Tara&Rama Report 8-12-14
August 12, 2014 – A&A Report
Tara & Rama: Greetings…
Tara: …Everyone, Everyone, Everyone!
Just want to say, I think we just about have enough to finish paying our bills for this month, and we don’t have anything else to spare in terms of food, and we need to start bringing in money to pay the rent. It has to be in by the first of the month. So, I really beseech you to help us, everybody. I know that this has been a long haul and we are so grateful that you can help us to stay on the air and with a roof over our head. I just wanted to say that.
And of course we lost a very, very great being.
Rama: A master.
Tara: A master healer, a master teacher, and Robin Williams was born- his ruler was Chiron, amazing. And I really want to focus on the spiritual reading on him, along with the day that he really left which was in the aura of…
Rama: This Supermoon.
Tara: This super, super moon.
Rama: This is a huge deal, folks!
Tara: Yeah, well the super moon is helping us get the combination in his chart. Let me just read this. I’m going to read it because it’s so clear. It’s The Oracle Report. *
“..There is a one thing that tames the wild shadows of the Black Moon, and that is Venus. As Venus and the Black Moon come together, the two sisters, the Light and the Dark are united. The schism of the feminine is healed. Blessings, gifts, and rewards are bestowed, balance returns..”
This full moon in Pisces is depicted [in the Oracle Report*] as“Revelations,Ruling Mahavidya: Bhairavi (The Fierce One).Negative imprint: out of control, disillusion, disappointment, depression, emptiness, hopelessness. Positive imprint: courage, seeking the bottom line, self-control, creativity.”
I mean those are the juxtapositions of the light and the dark feminine that came through here tonight on this energy wave.“The intensity of this full moon phase continues today- Tuesday, and we continue to hold on tightly to our tether with solid ground. Today’s energy reinforces the feelings of being unmoored, out of control, that are prominent on this full moon phase. There is a sense of dangling.”
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: “Everyone’s shadow sides are being triggered to some degree or another. This means that your shadow side and everyone else’s shadow side. So be aware that are you dealing with much more than meets the eye with people. And since the moon is in Pisces, the shadow side in Pisces and Virgo, trust and failure issues are very strong. Emotions are running very high and are stressed. The energy brings things to breaking point.”
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: “Archontic interference remains at almost record high levels with this super, super full Moon’s conjunction with the Black Moon. Yet we are wise to this situation. We know to give people in situations space under these conditions. We slow down and give due diligence before making a move. We understand the tricks of the mind that are pushing people over the edge emotionally.”
As you can see, [this is] what we’re saying about what happened here with our brother ruled by Chiron, the wounded healer.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: We don’t know what happened when he was small, Everybody. We really don’t know. We do know that the seeds of depression, dissatisfaction, disillusion, and disregard were sowed long ago, before any of us were born, and are being harvested. As a matter of fact were sowed thirteen thousand years ago when the Dark Brotherhoods in Atlantis destroyed the great crystal, and caused the entire electrical system of the central nervous system of the planet to go bankrupt.
Rama: a short circuit..
Rama: [chuckles]
Tara: Lovely day in the neighbourhood. And the primary issues in the issues that are going on in our financial situation are between China and the United States. We having owed China- yeah know, close to a billion dollars since 1933, when we created the fake- what do you call it? We created the fake corporation that’s called the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, all in capital letters. Which really meant that we gave our power away to a Black Pope in the Vatican. That’s what we really did, and that means that that has to be dismantled, and all organized religion has to be dismantled with it. As you can see in northern Iraq with what’s going on there. The oldest sect of Christianity on the planet- they’re reallyZoroastrians is what they are.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: Which means that they honor- they honor the magi. And the magi they are honoring are four in number, not three.
Rama: Right.
Tara: The fourth one just came a little behind the other three. And so we’re talking about Master El Morya on the first ray, Master Djwal Khul, Master Kuthumi on the third ray, and thenSaint Germain. So these are really the beings- the body of wisdom that these Yazidis honor. Whether they’re even personally aware of it or not. So we call on them to intervene in our civilization’s development, like we need it now! Okay? Just wanted to say that.
