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martes, 25 de junio de 2013

Message from Mother /Father God



Our very dear Loving Family, 

We are coming into some serious and critical times ... all holding hands together.  Our thoughts and actions of today become things that will have a great influence upon our futures.

We have just been through our "last and final test, and...the most difficult."  How will this influence us?

Mother/Father God tells us, "We have loved you enough to create the conditions for your growth, so that you will Ascend with a free and loving heart, for the time is near, and there is work still to do to reach the level of Christ Consciousness you came here to achieve."     

Now, we must assume our own tutorage.  Each of us will benefit, or not, from today's message and experience. How did we respond?  We have been exposed to our own, embedded vulnerabilities. Did we feel anger? Resentment? Blame? These hair-trigger responses are inbred, deeply embedded conditionings, and they ...LOWER OUR VIBRATIONS!  And what's more ... as long as they are there, we can be manipulated, "turned on," --have our buttons pushed! Which means ... others have access to and can control  our frequencies and vibrations!  Do we want that???

Now that we are aware of our spot reactions ... some almost violent ... some, subtle ... it is up to us to do something about them, or not.  It depends on how intent we are ... how MUCH we want to Ascend ...  how beautiful we want the experience to be.

Yes, this brought us to attention!  And many of us are used to applying the word "responsibility" by assigning it to another, and calling it "blame. "  -- By doing that, we release our identity as "Cause" and label our Selves "Victim," or ...  the effect of another's cause.  And what Power does a victim have?  Do we really want to identify ourselves as such?

Our dear, dear loving Children ... we are here to pull each other through this! ... To pull our Selves through this!

And let us remember... had this experience, as some have said in their responses ... "come from the dark," -- we would have been LEFT THERE!  We would have been LEFT in that deep, deep loss, anger, and despair.

But ... we were NOT LEFT!  Again...

"We have loved you enough to create the conditions for your growth, so that you will Ascend with a free and loving heart, for the time is near, and there is work still to do to reach the level of Christ Consciousness you came here to achieve."      

We have been gently guided to this point.  But now we have reached the point, "If it is going to be, it is up to me!"  We must now move our Selves into position as Cause; no longer vulnerable to others' ability to cause  our negative response!  When these negative responses react; we now know to replace them with Love and Understanding; Belief in the Good Outcome.  We know that our Future depends on Today's Thoughts.

I remember, "in the early days," Zorra attempted to prepare us for these days; days when Mother Earth would HAVE to release the man made creations and conditions, allowing Her to return to her original pristine purity.  But many could not confront any type of planet change, and labeled Zorra as creating "fear," -- only because some had that response.  Others saw it as a great adventure and looked forward to these times.  What we label our experiences is a matter of perception.  Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.  Nothing is wrong or right, but thinking makes it so. 

And so it is with today's "test."  Along with the test, came the instructions.  We were not left with no way to go.  The True Way is there in today's Message.  Let us read and re-read it until we gain total Understanding.

And with that, our dear, dear Children ... let us all take a few moments and ponder our fate.  Can we be willing to confront these deeply embedded trigger-responses and replace them with Love and Understanding?  Are wewilling to change?  Can we assume being the Cause of our future, and not permit others that privilege, reducing us to "effect?"  -- Why choose to be "Victim?"  We HAVE the ability to reclaim our Beauty and Power!

In Loving Kindness, we join you in your Ascension!

Nada and Sananda

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