and greater fear. When they’re playing their cards like this, the whole world is watching. The whole world is commenting and saying, America has a really large race problem. And so that’s another issue.
Tara: Then today Steve Cohen’s, Katrina vanden Heuvel’sbeloved husband and a major historian on Russia and Russian history. Along with- I mean Katrina vanden Heuval also has those credentials. Yet he came as a guest again for a whole hour onTom Hartmann’s show today. After that – I mean he said a lot of things. For instance the Malaysian flight 17 had these bullet holes that were really too large for that Buk, they call it a Buk, that ground to air missile that they said, a Russian ground to air missile that took the plane from the ground out, and that was proven. And he mentioned that that was proven as a total fallacy, and that Ukraine has had Buks since the seventies. In combination with that on released footage from Russia and other places, there are two Ukrainian fighter jets in very close proximity to this plane, and those bullets were likely – very much likely, more likely shot from those fighter planes.
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: In other words, this whole thing was a set-up by the Nazi collaborating government of Kiev, which is backed by- and we always say John McCain andLindsey Graham from the United States.
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: Yet they’re representing the Nazi collaborators in our government, which is four hundred and seventy one members of our congress, and there’s only sixty four good members of congress. They all have been collaborating behind this, because they all know they’re going to be arrested, for they all did 9/11.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: This is very, very subtle and yet not so subtle anymore. So they rigged that whole thing, and now there’s another series of film footage that seemingly shows Russian soldiers in the East side, in East Ukraine, across the border from Russia that they arrested evidentally. Rama asked RanaMu and Steve Cohen about this, and Tom the Cat about it, and they said, no, that was a group of soldiers looking like Russian soldiers that the Ukraine government set up with the funding of Lindsey Graham and all of our little Nazi collaborators over here. So again, these stories are so unbelievable, yet this is what’s going on.
Rama: Financial.
Tara: Financial world had to sign a gag order across the board? And they were met with guns in their faces in their houses. Busting whatever right in their faces and they were forced to sign a gag order under penalty of high treason if they ever saidanything at all that would elude to the government doing an inside job at 9/11. And we have got a gestapo country ever since, because homeland security and the patriot act is where this started in terms of, yeah know, Sieg Heil. And it started before that with the police by the 1033 Act which began in the early 90’s, 1993 and then they made a much heavier one in 1996, where they allowed every kind of military Star Wars equipment that you can imagine to be funding and at the Pentagon, funding and bringing in- and actually funding the operation and yet giving it awayto the eight thousand police districts in our country. It’s been going on for that long. How many years from 1993? – 2003, 2013 – twenty one years of this, and 40.2 billion dollars worth of this equipment in the hands of our police force.
Rama: And it all goes into the realm of the Black Ops, where congress doesn’t regulate the black operations and the black budget. And this is where these ABC agencies that have no names create the weapons out of DARPA and Raytheon.
Tara: You have to go back to the Bush administration – they never put any of the war money on the budget. They never put not one dime of the war funds that were spent in Afghanistan or in Iraq on the budget.
Rama: It’s called kiting cheques.
Tara: They doubled the national debt. They doubled it. It was five trillion when they came in and ten trillion when they went out. It’s just for the war budget alone was five trillion. It went up even higher than that afterwards, but it was a carryover from the things that they were doing during the Bush administration and the Clinton administration.
Tara: Okay, then Steve Cohen – Rama, after Steve Cohen being on the air – and this little game with the Russians at the border and getting arrested. I mean it is teetering right now yeah know, he said that the so-called election that brought Poroshenko into office.
Rama: Right.