Tara: Now I want to make this other part: “The addition of Venus into the mix of planets in Leo spoils all the plans of the dark side. This is our trump.”Okay everybody? “Venus enters Leo, joining the Sun, Mercury, the Black Moon, and Jupiter. So you see, there is one thing that tames the wild shadows of the black shadows of the Moon, and that is Venus.”
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: “Then as Venus and the Black Moon come together- the two sisters – the Light and the Dark are united. The schism of the feminine again is healed. Blessings, gifts, rewards are bestowed. Balance returns.”
Tara: I just want to say that Rama actually contacted Robin Williams on the other side of the veil already last night, and he got a complete green light. He’s doing just fine. You want to say anything more about that Rama?
Rama: Just that he’s integrating this shift as it were. Yeah know, taking off one coat and flipping on another coat. And that’s a rainbow- the rainbow bridge, I’ll put it that way.
Tara: We’re going to play an hour and a half of the most precious moments of his whole career on Saturday.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: So we just invite you as you wish to come join with us. That would be really healing for everybody.
OK, this is a commentary of the death of Robin Williams. *
“It is appropriate to honor the master life of Robin Williams. Yet especially appropriate to honor it here, a place where many of the Chiron family of the planet come together. Robin Williams was a Chiron. His natal chart was located at the degree of the galactic center. And his ascended was an aspect to Chiron point. His natal Chiron was in opposition to his Black Moon.”
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: “This means that his soul carried the energetic signature of the wounded healer and the teacher. Underneath his persona he was a master healer anchoring great love on our planet. Yet the Sun’s conjunction with Mercury and the Black Moon at the super full Moon on Sunday was too much for him, as it made a conjunction with his natal Pluto. The archontic attack that accompanied this full Moon inundated him.”
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: Because of the fact that as Rama was saying, he went over there to, yeah know, talk to our military soldiers. He alluded to 9/11, and he kind of did it all the way through. I’ve seen a lot of his stuff. He was telling the truth, but he was doing it with humor. Yet he still did it.
In the intensity of the actual report before I finish his story, maybe I’ll go there now. Well there’s a couple of things that happened just briefly last week around Tuesday, when we didn’t have our [Ashtar On The Road] report,Patrick Fitzgerald and Eric Schneiderman - and Patrick Fitzgerald, to remind everybody, is the special prosecutor who cannot be fired, and that’s a saving grace to all of this. And he was appointed in 2003 and opened up a Fitzgerald war crimes tribunals, and then in 2005 the Franklin war crimes tribunals opened, and then in 2006 the world court war crimes tribunals opened, and then in late 2010-2011 theKuala Lumpur war crimes tribunal opened. And the mission was Patrick Fitzgerald’s mission to set these things all up.
And the report that came through last week was that they have over half of a million subpoenas, and those half a million subpoenas represent every person that had a part to play in doing 9/11 across this planet. And every single one of them had to be indicted, they had to be prosecuted, they had to be tried, and they had to be convicted, in our lawful manner under the offices of these war crime tribunals. And that is what has been going onall these years, and they did not leave a stone unturned. So it’s all done! So once the subpoenas are out, that means that we’re in the next phase of this whole amazing thing that we’ve been going through. And so they are to be issued – yeah know, to every single one of them and I don’t know how long that will take, but nonetheless.
Rama: Mitchell.
Tara: Mitchell.
Rama: Former senator from Maine. **
Tara: Yet the important thing about this report is that George Mitchell was appointed by Barack Obama in 2009 as the Chief Envoy to the Middle East for peace.
Rama: Right.
Tara: And so, he’s been in that position ever since, and that’s I believe the reason that Tom-the-Ringtailed-Cat had him come and speak to Rama.
Rama: Right.
Tara: And all Tom-the-Cat did was hook them up and then he went off, and so it was just George and Rama. And so George said that the thirteen families are going for broke, and they are creating as much genocide as possible before they leave.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And that there are a certain kind of papers – and he just mentioned he was on one of his fellow D.C. intern’s phone. So he was being a little bit nebulous that we can get enough from this. He said those papers are in addition to the half a million plus subpoenas that we already know about. They’re very special documents and they’re connected with the World Court. And then he intervened- yeah know, Rama kind of brought it up with him that what’s going on with our police force? And now another young- you know…
Rama: Michael Brown.
