Greetings! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin. There is much confusion around what people are calling ‘The Event’. I would like to fill in all the details around ‘The Event.’ We all together began the Grand Experiment of Duality on Earth billions of years ago. We have gone through many Planetary Shifts, Continent changes and Aeons of Time since then. We are ending one cycle on Earth and entering the Golden Age. We have done all of these things before. This time is different because Duality is ending on Earth forever now. Because of that special detail certain considerations must be taken. Earth is a Planet of Free Will. The Prime Directive is in effect. Every Soul incarnated here has to make a choice. Another consideration which cannot be altered is when the Decloaking of trillions of Ships takes place then not One Soul may experience fear. Back before Harmonic Convergence in 1987 the Spiritual Hierarchy had decided the circumstances on Earth had become so dark that it may take special dispensations to bring in the Golden Age while upholding the Prime Directive and bringing in the necessary changes.
In earlier reports I, Sananda, had shared back in July Mother God, who is incarnate now on Earth was invited to speak with the Counsel of Gods. In that meeting She made a statement to the Counsel that any further delays in ‘The Event’ would be more harmful than helpful. There was nothing more to be done for Lightworkers to ‘be ready.’ Waiting more would have a negative effect. I, Sananda, shared that in August the stage had been set for Announcements in the Causal Realm and that prepared it to come into the Physical Realm. September and October brought the Cosmic changes needed with highly energetic Full Moons, Eclipses, the Equinox with large Solar Flares. I made several calls over the months for attention to be paid to continue cleansings and doing the Inner Work necessary for Ascension. Each of you has worked hard to integrate the Higher Energies.
What led up to the Event?
About 2000 years ago Sananda Kumara was incarnate on Earth as Jesus with the Master Plan in place to Ascend Earth. The Plan failed then as Caesar of Rome created maritime law making slavery the Law of the Land. A new Plan had to be made because the dark cabal had taken the Grand experiment beyond anyone’s intentions. About 500 years ago The Rothchild’s in England hid the fact that Sir Francis Bacon was St. Germain incarnate on Earth. They had dark dealings with money and crimes which denied Sir Francis Bacon the throne. He would have been next in line as King of England and from that position able to make changes to heal the Planet and end Duality. He promised to return. In recent years the dark cabal continue to wage worldwide war for their own benefit. They have attempted multiple times to create World War III and have failed. Mass starvation, nuclear threats, land grabs, insider trading, mass psychological attacks like 911 and banks too big to fail have lead to a moment when the Galactics could intervene because the one caveat in the Prime Directive has been violated beyond what is allowed.
What is the Super Portal of 11.11.13?
What is new is that the Archangels led by Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron, initiated a Super Portal on 11.11.13. This is a special dispensation which will allow for the requirements to be met to bring on ‘The Event.’ Earth is a Trinary Star System with Sirius A, Sirius B and Sol our Sun. Jupiter will be the next Sun in this Solar System. Earth is in the Photon Belt and moving into Pleiades through the Central Sun, Alcyone. The Super Portal has opened near Jupiter and it is a portal which operates like a wormhole and opens into the Light Matter Universe of On. This Multidimensional Portal allows in Super Charged Magnetic Light from On to enter into this Solar System and to Earth. Earth has raised an entire Octave just since the Equinox in September. Ashtar recently spoke about the 10 Octaves between each Dimension in another message. This new energy will make it possible for Earth to enter ZeroPoint. We have spoken about that often.
What is new about this Portal is a decision was made by the Counsel of Gods that Earth required this special dispensation as the best way to bring in changes. It carries with it a heavy reality. All has been done to allow as many Souls as possible to Go On to New Earth. Since Earth is a Planet with Free Will, some have refused to make the necessary changes to remain on Earth beyond Earth’s Ascension into the Higher Realms. More Souls will be leaving than was anticipated. This is what Ashtar spoke of in a recent channel. The Super Portal is pouring in Higher Vibrational energies which act to buoy Earth into the Higher Dimensions. In these Higher Dimensions all living on Earth are able to access their Etheric Bodies and travel in their Merkaba Bodies and truly live multidimensional lives. In this High Energy the Light Cities will be accessible. Those not moving on to New Earth will experience it as a vibration they cannot sustain within their 3D body. These darker, denser energies will remain on 3D Earth and continue there. Their physical body will be projected on to 3D Earth and as far as they know no change has taken place. They will continue to deny the Higher Teachings and in their perception nothing will change. Those timelines will continue for now in duality.
Meanwhile 5D Earth will be raised by the Cosmic Builders as a Space Ship raises away from its take off point and flies out of its atmosphere into deep space. Each of the Planets are firmly anchored in place by their energy Grids in orbit and relation to the Planets around them. This Super Portal will have the effect of Earth moving Higher in the Dimensions in the same way we move a bead up a string. It will drop the old Timelines and become Lighter. It will exist Higher in the Cosmic Grid. It will bubble up.