Tara: It was 40% of the country did not get to participate in that election at all, called Eastern Ukraine. That’s not an election. That’s a set-up rig. And before that Yanukovych was a duly elected President.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And the United States overthrew it. With the help of Mr. McCain and Lindsey Graham representing the Nazi collaborators of our four hundred and seventy one members of Congress. And so, as a democratic republic, it does not exist here. And we have both things, we have a Fascist state and we have Naziism in this country. We have a Fourth Reich since 1949 and same thing in Europe. The European Union which was called two different names before that, which was established in ’49 over there, and over here it was established. And it was established this whileBush Senior and Henry Kissinger were bringing up the Nazi’s – 100,000 of them that never got tried at Nuremberg. And they went out and hung out with Evita and Peron in Argentina until that paperclip operation brought them up here. And so the whole set-up of the Fourth Reich was actually orchestrated by over 100,000 Nazi’s that never got tried at Nuremberg.
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: To the tune of over the last hundred years, two billion human beings being put through this kind of mill. So why are we doing this in operational overwhelm. It’s not overwhelm, it’s reality! We must know what we’re facing!
Tara: So that being said, Steve Cohen and RanaMu and Rama got on the phone after this hour long conversation that Steve had with Tom Hartmann. And so Rama asked Steve, he said do you know who blessed Master Saint Germain is, and that he’s in charge of all the money on this planet? And Steve said, yes I know who he is. And he said, if I would speak about Saint Germain I would no longer be able to publish at The Nation anymore.
Rama: Magical people.
Tara: …and gay people and anybody else, just like in every place else. But Angela Merkel she was saying that she was willing to work with this European agreement, this financial agreement which is only going to being more austerity to Ukraine. Yet she did say that there was one precept that must be followed, and that means that you need to declare a ceasefire and you cannot do this by killing each other. I’m just saying that’s not really an option because it will take more people into austerity because France already – their entire government resigned. And the reason is because of the austerity in France that [President] Hollande is imposing. And the Prime Minister,Prime Minister Vallshe has completely gone against…
Rama: Austerity.
Tara: Austerity, and so he lost his job too. He resigned. But then there’s the financial Minister, he lost his job too. He’s been a real provocateur, and he’s been a real smart economist. And he’s been showing and telling what austerity does. And what he did that really got the angst is that he went up against Angela Merkel and Germany, because it is Germany that really runs the European Union.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: And the Fourth Reich lives through Germany and Angela Merkel big time and the European Central Bank. All the heads of that bank are members, their families are Nazis from World War II. And it’s just been handed down and the same thing over here. All the families of the elites who orchestrated World War II from this end, they’re in the banking community over here. We got very close to this not happening everybody. And it’s still in our hands.
Yet Steven said, I know all about the changeover that needs to occur. It has to do with Mr. Eric Holder and the Provost Marshall General, where Eric Holder tells the Provost Marshall General, along with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, they have to take the ones into custody, the members of our Congress, the four hundred and seventy one of them who have violated their oath of office. They must arrest them. They must be arrested. And the reason being, they have sworn their allegiance to Marduk. This is Steven talking. Marduk, which is the name in the Annunaki that speaks of Lucifer. How do you expect me, the husband of Katrina Vanden Heuvel to talk about stories only you folks can talk about? As I would go to the realm you folks are working in, I would be considered as someone as through someone has given me a sugar cube or something good to smoke.
He went on to say the realm you are involved in is the next step we must enter into. How that gets accomplished is, Mr.19.5 degrees tells the story about the civilization called Helium from the city of Cydonia on Mars, that these are the people that are connected with the Ashtar Command. Steven said, did you knowAndrew Basiago is going to run for President in 2016? Rama said, yes, I have read that article where Andrew said he saw himself as the President of the United States way back in the 80’s after the fact when he had viewed the CIA files documenting the Pegasus Project with now President Obama and myself having already gone to Mars after that fact. And it was then that I had a future vision of myself being President. Rama asked…
Tara: Rama asked RanaMu, what do you know about this story? RanaMu responded by saying, I cannot tell. And I cannot tell you because it would change the timelines if I were to say anything definitive like that. On Ukraine then Steve said, the whole story, Mr. Putin, President Xi of China, and President Obama have this whole story, the whole story of our civilization’s next evolutionary step in the bag. I have to go now.
Sat Nam, I pass the talking stick.
Transcription by Julie.
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