~ Marc Gamma ~ Archangel Michael: Change that you want so much has attained you now - 13 November
As easily to be ascertained by you – many human people here on earth have noticed that life cannot go on in the very same way as has been led until now. The number of people increases steadily who do not want to tolerate any longer prevailing conditions of life and therefore they demand some change to be effected. Still, demanding change only will not have the desired effects – all change may only become manifested and turned into reality if first you will become part of such change yourselves.
In the next days to come the flow of energies will be intensified – becoming even harder and again will challenge you too. This is the Timeline of Now when the influx of energies will be aggravating immensely in their power and you have to become aware that without consciously grounding yourselves to Gaia you will find it increasingly more difficult to overcome everything. Gaia is more than prepared to assist you with your grounding – since it is that she has been made for and she loves to give you all her support in such way.
The energies mentioned are some sort of foretaste for everything that is to come. My brother, Archangel Raphael, has already announced it in his message of last weekend. This “Super-Portal” as he named it – it will carry so much energy down to Earth that all fundamental structures will collapse. There won’t be left any stones where they have been before – neither will there be any stone not being washed around by our Creator’s energy.
During the next days to come you also will become aware ever more that all changes of which we told you in the past – they now have arrived here in your reality. Transformations in your body will entail that you are obtaining new capabilities and that old limitations have been entirely discarded so that you will be able to lead an entirely different and carefree life from now on.
Nevertheless I’d lay onto your hearts – not to wait all the time in order that you may notice now all that has changed now but to accept and welcome it with open arms. Whoever is waiting in such way and adjust him/herself to such situation will be rewarded with further waiting. As such is the universe in its function:
“It will give you exactly the very matter according to your order!”
In the days to come now all those humans are being challenged which have not yet consciously decided to participate in ascension or remain on the “Old Earth” furthermore. Those deciding to remain here will – quite soon – emerge in chaotic conditions of which we told you already several times.
Such sort of chaos is deemed to show you that the Great Chance has started now. If you stay in your inner hearts being centered there and letting all chaos pass by yourselves you will be given the great chance to tune into the rise of ascension. The right time for it will come and at that very moment you will recall these or similar sayings.
If you are able to notice such very change you will be certainly knowing that all change has arrived there where it will start its further running from. And concerning us we may be able to be at your side in all these changing situations as long as you ask us before to grant you our help and support.
Always we are but one very thought away from you!
Now let’s proceed to some other topic, my beloved humans. This is the very one that there are always still some people not believing the explanations of the esoteric scenery since long ago. Many are apt to believe these are only some few fanatics solely or conspirators of eschatological ideas. Yes, these very ones will soon recognize that they better had asked you what it is all about.
Those people have to have catch up quite a lot and this will produce some great challenge to you – having being Lightworkers for quite some time already who have dealt with the issue and topic of ascension in the past already. And those people – they will need you since they have nothing else than that confronting them now. They will come and seek advice from all who are cognizant of this time of Now. And there will be more and more becoming cognizant ones since they will wake up and avail themselves of some certain source being inexhaustible and all-knowing. The latter one will support you when informing that mentioned part of human mankind.
Still you may go on assuming that up to the end there will be those humans which never – ever will believe what we are telling them – and it is also o.k. You are not missionaries wandering about nor apostles. Don’t try to alter people. If that your sparkle of change will not suffice – whereby the sparkle of your believing in some really Great Matter do not reach their hearts – in such case you will have done all you could contributing to the lightwork.
And this is the next and last subject of today.
All of us, Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters are in our final preparations for everything that is in the offing now. The Event being the very Internet-Topic has taken on form by and by. It is under construction and will still take some time too until he will be manifested into your very Timeline. This very Evententails everything which makes all change visible to you. And what do I mean by such my saying? There will at that point not left any else way-out neither will there be some sort of return since everything you have experienced up to now is beyond any comparison.
Great matters are being in preparations now and many are joining in with working for it. It is not only us on this our side but there are many humans, lightworking people down on the other side.
And mutually you all will prepare for this Event which is the Great Change.
If you may not realize everything which is imminent now please go deep down into yourselves and try to acknowledge everything what has been changed during previous months. It will be easy then for you to notice that now nothing has stayed the same than before in the past. No longer are you the very same person than some months before. And this personal change is merely some minor part of the huge change’s target to design that Event in such way that will bring about the respective effect to the Great Change of All- Here-On-Earth.
This very Event – being mentioned everywhere – will immensely influence everything being considered as normal in your reality. It also entails all pre-requisites to change everything that has been announced to you long ago and having been brought to you through us and other messages of Light too.
All that is to come is of inevitable nature and it will change everything that you have had considered as your very own part of reality up to now. As this your reality will collapse entirely – however it is all the more the illusion which will be dispersed and be substituted by another one.
Only – this sort of substitution will not be an illusion any more but may be designed and constructed by yourselves!
Concluding my message now – my beloved humans – stay firmly in your hearts – stay grounded – then you will be given all the best pre-requisites for the next coming days and weeks to pass well.
With great love to all of you
Euer Erzengel Michael
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