When can we expect The Event?
Much has been said by us about ripe timing. Divine Timing for the Event is one of the requirements. Ashtar always says No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. The truth is that there are windows of opportunity which come up only a couple of times a year in which ‘The Event’ can take place. One such Window of Opportunity will come to pass between now and the end of 2013. The next time there will be the Planetary Energy required for such a change will be at Easter Time in 2014. This Super Portal speeds the changes in energy to make it possible for ‘The Event’ to take place in 2013. The likeliness that it will happen that soon have been greatly raised since 11.11.13 with the Super Portal. If you are reading this and you repeatedly chose to not take action and return to love we will have to draw the line. If you have not been successful in raising your vibration to the minimum needed to sustain love you are invited to remain in duality awhile longer and rejoin Higher Dimensional Earth when you have prepared accordingly. There are no short cuts. Still there are No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. Nothing can stop Earth from Ascending.
What Exactly is ‘The Event’?
Disclosure, Announcements and the Enactment of NESARA Law. That’s it. It’s a lot. Seven to ten days after Disclosure there will be Landings of Extraterrestrial Ships on Earth. It is the establishment of Divine Government on Earth. It brings in the Golden Age.
President Obama has prepared for the last 1000 lifetimes to be the Disclosure President. It can happen with him calling for a Press Conference or a Town Hall Meeting, maybe on a Friday evening? He will begin to speak about the structures on the Moon or the Mars Bases built by the United States. During this broadcast he will Disclose that our governments have been interacting with Extraterrestrials for a very long time. Indeed we travel to deep space now though that fact is hidden from most of Earth. Earth is a Galactic Society.
At the same time the stage that is set will be visited by the nineteen Beings who will Announce and Enact NESARA Law. Some will be Human and others will be Galactic.
The Announcement and Enactment of NESARA Law will happen as a simulcast on live computer streaming, television and radio around the World. This Announcement will be controlled by Ashtar’s technologies and cannot be duplicated any other way. When the broadcast goes out it will be heard in local areas translated into the language of that region and heard by all on Earth at the same time. Ships will Decloak and appear over multiple major Cities at the same time. No one on Earth has the ability to fake ‘The Event.’ Everybody will be very clear when it happens that it is happening in the real. There will be such a great outpouring of love from our Galactic Family that every Soul on Earth will experience pure Bliss. At this time Ashtar will initiate ZeroPoint and MT Keshe will activate the technologies which will connect with the Ships from Earth and carry that out. The Big Arrests of the dark cabal like Hillary Clinton, George Bush Sr, George Bush Jr, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld with all the others will take place then. There will be instant Peace on Earth. No weapon of any kind will operate in the vibrational field of ZeroPoint. As these things are carried out and in a very short period - seven to ten days - then Ships with the new technologies can Land on Earth. All of these things are possible before the end of 2013. Hold High thoughts and Act Accordingly!
What will happen After the Event?
Once we have Disclosure, Announcements and the Enactment of NESARA Law all of the changes we have anticipated may take place. Immediately there will be instructions and information given over the airwaves in every country on Earth. Everyone will understand what is happening and all will be explained and repeated over several days. Most people will stay home from school and work to hear these Announcements. The banks will have a seven day Holiday. Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) will be operational but no one will be able to enter the bank or have teller service. During this seven day Bank Holiday the new metals backed currencies will replace the United States Dollar and other currencies by the Rainbow Bills. The bank computers will be updated. Everyone will be invited to return their old currency for an equal amount of Rainbow Bills. The Dinar and Dong will be revalued then by St. Germain. Real Estate, Gold, Silver and Platinum will also be revalued. All of the minimum needed requirements for survival will be freely given to all on Earth. All is prepared and ready to go and has been for some time. Homes for the homeless, clean water, abundant food, replicators and healing technologies, free energy and more. This will be accomplished by the help of millions of Galactics, their Ships and the technologies they have brought here. This has been planned a very long time. I, Sananda have gone into more detail in other messages about what else can be expected after the changes.
For some this message has not changed in many years. For others who are just waking up all of the information is new. No matter where you fall between those two extremes be mindful of how you carry yourself as we enter the Holiday Season. Be prepared to have your whole world change in an instant. Make an extra effort to connect with High Energy. Reach out to those who could use a helping hand. Send light and love to those leaving due to the High Energies of the Super Portal of 11.11.13. Keep NESARA Law in the forefront of your mind. Be Peace Within and Create a World of Peace. I hold the title within the hierarchy as the Prince of Peace. It is time for Peace on Earth. Namaste! This is Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, November 22, 2013. © All Rights Reserved.
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