Tara: Michael Brown he was really just turning 18 and he was going to go to college on Monday.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And he was walking with a friend of his- and I mean there’s no details, yet what he mentioned- what he said is that the police force they answer, they swear an allegiance to a half human, half-machine-enhanced, genetically altered miscreation that has got every program of every New World Order police there is, in every country, including this one. And they answer to this thing – the Der Fuhrer energy of the Fourth Reich. And they have him called ”Marduk” which is another name in the Annunaki literature for Lucifer. And this being embraces the Luciferian Vatican Black Pope operation overlord of all thirteen families and all their satonian satanic minions. And so, just to clarify with what’s going on with our police, that’s why they never get anything except a slap on the wrist and no justice. He actually said this could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and that the people have had it. This is the end of the line. There’s going to be something that’s going to intervene now- yeah know, that’s going to get this right, straightened out.
Then he went on with these special papers connected to the World Court, and he said as they should resist, they shall be removed according to the highest law of the land, as well as the Intergalactic Law of the Solar Tribunal. And Rama asked him about Lady Master Nada, and he said I know all about her and I can’t talk about it on this phone. And then he went on and said these papers are likely very similar to an arrest warrant to pick up across the pond Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron,George Osborne, and the Fourth Reich criminals tied in with the Nazi European Union, and all their banksters and politicians. Then he came back over here on this side of the pond and said, even though Congress is away and on vacation, Mr. President Obama has delegated his authority to White Knight assets who have seen to it that all members of Congress have been thoroughly briefed and apprised of their circumstances that they are in from these papers coming forward.
Then George said this entire Congress minus the good 64 members have been put on notice, along with other treasonous characters along the panoply of politics and economics in the United States. And they all know thatN.E.S.A.R.A. ends this dark time on this planet, and N.E.S.A.R.A. is assured.Then he said no dates, no nukes, no flukes. What’s new pussy cat? Watch the situation in the Middle East, he said. You are going to see your friends, meaning from the stars, show up and stop the violence. Rama said, how? And he said, your friends have technology that will stop everything in its tracks.
Then Rama asked him, how will the people learn the truth aboutour Black Ops being behind all this genocide in the Middle East and everywhere else? And he answered, there will be fully detailed histories given by both the Galactics and at the third dimensional level. And George said it will get leaked out at 3D level by the whistle blowers who know how to bust the media. And he mentioned Sheppard Smith. Although Sheppard Smith stuck his foot in his mouth around Robin Williams (he called him a coward) which is completely sad. He apologized today, but nonetheless he’s been a White Knight inside Fox News from the very beginning. So we can forgive him with what he’s been sitting with for that long.
And then the other mentioned name he [George Mitchell] said was Michael Moore, which we can remember – I believe it was in 2010 when the White Knights Faction 3 took over CNN while the host was doing his situation room report. Then Michael Moore’s voice came bounding in on him, and he had to stand there for 35 minutes while Michael Moore berated him from one end to the other on every issue and told everybody how he lied for the corporate shills that he was answering to. It was a heavy duty one, I’m not sure if you all saw it, but I sure did.
And so those are the words of this wonderful being that has taken a risk, somebody we didn’t know from Adam in a very red state, that he was a Democrat. He took [Senator] Muskie’s position over as the Senator from Maine, and then he got re-elected two more terms. So from 1980 to 1995 he was the Senator from Maine. So that’s a very worthy thing to note.
So let me finish this now. For all of Chiron people including Robin Williams, he was overwhelmed by grief and self-loathing..
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: ..because Chiron has been transiting Robin Williams’ natal Moon by conjunction, and also his natal Venus by opposition.
“Robin Williams knew he was battling demons. Yet he thought the demons were part of him. If he had known about the parasitic mind infection of the Archons, would he have viewed things differently? We won’t exactly know that. We can honor his contributions by recognizing the wounding, the teaching, and the healing presented. The wound is from a force that stands against us. That can trick us into hating ourselves enough to feel unworthy of life itself..”
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: “The teaching is that no one can be a superman alone,”
Rama: Yep.
Tara: “..yet the power of one person can be superhuman. The power comes from embracing the power of joy and humor to heal. In the Mayan calendar Robin Williams was born in the day One Death, which means the power to initiate transformation. May his life serve to heal all of us.” *
Namaste, Everyone! And I pass this talking stick back to you. This was the most important thing I could say tonight. Sat nam.
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